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"Can I take you out to dinner this weekend? Saturday night?"

Standing up on her tiptoes, running her other hand up his arm to wrap around the back of his neck until it was on the back of his head, finally feeling his lips against hers. Feeling his arms wrap around her, she heard cheers from behind them, the pair unable to stop smiling as he pulled her tight into his body. She gasped at the power in his arms, the firmness of his chest, and felt a faint stirring in her own loins at the same time. It happened far more often nowadays whenever she was around him.

"Wanted to do that for so long," he whispered, "Sorry if I made you wait."

"I hope there's a lot more of those to come, Mark."

"Where should I pick you up?"

"I live with Amy. I can give you our address."

Turning around, Christine, Amy, Elisa, Joy and Belinda were all watching. Amy wiped her cheeks, the other three young ladyboy's couldn't stop smiling, while Christine watched on like a proud mother. Grabbing her phone, she already had his number so simply sent him her address. After agreeing a time that he'd pick her up, and deciding to just figure out what they'd do on Saturday, he left a last soft kiss on her lips before he departed, wishing everyone else a goodnight.

As soon as he departed, Christine wrapped her arms around her as she needed to cry some very happy tears.

"So much for your promise," Amy teased.

"Oh please, he should have asked her out a year ago, at least," Belinda retorted, "That rule was for every other breathing male on this planet except for him."

After washing her face in the bathroom, she remained with Amy as the pair would walk home to their apartment, Christine locking up the parlour, the three leaving together. Her husband picked her up as always, and like every night, he'd offer to drive them home. Sometimes, they'd accept, but Melanie was in a good mood, so wanted to enjoy the cool night-time air.

Arriving home half an hour later, the pair immediately stripped off and changed into their comfortable clothes. Amy had a boyfriend of her own, a cute young man she had wrapped around her finger, considering she was nearly thirty and he was barely out of his teens. But she'd met him often and it was obvious Amy was smitten with him completely.

Making dinner together always had them giggling away, eating together at the small dinner table, before they moved into the living room to watch some god awful evening television that had them laughing away at the absurdity that was reality television. What had her smiling was when her phone rang and it was Mark. They'd swapped numbers long ago, and while they'd message each other, he rarely called her, keeping that distance he thought she likely wanted.

"Hello," she replied as she stood up and walked to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

"Evening, Melanie. It's Mark. From... um..."

She giggled straight away. "I know who it is, handsome."

"Handsome?" he teased.

Lying back on her bed, she felt her cheeks almost hurting from smiling. "Yes, very handsome. I have seen you without a shirt at least once a week for two years, Mark. I've loved what I've seen since that first time."

"I did notice your eyes but didn't want to make it awkward. I've always thought you were gorgeous, Melanie." Feeling her cheeks grow warm, she giggled again. "And I love that giggle of yours. So cute."

"Mark, I feel we know each other so well already, we're going to miss out on those 'getting to know each other' talks."

"Maybe I can be honest and state that I should have asked you out long ago, but I wasn't sure what you'd say, and I was also nervous about doing it. You know about the divorce and I felt like I was damaged goods."

"You were always a gentleman with me, Mark. You're the best customer I've ever had, and I've wanted to hear what you asked me earlier for just as long."

"So I was thinking about Saturday night. Why don't we do something the whole day? I was thinking I take you out towards the harbour, walking around for the day, take in a sight or two, a spot of lunch somewhere by the water, then we'll find a nice restaurant for dinner."

"So you're going all in on the first date, Mark?" she asked in humour.

"Got to make a good first impression."

"Mark, you did that the first time you took your shirt off in front of me."

"I meant in a non-physical way, Melanie," he replied, his chuckle making her giggle as she absolutely loved the sound.

"Oh, you've done that every time you've visited me, Mark. As I said, nothing but a gentleman. Despite only seeing you once a week at most, you felt like a friend to me in the end."

"Me too, Melanie, which is why I finally bit the bullet and asked you out."

"You've got my address, Mark. What time will you pick me up?"

"How about 10am? We'll ride the train into the city."

"That sounds wonderful. One question... What would you like me to wear?"

"A dress. Something tight to that wonderful, petite little body I know is hiding underneath that uniform you always wear."

"Mark..." She gulped as she needed to tell him before their date, and she felt it was safest over the phone, "Do you know..."

"I know, sweetie," he whispered. Hearing him call her 'sweetie' almost had her crying, "And it's fine. I'm curious and have questions, but I know."

"When did you figure it out?"

"Christine isn't as subtle as she thinks, Melanie."

She laughed out loud, needing to wipe her cheeks at the same time. "I should have known, but you've never let on that you do."

"It wasn't my business to ask if you were. But now that I know, I'm figuring it's something we might need to discuss?"

"Ask any questions you want, Mark. No secrets from me."

"Nor me, sweetie. Secrets ruin relationships. Okay, I'd better go as it's an early start. I just wanted to hear your voice again and know it's completely personal this time."

"Thank you for finally asking, Mark. I can't stop smiling."

"I haven't stopped either. If I lived with someone, I'm sure they'd think I was a blithering idiot!"

She giggled again as he rang off. She almost said 'I love you' without thinking just before he hung up. And she knew that part of her would have known it was true, even without having gone on a first date. They might not have done that yet, but they'd had some sort of relationship for two years. Long enough to know each other, get friendly, find comfort, and for strong feelings to develop.

The conversation also had her girlcock rock hard. Stripping naked, her brown nipples were rock hard and were always sensitive. While playing with those, she ran her right hand down to her stiff girlcock, applying some lube before she started to stroke herself. It was roughly five inches long and not particularly thick, not that it mattered. She never used it except for masturbating. Despite all the therapy, she still had a libido and needed to orgasm. What Mark didn't know is that she had a couple of toys she loved to use on herself. Both of them were called 'Mark'.

She'd tell him about those eventually.

Of course, just as she was getting into a rhythm, Amy knocked on her door, wanting to know if it was Mark. She called Amy in as they'd seen each other masturbate plenty of times by now. Amy sat on the edge of her bed and watched, Melanie whimpering and whispering his name as she stroked herself faster.

"You'd got it bad, Melanie," Amy whispered, leaning down to kiss her forehead, "You going to make love the first date?"

"I love him already, Amy," she whispered, her friend wiping away her tears, "I want him to be mine forever."

"Going to cum for him right now?"

"I was hard just hearing his voice!"

Amy giggled as Melanie closed her eyes and imagined Mark above her, leaning down to kiss her as he slid his obviously bigger cock inside her, making love to her as stroked her small girlcock to orgasm, while he remained gentle that first time. She wasn't a virgin but her lovers were few and far between. It was a purely personal thing, remaining careful and avoiding the sort of men who would just fuck her then leave, making her feel used and cheap, nothing but an unpaid whore.

Spurting all over herself, she sank back onto the mattress, feeling relief but also empty. Masturbation was fine but she needed to feel a man inside her, then holding her in his arms once they'd made love.

"Horny little thing, aren't you?" Amy teased.

It didn't happen often but she looked down to see her girlcock was still quite hard. "You know he's turned me on for a long time now, Amy," she replied.

Amy took her hand and squeezed it. "We're all happy for you, Melanie. You've waited a long time for this. We know how you've felt about him, but he never really gave away how much he really liked you. He was friendly but he always kept that distance."

"At least he finally asked!" she exclaimed.

"Go have a shower and clean up. We have more television to watch."

"Amy?" Her friend met her eyes. "Love you too."

"You're my best friend, Melanie. I want to double date rather quickly." Kissing her forehead again, she whispered, "And I love you," before Amy bounced out of her room.

The apartment wasn't particularly large or modern, but the kitchen was decent enough. The bathroom was the best feature, the two ladyboy's having asked it to be modernised before agreeing to move in. The showerhead was powerful, Melanie soaping up her body, again imagining it was Mark doing it. She felt a rush of blood to her girlcock again, giggling to herself as she hadn't been this horny in a very long time. Taking a few deep breaths, she resisted the urge to masturbate or slide something into her arse.

Drying off then wrapping up her hair, she put on her dressing gown and joined Amy on the couch, leaning into her slightly taller friend as they watched a streaming series for a couple of hours. When they were single, the two ladyboy's would happily pleasure each other, but since Amy was with her boyfriend, that facet of their relationship ended.

She smiled constantly the next day and it helped her customers relax. Whenever she wasn't with a customer, she found her mind wandering, thinking about her date the next day, imagining what might happen, hoping that she'd find herself in his apartment, in his bed, with Mark with her, holding her in his arms as he admitted how much he loved her too.

Waking early on Saturday night, she walked out into the kitchen to find Amy already up and about. Her boyfriend had been around the night before, and despite their best intentions, Melanie had heard her friend being fucked until late into the night. Amy smiled at her over the edge of her mug. "Morning," she stated.

"Morning yourself," Melanie replied, pouring hot water into a mug, adding a tea bag, "Good night?"

"Great night. Hope we didn't keep you up."

"You didn't, but it was obvious you were enjoying yourself."

"Benefits of a younger lover, Melanie. He cums then it only takes a few minutes until he's recharged and ready to go." Sipping at her drink, she asked, "Will you bring Mark back here?"

"I'm hoping I go home with him, but I have a feeling he won't want to rush this. It's our first date and I have a feeling he won't want to sleep together at the end of it. He knows about a few of my awful experiences."

Amy placed her mug down before hugging her best friend. "He's not like that, Melanie. When you're in bed, you'll be making love. Trust me, I've seen men like him before. Few and far between when it comes to ladyboy's like us. Most see us as a fetish, something to fuck and then discard. But there are a few who see us for our hearts, minds and souls, and he's definitely one of them."

She blushed as she thought that about Mark too. She'd had a good feeling about him since that first time he was in that room. For two years, he'd treated her with respect but also as a friend. How she hoped he'd treat her like a lover, a girlfriend, and maybe one day in the future, a wife. Though that was getting a long away ahead of herself.

"We'll definitely double date soon," she finally said, "Good thing I like Ben too."

"I really like him, Melanie. I think he might be the one. I know he's young but he's so honest and genuine. And it's not just sex. We talk for hours before and after having fun."

"Maybe there is hope after all."

Showering and prepping herself, she selected a gorgeous dress that would highlight her curves. Her breasts were barely a B but at least she did have them, amazed how they'd grown during her therapy. Amy complimented her figure all the time. She had been disappointed with hers so got herself a fake pair of C's. Good thing she had a great surgeon and they almost looked natural.

Her legs were waxed, as was her groin region. Her body was practically hairless except for her head and eyebrows. Her darker skin was almost flawless. Most make-up was aimed at Caucasian woman but, with the influx of immigrants from Asia and elsewhere, the selection on offer was much better. Applying some faint colour to her eyes and cheeks, she knew his favourite colours on a woman were blue, black or red. She had chosen a red and white patterned dress, and wore flat red shoes on her feet, not wanting to wear heels all day if they were walking around. Her red lipstick looked fantastic, and she chose a broad-rimmed hat to keep the sun and heat at bay.

"He's here!" Amy called out as she applied some last-minute moisturiser to her arms and legs. Grabbing her handbag and purse, she walked out into the living room as Amy led Mark inside. He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and jeans, a pair of sneakers on his feet, his cap in his hand. Walking towards her, his eyes drank her in and his face lie up.

"Wow," he whispered, "You're absolutely stunning, Melanie."

"You look rather good yourself," she replied, as his shirt was tight to his chest and arms.

"Ready to go? Taxi downstairs will drive us to the station. I'm thinking Circular Quay, maybe a ferry over to Manly, then back across later to the city for dinner?"

"I'm spending the day with you, Mark. I don't mind what we do."

"Have fun!" Amy called out once he'd taken her hand and led her out into the hallway.

"Don't wait up!" she called back.

He held her hand the entire journey to the train station. Once they were on the train heading into the city, they took one of the two-seat spots and wrapped his arm around her waist, cuddling into his side, resting a hand on his firm chest. It was comfortable silence as they had no real privacy for an in-depth chat, but she already felt relaxed in his company, his arm occasionally giving her a gentle squeeze, turning to lean down and kiss her every so often.

Getting off the train at Wynyard, he continued holding her hand as they walked the rest of the way to Circular Quay. Waiting around for the next ferry across the harbour to Manly, he asked if she was hungry. To her amusement, he bought some donuts and a chocolate thickshake for them to share. "I'm a big kid at heart sometimes," he stated, seeing the amusement on her face.

"No complaints from me. I'm a simple... girl..."

He kissed her softly, and when his fingers caressed her cheek, she had to bite her bottom lip to stop it trembling. "What do you prefer to be known as, Melanie?" he asked, and she appreciated both the fact he was curious and that he cared.

"I'm Melanie," she replied with a smile, "I'm a ladyboy, but I'm going to be your girl too, Mark." She kissed him softly before asking, "You really don't mind I'm a ladyboy?"

"I like you for you, Melanie. We'll figure the rest out later." Leading her towards the ferry once they could start boarding, he led her towards the front of the ship as it started its journey. "I know at your parlour that you're all ladyboy's. As I said, Christine wasn't particularly subtle but it was none of my business. I just thought I was greeted by some beautiful people whenever I arrived. Always friendly and smiling, and it helped me relax."

The harbour swell meant the short journey was comfortable, docking at Manly and disembarking, walking hand in hand towards the beach. Being by the beach meant the staple diet of fish and chips, sharing a box as they found a picnic table that provided shade from the midday heat. Knowing they'd be eating later, they didn't finish all their chips before he took her hand, both of them taking off their shoes before walking along the beach.

Stopping once they were rather isolated, she squealed as he easily lifted her up, his hands on her arse as she wrapped her legs around him, his mouth finding itself on herself. She moaned as his tongue slid into her mouth, wrapping her arms tighter around him as she was fairly sure she felt him getting hard against her.

"I'd lie us down but I don't want us covered in sand," he said softly.

Placing her down, she hugged him tightly, resting her head against his chest as she couldn't help giggle when he felt up her arse. "You like?" she wondered.

"I'm guessing being on your feet all day keeps you fit?"

"And I exercise. Must have a nice firm bum for my man."

Hand in hand, they slowly walked back towards Manly docks, stopping at a pub to enjoy a drink. He enjoyed a light beer while she sipped at a glass of wine. Sitting on a stool next to him, her legs crossed, facing towards him, she loved it when he started to run his fingers lightly up and down her leg. Meeting his eyes, it was obvious to her that he was completely and utterly aroused.

"You've hidden yourself well," she suggested.

"Can I be honest?"

"Of course."

"The last few months, I'd go home once you'd finish and I'd need to jerk off something fierce."

"Good imagination?"

"Melanie, your hands have been all over my body except for one or two areas."

Sipping at her wine, she met his eyes as she swallowed before replying. "I am to rectify that rather quickly, Mark."

The look in his eyes made her shudder with delight. Lifting his hand from her leg to her face, it ended up behind her head as he leaned down and kissed her. She moaned again as his tongue played with hers. Pulling back, she felt her cheeks growing warm as a few people did gaze in their direction. Most wouldn't have a clue she was a ladyboy. In fact, most men who tried to chat her up thought she was what she called a 'biological' woman.

It was early evening when the ferry docked back in Circular Quay. Walking around Darling Harbour, they ended up in The Rocks, finding a cosy pub to enjoy another drink, before Mark opened his phone to look for a good pub restaurant. Despite growing up in a household where Thai food was the norm, she loved trying all sorts of food, but would happily admit to loving nothing more than what was called 'pub grub'. Made her feel more like a local when digging into a chicken parmi.

Dinner was fantastic. Simple but filling food, the atmosphere was top notch, and the conversation continued to easily flow between the pair of them. He did gently probe her about her transition, smiling as he was curious but also nervous, obviously not knowing too much about all the issues that came with transitioning. She suggested meeting her family would answer plenty of his questions. He immediately replied, suggesting that, when she was ready, he'd introduce her to his.

Having spent all day out, both were feeling a little tired after their meal. Asking if she was ready to go home, she admitted it had been a wonderful but tiring day. Walking back to Wynyard, it was a quick trip back to their home station. Waiting for a taxi, he asked her if she wanted to go home or come back to his.

"My place to pack a small bag, then back to yours," she replied.