Just Once... Yes I Do Mind

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A continuation of Kalimaxos story Just once.If you dont mind.
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Authors note: I recently came across Kalimaxos story Just Once...If You Don't Mind? I decided to throw my hat in the ring for the challenge of writing an ending, I have read quite a few others endings and most were pretty good. However, the ending I have done I don't think I have seen anyone else do. I could be wrong and if I am I apologize in advance.

When I finished reading it, I noticed Leslie was at the kitchen island filling her glass again.

"Are you OK?" she asked.

"I will be," I replied.

She nodded and came back with the bottle and her filled glass. Sitting next to me this time, she refilled my glass and turned to look at me with those doe-like eyes.

"So, Rick? What do we do?"


I was in complete shock over what I had just read. I had a brief indiscretion on a war-torn battlefield that did not even include penetrating sex. It is my Army career that she blames for interfering with our marriage. She knew what she was getting into when she married me. I was sacrificing my life defending our country to provide for her, but she blames me. Well then, to hell with her.

"All right, Leslie, here's what we should do. Right now, we are going to finish off this bottle of wine. Then we are going to go upstairs to my marital bed and fuck like rabbits for the entire night. After that, we will just have to wait and see," I told her.

We both sat in the living room and talked. "Are you really ok Rick? What did she have to say in the letter?"

I handed her the letter and let her read it for herself. When she had finished she had a shocked look on her face. "So... She knew you were in the Army when you married, right?" I just nodded my head. "Then how in the hell could she possibly blame you for that when she knew what she was getting into." I just shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of my whine.

"Now Rick I don't believe you would for a moment, but is what she said true? That you cheated on her over there?" She asked me.

I let out a sigh, "Technically, yes. It was a heated moment when we were trapped in the middle of a battlefield, and the adrenaline was pumping. It was just oral sex nothing more than that and only once. Certainly not six weeks' worth of penetrative sex," I told her.

"So she just assumed it was more than what it was? I mean, yes it's still cheating, but you're right. It's nowhere near as bad as what she is doing now."

We finished off the glass of wine we had been drinking and I stood up holding out my hand to Leslie. She took it and I led her upstairs to my bedroom. I looked into her eyes as we stood by the bed. My wife wanted me to fuck her brains out while she was gone. I didn't give a shit what she wanted anymore. I smiled at Leslie and leaned in to kiss her. Her soft lips pressed against mine felt amazing. This was the first kiss I had had with anyone other than my wife in a very long time and it was amazing.

I decided then and there, I was not going to fuck Leslie. I was going to make love to her. I pulled her body tight to mine as I kissed her, feeling her melt into me. Our tongues battled each other as we clung to each other like we were trying to climb inside one another. I pulled the straps of her sundress from her arms letting it fall to the ground revealing her nude body underneath. She came prepared, with no bra or panties. She had the perfect handful of breasts with small eraser-like nipples that stuck out, hard and wanting to be sucked.

I kissed my way down her neck to her breasts, flicking my tongue over her nipple and then sucking it into my mouth. First one then the other. She let out a loud satisfying moan. She reached for the button of my pants and quickly had them around my feet along with my boxers. By this time my cock was as hard as steel for this amazing woman standing before me. She wrapped her hand around my cock slowly stroking it with slight pressure as I continued to suck her nipples.

I couldn't wait any longer, so I guided her to the bed and pushed her down to her back. I ripped my shirt off and climbed between her legs kissing my way along her thigh. The aroma coming from her hot, wet sex was amazing and almost had me in a frenzy. I licked my way up her outer lips, then up and around her clit, not quite touching it just teasing her a bit. I then made my way back down as I thrust my tongue inside her. She let out a loud series of moans as she thrust her hips up into my face.

I immediately attacked her clit, licking and sucking at it. That set her off and she clamped her legs tightly on my head as she exploded with a massive orgasm. It was a couple of minutes before she was able to calm down enough to catch her breath and talk. "Holy shit Rick that was amazing. I don't think anyone has ever given me an orgasm like that before."

"Not even your husband?" I asked.

"No, neither him nor most of the lovers I have had liked the thought of going down on a woman," she said.

"Well that's just plain stupid," I told her as I hovered my body over top of hers looking deep into her beautiful eyes.

My cock was aching and ready to burst. I rubbed it up and down her wet lips several times eliciting a few more moans. She gave me a look as if begging me to take her. I slowly slid myself inside her. It was an amazing feeling being inside another woman. Surprisingly for the lifestyle she led, she was quite tight. I bottomed out and felt her cervix. She moaned louder when I hit that.

She looked at me and whimpered, "Please Rick, Make love to me."

I started thrusting into this gorgeous woman beneath me. I was afraid I would not last long as I was so worked up. I couldn't take my eyes off of hers. We just stared into each other's eyes as I slowly thrust my hard cock in and out of her hot, wet pussy over and over again. I could tell she was fast approaching another orgasm and I was not far behind. She knew I was almost there and told me, "Don't pull out Rick, please cum in me!" So that was what I did. I exploded 5 or 6 ropes of heavy sperm inside her womb.

I collapsed on the bed lying next to her and pulled her close to me holding her tight. "That was amazing Rick, thank you."

I thought I heard a sob in her voice but I was not quite sure. I kissed the top of her head and we both soon fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sounds of cooking down in the kitchen. I could smell bacon and coffee. It smelled wonderful. I got dressed and went down to see Leslie standing at the stove making breakfast for us. I walked over to her, put my arms around her, and kissed her neck. "That smells wonderful. Thank you for cooking but you didn't need to do that for me."

"It's not a problem at all, Rick. I enjoy cooking. Come on, it's ready, let's eat." she said.

We sat and ate breakfast in relative peace and quiet. Once we were finished and cleaned up the dishes Leslie asked, "So what are you going to do about Marcy?"

"Let me ask you something first. Did she leave you any instructions about contacting her or telling her everything that went on here?" I asked her.

"Nope, She said she didn't care and didn't want to know as long as we had fun. Why?"

"Because I'm divorcing the stupid bitch, I can't believe she thought I would actually sit here for 6 weeks and just take her cheating. I just don't want her to know about it before she is served," I told her.

"No need to worry Rick. I wouldn't say anything even if I was talking to her now. After reading that letter I don't think she deserves it," Leslie told me.

"Thank you, Leslie. I plan on seeing my lawyer later today and see if he will recommend a good family law attorney," I told her. "Thank you for everything. I guess I should let you get back to your husband." I stood and hugged her.

She let out a sigh as she hugged me back. She seemed almost sad as she said, "Yeah I guess I should. I'll stop by and see you tonight Rick, that is if you would like the company."

"Sure, I'd like that," I told her as I walked her to the door.

I grabbed my phone and called my lawyer's office. "Good morning Goldstein and Carr How may I help you?"

"Hello Frannie It's Rick Weston. Is Jack available today? I need to speak to him for a few moments if he is available."

"Oh hey, Rick. He just got in. One moment and I'll put you through." She told me.

The line rang and Jack picked up, "Rick buddy what can I do for you."

I let out a sigh, "I need the name of a good divorce lawyer Jack."

"What? Rick, what's going on? I never thought in a million years you and Marcy would split."

I told him what was going on with everything and the line went silent for a minute. "Jesus man, did she take crazy pills or something? What the hell was she thinking?" He asked.

"I don't know Jack, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna put up with it," I said.

"Sorry to hear it, buddy. Ok, The one you want, her name's Jennifer Walters, and whatever you do, do not use any She-Hulk jokes; she hates that with a passion," he told me.

He gave me the number and address to find her and I thanked him and I immediately dialed her office.

"Jennifer Walters office, how can I help you?" A friendly voice came over the phone.

"Hi, my name's Rick Weston, my friend, and Lawyer Jack Carr recommended you. I'd like to make an appointment as soon as possible to come in and talk about divorce."

"One moment Mr. Weston I'll check and see when we can get you in," she told me. I waited for about a minute before she came back. "Mr. Weston if you can make it here in half an hour she can fit you in today."

"That would work fine. I'll head out the door right now," I told her.

I made sure I grabbed the letter that Marcy had left for me to show the lawyer grabbed my keys and was out the door. I was able to make it to her office in 15 minutes.

Her office was easy enough to find and I made my way inside. There was a young girl, maybe 23 or 24 years of age sitting behind the desk at the entrance as I walked in. She was pretty, with long blond hair done up in a ponytail. Sparkling blue eyes and a smile that could light up a room when she looked up to see who was walking in.

"Good morning, you must be Mr. Weston. You can go right in through there," as she pointed to a door to her left. "Ms. Walters is ready for you."

"Thank you very much," I said, smiling at her.

I knocked on the door and walked in. Sitting at the desk was a mature woman of about 35 years old. She had raven-black hair and brown eyes. "Mr. Weston, please come in and have a seat."

"Thank you, and please call me Rick," I told her.

"Ok, Rick. So you are looking to get a divorce I'm guessing otherwise you probably wouldn't be here. Give me the details."

I gave her a run down on my past so that she could know the entire story. My military career, what I did with Diedre. I also told her about the phone call as well and showed her the letter that she had left me.

She read through the letter then put it down and just looked at me dumbfounded. "I didn't know any single person could be this selfish or stupid," she said, shaking her head. "Rick, please tell me you didn't sleep with this Leslie woman like she told you to."

"Umm... Well you see, last night I was pissed and figured what the hell my marriage was over anyways."

She let out a sigh, "Damn it. Ok here's what you need to do from here on out until she is served. No... More... Sex... It is still adultery. Make sure no one knows about this, and inform Leslie of this as well."

"Ok, I will," I told her. "Would it be possible to have her served while she is down in Bogata? As soon as possible?" I asked.

"I'm sure that we can arrange to have that happen. However, it will cost you more. You will have to provide for the airfare as well as the time spent and any meals for the process server."

"It will be money well spent," I told her. "How soon can you have this all ready?"

"I can have the papers ready by tomorrow. I'll contact the agency for servers and work out a deal for travel to Bogata. The cost will be added to your final bill. I'm assuming you want to file on grounds of adultery?" She asked.

"Yes, I want to nail her if possible. Would it be possible to nail that Jackass doctor for alienation of affection as well, and possibly sue the hospital for some kind of break of a morals clause or something? I know it may not go anywhere but I know the press would have a field day with it and I want to see that SOB suffer," I asked her.

"I can have that all worked up and have him served down there at the same time as she is. You are right, however, nothing will come of it. The hospital may settle with you though and fire him to keep this out of court and the press to keep from bad publicity."

"Ok, sounds like we have a plan. Thank you very much, Ms. Walters," I said.

I shook her hand and made my way out the door and back outside. I still had a few more phone calls that I needed to make. My children were the first ones I needed to call. I knew that they were both off for vacation this week so I dialed Rhonda's number.

"Dad, this is unexpected. How are you? Is everything ok?" she asked.

"Not really sweetheart. Listen, are you busy tonight?" I asked.

"No Dad I have nothing going on, but you're kind of worrying me what's going on?"

"I'll explain it all tonight. Can you call your brother for me please and have him come as well?" I asked her.

"Of course Dad. I'll give him a call."

"Thank you, sweetheart, I love you."

"I love you too Daddy," she told me.

Now I had one last call to make, an even harder call. I dialed the number for Josh. It was only fair that he knew what his whore of a wife was doing behind his back.

I dialed the number and he picked up on the third ring. "Rick, I haven't heard from you in a while. How's it going?" He asked.

"I wished it was going well, Josh. I really do. Are you busy? Can we meet? The pub maybe." I asked him.

"Yeah sure Rick, not a problem. I can be there in twenty minutes. I'll see you there."

I got to the pub and found a table in the corner away from the few patrons that were inside. I ordered a beer and a shot of José Cuervo. Josh came in and found me. He saw the drinks waiting for him.

"I don't know about that shot Rick. I'm not much of a heavy liquor drinker," he told me.

"Trust me, my friend. You're gonna need it." I said with a grim look on my face.

I told him the whole story about Marcy and me. From beginning to end he listened to it all, with a look of pity on his face. "I'm sorry to hear that Rick I really am. But what does this have to do with me and needing this shot?"

"I'm about to get to that part now Josh. You see, I couldn't reach Marcy in her room. So I called your wife's room to find out where she was. Josh, I'm sorry to say there was another man in the room with her. She pretty much admitted to me she was cheating on you and begged me not to say anything to you in exchange for telling me where Marcy was. I couldn't do that to you, I felt you needed to know what she was doing behind your back."

I could see the anger and sadness waging war on his face. The anger won at the end. He grabbed the shot and downed it then chugged his beer. "That cheating slut!"

"I'm truly sorry this happened to you, Josh. I wish I didn't have to be the one to tell you. Here is the number of my divorce lawyer. If you decide you want to end it with her." I slid him my lawyer's card.

We sat in the pub for a few hours drinking a couple of beers and commiserating over our crappy lives and our whore wives. It was starting to get late and I had to get home to face the horror of having to tell my children the bad news about their mother.

I was just getting out of the car when my two children pulled into the driveway almost at the same time. Rhonda got out of her car first and immediately came to me. "Ok Dad, we're here. What's going on?"

"Come inside and I'll tell you everything," I told them both once Kyle had joined us.

We went inside and I grabbed myself a drink, offering one to both of them which they declined. "Dad, please just tell us what's going on. You have us worried to death here," said Kyle.

I sat in my chair with a sigh, "There's no easy way to tell your children this no matter what age they are. I'm divorcing your mother."

"WHAT?" They both shouted at the same time.

"Calm down. Here read this." I handed them the letter that she had left me.

Rhonda grabbed the letter and Kyle was reading it over her shoulder. "What the fuck is wrong with her head? Did she get hit in the head with slut stick or something?" Rhonda said, quite angrily. Kyle just sat there dumbfounded.

I proceeded to tell them the entire story from beginning to end. I told them about the Red Roof Inn and all the complaints of their mothers about me being gone all the time. I even fessed up to my one-time indiscretion on the battlefield,

"So you only cheated one time? You didn't actually have sex with her, it was just oral right?" asked Rhonda.

"Yes, just the once, and that's all it was. It was an adrenalin-filled, scary moment, that neither of us meant to happen. What your mother is doing now has been planned for far longer and doing a lot more than what I did."

Rhonda had pulled her phone out and started to dial it. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm calling the cheating slut and giving her a piece of my mind."

"No, don't do that. Not just yet. I'm having her served while she's down there. I don't want her to know anything is amiss just yet. Once she has the papers you can tell her anything you wish to say. I certainly won't stop you."

Kyle just sat there shaking his head, "I just can't believe she would do this to us, to you. After all those years together."

"I know, son. I'm having a rather tough time with it myself."

"What about the neighbor Leslie the slut mentioned Dad? Did you do anything with her?" Rhonda asked.

As much as I hated lying to my children I remembered what my lawyer had told me, "No sweetheart. I'm still married. Leslie is a sweet, wonderful, and caring woman. Granted with a strange lifestyle but I won't begrudge anyone the way they want to live, Once your mother is officially served then I will consider things differently."

We sat and talked for another hour before they both had to get back home. I was just in the kitchen fixing to find something to eat when there was a knock at the back door. I opened it to see a smiling Leslie standing there. She looked as gorgeous as ever. She wore a pair of Daisy-style jean shorts and a crop top that just covered her amazing breasts leaving the rest of her body bare for me to oggle.

"Well hello there neighbor. Come on in. Might I say you look gorgeous tonight," I told her as I closed the door behind her.

"Why thank you, kind sir," she beamed up at me.

"Where's Vincent tonight?" I asked.

"Oh, he's at home watching something on TV," she told me.

"I see. He didn't feel like coming over then."

"Oh he wanted to, but I told him I wanted to be alone with you tonight," she said with a smile.

"Ah, I see. Leslie, we need to talk before we go any further," I told her.

"Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong by telling him not to come over?" She asked with a worried look.

"No, no not at all. In fact, I prefer it just you and me. I talked to my lawyer today and she thinks it would be a good idea if we did not have sex or let anyone know about the fact we had sex until at least after Marcy has been served with divorce papers."

"Oh I see," she said with a smile. "You had me worried for a minute. I don't mind just sitting and enjoying your company with a glass of wine. This is quite nice."

So that was what we did for the rest of the night. We sat in front of the fireplace, drank wine and we talked. We avoided talking about Marcy and my marriage, we avoided talking about Vincent and their lifestyle. We simply talked and got to know each other better as people. I told her stories about my time in the Army and she told me stories of her life growing up.