Kelsey's World Ch. 07


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Kay looked over her shoulder at Trinny when she heard her. Austin's hips were moving swiftly, his body smoothly muscled. His open mouthed smile and closed eyes gave away how much he was enjoying himself. Kay jotted down his name on her mental dance card. The night wouldn't end until she felt that young cock inside her.

As the night wore on swaps were made, groupings were gathered and friendships were solidified. Happy and Sharron did hook up, at one point even disappearing into the house for some alone time. Kelsey went snooping and found them, melted together in a steamy sixty-nine on the living room couch. Kelsey tiptoed in, unseen by Happy. Sharron smiled and shared his nice fat cock. Happy groaned when he felt four feminine hands and two soft mouths on him, one on his cock and one on his balls.

"Are you happy, Happy?" Kelsey asked. He groaned again and smiled when he heard her sweet voice. Sharron dragged her wet pussy across his smile, and she smiled too.

The night had been a revelation to Sharon. Yes, she had been a part of group sex before, at the lake twice and at the house with Kelsey and her mom and dad, but the party that night was different. It was planned, and a broader cross section of people were there, all enjoying sex for the pure pleasure of it. The married couples were fascinating. Sharron watched how they interacted, hoping that someday she would find a man who had such love and confidence in her that he wouldn't mind seeing her with another man. It seemed like the ultimate form of love. A deep bond unlike any she'd seen before meeting Bobby and Kay. Seeing it in three other couples that night did her heart good. Bobby and Kay weren't freaks — that kind of relationship really was available, and really did work.

As she shared Happy's wet cock and balls with Kelsey, she let her mind drift to a relationship with him. Maybe Kelsey's intuition was right, maybe he was the one. Or maybe he'd think she was a skanky whore who let five men fuck her that night. Only time would tell, but she decided then and there that she was going to ask him out, after a few days had passed.

"Fuck me again, Baby," she said, her voice soft and sexy.

Happy moaned into her pussy, giving the succulent thing one last swirl of his tongue. She climbed off of him and helped him to his feet, kissing some of the shiny off his face. She took Kelsey by the arm, but Kelsey knew what Sharron wanted. The youngster took the bottom of the sixty-nine, leaving room for Happy. Sharron took the top.

"Fuck me slow, Baby," she sighed as she climbed on, arching her ass up into the air. "Make me cum."

Kelsey pulled the couch pillow under her head, getting comfortable, ready to help take Sharon high.

"Fuck," Happy said, when he got into position. "What did I do to deserve this?"

"You're a good man, Happy," Kelsey said from underneath. "Good men deserve this."

If only life were really like that, Happy thought, and then his cock sunk into Sharron again, and Kelsey sucked his balls into her warm mouth. It was as real as real can be.

"Oh, fffuuckk!" he grunted.

"Bend over me, Baby," Sharron said as she absorbed his slow thrusts. "Hold my tits."

Happy took the soft flesh in his big, rough hands, and floated off to heaven.

Charity sampled some of the other men throughout the night. Rich, Albert and Larry all spent some quality time with her, mesmerized by her innocent charms, but she always returned to Bobby, letting him slip his cock into her tightness one more time, just in case it never happened again. Trinny mentioned it to Kay at one point, late in the night when they were both having a snack in the kitchen.

"Have you noticed Charity and Bobby?" she asked. Both of them looked out through the open french doors. Charity was flat on her stomach on a lounge, with Bobby fucking her jockey style. His big cock was pumping squeals of delight from deep inside her. "Remember Marlene, years ago?" Trinny asked. "She fell for Albert hard. It was messy for a while."

"Oh, I remember, Honey," Kay said. "Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on him. That explosion in the kitchen at the beginning of the night wasn't like him at all. He usually eases into things after everybody else gets going. It's not like I don't go crazy right off the bat, but yeah, this feels a little different. I'll talk to them. Kelsey can talk to Charity, too. She's such a sweet girl. I hope this isn't too much for her."

"Well, let's not dwell on that," Trinny said. "What do you think of Austin? Good God almighty, he's almost got me where Charity is. I could run off with him without too much effort."

"Yeah, he's something isn't he?" Kay said. "God he goes deep! I thought Bobby was big! And that face! I came about eight times."

"Me too," Trinny said. "I hope this isn't a one time party, this mixing of ages. It's been kinda fantastic."

"I know, right?" Kay said. "I think our men had fun. I know Bobby did." The two women looked outside again. Bobby was glistening with sweat, still thrusting against the young, round ass under him. "She's a Pentecostal. Reads the Bible and everything."

"No!" Trinny said. "Well that explains some of it. Getting matched up with Brie for a roommate was a life changer, huh?"

"You can say that again," Kay said. They watched as Charity had yet another orgasm, all writhey and open-mouthed. Her eyes rolled back as they were wont to do. Bobby grunted and pulled out, trying to mark her again with his splurge, but he could only manage a dribble.

"They're gonna wear each other out pretty soon," Trinny said.

"Wanna bet?" Kay smiled. "Well, if he's gonna take advantage I might as well, too. Let's go find Koop and Austin."

"Ooo! There's a nice combo," Trinny said. "I like the way you think, girl."

"I want Austin in my ass before the night's done," Kay said.

"Will he fit?" Trinny asked, her eyes wide and disbelieving.

"Yup. I've had bigger in there."


"Jamaica, and...a couple other times."

"Jesus, girl! You are somethin' else..."

Kay giggled. She glanced out at Charity cuddling with her husband. Charity's eyes were closed, her head resting gently on Bobby's chest. It was fair enough, Kay thought, thinking back to all the men Bobby had let her fuck. She just hoped Charity didn't have too hard a time with things.

— — — — —

"Wow," Sharron said. She looked around at the trashed kitchen, and at the towels, clothing and empty drink glasses strewn all over the pool patio. It looked like much more of a mess in the morning light than it had the night before. "We've got some work to do."

"There's lots of clean-up after these things," Kay said. "As long as I'm walkin' funny I know it's worth it."

Sharron laughed. She was just thinking, on her walk down the stairs, that her pussy felt numb and tingly at the same time, and she was walking funny. She felt beautifully used, in a way she only used to dream of.

"So, how did that party compare to your others?" Sharron asked.

"It was wonderful," Kay said, looking a bit dreamy-eyed as she thought back on it. "Kelsey's friends really made it nice."

"I'll second that," Bobby said, groggily wandering in, smelling of sweat and sex. "Coffee please."

"You, my sweet man, may have some trouble brewing," Kay said. She pulled his head down for a peck on the lips.

"Uh oh," he said. "What did I do?"

"A certain young lady is in love with you. Can't say I blame her."

Sharron blushed, wondering if Kay meant her. She thought she'd controlled her feelings toward Bobby pretty well, and wouldn't call the affection she felt for him love, although she could have easily let it slip that way if circumstances were different.

"Charity?" Bobby said. "What happened? What did she say?"

"Nothing," Kay said. "It was plain as day though. You've got it for her too, don't you?"

"No more than usual. You know I love all my women," Bobby said, smiling a little.

"Yeah, this is different, and you know it," Kay said. She was smiling a little too, which Sharron was glad to see. "You better not lead her on. And watch yourself — her father's one of those super religious ones. He might chop your head off of something."

"Maybe we should talk to her," Bobby said.

"No, no. Kelsey and I'll be gentle with her. She's such a sweet girl, I just don't want her to go off the rails. It's all so new to her, and you're Did you stop and think maybe you shouldn't have fucked her fifteen times? And that first time, in the kitchen...good lord, Bobby, what got into you?"

"She really turned me on. You know how that is."

"I do. I just haven't seen you like that in a long time. It was fuckin' sexy though. Boy, did you two rev everybody up!"

"That's usually your job," Bobby said, kissing Kay on the top of her head.

"Watchin' that explosion you'd think having two wives wasn't enough for you," Kay said. She winked at Sharron. "You gonna help us clean up?" she asked Bobby.

"Absolutely," he said. "Can we eat first?"

"Yup. And then we clean. And then you fuck us both in the pool, nice and slow. We're both a little sore."

"Aye aye, Capt'n," Bobby said, smiling at his two wives. "Private Jonston, at your service."

"Wipe that grin of your face Private, and straighten that penis!" Kay barked. All three of them broke up laughing. Once again, Sharron was amazed at the dynamic of a healthy swinger couple.

The smell of onions, mushrooms and fresh herbs on the stove drew Kelsey out of bed. The bathroom was empty so she took advantage, standing still in the hot shower for a few minutes before washing herself clean. She dried her hair with a towel and fingered it into place. The short haircut cut was a big hit, and Kelsey loved it. She smiled every time she looked in the mirror.

"Mornin' everybody," she said. She walked around the table, pausing to kiss everyone on the top of the head. "I love each... and of you."

"Morning, Honey," Kay said.

"Mornin', Sweetheart," Bobby smiled.

Sharron smiled too, her eyes giving away her happy thoughts. She thanked her lucky stars for the day she met Kelsey.

"That was the best party ever," Kelsey announced, pouring herself a big mug of coffee.

"None of us will argue with you, Honey," Kay said. She went to the stove and tipped a nice frittata out of the sauté pan. "We had a wonderful time. Your friends are all so nice. I think Koop and Happy enjoyed themselves, don't you?"

Bobby chuckled. "Do you honestly think there's a man alive who wouldn't have enjoyed himself last night?"

"Well, I guess I mean they seemed comfortable. They fit in with everyone nicely."

"They fit in me pretty nicely," Sharron deadpanned. Everyone laughed.

"You surprised me a little," Kelsey said to Sharron. "Going off with Brie and Larry and Albert like you did. Brie said you were amazing."

"She did?" Sharron said, her eyes sparkling with delight. She thought back to how she'd disrobed so early on in the evening, next to Larry and Albert by the pool. It surprised her too. "There's something in the air around here I think. You guys are inspiring."

"I saw you walk Happy and Koop out to their truck," Kelsey said, with a little mischief in her eyes.

"Are you gonna see them, in the next few days?" Sharron asked.

"Yeah, I thought I'd drive out and see how they liked things. Later today maybe."

"You were right about Happy," Sharron said. "I really like him. Thinking about something more feels funny though, now that he's seen me with other men."

"You saw him with other women, so you're even, right?" Kay said.

"You're way too logical," Sharron said. "The real world doesn't always work that way."

"I don't know. I think there was a connection made," Kay said. "Think positive."

Kay served the clan hot frittata and fresh fruit. She refilled everyone's coffees and sat down.

"Kelsey, Honey, we need to feel out the Charity situation," she said.

"There's a situation?"

"Your father."

"Ohhh..." Kelsey said. "You think......ohhh..."

"These things happen occasionally," Kay said. "I just don't want her to get her feelings hurt. She's so sweet, and new to everything. Your father didn't help matters. He's a bit smitten himself."

"Daddy? Were you a bad boy with your daughter's friend?"

Bobby blushed a little. It was a rare sight and Kelsey loved it. "Saying no to her wouldn't have been good for her either, would it?" Bobby said, trying to work his way out of the corner he was in.

Kelsey smiled sweetly at her sexy father. She'd noticed that he always seemed to be busy at the party, most of the time with Charity. Kelsey was a little disappointed she couldn't get in on something with her dad, but he spent most of the night on the patio and she didn't want to be blatant about it.

"So what should we do, Mom?" Kelsey asked.

"Just feel things out delicately. Make sure she knows the reality of the situation, before it gets too bad. Maybe it'll be fine and I'm overreacting, but I sure saw lots of signs. If you do talk to her, make sure she knows she's welcome here any time, and your father's not off limits or anything like that. They're welcome to enjoy each other, but it just needs to stay casual."

"Sure, Mom," Kelsey said. "Maybe it's nothing, right? Stupid me, I thought Trina'd be the one Daddy'd be all over. Did you even get with her?"

"Oh yeah. I wasn't missin' out on that," Bobby said. "In the pool, with...Charity." Bobby blushed again. He was starting to realize he'd been swept up in the young girl's charms. "I guess I fucked up last night. I'd be happy to talk to her."

"Maybe, but let's just see what happens," Kay said. "Brie and Kelsey can feel things out."

Kelsey's phone buzzed on the table. She picked it up and read the text. "It's Austin, thanking me for inviting him. He says "Tell your Mom I said hi.""

Kelsey smiled coyly. Bobby did too.

"Shall I have a talk with the boy?" he said.

It was Kay's turn to blush. She was remembering how she'd ended the night, with Austin's huge young cock way up in her ass, tickling the whole inside of her. It had triggered an explosive orgasm that quite a few of the guests had witnessed.

"Kelsey, why don't you scoop up that boy?" Kay said, avoiding Bobby's question. "He's a special one."

"I know," Kelsey said. She'd been thinking the same thing lately.

It was a lovely breezy day for house cleaning. The washing machine handled load after load of bed sheets and towels. Kelsey and Sharron hung them out on the clothesline where they fluttered and snapped in the breeze. The girls put the kitchen back in order while Bobby put away the liquor bottles and picked up the patio.

"I caught some fish," he yelled, smiling as he held up Jessica's dripping dress and lingerie, retrieved from the bottom of the pool.

"What did she wear home?" Sharron asked.

"Nothing," Kay smiled.

Kelsey left when the clean-up was done, to go see Raymond. He was leaving for Brooklyn the next day. Bobby splashed into the pool. It felt cool and delicious after the short night of sleep and the morning's housework. Sharron and Kay joined him. Sharron got things started, sucking his hard cock into her mouth as he sat on the pool's edge. Kay took over, and then Bobby slipped back into the water to fuck her, nice and slow.

"I love you, Honey," Kay sighed, as he filled her with hard slippery wetness, over and over.

Bobby smiled. "I love you too."

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