Kiss of the Succubus Ch. 05

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Grace walks naked back to motel with vampire on her trail.
20.5k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 09/17/2015
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Illustrations by LunA.


"Fuck yeah, bitch!"

Neil Corliss screamed as he sped the stolen Chrysler 200 down the deserted forest road, happier than he'd been in years. Bethany Dutton sat in the passenger seat, rooting through Grace Harker's purse.

As far as Neil was concerned, justice had been served. Detective Harker had put Neil in handcuffs years earlier, and now he'd repaid the favor. He had her money, her car, and her clothes, and the helpless detective was now miles behind him. He wanted to rape her, hell he wanted to kill her, but making her walk back to her motel room completely naked was satisfying enough.

"All right, did you count it yet? How much does she got?"

"A couple hundred," Bethany said. "And some credit cards. Don't know the limit on them."

"We'll find out," Neil said. He held up the silver dagger and admired it. "This though, what do you think this is worth?"

He showed it to Bethany.

"No idea. Looks like an antique." She ran her fingertip along the blade. "Ouch! It's sharp, too!"

"That's why you don't touch the blade, you stupid bitch!"

"You don't have to be an asshole!" she snapped. Neil ignored her and kept driving.

Bethany searched through Grace's purse for some bandages, but all she could find were a pack of tissues. She wrapped her bleeding finger in a Kleenex tightly. The only other things she could find were some tampons, a tube of lipstick, a pen and notepad, and a map. Bethany looked at the roads Grace marked on the map and stuffed it back in the purse.

Neil had been a free man for over two years. He met Bethany at a strip club shortly after his release. She was a headliner dancer named Butterfly, and he'd taken her home and fucked her in a get-out-of-jail celebration. Bethany had since quit her job and now stayed by Neil's side as his permanent partner-in-crime.

"God damn it!" Neil cursed, and slammed his fist on the dashboard. "She left the tank almost empty!"

"We passed a gas station on the way to the motel..." Bethany offered.

"I know that! That's not the point."

Neil sped past the motel where he kidnapped Grace and where Grace's daughter now remained, hiding under the bed in room 12. A short drive down the road and he arrived at an Arco station. He sped inside and slammed on his brakes as he pulled up next to an available pump.

"Fill her up. I'm gonna pick up some cigarettes," Neil said. He hopped out of the car and headed into the station. Bethany rolled her eyes. She had become used to Neil's frequent outbursts, but they annoyed her all the same. She picked up the pump and placed it into the tank opening. As she went to select a grade of gas, she noticed a posting on the gas pump with a familiar face on it.

"Neil! Neil!" she shouted as her boyfriend came out of the gas station with a pack of cigarettes in his pocket and a case of beer in his hand. He opened the back seat of the Chrysler and after knocking the child's car seat aside, he placed the case of beer in its place.

"Look! It's her!" Bethany exclaimed. She pointed at the posting on the gas pump.

"MISSING: DETECTIVE GRACE HARKER. FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 661-555-5936." There was a photo of Grace Harker in her officer's uniform directly below the header.

"I'll be damned," Neil said. "You think there's a reward?"

Bethany shrugged. "Maybe. You want to go back and pick her up?"

Neil spat on the pavement. "Nah, she ain't going nowhere. I'll tell you what we're gonna do."

When the tank was filled, Neil pulled the Chrysler around to the side of the gas station.

"All right, listen. You're gonna call that number. I don't want them hearing my voice. You tell them we saw Harker at this here gas station. Give them the plate number so you sound legit. And you ask them if there's a reward. If they say no, you hang up- no wait, you tell then you're gonna hang up if-"

"I got it," Bethany said. She got out of the car and called the number on her cell phone, while Neil watched her carefully.

"San Amaury Police Department," a voice greeted.

"Hi, I have information about Grace Harker," Bethany said, trying to sound calm and casual.

"Your name, please?" the voice asked, in a flat monotone manner.

"My name? Um, Bethany Dutton."

"Where did you supposedly see the person in question?" the voice sounded as if she were reading off a list of scripted questions.

"I'm at an Arco station in Mount Franklin. We saw- I mean- I saw, Grace filling up her car, a gray Chrysler, license plate LBD 1101."

The voice paused.

"Where is this gas station located exactly?"

"It's um..." Bethany turned to look at the street names at the nearby intersection, when Neil took the phone from her.

"Yeah, is there a reward for information about this detective?" Neil asked.

"We're prepared to offer a payment of $2,000 for information leading to Detective Harker's location," the voice said.

"Two grand? That's it?"

"I'm afraid that's all we can offer at this time, sir."

Neil snorted.

"Whatever. Meet us at the station at Sparrow and Hill Plant and we'll tell you where Harker is. Bring the money."

Neil hung up the phone and tossed it back to Bethany.

"You think they'll pay us?" Bethany asked.

"If they wanna find Harker they will," Neil said, lighting a cigarette. "For now, we wait."

* * * * *

He couldn't get it off.

Joe Pratt slid the screwdriver underneath the cock cage as far as it would go, and wedged it forward. It wouldn't budge. He tried the left side, the right, and again from underneath. No matter what he tried, his penis and testicles remained locked inside.

His trip to Lowe's resulted in the purchase of a number of basic tools, and he was able to borrow a lock picking kit from a fellow officer. He spent the remainder of his evening on the toilet in his apartment, trying everything he could to get the cursed contraption off.

He tried picking the lock, but the padlock seemed immune even to professional police lock picking tools. He tried using bolt cutters but couldn't fit the blades around the padlock latch. He even tried spraying cooking oil underneath the cage, hoping he could ease the cage off intact. When pulled it, he felt like his testicles were being crushed by a steamroller and had to stop.

Joe threw the screwdriver into the bathroom sink in fury. He just needed to shoot one load, and he was sure he'd have his head straight. But as long as his penis was in that cage his sperm would stay in his balls, and neither one was coming out.

He thought about the woman who put the damned thing on him. It was Liana, the woman who'd seduced Grace's husband, he was sure of that. But there was something else Joe found familiar about her. He thought me might have seen her somewhere else at some point. Joe didn't think it was possible for him to forget a face- or body- of a woman that sexy.

He heard his cell phone ring. Sighing, he got off the toilet and trudged into the bedroom where he'd left it to charge.

"Pratt," he said.

"Hey, Joe." The voice was Officer Adriana Ramsey. She and Joe had dated several years earlier and were still on good terms.

"What's up?" he asked. He sat down onto his bed and fiddled with his cock cage with his left hand.

"Just wanted you to know we got a lead on Harker. Somebody spotted her at a gas station in Mount Franklin."

"Mount Franklin? What the hell's she doing out there?"

"Don't know, but the caller sounded legit. She had Grace's plate number."

"Well, that's good," Joe said. He didn't mention he'd gotten a text from Grace earlier that day, but it didn't tell him anything other than the fact she was alive.

"We've got a local uni on his way there to question the caller. I'll let you know how it goes. We'll find her, Joe."

Joe squeezed the cage, frustrated that his penis inside it couldn't feel the touch of his fingers.

"There's something else," Adriana said. "We think Daniel Becket might have been at Harker's house before the fire."

"No shit?" Joe asked. "Are we liking him for arson?"

"Doesn't look like it. But get this: the kid we picked up had a photo of Becket on him. He said he was told to torch the place if he saw Becket leave there alive."

Joe shook his head. "I'll be damned."

"No kidding. Something real shady is going on here, that's for sure."

"Yeah, listen, can you do me a favor?" Joe asked. "You remember the very first Balko murder? The one I worked on with Whitman?"

"The Gabby Becket murder?"

"That's the one. Can you dig up the file on that? I want to have a look at it again."

"Sure, I'll leave it on your desk," she said, sweetly.

"Thanks. Hopefully I'll be back at work tomorrow."

"Yeah, that was some bullshit. If you ask me, Warner was asking for it."

Joe smiled. Adriana always told him what he wanted to hear. He honestly didn't care if she meant it or not.

"We'll see how it goes. I'll see you tomorrow," he said.

Joe hung up his phone and set it back on the nightstand. As he turned to walk back to the bathroom, he suddenly noticed Gabby Becket seated in a chair by the door. He had no idea how long she'd been there.

"How the fuck did you get in here?"

Gabby smiled. She wore a black robe tied around her waist and sat in Joe's favorite chair with her legs crossed.

"I had a key," she smiled, holding up a brass key with a skull engraved in the handle. Joe recognized it as one he'd seen Grace carrying around the station.

"You- you're under arrest!" Joe suddenly realized how ludicrous he looked attempting to arrest a woman in his own bedroom when he was wearing only his work shirt and was naked below the waist.

"I'm under arrest? If you're a policeman I'll need to see a badge." Gabby laughed.

"Now, you listen! You better give me my badge back right now! And get this fucking thing off me!"

Gabby rose from her seat and sauntered over to where Joe was standing.

"Listen, Joey. I'll give you your badge back after I'm done with it. And I'll unlock your cock cage after you've done a little something for me." Gabby grabbed Joe's shirt and slowly unbuttoned it.

"What- what do you want me to do?" Joe felt like he was back in high school when Tiffany Bruckner, the homecoming queen, started unbuttoning his dress shirt in his father's 89 Mustang after the dance. He didn't know what she was doing but he certainly wasn't going to stop her.

"Oh, just a little favor I need you to do for me, actually a couple favors; It shouldn't take up too much of your time," Gabby said, pulling Joe's shirt from his body. She tossed the shirt onto the chair and let her eyes wander up and down his naked body.

"What favors?" Joe asked. He couldn't believe he was actually curious about what she wanted, and that he was actually considering complying.

"I can't tell you that yet. You see, it's a sensitive subject, so I need to wait until just the right time," Gabby said, gently running her soft hands across Joe's chest, arms, and hips. "For now all I can tell you is that you must do it, and when you do, you will find the rewards will be great."

She tapped her finger on the cock cage as she said "rewards," and Joe hoped she meant what he thought she meant.

"Would you like to see?" Gabby asked, batting her eyelashes while she untied the belt on her robe. Joe nodded.

Gabby opened her robe and let it fall to the floor. As he expected, she was naked underneath, and had a body that made his orgasm-deprived body melt. Smooth, flawless skin all over, round beautiful breasts that were just big enough to fill his palms, and light pink nipples practically inviting him to give them a pinch or a squeeze.

Joe felt a layer of sweat form on his palms and back as he studied Gabby's perfect form. She took a step closer to him, close enough that her breasts touched his chest. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed her body against his.

He could feel her; her full breasts pressed on his torso, her thigh grazing his, her belly flat against his own stomach. The only thing that came between them was the insidious cock cage, keeping his penis from touching her warm pussy, which he could see was dripping wet.

"Sit down, Joe," Gabby said. Joe obeyed.

She produced in her hand the brass skeleton key. She dangled it in front of his face teasingly.

"This- is the key to your darkest desires," she said. Joe tried to swallow, but his mouth was dry. "I'm going to let your dick out for a bit, but you may not touch it. Understood?"

Joe nodded. Gabby slid the skeleton key into the padlock, and turned it. The lock opened, and Gabby removed the cage. His penis immediately rose to full staff, filling Joe with welcomed relief. How nice to finally let his desperate member get some air!

Gabby knelt before him and placed her hands on his thighs. Gently, she slid her palms forward and they inched their way towards his groin. He reached for his penis himself, when Gabby stopped him.

"No touching!" she said. "You keep your hands off. If you must do something with your hands, put them on my breasts."

Joe didn't need to be given that offer twice. He put both of his hands on her swollen mounds and rubbed them gently. Gabby slid her hands closer to his penis, and softly placed her fingers around his shaft.

Her hands felt like heaven to a penis that had spent the last six hours in a cage, and in a bandage for weeks before that.

"This is just a sample of what's waiting for you after you complete my task," Gabby said. She squeezed his penis, but did not stroke. He felt himself throb inside her delicate grasp.

"Do you know who I am, Joe?" Gabby asked.

Joe was sure he did now.

"You're Gabby Becket."

Gabby smiled. "That's only partially true, but close enough. Joe, I want you to repeat after me: I am Gabby Becket's helpless slave. Say it."

Joe nodded.

"I am Gabby Becket's helpless slave," he said, and somewhere, something inside him told him he meant those words.

Gabby grinned wickedly.

"Now say: I will do whatever Gabby Becket asks of me."

Joe took a deep breath.

"I will do whatever Gabby Becket asks of me," he said, feeling oddly confident of his words.

Gabby giggled.

"Now you can squeeze my breasts a little more while you say this: Gabby Becket is the only woman I desire."

"Gabby Becket is the only woman I desire," Joe said, and he rubbed and fondled her big round breasts just as she instructed. He desperately wanted her to stroke him, even the slightest movement of her hand would have pleased him, but instead she kept it completely motionless, leaving him positively aching for attention.

"I think you have the makings of a very obedient slave. It should be very easy to manipulate you when the time comes." Gabby said.

"Thank you," Joe said, finding it peculiar that he actually appreciated that as a compliment.

"Would you like to have sex with me now?"

Joe nodded enthusiastically, practically drooling as he did.

"Well, I'm sorry, we can't do that until later," Gabby said. "Sorry for the tease, but it's very important that I know you want to. Now let's get you back in your cage."

She took his hands off her breasts, and handed him the open cock cage, and Joe looked at it disappointingly. From this angle he could see the two sharp spikes that protruded from the inside. He realized now that if he had managed to wedge it off with the screwdriver, his penis would have been twice impaled in the process.

"Come on Joey, put it on for me," Gabby said sweetly.

Joe did exactly as she asked, feeling his heart skip when he heard the cage snap shut as he closed it around his male organs once again. She handed him the open padlock, pleased at how well he was following instructions.

Joe put the padlock onto the cage and snapped it shut.

"It won't be easy Joe, but you can manage just until you do my deed," Gabby said.

Joe sighed.

"Can't you at least tell me what it is you want me to do?"

Gabby nodded.

"I suppose you're ready," she said. With that, she leaned forward, letting her breasts hang directly in front of his face, giving him time to reflect further on just how beautiful they were.

She tilted her head to one side, and moved so her lips were just inches from his ear.

"This is what I need you to do," she whispered, and told him.

* * * * *

"All right, meet me at the Arco at Sparrow and Hill Plant. I'll be there at midnight." Neil hung up the phone, and grinned. "YEAH! I just scored us some bomb-ass white!"

Bethany smiled. To her, Neil was a problem solver. His truck may have broken down on the side of the highway, but within a few hours, Neil had gotten a replacement vehicle, more spending cash, and soon, the best quality cocaine a former stripper could get.

"I hope that cop gets here soon," Bethany said, never imagining she would ever say those words. "What are we gonna say to him? If he finds Harker she'll tell him we robbed her."

"You let me worry about that," Neil said, taking a drag from his cigarette. Bethany did just that. Whatever happened, she was sure Neil would figure something out. He always did.

They waited for nearly a half-hour with no sign of the police officer. Neil had Bethany hide the Chrysler behind the station while they waited out front, smoking and drinking beer. It was a slow night at the Arco, with only a handful of cars stopping by to fill up, and they were quickly on their way. Bethany watched the nearby exit ramp for any sign of a police cruiser coming off the highway, but the interstate looked just as sparse as the gas station.

It was then that a wood paneled station wagon pulled into the Arco; Bethany was ready to ignore it since it hadn't even come from the expressway, but it didn't pull up to a pump. Instead, it rolled up next to the curb and stayed there.

"You think this is our guy?" she asked.

"Go check," Neil said.

Bethany walked towards the idle vehicle, and as she did, the driver's side window rolled down. A man in a brown suit sat at the wheel, and he looked up at Bethany as she approached.

"Bethany Dutton?" he asked.

"That's right."

He held up a badge.

"I'm Detective Joseph Pratt," Lukas Balko said.

* * * * *

She was sure she'd taken a wrong turn.

She didn't remember turning at any point during her ride in the trunk, but she remembered the Shady Woods motel was on Sparrow street, so she made a right there. Now the more she continued down the long, desolate road, the more Grace was convinced she should have either gone straight- or perhaps gone the other way on Sparrow. There was nothing but forest on either side of the road and Grace had been walking long enough that she should have come across the motel- or some building by now.

She shivered as she scurried down the empty road, feeling the night air summoning goosebumps all across her naked body. How could Neil do this to her? Kayla was all alone back in that motel room. All alone. How long would she stay put? Would she get scared and decide to leave? Ask the motel management for help? Panic gripped her, and Grace ran faster, praying to see that neon "VACANCY" sign somewhere up the road.

She debated whether or not to accept a ride from a stranger. It would get her back to the motel sooner, but what would the reaction of a driver finding a naked woman walking a deserted road late at night be? It would certainly prompt a call to the police, and Grace could not afford that. Not while Lukas Balko could hear every phone call in the state, as far as she knew.

As it happened, only one car had come down the road since Neil and Bethany dropped her off, a wood paneled station wagon, and Grace had elected to remain hidden behind a tree while it passed. She wondered now if she'd made the right choice.