Leaving It All Behind

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Trying to escape the fallout from a wife's betrayal.
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Some of the comments from "The Wrong Man" asked for more of Karin Roland, our one-legged private detective. So, she makes a second appearance in this little tale.

More mayhem than sex below, you are forewarned.


David Carson stood in his bedroom doorway watching the two people on the bed attempt to hump themselves into the next century. One of the participants was his wife Torrie; it took him thirty seconds to figure out the other was Joe Benetti. David didn't stay after ascertaining the identity of his wife's paramour, he didn't get hard or any other perverted reaction he heard might take place if you caught your wife fucking another man. He took a photo and then turned around, walked downstairs and poured a triple shot of Jack Daniels into his favorite glass. He'd make certain to get this glass in the divorce, it was irreplaceable.

Now David knew why his wife hadn't answered her phone when he called to let her know he was coming home early from his business trip. David saw her phone on the table in the living room, a pile of clothes surrounded the table. What a fucking cliché, coming home early and finding your wife in bed with another man. The bitch of it was she's humping that asshole blowhard Benetti. Joe is the younger brother of one of the local 'made' men, and even though the mob would never let Joe in the inner or even outer sanctum, he still carried some juice because of his brother -- and Joe made certain everyone knew it.

David drank his whiskey while looking through the frig for something to eat; it had been a busy day and his last meal was a carton of yogurt at the breakfast bar in the Marriott Fairfield this morning. He found the doggy bag of chicken, Joe and Torrie must have had dinner at the Hunters' Lounge before coming back for their 'dessert'.

Any uninitiated outsider might wonder why David was so unaffected by his wife's adultery, but the simple fact was -- David knew Torrie was a slut when he married her three years ago, how many women get drilled in all three holes on the first date? She told him she was a changed woman, and David didn't have a reason to doubt her fidelity until this evening, so maybe people can't really change who they are.

Another fact -- David was tired of all the drama surrounding his marriage to Torrie, the woman could get worked up over the smallest thing, and David recently considered just divorcing her. At least now he had a decent excuse and could walk out with a clear conscience and maybe most of his assets.

David finished the cold chicken and a second triple whiskey and was just about ready to leave when Torrie walked into the kitchen and started to scream.

"David! What the hell! What are you doing here?"

"Live here."

Just then Joe came rushing into the room, he was buck naked and had the lamp from David's nightstand in his hand. He caught sight of David and came to a quick stop.

"Dave, what the fuck you doin' here?"

"Live here."

Joe always had the aptitude of a third grader and obviously took David's low-key response as fear.

"Well, cuck -- get the hell outta here before I bust you up. Your old lady and I have some unfinished business." Joe waved the lamp above his head as he shouted his warning; David decided he just about had enough.

Sitting on the kitchen counter was the expensive knife set his aunt and uncle gave the couple for their wedding present. With the whiskey clouding his reasoning, David contemplated his options; having never done anything like this; he chose the long carving knife, last used when they hosted his in-laws for Thanksgiving.

None of the three occupants of the room realized what took place until after it happened. David shoved the knife into Joe's stomach and up into his diaphragm. The terror in Joe's eyes was surreal, David looked into those eyes -- he had never killed a man before; hell, his last fist fight was in grade school. As David looked into those eyes -- he wondered - what was Joe thinking? Was Joe aware he would die in a matter of minutes? Was he thinking about his sorry life, or about the wife and son he would never see again? As Joe slumped to the ground, David knew those last moments of consciousness were lost to the ether. No one would ever know Joe's last thoughts.

When Joe's body hit the floor, Torrie began to scream. David did something else he never contemplated before, he hit Torrie square in the nose and knocked her out, the first time he ever struck a woman in his life.

The gravity of what just transpired sobered David. He looked down at Joe, then his wife. David knew he just signed his own death warrant. Joe's brother, John, would have him killed for this; and he knew the killing wouldn't be quick or painless. John Benetti had a reputation to maintain and David would serve as another example of how no one messes with a Benetti.

He looked down at his wife, laying unconscious on the floor next to the dead man. He almost shouted out loud, "Damn, Torrie; why the hell did you have to fuck a Benetti?"

Relatively sober now, David considered what he would do. He carried her to their bed, tied her up with a few of his silk ties and placed a gag in her mouth. Then wandered into the den to fire up his computer.

Is there any limit to the information that exists online? David opened up a Bing webpage, someone at work once said Google tracks all the inquiries, and whether this information was true or not, the last thing he wanted was someone tracking his web searches tonight. He typed, "How to Disappear"; multiple articles appeared, and he studied these while taking copious notes. Other inquiries produced more information. By four in the morning, he had a plan. He checked on Torrie, she was struggling against her binds, but didn't seem in too much pain. He laid down on the bed in the guest room and grabbed a few hours of sleep.

When David woke at eight, he untied Torrie and let her use the toilet without taking the gag from her mouth. He contemplated for a moment whether to ask her: why; but thought she'd just use the opportunity to blame him or make some other lame excuse.

He tied her back on the bed and whispered in her ear, "Just sit tight for a while. Sorry, but I'm not going to die because you decided to fuck some asshole. I'll call someone tomorrow and let them know where you're at, you'll have twenty-four hours of discomfort, I'll spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. Good-bye." David looked one last time at this woman, later he would try and understand what ever possessed him to marry her, how could he have been so stupid? Right now, he was more concerned with the 'to do' list of actions he needed to accomplish before becoming a shadow.

At the top of the list were the steps necessary to secure the greatest amount of money from his various resources and getting those funds out of the country without being stopped by the authorities. Cash advances on credit cards, getting money from his investments, tapping his home equity line. Would the flurry of activity raise red flags? Not if done correctly, according to what his online resources suggested.

By one in the afternoon David had one hundred thousand and a first-class ticket to Rome. From Rome he'd take advantage of the new European Union rules and fade into one of the small semi-autonomous regions that enjoyed lax oversight of foreigners.


Karin Roland was sitting at the desk in her office trying to figure out a way to tell her client, without completely destroying the woman, that the client's husband was screwing his secretary. From their earlier conversations, Karin knew the client loved her husband, too bad she was married to a shit.

As Karin concentrated on her terminal, she heard the outer door to the office open, her administrative assistant was out for lunch and once again left without locking the outer door. Karin glanced over at the prosthetic leg sitting in the corner. The damn thing was bothering her again and needed another adjustment. Karin wondered if she had time to get it back on her knee stub in time.

No such luck; the door to her office opened just after she heard a male voice call out, "Hello?"

The man stuck his head in the door, not a bad looking guy, southern European, most likely. He smiled, but there was just a hint within that smile that it was only just there for show as he spoke. "The door was open, is it OK for me to bother you? I have a person that needs finding."

Karin saved her work on the computer and waved the stranger in. Without getting up, she extended her hand and introduced herself.

"Karin Roland -- how can I help you?"

The stranger took her hand and held it a little too long. Was that intended to seduce or intimidate her?

"My name's John Benetti. My sister, Torrie Carson, is trying to find her wayward husband. He pretty much wiped out their accounts and left the country, we know he took a flight to Rome last year. She thinks he should know she had his baby. I personally think she's better off raising the kid by herself, but how do you argue with a mother? We have hired two different agencies in the past year and both failed. I got your name through a friend.

"Anyway, she keeps asking me to help find him and I keep trying; his name is David Carson."

John Benetti's tale didn't immediately raise any alarm bells. She told him about the difficulties tracing someone in Europe, but that it wasn't impossible. She had the contacts and resources to make it happen. She also discussed the fees and estimated the costs. Benetti never flinched at any of this.

"Can I meet with your sister?"

"Sure, I can have her here today or tomorrow. What time?"

"If you can come by tomorrow morning at nine with Mrs. Carson, I'll have the contracts ready for your signature. She'll need to answer a few questions for background."

Benetti left. Funny, he must have seen her leg in the corner, but didn't react in any way. Karin didn't give the matter much more thought and returned to the report for her client.

At nine the next morning John Benetti returned to the private detective's office with Mrs. Torrie Carson. Karin noticed two things right off the bat; Mrs. Carson had once been punched in the nose hard enough to break it and Mrs. Carson looked scared. Maybe a battered wife? Why did these women always want the abusive husband to return; couldn't they understand how much better off they'd be without worrying about getting hit?

Karin asked questions: Has your husband been to Europe before? Where and when? Did any particular city or region appeal to him? Does he know any foreign languages? On and on, Mrs. Carson did a fair job of answering these and more. But, as the three of them talked, Karin re-evaluated her initial suspicions. Mrs. Carson wasn't afraid of her husband, she was afraid of her brother -- John Benetti.

Karin gave serious consideration to refusing the assignment, but Karin needed the money and against her better judgement gave Mrs. Carson a contract to sign.

Karin's husband, Bill, was in the hospital fighting for his life. How does a thirty-five-year man who has never been sick in his life develop cancer? Although Bill had decent insurance and his company was paying half wages during his fight for life, the Roland family was hurting financially. Karin needed this assignment to keep the bills paid.

The contract was signed and John Benetti wrote out a check for the deposit.

Karin wanted to check up on Benetti and Carson, but she'd have to do it without the usual assistance. Her contacts at the NYPD had all dried up. A few officers were recently fired for unauthorized inquiries on the various criminal databases. The officers lost their jobs and most of their pensions; every detective agency in the city was now howling without the means to get this kind of inside information; and a whole host of police officers lost a nice supplement to their pay. The city only caught and fired a handful of officers providing this service, but everyone got the message.

Karin would have to wait until Hank returned this weekend from overseas before she could get any deep background. Hank was retired from a well-known intelligence agency and currently worked for a private intelligence contractor; Hank's offshore contacts would be helpful in finding Mr. Carson, if David Carson hadn't already sneaked back into the country. Karin started her own background inquiries immediately: social media, newspaper articles, etc.

By the time Hank returned on Friday, Karin's own research provided enough information for her to be concerned. David Carson was wanted in connection with the murder of a Joseph Benetti. Joseph Benetti's obituary didn't mention a sister named Torrie Carson, but did name John as a brother. John Benetti was once indicted in the 90's on racketeering charges, but never convicted. The newspaper article covering the court case stated Benetti was rumored to be a member of the Gambino crime family.

Still, it sounded as if this David Carson was a criminal, even if he hadn't been convicted of the crime, and Karin needed the money.


David Carson woke up as the sun came streaming in the southeast window. The sunshine wasn't the only thing coming through; the sound of a few dozen diesel engines made their way to his ears as the fishing boats left the harbor. David got up, took a leak and washed himself off with a cloth.

Re-entering the bedroom of the one room apartment, David looked down on the sleeping beauty in his bed before turning the coffee pot on. He sat on the bed reading a paperback while waiting for the coffee to brew. When he heard the blonde's breathing change, he reached over to rub her back. Lisa opened her eyes and a smile crossed her face.

"Do I smell coffee?"

"Yea, you ready for a cup?"

"In a minute, maybe. Any chance you cleaned up after last night?"

David knew exactly what Lisa meant. "Yea, I washed after I took a leak."

Lisa rolled over and didn't waste a second before engulfing David's cock in her mouth. She continued to deep throat as David's cock grew to its full length. Few women could take the whole thing, Lisa made it look easy.

"Lisa, you need to stop if you want it inside you, I'm almost ready to pop."

Lisa answered him by doing that special thing with her tongue; no wonder guys love it when their girlfriends get a stud in their tongue. Lisa moved the stud against that sensitive spot just below the peehole. David grabbed Lisa's head on both sides and let rope after rope stream down her throat.

Lisa made a show of letting David's cock fall out of her mouth without letting any of his cum drip out and then she swallowed.

"That's payback for all those orgasms you gave me last night. Now, please pour me a cup of coffee."

David ended up in this sleepy fishing village within two weeks of landing in Rome on that fateful day last year. His cost of living was minimal, he was supplementing the one hundred grand with odd jobs around the village, including the fact he was one of the few people in town that understood Windows. A number of businesses in town and around the province needed computer support and David provided it for cash or in trade.

Since no one ever asked to see his passport, David passed himself off as a Canadian from Ontario and changed his name to John Davis ("call me Davis"). Close enough to "David" that he always answered to it, even when drunk.

After six months of self-imposed celibacy - watching his wife rut with that bastard had thrown his self-esteem into a tailspin - David (now Davis) was approached by the cute blonde one night in a bar where most of the foreigners hung out.

Lisa Walker was an Australian touring Europe after graduating from the University of Sidney, where she majored in Physiology and spent four years on the varsity volleyball team. Her first year after graduation was spent trying to win a spot on Australia's Olympic Beach Volleyball squad. Having failed that, Lisa eventually ended up in Catalonia via Ibiza. Lisa noticed the quiet, good looking man on two previous occasions and decided this was the night she would introduce herself. Within ten minutes Lisa knew his name was John Davis, he was a Canadian, and she knew she would be fucking him before the night was out.

She did -- and it was fucking fantastic.

What Lisa didn't know was this - Davis had spent the past couple months of celibacy reading women's porn. Trying to figure out what went wrong with his last sexual relationship -- why did Torrie feel the need to step outside their marriage? Whatever the reason, the next woman was guaranteed to have her bell rung.

And Lisa became the lucky recipient of all that research. Never in her life had she cum so many times in one night. It was so good, she came back the next night for a repeat.

Two weeks into their relationship, while recovering from her third orgasm, Lisa couldn't help herself, she had to know.

"Davis, I may forever regret asking this, but what's the deal with the sex? I kind of feel like I'm on the back end of some porn script. Don't get me wrong, the orgasms are out of this world, but I can cum from my vibrator."

Davis was stunned. He figured all the moans and movement meant he had this thing figured out. What the hell? His face showed his obvious confusion and Lisa knew she needed to scramble before this escalated.

"OK Davis, let me explain.

"Stop putting your tongue in my ass. Yes, it feels unworldly and it drives me up the wall; but I'm not going to kiss you after your mouth has been there. But that thing you do when you tickle that spot between my cunt and ass -- yea, keep that.

"And the whole restraint thing. Maybe some frustrated feminists think it's a good thing, but I never thought much of the "Fifty Shades" crap. Sounds good as a fantasy; but in reality, I don't know more than two girls who like it.

"You've got a nice size cock, Davis. It fills me up and hits all the right spots. When you're fucking me with that thing, I don't need all the extraneous crap. I guess what I'm saying is this, less mechanics and more love-making, you've got the equipment."

So, that's what he did; and four months later Davis and Lisa were still dating, still exclusive and still enjoying the sex. Davis even contemplated asking Lisa to move in with him.


It ended up taking two weeks for Karin and Hank to find David Carson in Catalonia; but in those two weeks Karin's conscience started bothering her, enough that she made a decision to return Benetti's money. She called and asked if he could come into the office the next day. When Benetti arrived, Karin claimed it was a lost cause, Carson may even be dead. She handed Benetti a check, less her expenses, and told him she failed. Benetti took the check, but something during the exchange left Karin with an uneasy feeling.

Two days later Karin was leaving the office in time to meet the children when they got home from school. Bill was out of the hospital and doing his best to be helpful around the house, but this morning he had a round of chemo; which meant he would be too sick to make dinner. It would be the usual post-chemo rough night for him.

As Karin approached the subway station a black SUV pulled next to her, the rear door opened and John Benetti was staring at Karin with a pistol pointed at her.

"Get in."

Karin was about to attempt an escape, even with her prosthetic leg she could move better than most people assumed, but she saw something in the car that made her stop. Her daughter, Hanna, was sitting in the seat next to Benetti. Karin gave up and entered the vehicle.

"I know you found something. I think it's in the best interest of your daughter here for you to give it to me."