Laura and Greg Ch. 05

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Greg & Laura swap with Liam and Sheryl.
14.3k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/27/2019
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This story is the property of the writer Kalimaxos.

Welcome to part five of the Laura and Greg epic. Please read the previous chapters of this story. The original four chapters were published in Loving Wives. But as this series is about swingers and group events, it will be published in Group Sex from now on.

If you read the first four chapters, you will catch up on the saga of Laura and Greg; a young upscale couple with two young children whose marriage went off the rails. They and just about all the characters are flawed. If you are looking for good versus evil characters and story, this is not it. Its just a story and they are just people.

As the plot progresses, some chapters will be here in Group Sex and others will fall in different topics according to their theme. So if you like the story and want updates of new chapters, please follow me so you can be informed of new chapter publication.

Finally, if the swinger lifestyle is something you have problems with, be warned. There is depiction of the swinging lifestyle here. In previous and future chapters that theme continues.

To those who are following the story, thank you. More is to come.

I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors. I have some in previous chapters that I plan to correct and submit for re-publishing by the admins in the future.



I was kissing my husband Greg on my back while getting fucked. Only it wasn't by my husband's nice dick. He was perched next to me as he fucked Sheryl, and her husband Liam was fucking me. Strange eh? Making out with your husband as another man is fucking you? And your husband is fucking his wife? On the same bed!

No. Its not what normal people would be doing on a Saturday afternoon, but we are not "normal" people. My husband and I are swingers. "In the lifestyle," as people in it define ourselves. Its not for everyone. And it took us some time to adjust to this life. It may not be for you, but it was for us and saved our marriage.

It was the first time all four of us had met in the swinger group apartment. Greg and I were "applying" for membership and had to get approval from all seven couples. From all the action with the Beaumonts, it looked like we had their vote locked up. Two down and five couples to go.

As my husband kissed me from above and Liam plunged his dick in my cunt, I realized how much our life had changed the las three months and how blessed I was that I still had a marriage and family. How my husband and I had found an outlet for our sex cravings for others.


Things for us were changing toward the better. But let's get you caught up on our life; the quick version.

Greg and I were finally talking to about our life and our issues. Not just about the kids and bills, but about our relationship. How much grief and pain would we have saved ourselves had we communicated with one another about our needs and issues? Instead we had resorted to the ways of our families and kept our problems to ourselves. And no communication eventually led to us drifting apart. Eventually to cheating.

Oh, I had a warning by my friend Angela at work to start talking to my husband and then get back to her. But in typical, "I know everything" fashion of modern empowered women, I ignored her advice.

Greg and I drifted with work, kids and obligations to the universe of boring less frequent sex. Sex. At that time I didn't realize how much I liked it and how important it was in my life. Not until I started cheating on my husband with some other men did I understand that sex for me was not about love, but about the fun of it; the joy of it.

But I was cheating, lying and betraying my husband. And worse of all, I was starting to lose myself in it. I became callus and selfish. I convinced myself that I deserved the fun I was having. Yes, the suburban upper middle class princess was entitled to the extramarital fun she sought. That was me. Laura Ryan-Hansen. Cheating slut.

My excuse for starting was lame actually. I saw my husband's cousin and him going to lunch and thought he was cheating on me with a hot brunette. That same afternoon I fucked Steve, the Marketing guy at my job. I was so pissed at Greg, I brought Steve's cum home in my pussy and fed it to Greg when he ate me out. Yeah, pretty nasty. And pretty low.

But it all crashed down on me the day I was introduced to his cousin at Greg's parent's house. Yeah... a brick hit me across the head. I had started cheating on a bullshit reason that I used as an excuse. I never checked if Greg was cheating on me then. I didn't check, because, because I... because without admitting it to myself, I had been looking for a reason. And excuse to cheat. And having my out, I did cheat in epic fashion.

A month after I started cheating on my husband, he began an affair with a woman that was unknown to me. Not that it would matter. I started it all and had multiple men; what if he had just one right? Well, Greg figured out I was cheating on him and cheated on me. I left signs that I was, but he too never confronted me. He too jumped on the chance to fuck someone else. He had his own green light.

We were both so messed up in our thinking. Yes, our moral compass had spun out of control. We were both lying to and betraying each other. We were both on the road to divorce-vile. Sorry for the bad joke. Its not funny when you see the family carnage divorce is to our society. What it does to families, especially children.

Having had time to think about my "condition" at the time, I think I would have found some other reason to cheat on Greg. At the time, I was asking the eternal question of wives and probably husbands of all time. "Is this all there is?"

I needed... No, actually I WANTED the ego validation of men finding me attractive and the fun of them fucking me. The illicit sexual trysts with them were all fun in one way or another. More fun than guilt. In fact, at first, there was no guilt. I was so selfish I didn't care where my cheating was leading me. All I care about was the next fuck and next dick.

Two of those men I had sex with were important than the rest. One was an army veteran trucker I picked up and managed to disrespect with my stupid comments. He got angry and was the first man to fuck my ass. I hadn't given that to my husband yet.

That part should have made me feel guilty, but how I talked to him and demeaned his service was what made me feel low for the first time in my life. Being drunk had been no excuse, because I had not been that drunk. And drinking just lets your true feelings come out. How I had treated the trucker was the source of my first true guilty feelings.

The other man, I will never mention to my husband. He is older and Greg knows him. At a moment of weakness and transparency, Greg got out of me that there was one man that was better than the rest. Just not who he was. I was vague and managed to deflect his curiosity; for the moment. I hoped he would not ask again, but I had a feeling that just as I wondered who the woman was he had the affair with, he would want to know who the special man had been for me.

Yes he had been special, but he was no replacement for Greg. I had never gone to bed with any of them for anything more than the sex. The problem with "That Man" was that he was already known to Greg and in our lives. Everyone in our family and friend circle knew him. To reveal our affair would cause problems; too many problems. Too much pain.

But he had been so good to me when we had been together. So attentive. So caring. Unlike the other men who I let have their way with me, he had spent time caring and making me cum over and over. And for the first time in my life I had discovered the joys of a big dick.

Not that Greg is small. Far from it. Greg is nice and thick as well, but my secret lover was two inches bigger and as thick as Greg; and maybe a bit thicker. Maybe it was the way his cock was shaped I think. Or how he knew how to use it. Unlike younger big dicked men who think just fucking you with it is a privilege, That Man was old enough to know better and was a good lover as well. But when he plunged that lovely cock in me, I felt so full. But what he did for me before made it special.

More intrigued that caring if I sounded shallow, I had asked my friend Angela if there were men with large cocks in the group we were joining. She smirked at that and giggled. We were eating lunch in her office.

"Laura," she said looking up from her burger. "Are you a size whore?"

The woman ate like a pig and never gained weight. I had to eat salads and exercise every day to stay trim. As a typical woman, I was comparing myself to her. Her comment knocked me down a peg in the girl to girl competition. I blushed and looked down, playing with my food. She had me.

"I am just curious," I replied finally looking up with a guilty smirk.

"What's the biggest you ever had?" she asked.

"I think it was nine inches," I replied.

Angela knew who That Man was, but I didn't need to tell her he was the one with the big dick. Cutting it off with him had been a precondition to Greg and I joining the group. Angela had agreed to keep his identity a secret.

"Well," she said looking up as if in deep thought. "None of the men are small. No exhibitionists and men in our lifestyle are. It just works out that way. The lifestyle does attract men with good equipment and nice bodies. But yes. There are a couple worth noting."

I waited for her to continue looking at her intently.

"I see I have your attention," she said biting into a french-fry. "Dave is the biggest at ten inches. His cock is slim at the top, but flares quite nicely just behind his head. Then he is..." she closed her eyes as she smiled. "THICK! Girl. Anal with that man is a challenge. But vaginal is to die for."

"Wow!" I replied. "Sounds promising."

She shook her head rolling her eyes.

"And the other?" I asked curiously.

"The other is Grover; Grove as we call him. He is mixed race Laura." She stopped to look at me. "Half black and half white. Quite handsome and hung like a horse. Eight plus inches, but he is the thickest. Thicker than Greg who comes in second. He is like what seven right?"

"Seven and a quarter," I said proudly.

"And he sure knows how to use it," Angela smiled at me.

We women can be so petty. I loved Angela by then. She was sharing her husband and lifestyle with me to help us keep our marriage together, yet she couldn't resist the jab at my ego. But by then I was coming to terms with my need to see Greg fucking other women; especially Angela. Having my husband fuck my best friend was becoming quite the source of erotic thoughts during my days.

"Is he good to you Angela?" I asked truly wanting to know.

"Your husband may turn out to be the best all-around lover in the group Laura. He is handsome, well equipped and has stamina. He eats pussy as good as a woman does and feels great in every opening a woman can give him."

"Your Joe is not so bad either," I replied. And I didn't have to lie about it.

Angela raised an eyebrow and looked back at me. Yes, we women can be caddy.

"I know Laura," she replied. "In the next few weeks you will get to meet everyone. Take my word for it. All the men are good in bed. Some better than others. But then we all have our favorites for whom we may perform better for. And some, that is best we don't play with too often."

"What do you mean?"

"Dave and Grover can be addictive if you like size. Be careful when you are with them around your husband. I would recommend you fuck them in a different room until you know Greg can handle you fucking men with bigger dicks than his."

"I hadn't thought... "

"There's a lot you haven't thought of Laura." She replied reproachfully. "Being impulsive and selfish almost ruined your marriage. I think it's time you started thinking before you do anything."

"Angela, don't you ever want to just do something impulsive?"

She smiled and sat back. I had a feeling I was talking to a schoolteacher or my grandmother.

"Laura, you and I have children. We don't have the luxury of impulsive."

She saw that after everything that happened I was still not convinced her way was the best for Greg and me.

"You still want to go out and cat around don't you?" she said.

"Well, I know I can't anymore," I replied. As soon as I heard myself, I knew I was still missing it. "But yes. There are times I just want to go fuck someone without rules and constraints."

"Well, tough shit!" Angela said and moved closer to stare me in the eye. "You listen here you stupid cunt. My husband and I are doing everything we can to get you and your husband to repair your marriage and give you an alternative to cheating so you can keep your family together. I offered help to you more than a year ago, but you turned me down. And still... after all the shit you pulled, I am still willing to help you. I let you fuck my husband and fucked yours to get you two away from your cheating lifestyle. And you still think fucking men on the side is the way to go?"

"No, no Angela. I didn't say I want to go do it. I know I fucked up when I did. I'm just saying I miss the thrill of it."

"So what? You need to know some fucken strangers want to bang you after meeting you an hour ago? That's your thrill?"

I didn't reply.

"Laura, come with me," she said and stood. I followed her out of my office to the lady's room. She made me stand in front of the large mirror. It was a floor to ceiling one that women need to check everything. We both looked at our reflections. Only Angela wasn't bothering with hers. She was looking at mine. "Laura, if you look in the mirror and don't see a beautiful, sexy and desirable woman looking back at you, you need glasses. And therapy."

She was right. I was still young, fit and healthy. I had medium length blond hair, a tight ass, slim waist, and long legs. And while I didn't think so then standing next to Angela, I had a beautiful symmetrical face. Looking back on it now at 47, I wish I was still that young looking. Don't get me wrong. I look ten years younger now, but I do because I take care of myself. Back then, my self-image as a woman was a day to day thing. After two kids, work and daily obligations, I had lost that self-confidence I used to have. And mistakenly, I had looked for it in an affair with a coworker and then other men I picked up.

"Angela, you are just a year older than me, but you had your shit together before you were the age I am now. How do you do it. I mean look at you. You are so in control and so darned sexy. All the men here want you."

"And?" she asked incredulously. "So what? I know I can get laid by half these losers here with a snap of my fingers. The rest are either too smart to have an affair with a married woman or gay."

"I guess I lost that confidence Angela."

"You're an idiot," she said and walked into a stall. "Start using that head to think. What a waste of IQ and education. I'll see you later."


And Angela was right. I was an idiot. I had cheated on my husband and he still said he loved me and wanted to keep our family together. He was still angry at me, I would tell. But he was willing to try and patch things up and join this lifestyle if it could help us. What more did I want?

But you know how it is when you are a mess inside. When you thought you can do it all, be "anything you want" and felt entitled to it. Yeah. I had bought in to that self-indulgent feminist bullshit. Unrestricted female empowerment. No person lives life without some boundaries and rules. Think different? Good, let's see you walk off a cliff because you feel entitled to be able to walk on air. Oh... you think I'm silly?

Well, think it out. Gravity hurts when you hit the rocks under a cliff. It's not a question of being held down by the patriarchy society. If you screw up, your life falls apart. There is no do over. Especially when you have young kids that depend on you. And Greg and I had two of them. Neither child was an accident. We planned them. They deserved two parents who loved them and cared about them. Not two idiots for parents who were off the rails.

And the reality is exactly that when you are a parent. If you truly give a shit about your kids over your own wants. YOU DON'T have the luxury of doing stupid self-indulgent things. You have to think about your life and do what works best for your family and those innocent kids you brought into the world.

I know, you are now thinking I am lecturing you. If you are a parent and has been through this, you know I am right. You know that you and your spouse need to have it together for your kids. And if your relationship as husband and wife is not working, your kids are likely to be the ones suffering from your bad choices. If you are lucky, you got a wake-up call and did something about it. If not, you fell off that cliff and took your family with you.

What Angela and her husband offered Greg and I was a lifeline as we were drowning. A way to have the sex with others and still save our marriage and family.

Everyone thinks all swingers are the same. Most of these misconceptions are from people who have little understanding of the culture. Their views of it are based on media representations that are often loaded and inaccurate. You have your self-righteous who think any extramarital sex is evil. I respect people who take their marriage seriously and want to cheating. Power to them if they can pull it off. But it's not for everyone.

Some of us separate sex from love. And lets face it, ask an anthropologist and they will tell you that humans were not designed to be monogamous. That is a construct created to avoid strife in society and set up rules. Rules to make sure that a husband is raising his own children, not another man's. And for women to have control over their husband sexually as they decide how much sex the man has and what he has to do for her to get it.

Yes, Angela and Joe were becoming what people call swingers or "in the lifestyle," but they had rules in their conduct. So did the rest of the group they were part of. One of the major rules was they did not have open marriages.

And open marriage lets the two spouses date and have sex with others. Some couples do set some basic rules to it, but mostly each spouse goes on dates with someone else while the other either stays home or goes on a date of their own. Each open marriage spouse has at least one or more sexual partners outside the marriage. How much they share with each other about their dates and choices is up to the individual spouse. That doesn't always happen.

Occasionally, one spouse or both will withhold information about a lover's existence or how far they go with that lover. Its accepted that the other spouse has sex with their lovers. But what that spouse and their lover do during the date is not always shared with the other spouse. That can lead to lying and betrayal. Especially if one of the spouses falls in love with one of the lovers.

Even if the open marriage spouses don't intent to fall in love, they open that door. The divorce rate for such marriages is atrocious.

What Angela's group did to avoid such issues, was prohibit the members from dating other people and having open marriages at all. Being found out in such behavior, meant expulsion.

Members in the group had access to their spouse and six other men or women. That would increase to seven when we became a part of the group. The thinking was that if a person was not content having sex with seven other people outside their marriage, they didn't belong in the group.

Every couple was married and had children. The idea was that they all had the same to lose and gain by following the basic rules. Violating them meant the couple, not just the person who broke the rules, were expelled. No single male or female could be in the group to cause rifts and be shopping for a new mate from the group spouses.