Just This Once Ch. 02

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Continuation of wife's agreement to experiment, one time.
4.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/14/2016
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Following is a continuation of "Just This Once, Chapter One," in the Mature category. I suspect this chapter will make more sense and be less abrupt if Chapter One is read first. For those of you not choosing that option, very quickly, Don is the narrator, in his 50s, who has brought about his initially reluctant wife's (40s) being shared with younger fitness instructor Eric, at their home. Eric, preparing to relocate from their town, has just had his first successful sexual liaison since his fiancée left him for another woman, which he took pretty hard and which left him with performance issues with other women. Don's wife Phyllis agreed to go along with Don's fantasy of a MFM threesome "Just This Once," despite her claiming to be, and to prefer to be, unimaginative in the bedroom. The scene resumes in the master bedroom of Don's and Phyllis's home, with Don fucking Phyllis while Eric massages her breasts, Phyllis and Eric already having had sex.


"A little break after all the action is a good idea," she said, "but what about . . . " and I felt her squeezing my cock inside her, as I suspected she had Eric's some moments before, and as she had me so many other times.

"I'm cool with that - you know that once I come a first time, I'm pretty much done for the day, so I think I'd prefer to save it anyway." Weird, I know, but we're all individuals, right?

And saying that, I pulled out, my cock erect and glistening.

Eric looked at its state and said, "Damn, I don't know how you could NOT come by now!"

"Well, you've got the size - I guess the score got evened just a bit by giving me the staying power."

"We'll check size later," Phyllis said, smiling at me. "I think I'll grab a quick shower anyway." And with that, she scooted out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Eric and I just sat there, or rather reclined there, my dick softening, his still soft and a bit retracted from its state when he first pulled out. We heard the toilet flush, then the shower start. She still didn't open the door, so I figured she didn't want company just then, and Eric didn't make any move that way either.

"Well, it seems that you're back in shape, sexual performance wise." I said.

"Yeah, so it seems - I really have to thank both of you. You for setting this thing up and knowing how to pull it off, and her of course for being such a woman! You're a very lucky guy - but you know that."

"Yep, that's for sure," I said, thinking about how Phyllis and I would be after all this was done, then putting that out of my head so I could focus on how best to spend the rest of the evening.

"Phyllis made some little desserts - care for an after dinner wine and something sweet?"

"Sure," he answered, and we started to get up, when Phyllis emerged from her quick shower, one towel around her, another around her head. I was reminded how sexy she could make anything look.

"Somebody's next, unless you two guys are going to share," she chirped, teasing.

"Guests first, of course." I said, and Eric, without comment, headed off to the bathroom.

Phyllis came and sat next to me on the bed. "This thing isn't nearly as pretty all shiny and soft as it is all shiny and hard," she said, pulling off her head towel to wipe the remains of whatever off my dick. "You ok with things so far?" she asked, more seriously, but now stroking me beyond it needing drying, and getting the predicted results starting again.

"Oh absolutely. And how about you? You seemed to be doing ok there, but I don't want to presume too much."

"Well, as you may have noticed, I decided to make the best of it, and Eric has certainly helped, as have you, in that regard. I'm just not going to let myself think rationally about any of this until he's gone and our Just Once is over and done. But for now, I've come several times, and my husband and lover seems to be all for that, so for me, it's absolutely - for now at least - as well!"

"I suggested wine and dessert, so let me go open the wine while he's showering, and I'll join you two when I get cleaned up."

"Fine - I'll get the desserts out of the fridge," she said, referring to glasses of mousse she'd fixed earlier and put in to chill. Looking down at my somewhat diminished cock, she bent and sucked it into her mouth just for long enough for me to feel her tongue encircle me, leading to another surge of blood into the staff. "Hold that thought," she said, rising back up.

Following the pointer my dick was providing, I padded off to the kitchen, naked, while Phyllis stopped by her closet. When she joined me, she'd put on a very casual dress that was just a pullover she'd wear around the house sometimes. Her short hair was still wet, but looked just right for that just-fucked look that she does so well. The dress had shoulder straps and a front that buttoned up to provide moderate coverage, just starting to show the nice beginnings of her breasts, but with low cut sides that showed even more daring views of them. Loose all around, it must have been very comfortable, and its mid-thigh length allowed freedom as well. I liked it, since it was so easy to get over her head when it was a situation that led to taking it off, and since it gave tantalizing views depending on her posture and movements.

I heard the shower stop, and paused to unbutton the top couple of buttons on her dress, along with a couple of those down at the hemline as well. She raised her eyebrow, since that pretty much displayed her cleavage right down to the sternum if she turned or bent the right way. I smiled, and she rolled her eyes a little as I said, "I'm off - don't start. OK, make that 'don't get too far along' then . . . without me!"

I grabbed a pair of camp shorts out of my closet and tossed them to Eric as he came out of the bathroom. "No need for "formal" khakis anymore," I said. "Feel better after the shower?"

"Oh yeah!" he answered, as we stood naked, making small talk. My cock had been half hard when we re-encountered each other, and I saw him glance at it and grin in recognition of something having gone on while he was showering. Meanwhile, I had to admire and envy yet again his cock, that was soft but thick, then covered by the shorts as he bent to pull them on. Standing back up, bare-chested, I knew that Phyllis would enjoy that view, whoa shoulders and all. He proceeded toward the kitchen as I headed into the bath.

It took me a couple of minutes to get soft enough to take a leak, but that done, I flushed and stepped into the shower for a quick cleansing. I didn't want to luxuriate in it - I might be missing something - so it didn't take me long.

Drying quickly, and donning some gym shorts and pulling back on my shirt, I got to the kitchen to see Eric and Phyllis sharing a tender kiss. No groping or voracious goings on, but with his hands low on her back, down at the swell of her ass and her hands back on those shoulders, and with both of them seeming quite comfortable with it. I walked over to them, and Phyllis, seeing me coming, turned a bit, but held on to Eric's waist with arm around it as she held out her other to me. I joined, and we kissed in a similar fashion, as she pulled me to her.

"Mmm... a girl could get used to this," she sighed, but added, "but Just Once would probably be even better for all concerned."

Extricating from the triangle, she went to the fridge and pulled out the desserts. I grabbed the prechilled wine, and we three stood in a triangle in the kitchen, eating, slowly, and silently, all lost in our own thoughts, I suppose.

"So," I started, not quite knowing where to go with any of this yet, "I'm really glad all this has come to be. Babe, you've been stupendous. I love you for going along with this nutty kink of mine. And Eric, you're just right for the part you've had - all good looking and physical, but also nice, which I think was critical to any of this working out. I know I'll remember all this for a long, long time!"

"I'm the one who should be thanking, as I said," Eric came back, and I sure agree that Phyllis, you've been stupendous and more. Before I forget, thank you both as well for helping me get over my, uh, problem."

"Problem?" Phyllis asked, "I certainly didn't notice any problem!"

"Don, you didn't tell her?" Eric turned to me.

"You didn't tell me I could, it was your business, not mine, and I figured it wasn't something that she needed to know," I answered.

"Well, thanks for keeping the confidence. I was pretty mortified when I realized I'd blabbed about it to you. Phyllis, Don and I went out for drinks after a workout, and I shared that since my fiancée Shelly suddenly left me for what's her name - that was about six weeks ago maybe - I was really bummed out. I figured if she left me for a woman, I must not be much of a man. Since that, I did try sex, once, with a woman I met in a bar. And with her, I couldn't, uh, get it up, and she pretty much dissed me about it at the time. After that, I was scared to even think about trying again, and then the job opportunity came up and I took it, just to try a new start, and Don suggested we get together and maybe you and I might hit it off, and, well, from my viewpoint, we did, and you sure fixed any confidence issues I had. Hey, I'm blabbing again - I'll shut up."

"Eric, in case you still need any corroboration, which you shouldn't, you're a wonderful lover, and if you want that in writing, I'll be glad to, but, ah, anonymously, of course," she laughed.

Eric continued, "Oh, and I love the dress. It makes me want to get you back in there and get reminded of what's underneath! Here's to what's underneath!" And with that, we all put down our desserts, which were pretty much done by then, and toasted each other with the wine.

Phyllis laughed, and looked down, seeing a bulge appearing in Eric's shorts. She put down her wine glass and stepped closer to us, cupping each of our packages with a hand. I could feel her weighing my balls, then stroking my now recovering shaft, urging it to become fully hard again. I figured she was doing the same to Eric.

"Shall we adjourn again?"

"Oh, let's make that reconvene - in the bedroom!" Phyllis smiled. "Except to get there, I suppose I'll have to let go, and I sort of don't want to do that right now."

"The sacrifices one makes for one's country, I suppose," I joked back, and she did let go and led back into the bedroom, her ass swaying invitingly under the thin cotton shift.

Arriving there, with Eric and me following close, she turned and said, "All right, now, for that size checking thing you mentioned." And with that, she reached down and found our cocks again, through the shorts material.

"Mmmm... Feel pretty much the same - but merits further research," she concluded. "Lose the shorts, guys."

We both dropped the shorts quickly and stood naked before her again, his dick straight out and parallel to the floor, mine pointing above the horizontal.

"Ah, now come over here," she said, as she sat on the bedside, her feet on the carpet beneath. We obeyed and stood, one each in front of her on each side of her legs, angled in to point straight at her.

Stroking each of us the same, she said, "You point higher, Don - does that mean you're more turned on?"

"Probably more likely a physics thing - he's got so much more to raise up, all that mass weighed down by gravity," I chuckled.

"He's pointing higher, but please don't take that as he's more turned on. I'm not sure how I could be any more turned on," Eric added.

"On the other hand, they're about the same size, don't you think, dear?" she cooed, knowing the truth.

"Same size, give or take an inch or two length and another inch diameter maybe? Hardly the same size, I'd say - but I'm glad, since this is a Just Once, that you're not having to put up with something much smaller than I am!" I said.

"Oh, well, I guess you're right about the dimensions, but I'd have been fine with something a bit less than yours as well, you know," she smiled up at me, enjoying the tease. "Now, turn around - can't miss the buns!"

And so, we turned, and I felt her caress my left, then right cheek. Looking over my shoulder, I saw Eric similarly looking, and she commanded, "No, no peeking! Just stand there and think nice thoughts!"

Back to looking straight ahead, I felt her hand continue its exploration, which I realized was more of the comparison shopper thing, and knew that as fit as Eric was, he was probably winning in the firm butt category as well. Ego being as it is, I immediately tensed my glutes, which would have happened anyway, since she then reached through and grabbed my scrotum again, the surprise tightening my sphincter.

"And back again," she said, and we turned back, and had our sacs held again, her fingers rolling my balls, and I figured his, feeling downright pretty terrific.

"And, continuing to check," she said quietly, then leaned over and sucked the head of my cock into her mouth, circling it with her tongue once in, then she descended down the shaft bit by bit, getting a good bit of it into her mouth, then holding it, and I felt her fingers enclose the shaft remaining, pressed now firmly into my pubic bone.

"Mmm... Familiar, and nice - such a good fit!" she said cheerily.

"And now," she pulled off and I think I groaned from the loss of that glorious wet warmth, "What have we here . . . "

And with that, just as Eric and I had mimicked each other's initial treatment of her earlier, she repeated on Eric what I'd no doubt just experienced. I wondered if she did me first just to know what she was doing to him inside that mouth of hers. As I imagined her tongue circling his crimson head, she had my cock in her hand now, and was circling around the head with her thumb, smearing the saliva and preseminal fluid mix around the head. Just as I was about to close my eyes and just revel in the sensation, I felt her hand glide further down my shaft, and I looked and saw her mouth taking more and more of his length in.

She had about four inches of it, I'd guess, in her mouth - she was not a deep throater, but certainly used all the volume just short of her gag reflex that she could. With that four inches in, she stopped, and gripped his shaft like she'd done mine. I saw her start it with two fingers, what I realized was what she'd had on mine when fully in, although I couldn't see at the time. Reaching the two fingers around him, then she pulled her hand back and tried it with three, still not being too cramped. Finally, she encircled him with her whole fist, and still had not needed to press in too hard to his pubic bone. No doubt about it in my book, he had me by a good two fingers worth.

Done with the measuring, I saw, she started slowly sucking him in and out, her hand jacking him the length that wasn't in her mouth. She'd pull all the way out, then her tongue would emerge, snake-like, to flick across the slit of his cock head, then she'd start back, first just a kiss at the tip, then sucking in the head, then pausing, as I could see her cheek move with what had to be her tongue going round and round, then sucking further in, and further, until she was back to nothing showing except fist and face, then repeat, pulling out slowly with her mouth while the hand kept up a steady jacking pace with the shaft that emerged. I was about to come, just watching, as she kept stroking me in time with her hand on him.

He was about to come as well, and gasped, "Er, Phyllis, um, if you want me NOT to come again pretty soon, you'd better stop that, great as it feels!"

Smiling up at me, she looked triumphant, having reduced him to her control. "OK, I guess I'd better, since I'm not quite through myself," she said, sounding a bit regretfully.

And turning to me, she repeated on me what she'd been doing with him, but just for a moment.

"How about a finale?" she asked, breaking off from sucking me.

"Whatever you want," said Eric, echoing my sentiments.

"Well, then, you here," she said to me, pointing, and I ended up leaned up against the headboard, a pillow behind me, nice and comfortable, my legs splayed out, my dick twitching, my balls tight and feeling full.

Kneeling over me, she told Eric to take her from behind, and he was more than happy to do just that. I watched him kneeling straight up behind her as she adjusted her position. His cock was eager, and he slid it up and down the crack of her ass. No, not there, I thought - it will never make it without a lot of pain.

Phyllis, true to her preferences, looked over her shoulder at him and said, "a bit lower, please," then reached between her legs to grab him and pull him down to enter her pussy again.

"Ah, ungh!" she said, lowering her head to watch between her legs as he started to impale her. She continued, "Only what, an hour at most, and I'd already forgotten just how big it feels!" She pushed back as he leaned in, and then from her a long "Aaaahhhhh..." as I knew he was back in. He started fucking slowly, and she called to him, "That's right - slow - at least for now. I've got something else to be doing right now. Never had that double penetration thing - hell, never got laid by two different guys in the same week! So, now, here we go."

And, checking off that bucket list, she lowered to me and sucked me into her mouth again, her head bobbing up and down in time with Eric's thrusts into her. With her shoulders now on my thighs, I could see down her back to watch her ass cheeks get pumped outwards with each of his thrusts as his hips met hers. There was a faint sheen on her smooth back, and the flare of her hips was as sexy as ever.

With one hand at my balls, she reached her other up underneath herself, and I guessed she was stroking her clit, or maybe grasping his shaft again? She later told me it was both - she'd grab his shaft as he pulled out, milking him on the outstroke, then as he pushed back in, she'd rub around her clit, holding her lips open for him in the meantime - great manual dexterity!

Pulling off me for a moment, she said, "My knees and back won't take too much of this, so let's not waste time, guys!"

"As you wish," Eric said, channeling the Great Pirate Roberts, and started picking up the pace. She returned to sucking me, but I knew her head was on what Eric was doing to her other end.

Soon, Eric was pounding her vigorously. She'd told me once that she liked it "hard and fast," and that's what she was getting this time. Each time Eric thrust forward, her whole body was shoved, and it was all she could do to keep me in her mouth, much less focus on me. That was fine - I enjoyed watching her ass get bulged out with each ramming in-stroke, and while the fellatio wasn't artistic, the whole scene was riveting. I knew my turn would come soon enough, and I was getting a major bucket list thing here as well.

She was already coming again (again!), when Eric pulled out, eliciting a groan of disappointment from

Phyllis. He flipped onto his back and pulled her over him, quickly reinserted himself. "Sorry, but I'm not going to last much longer, and I really want to finish this way - if it's all right," he said, apologetically, as if she were going to object.

"Mmmm, if you insist," Phyllis murmured, probably relieved not to have to be sucking me at the same time - maybe that was disconcerting, although she certainly didn't object. With her on top, her knees weren't getting much relief, but she didn't seem to remember them at that moment. Being able to control things, she sat straight up, as if testing, for several strokes, then leaned down to him, kissing him. I moved behind her and watched as his big member got ridden, her pussy seeming to suck him in, her ass spread and presenting to me.

"Want to try another in there?" I asked.

She realized what I meant, as I positioned myself behind her. "I don't think anything else will fit!" she cried out, sounding a bit fearful and raising up, still impaled.