Kate Pt. 02


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Joey and Leigh made it a point to invite us over to their house soon so that they could reciprocate the fellowship they'd both enjoyed with Kate and I, and we were both excited at the prospect. However, the icing on the cake, for me at least, was having had the chance to meet little Angela. I thought she was one of the sweetest kids I'd ever met. And while I truly felt awful about what had happened to her, I still took comfort in the fact that she came out of it with her mental faculties still in tact, thank God. I also took satisfaction in knowing that I'd been the one who'd taken down the monster that had hurt her so badly; fucking David Linder. What a piece of shit, huh?


Chapter Two

I hadn't heard from Uncle John as of yet, and to be honest, I was beginning to get a little concerned, because this was out of character for him to not at least let me know something. Still though, I wasn't really worried though, because my Uncle John had yet to fail me thus far, and I felt that everything would be alright, one way or another.

After I got over being so pissed off about him shooting my tires out I simply smiled, taking it all in stride, knowing that he was only trying to protect my stubborn, sometimes arrogant ass. Kate had even commented about it when I mentioned him after the Raymer clan had left the house.

"You shouldn't get so pissed off, Mark," she told me, desperately trying not to smile, "He's just trying to protect you ya know."

"Maybe so," I said, "But did he really have to shoot my tires out?"

"I'm not taking his side, or your side of this argument, but I can't say that I blame him, Mark," she honestly replied. You were acting like a hot headed teenager, and you weren't going to take "No" for an answer."

"Yeah, you're right," I chuckled, at the memory of it all, "Remind me to apologize to him later."


I'd just finished helping Kate clean the kitchen up when the telephone rang.

"Hello," I said, after answering it.

"I'm sorry for shooting your tires out, kid," Uncle John calmly said, on the other end, "But you left me no choice, Mark."

"You're right, I was wrong," I humbly replied, "I'm really sorry for the things I said to you, Uncle John."

"Don't sweat it, kid," he chuckled, "You're still my favorite nephew ya know."

"What a load of bull shit," I laughed, "I'm your only nephew."

"Maybe so," he said, his tone of voice indicating that he was smiling, "But you're still my favorite nephew, regardless."

"So; tell me," I eagerly asked, "Did you catch up with Kara Wilkins?"

"I did," he triumphantly replied, "But I need you to come downtown and identify her SUV as the one that drove by your house. Is that okay?"

"Of course it is," I happily told him, "I'll be there just as soon as I can get there."

"Okay, kid," he grinned, "I'll see you soon," and then he hung the phone up, as did I.



"Hello Mark," Uncle John smiled, as he met me at the front door of the police station/jail, "Did you have any trouble getting here?"

"No sir, not at all," I replied, "Can we go look at the car now?"

"The people in the Crime Lab are still processing it right now," he said, "But you and I need to talk about a few things first, okay?"

"No problem," I said, "Where are we going to go talk?"

"You two can use my office," replied an all too familiar voice behind me. I turned around to find Police Captain, Kevin Braid standing there grinning like a school boy, "Hey, Mark. Your Uncle tells me that you've been through some major shit lately, son."

"Hey, Kevin," I excitedly grinned, as we shook hands, "How the hell are ya?"

"I'm okay," he chuckled, as he led us to his office, "The question is, how're you?"

"I'm good to go," I replied, "Things have been a little hairy around my house, but it's nothing we can't handle."

"I'm glad to hear that," he chuckled, and then got right down to business, "Before we go to my office, I need you to do something for me if you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all," I smiled, "What can I do for you, Kevin, ooppss...I mean Captain Braid?"


He took Uncle John and I down a long corridor, which it was clear to see by the titles on the doors, had interrogation and observation room on both sides. Then at the end of the hall, he opened a door that had "Observation Room Four" painted on it, leading us in and then closing the door behind us. In the room was a small table with a telephone sitting on it, as well as three chairs around it, and then a two way mirror on the wall to my immediate right.

"What're we doing here?" I asked.

"I'm going have five suspects brought into the room on the other side of this mirror," Kevin began, "And I want you to identify anyone that you recognize. Can you do that?"

"Sure," I said, "Who am I looking for?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that, Mark...it's procedure," he quietly replied, "We want you to be able to identify the suspects that you recognize without knowing who you're looking for ahead of time. It's better that way, and if you identify who we suspect is responsible for what happened at your house, it will make a more solid case in court."

"I understand, Kevin," I told them, "I'll do my best...I promise."

Kevin reached for the phone, and then after dialing a number, said "Okay, bring em on in."

Five women came into the room and lined up against the far wall facing us. Imagine my shock when I saw not only Kara Wilkins, but at the far end of the line up stood Madeline Linder; both she and Kara wearing scared looks on their faces. I immediately pointed them out to Kevin and Uncle John, calling them by name, and the moment we were finished; four female Police Officers escorted the five women out of the room.


Kara Wilkins wasn't in her vehicle when the attack on you took place, but she was in the company of Madeline Linder when we picked her up. Kara claims that she had an air-tight alibi, however, Madeline Linder tested positive for gunshot residue on not only both hands, but all over the front of her body.

"What did I ever do to them," I asked, "And why did they shoot at me?"

"Because of his association with Mike Dodge, all of David Linder's bank accounts were frozen by the IRS," Uncle John informed me, "The only thing that I can think of as to why Madeline attacked you was out of revenge. Besides, a MAC-Ten automatic pistol and an AR-Fifteen assault rifle were both found in Kara's SUV, which is enough to get Madeline Linder Twenty-Five years, minimum, in the penitentiary ...and she's going to be tried in a Federal court so; she'd better have a very good attorney."

"Why Kara Wilkins is in Police custody if she's got an alibi?" I asked "Is it because her SUV was used in the drive-by shooting at my house?"

"That's right, kid," Uncle John proudly grinned, as he patted me on the back, "Way to go, Mark, you're getting smarter every day."

"I guess it happens," I teased, "Especially because I live with Kate."

"I've got to agree with you there," Kevin grinned, "She's a good girl, Mark; maybe the last of her kind."

"Yeah, she is," I smiled, and then I suddenly remembered sweet little Sara, "But I don't think she's the last of her kind, though; there are still a few more out there..."


After having a cup of coffee and talking with Kevin and Uncle John for a moment, Kevin received a phone call telling him that the Crime Lab had finished processing Kara's vehicle, and that we could also take a look at it whenever we were ready. So; Kevin led us to where Kara's car was located.

"I need to ask you not to touch it, Mark," Uncle John told me, "Just in case the folks in the Crime Lab need to come back and look at it again."

"I don't need to touch it," I replied, "This is definitely the vehicle that was used in the shooting."

"Are you certain?" Kevin asked me again, "I want you to be positive."

"I'm absolutely certain," I told them, "Without a doubt."

"Alright then," Kevin victoriously grinned, "That's all we need for now. Thanks again, Mark."

"You're more than welcome, Kevin," I chuckled, "I'm sure that Kate and Carolyn would really love to see you so; why don't you come by the house as soon as you can, okay?"

"I'd love to," he grinned, "But it's going to have to wait until this investigation is over. We have to strike while the iron is still hot ya know."

"I totally understand," I replied, "Just come whenever you're done..."


When I got back home that night, it was almost ten o'clock. I was beginning to get rather sleepy, but I wanted to make sure that Kate, Sara, and Tabitha had been made aware of what had happened.

"Holy shit, Mark," Sara excitedly grinned, "I would've loved to have seen those two bitches in a line-up."

"Me, too," Kate grinned, "I never have like Kara Wilkins' skank ass, and Madeline Linder has always been a condescending old cunt."

"She sure has," Sara giggled, "I could never understand why either."

"I'll tell you why," Kate indignantly snorted, "It's because she has money that she acts like that, fucking bitch."

"Madeline wasn't born into money like she wants everyone to think," Sara told us, "Her parents were lower middle class, but from what I understand, they were really nice people."

"I guess it just goes to show," I interjected, "Having money fucks some people up, doesn't it."

"It sure does," Kate said, then turned to me and said, "Please promise me that you won't become one of those people, Mark, okay?"

"I promise, Kate," I softly smiled, "I promise you with all my heart that I won't ever act like that."

"He won't, you guys," Tabitha told Kate and Sara, standing on the tips of her toes to hug me and kiss me on the cheek, "Marky has always been a sweetie, and he could never act like that...besides," and then she began to impishly giggle, "He knows that I'll kick his ass for him if he does," and then the three of them fell into fits of girlish laughter.

"Yeah, right," I chuckled, "Whatever..."


That night when she and I lay down to go to sleep, Kate leaned over, and after gently kissing my lips, softly told me, "I love you, Mark...ever since the moment I met you."

"That's a lie and you know it," I began to laugh, "The very first time we met you called me an asshole."

"No, I didn't," she teased, "I called you a long haired asshole."

"Get some sleep, girlie," I chuckled, tweaking her nipple and making her squeal like only she can, "We've got a busy day tomorrow."

"Good night, baby," Kate softly purred, "I love you, Mark."

"I know you do," I softly replied, "And I love you, too..."



I woke up that morning, and I noticed that the sun was just beginning to peek over the eastern horizon. I wasn't awake for any reason in particular; I just woke up earlier than usual, that's all. However, this gave me the opportunity to take the time to think about everything I'd been through since I'd moved to Nashville. And when I took a look at the events of the not so distant past, I came to the realization that I'd taken down a major drug dealer, as well as a rapist who preyed on underage girls. But what was most prevalent in my mind back then was how my life began to change the day that I met Kate.

In the short time I'd known her, I came to realize that she had become my whole world, everything else be damned. I'd never known such sweetness before and I took a moment to thank God for the blessings I'd received when he placed us in each other's lives. The fact that she loved me in spite of myself even made it better.

Yeah, I know it may sound sappy to some, but that's the way I feel. If anyone wants to call it saccharine, or syrupy sweet, I happily invite them to kiss my ass. Besides, I can't help the fact that I've got a kind heart. I'm also not trying to insult anyone either, but it is what it is, and with the way the world is these days, wouldn't people prefer that someone be nice, as opposed to acting like all the rest of the idiots that we're forced to deal with on a daily basis?


I went into the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot that I'd prepared before I went to bed the night before. As the coffee was brewing I decided that I would make breakfast for everyone. Besides, it was Sunday and my cousin, Tabitha had to make the drive back to Chattanooga, Tennessee later that afternoon, because she had to work the next day.


The first thing I did was make enough batter for everyone to have at least two waffles each. And after placing the batter in the refrigerator, I preheated the oven because I was also going to make some home made biscuits, as well as some sausage gravy to pour over the top of them. My grandmother had taught me how to make biscuits when I was a little fella, and it just so happens that "Biscuits & Gravy" is one of my favorite things to eat. Hell, anyone who is from the South feels the same way that I do; just ask them if you don't believe me.

Anyway, by the time I'd finished making the biscuits and got them ready to put in the oven, it was going on 6:30 am. I wanted to wait before baking the biscuits, as well as putting the batter in the waffle iron, until the sausage was ready so I could use some of the grease to make the gravy with. Besides, I wanted everything to be hot when everyone sat down to eat.

As I began to fry the sausage, I felt a pair of arms snaking their way around my waist, as Kate pushed her tee shirt covered, unfettered breasts against my back and sent near paralyzing chills down my spine when she lightly started to kiss the back of my neck, moving my hair out of the way in order to do so.

"Mmm," she softly purred, "Good morning, handsome."

"Hi baby girl," I teased, "It's about time you got up."

"Oh, shut up," she laughed, playfully smacking me on the ass, "This is the first time I've seen you up this early in a long while, Mister Smart Ass."

"Whatever," I chuckled, "Would you like some coffee?"

"You know I do," she smiled, "But I can get it myself so that you don't burn our breakfast," speaking of which," she said, making her way to the coffee pot, "I can see that you've been very busy this morning."

"Tabitha is going back home today," I told her, "And I wanted to make sure that she didn't leave here hungry on her way back to Chattanooga."

"Aw, that's sweet, Mark," Kate softly replied, "I can tell that you and her were really close growing up."

"Don't get me wrong, there were times I felt like strangling her," I grinned, "But yes, we were very close; and I love her a lot."

"She loves you, too, honey," Kate knowingly smiled, as she sipped her coffee, "You should've heard some of the things that she told me and Sara last night while you were gone to meet Uncle John."

"Is that right?" I chuckled, "So, what did she have to say?"

"Alot of things, actually," Kate said, "But it's nothing that I didn't already know about you anyway."

"Uh huh," I chuckled, "Well, be that as it may, I'd still like to know what she said."

"You leave her alone right now, Mark," Tabitha giggled from behind me, as she walked into the kitchen, "We took the time to have some girl talk while you were gone last night, and that means that what we said is none of your business, turd."

"Who're you calling a turd?" I playfully spat, "Besides, you don't have a damn bit of room to call me anything ya little sow."

"Mark," Kate scolded, "Do you realize what you just called her?"

"Yep," I laughed, "I called her a little sow...a female pig."

"No wonder you two fought like cats and dogs, too, when you were little," Kate replied, "You better never call me anything like that; or I'll kick your ass for it."

"Oh, no," I laughed, teasing the both of them, "I'm so afraid."

"You better be," Kate laughed, "Or else I'll catch you when you're in the shower and throw ice cold water on your balls."

"Go right ahead," I chuckled, "All I have to say is that you'd better not be anywhere near when I get out of the shower."

"You won't do a damn thing, Mark," Sara replied smiling, suddenly appearing in the kitchen, "Because I'll give you a wedgie while you're sleeping."

"Is that right?" I asked, as Sara nodded her head, "Well good luck trying, because I sleep naked, girlie."

"That's all the more reason for you to be that much more careful then," Sara knowingly giggled, "You're liable to lose something else, smart ass."

"Oh, no you don't, Sara," Kate naughtily giggled, "You're talking about messing with my toys now; and that's not about to happen, Miss Thing."

Needless to say, Kate's last remark was followed by a cacophony of female laughter which echoed throughout the kitchen, allowing me the opportunity to finish making breakfast for all of us.


"Holy cow, Mark," Sara smiled after tasting her breakfast, "I never realized that you could cook this well."

"Thank you," I appreciatively smiled, "That means a lot to me, Sara; especially coming from someone who cooks as well as you do."

"Thank you, Mark," Sara thoughtfully replied, "That's very sweet of you to say such a thing."

"It was nothing," I smiled, reaching across the table and gently patting her hand, "I was just telling the truth, that's all."

"See what I mean," Tabitha told Kate and Sara, "I told you he really was a sweetie once you get past all that macho horseshit that he's so full of."

"I don't know about macho," Sara began teasing me again, "But I agree with you, Tabitha, that Mark is full of horse shit sometimes," and I said nothing as they all laughed, simply shaking my head; grinning as I continued eating my breakfast.


The girls wouldn't let me lift so much as a finger when it came to cleaning the kitchen up. Instead I was ordered to relax and take it easy for the rest of the morning so; while they cleaned up, I spent the early morning hours sitting in the hot tub, letting its therapeutic jets ease my sore muscles, and free my mind for a while, regardless of how short lived it was...


I'd been in the hot tub for a couple of hours when I heard the phone ring.

"Hello," Kate smiled, answering the phone, "Oh, hello, Joey...yes, he is; hang on and I'll get him for you.'

The next thing I saw was Kate bringing me the phone, and with a bright smile on her beautiful face, she handed it me and said, "Here, honey, it's Joey Raymer and he wants to talk to you."

"Hey Joey," I grinned, almost salivating as I watched Kate's beautiful ass as it naturally swayed from side to side while she was walking back into the house, "What can I do for you this morning, my friend?"

"How's it going, bro," he pleasantly asked, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow, Mark?"

"No," I grinned, "Or at least none that I can think of. Why, what's up?"

"Me and Nick want to come over there tomorrow to start on the repairs to your house," he chuckled, "And don't even think of saying no; because if you do, I'm going to be forced to sick my wife, my baby sister, as well as Kate and Sara on you."

"Damn, Joey," I laughed, "What ever happened to playing fair, man?"

"It is what it is so; deal with it," he laughed, "Besides, you have to let me do this for helping my baby sister out."

"I don't understand," I bewilderedly replied, "How did I help her out?"

"Let me try and explain something to you," he began, "Last night after we left your house, Angela went to bed the moment we got home, and it was the first time since her assault that she slept the whole night through without waking up screaming from the God awful nightmares that she used to have," and then I could hear his voice beginning to break as he continued, "You have to let us come over and do this for you...you just have to...please?" and by this time, I could hear him sniffling, which absolutely made my heart break wide open at the thought of that sweet little girl waking up in sheer terror.