Kay Returns


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"So because I'm renting a house to a nice woman you wanted to fuck my brains out?"

"No. Because you want to help her and her daughters. Because you want to take care of me, and you have wanted that for years! Because I'm learning that I never even knew you back then. You are a good man and I don't know how else to tell you that than to fuck you the best way I can."

"Oh. Ok." I rolled on my side and shut off the light. Kay didn't move. I knew she wanted to talk but she didn't. We were close in the bed, her behind me. It took a few minutes before I fell asleep. I wanted her thinking more than talking,

Early the next morning I woke up and felt Kay's hand on my cock. She was slowly stroking me.

"Stop, Kay," I whispered. She stopped but did not release my cock.

I turned to face her. "Kay, I love you and I want you to love me. There are ways to love me that don't involve your hands on my cock, my cock in your body somewhere or my having an orgasm inspired or facilitated by you. So, for now, in fact until I say otherwise, I don't want you to touch my cock in any way. When we shower together do not wash my cock unless I ask you to. Don't hold it, stroke it or suck it unless I ask you to. I am not angry with you."

Her hand withdrew and she softly said, "Yes, Master."

We got up, showered and dressed for the day. We walked next door and met Ida's daughters, Toni and Tess. Toni was seventeen, tall and athletic. Tess was almost as tall as her sister, just as athletic looking and three years younger. It was obvious they were the daughters of Ida. Whoever the sperm donor was he didn't make much of an impression.

The girls wanted to skip breakfast and get to their new home. I let them know I was hungry and I had the keys. They sat and breakfast arrived. No one had ordered. Ida was dashing around making sure everyone in the diner was taken care of. Every table was full. As she flew around the room Ida talked to everyone. The single men sitting at the counter she flirted with and talked to like she was their Mom. The couples at the tables and in the booths she was an aunt or sister to. We ate and the girls asked questions. Kay didn't speak at all. She was listening and thinking, I hoped.

No bill came. The girls bussed the table and took the dishes to the kitchen. They said that Max told them breakfast was on him. Max was the cook owner we met the evening before. As we left I left two twenties on the table.

In three hours that house looked as good as it could without fresh paint. We loaded into the cars and went back to the diner for lunch. As soon as Ida saw us she rushed over to her girls.

"Did you do a good job? Do you like the house?"

"Yes, Mom. We work hard. We love the house. We'll work hard and get some curtains and stuff for the house. Toni picked the front bedroom and you get the biggest one." Tess said.

I interrupted. "After lunch the girls will still be working for me, if that's Ok."

All three nodded. We sat and lunch was served. Three salads and a hamburger with fries. Two iced teas and two diet Cokes. Kay didn't talk during lunch unless Tess or Toni spoke to her. At the end of lunch I got the car keys out of my pocket and gave them to Kay.

"Take the girls shopping. Get curtains, throw rugs, a shower curtain and all that stuff. First go to a mattress store and order three queen-sized beds. Go to Bed-Bath and whatever and get sheets, pillows, blankets and whatever else they need to have nice bedrooms. Not Spartan, these are women. Don't say anything to Ida but get her nice stuff for her bedroom. She works hard and deserves a sanctuary."

The two young women had tears in their eyes as I spoke. I ushered them out of the diner before Ida caught wind of what was going on. Outside, as we parted I gave Kay a credit card and her license. The card had her name and mine on it. "Have them deliver the beds as soon as possible. If it can be today, call me on my cell and I'll walk to the house to let them in."

"May I kiss you?" Kay asked.

"Yes. I'd like that."

When her lips touched mine I felt a lot of restrained emotion behind the kiss. She was still thinking and in the exact direction I wanted her to think.

They drove off and I went into our room to watch TV. I watched a college volleyball tournament. The sound of my cell phone ringing woke me. Kay told me they would deliver the beds before one in the afternoon. She was quite happy and all three were having a good time.

I walked to the house and opened it just as the truck with the beds arrived. The two guys put the frames together and put the beds on the frames pretty quickly. They took all their trash with them.

An hour later my car parked in the driveway. The three women came in carrying lots of bags and went right to work. I followed them and gathered trash. Tess tossed three bags in her room and then started hanging curtains throughout the house. Kay helped her with the drapes on the big front window. Toni made the bed in her mother's room and hung the curtains in there. They had found a nice rug for the floor by the bed and all the fabrics and colors made the room look wonderful, warm and cozy. Toni and Tess didn't do anything in their own rooms until the rest of the house was done. When it looked like Kay had nothing to do I quietly said to her, "Put all our cleaning supplies away in their kitchen and service porch. You can get more at home." She kissed me again and did as I asked.

Every thing that could be done at the house was done and it was only five o'clock. I ushered the crew into the car and went back to the diner. On the way I talked.

"Ladies, I have an idea. Wouldn't it be nice if you went home and got clothes and things and brought them to your new home? Wouldn't your mom love it if she didn't need to move? Do you think the four of us and our two cars could get her moved by tonight when the diner closes?"

Tess answered, "As little as we have we can get completely moved by nine."

"Can we help?"

"Sure! I'll drive our car and meet you at the apartment." Toni said.

"What about your mom?"

"She'll wonder what's up, but she won't leave work."

"Ok." Toni got out of my car and Tess gave us directions to their apartment. It was old, and had a posted notice that the city was going to knock it down on the first of the month. We loaded Ida's room into the two cars and made a run back to their new house. Tess stayed to put her mom's bedroom together while we got more stuff.

Kay and I boxed the kitchen and refrigerator while Toni loaded her bedroom into their car. When we got to the new house we unloaded and Kay and Tess went back to the apartment. Toni and I stayed in the new house. She did her bedroom and I did the kitchen. I asked her where things should go and I put them where she said. By the time Kay and Tess were back Toni and I were done so we helped Tess get into her room. It was fifteen minutes until the diner closed so we stashed boxes of her stuff in her closet. We wanted Ida to come home to her new home and see it done.

When we got to the diner the sign on the roof was off. I gathered the sisters to us and I told them that when Kay and I were ready to go back to Los Angeles in the morning I had a little gift for them. I made them promise to be at breakfast with us.

We went inside and Max was sitting at a table drinking a diet Coke with Ida.

"I've been wondering about you guys," Ida said.

"Stop wondering! We're here and we're tired." Tess said.

"I'll bet we sleep good tonight!" Toni said.

"Then, let's go home! I'm dog tired." Ida said.

"Not yet." I said. I held out two sets of keys to the house. "You need keys to get in."

"We can't move until Wednesday. That's my day off." Ida said, reaching for the keys.

"Mom, at least come see what we've done, so far. It won't take but a minute." Tess pleaded.

"Please Mom." Toni added. Kay and I said, "Please Mom." And she gave in.

"Ok. Ok. I'll go look." Ida headed for the door. Tess and Toni followed her closely. When the door closed I turned to Max and said, "We moved her completely. She never needs to go back to the apartment. She will sleep in her new house, in her new bed, tonight."

"I'm sure she will cry."

"I'm sure you're right." Kay and I walked out and headed for the motel room. Kay asked if she could hold my hand as we walked. I held her hand.

In our room Kay asked, "How can I thank you for being so good to them?"

"You don't need to thank me. Doing what we're doing carries it's own reward in the doing."

"I don't feel like I did anything."

"Oh? Who carried all that stuff from their old house to the new one? Who hung curtains and drapes? Who spent yesterday cleaning when she really doesn't like cleaning?"

"I did. I actually enjoyed cleaning as a team. I started feeling like they were my daughters or my nieces or something."

"You just thanked me. Now, take off your clothes, please."

"Yes, Master." In seconds her clothes were a pile on the floor in the corner of our room.

"Kay, I want us to play a game together. You can't lose and neither can I. Ida and the girls win, no matter how the game goes."

"Yes, Master."

"I will lay on the bed and you will put your pussy on my mouth. I will give you as many orgasms as I can before one of us says enough. If you want to be on your back, I will be between your legs. If you want to hover above my face I'll be on my back. Want me to eat you while you're on your side? Any way you want it, I want to munch your muff."

"What's the game?"

"They get a free month's rent for each orgasm you have tonight."

"They might not pay rent until after Christmas!" She pushed me onto my back on the bed. She held my arms down with her legs and watched herself lower her pussy to my mouth. As my mouth touched her lower lips she said, "I love how you love me."

She was already wet and shared her juices. I licked her and she squirmed and made appreciative noises. Her hips could not stay still. She moved her hips slowly, painting my face with her juices and giving me access to every part of her vulva for her pleasure and mine.

I felt her start to quiver, a sure sign that she was close to her first orgasm. Her hands came down and held my hair as she pressed her puss against my face. I moved my head just a little and captured her clit between my lips. As I sucked on it I touched it with the tip of my tongue. She paid the rent for April.

My hands grabbed her hips and as she started to calm down I rotated us so she was on her back. I moved down between her legs and lapped up the juices I found flowing from her. Kay jumped. The nerves in her pussy were still very sensitive. I kept licking and nibbling gently and soon she was quivering again.

"Oh, Pete! That feels so good!"

My hands found her tits and kneaded them before touching the nipples at all. I watched my fingers trace circles around her nipples, slowly, barely touching her skin at all. My tongue drew slow circles around her tiny clit at the same pace as my fingers around her nipples. Her quivering turned to shaking and her back slowly arched.

"Pete, that is sweet torture! Suck my clit! Please suck my clit!"

My mouth opened and I took in as much of her pussy as would fit in my mouth and began to suck. Harder and harder I sucked. It was enough. Kay screamed, held my head and thrashed around on the bed. Her legs became a vise on either side of my head. Kay paid the rent for May.

My fingers found the opening to her ass and touched it. It tightened up, then relaxed. I wet two fingers in the juices of her pussy and pushed against her ass again. She took a deep breath and said, "I want you in my ass. I've never wanted it before, but I want you in my ass."

Two fingers plunged in and back out of her ass. My mouth held a suction grip on her pussy. She was quivering and having spasms. Her hands gripped the sheets like she was afraid she would fly away if she didn't hang on.

"I'm close, again! Oh God! Stars!" A moan that started somewhere near Yuma Arizona worked it's way through her body and out, becoming a scream. I pulled the two fingers out and pushed three back in. Her back arched until all that was on the mattress was the back of her head and her feet.

Suddenly, she fell back on the mattress and all her muscles relaxed. Kay had passed out. I pulled out of her and went into the bathroom. I came back with a moist cloth and two towels. I didn't get the wet spot up completely but I did get the towel under her ass and I got her ass and my hands clean.

As she started to come back, her body twitched and she moaned. She had paid their rent for June.

Kay's eyes opened and she said, "They can pay their own rent. If you touch me again I think I may die. You are the best!" Her eyes closed and in seconds she was asleep. I wiped her down with the dry towel, covered her and snuggled against her. The alarm woke us.

Kay looked at me and said, "I may walk funny all day."

"Is that a complaint?"

"No, Master, a compliment. My pussy has never felt so loved and cared for. I want to do something for you."

"Good. I will let you, but not now. Part of your training and mine when we were younger was to think that if someone does something for you, you need to do something for them. I want you to learn to accept a gift without needing to do anything in return. Then you can learn to give without an expectation of anything coming back to you."

"If you say so, Master."

"You are beginning to like the word Master, aren't you?"

"Yes. I'm realizing that it says something positive about me and something powerful about you. I think I am beginning to feel honored to be yours. You could have picked lots of other women who would gladly be your sub. You wanted me and waited while I fucked up my life. It was important that I give myself to you."

"Very good. Let's go have breakfast." Fifteen minutes later we opened the door to leave the room and Toni and Tess were standing just outside.

"Good morning ladies."

"Good morning. We thought you should know, Momma cried last night, wandered around the house..." Tess said.

Toni continued, "Hugged both of us twenty times, took a shower, got in bed, got back up..."

"And did it all again."

"But did she sleep?" Kay asked.

"Yes! It may not have been as much as she needed but I'll bet it was good."

"Let's go have breakfast." I said.

We trooped into the diner and Ida started crying. She still rushed around taking care of people and she cried. We sat and every time she went passed she touched us, she said thank you and tears fell. Customers thanked us. Max delivered breakfast himself and thanked us.

I gave Toni my business card as we ate and told her the address on the card was where rent was to be mailed, beginning the first of July.

"July? It's March. What happened to rent for April, May and June?"

"Kay paid the rent for those months for you."

"What about all the stuff you bought yesterday? Beds, blankets, rugs, curtains..."

"Housewarming gift."

Both girls went from their chairs to my lap and Kay's in under a second. We got kissed and I had titties rubbed against me with enthusiasm. When I got untangled Ida was standing by us.

"What's this all about?" She asked.

"Pete and Kay gave us all the stuff we got yesterday as a housewarming gift." Tess said.

"And they... Kay paid our rent for April, May and June!" Toni added.

Ida was holding a cup of coffee in her hand and her hand slowly lowered until the coffee poured out onto the floor. The splash woke her up and she grabbed a towel to clean it up. When she stood back up she said, "Whatever I did in my life to deserve you two coming in here the other night, I'm so glad I did it! Thank you."

There was a moment of silence in the diner. It ended when Tess asked, "Are you two angels?"

I said, "No." I'm not sure Ida, Tess or Toni believed me. I'm not even sure Kay believed me.

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Phxray54Phxray54about 1 year ago

Live in the joy of giving. That is the meaning. No matter how you get there.

jsch1947jsch1947almost 2 years ago

This story is both unrealistic and formulaic. Is it necessary to always introduce additional females into the story?

She was married to him before. She refused being submissive. (There are other types than 'slavery). The sex is completely different than the first marriage??? I can't imagine that. His attitude and preferences can NOT have changed that much.

You appreciate cunnilingus as a component to great sex. Recognizing that coitus is only part of it. Most Americans haven't a clue. (Most = over 60%). 90%+ of lit hetro writers are blind to this.

You are a great writer, but can you write stories about men who don't have unlimited resources (friends and money)?

It's wonderful to have a friendly cop who can be called to witness an elicit love nest. Not to mention, a 100,000 under the couch cushions.

rn2711rn2711about 2 years ago

Good story but something is missing. I think it's going too fast. Kay understanding after a day got example.

I want to hear more about their marriage. There are hints about the end of their marriage but nothing else. What happened? How did he come to offer her the slave contract the first time?

I'm missing some info about his financial state. He gave a very expensive gift to the waitress. How can he afford it? On the other hand he did not succeed much with the previous tenant, did he? Or did the presence of Kay made all the difference?

We don't hear much about what he thinks? Why does he want to take her as a slave? How does he know about d/s? Why does he think it will solve Kay's problems? he must have experienced it before as he knows about the process. Maybe it:s related to my previous question about the end of their marriage?

Did he really wait for Kay for 3 years? Did he prepare himself to the day she will come back (or not)? But her photo is still on his desk, so he must have still loved her.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984about 4 years ago

Good story with interesting pints.just a shame it wasn't longer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
(BC) 👈 me excellent story

Finally someone wrote a bdsm story that didn’t include sharing their partner with another man! Bravo.

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