Lisa's Second Chance Pt. 05

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Lisa meets the Stormbugs and a population surge results.
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Part 5 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/06/2017
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Lisa is an attractive, blonde 25 year old human living and working on earth. Alien life had been found over 100 years ago and various shady government programs existed but were kept secret from the population. Space travel had become affordable and a growing industry blossomed. Fresh from a broken relationship and with no prospects, she meets a new friend. This encounter will change her life forever as she joins the secret Interstar breeding programme, initially, not of her own choice.

Part 5 -Time to shine

Normal life became bliss in my new home. Each day was filled with love and affection, I had been with two alien species and ended up loving the experience. I also felt like I was really helping these creatures, saving their races from extinction. What a nice way to spend my life.

Jeannie was away breeding with the Floxatorin on the other side of the island so Aretta and I had been hanging out as usual. We were both heading to the Spa for an afternoon of relaxation and we were both surprised when Martha instead of Helena greeted us at the door. "Oh, just who I was looking for!" She said with a smile, turning to Aretta, she said, "you remember the Stormbugs?"

"Oh yeah," replied Aretta quickly, "That was last year right? I bred them, that was one I won't forget any time soon."

"Well," Martha continued "The larva were destroyed when they landed back on their planet, something to do with the landing capsule burning up as it landed."

"Oh No!" Replied Aretta, who was looking sad, "After all that and they don't make it."

Martha put her arm out and rubbed Aretta's shoulder as she continued "I know, that really sucks but we have a new delivery of two batches in the lab, would you two like to handle that?" I looked at Aretta who glanced at me and suddenly grinned.

I said "Yes, of course Martha, whatever you need."

She smiled at me and Aretta looked at Martha "You know I'll do it, right?"

Martha laughed, "The Stormbugs really do it for you Aretta don't they?"

"Fuck yes!" Aretta said, almost at the same time she let out an uncharacteristic dirty laugh

"I'll get Helena to help me too," Martha continued "It is going to take all four of us." Martha turned to walk away but looked back at us and said, "Tonight? Maybe 10pm?"

Aretta and I both said yes at the same time. Martha laughed at us mumbling "You two!" as she turned and walked away down the corridor.

The thought of another breeding session made me get immediately wet and I felt a lovely, warm tingling sensation run through my body. After the slugs, I really didn't care what they were. Aretta squeezed my hand "Oh god baby, these things are the best, this is gonna blow your mind." I grinned at Aretta and bit my lip. We now had to somehow wait all afternoon for our time to come, every moment seemed to take forever. Aretta suggested that we go for a swim in the big lake and then get ourselves ready after dinner. I agreed, it seemed like a great idea and the thought of cooling off in the water was very appealing.

Aretta and I walked through the jungle to the lake and stripped our clothes off. The lake was around a mile long and just under a mile wide. It was like a paradise. I asked Aretta about the Stormbugs and she told me that she wasn't going to spoil the surprise!

It seemed to be an unwritten rule on the island that no one talked about the breeding of a particular species unless all the people present had experienced it. That made sense to me, as curious as I was, the policy of not knowing the details was very clearly working.

Aretta and I walked naked into the cool lake, we waded up to our waists and then started to swim. The water felt cold and relaxing as I swam. Only the sound of the water splashing and the occasion bird broke the silence. For a while, I forgot about the Stormbugs and enjoyed my swim. I thought about Aretta and occasionally caught sight of her as I turned my head, I felt warm inside, I loved this woman so much, I couldn't believe that I got to be with her. Surely, I was the luckiest girl alive?

I reached the far side of the lake first and crawled up onto a sand bank and watched Aretta swim towards me. As she reached the shallow water, she stood and I watched the water drip from her perfect body as she slowly walked towards me with a smile on her face, like always. I reached up for her and she knelt, then laid on the sand with me. I felt her cold, wet skin, touch mine and I savoured the feeling of her touching me. We lay there, talking about nothing in particular for about half an hour. We stood up and walked back into the water for our swim back. As I approached the small bank where we had started from I began to feel the familiar butterflies in my stomach that always preceded a breeding session.

Aretta and I climbed out of the water and took a rest. I was feeling really refreshed. I don't remember what we were talking about as we got dressed but I do recall that we were laughing. We were both wearing our usual choices of skimpy white panties and a bra, in fact, we were both wearing identical underwear. I wore my black shorts and white top while Aretta looked gorgeous in her floral summer dress.

Aretta looked at me with a lingering look and said "Lets not get dressed up, its getting dark, why don't we just go straight to the lab? I don't feel like waiting"

I thought for just a moment, "Yes, I don't either, lets go and get it done." Aretta smiled and holding hands, we began our walk back to the village and to the stone building of the lab complex.

Once we arrived and let ourselves in we found Martha drinking tea in the break room. "OK, I knew you two would be early" she said between giggles "I think you make the perfect couple" she observed as she grinned at us. We sat with her while she finished her tea. Martha asked about our afternoon and we told her all about our swim and walk in the jungle. Martha stood up and looked at us both "Why don't you wait here while I go and find Helena?"

"OK" Aretta replied while I smiled sweetly.

Martha and Helena arrived back in the break room and I stood and hugged Helena. Martha said "Come on then girls, lets go" and we followed them out of the room and across a couple of corridors before Martha swung open a door into a dark room with two chairs with leg stirrups. The chairs were facing each other and already set up. The lighting was dark blue and there was no natural light. It felt dark and gloomy but I kind of liked it. There were tanks of what looked like water, one by each of the chairs. I could see something moving in each one.

"These are the pregnant Stormbugs" said Aretta, as she took my hand and pulled me over for a closer look. I peered into the liquid and focused my eyes on them, they were huge, the size of a female arm tapered off at one end and covered in little lumps, they moved in the water like eels. Aretta sensed my next question and just as I opened my mouth, she giggled "don't even ask!"

"Say hello to your old friends." Helena said to Aretta who kissed her finger and placed it on the back of the bug. Aretta took a last look and stood up, raising her eyebrows at me.

"Are you both ready to get started?" said Helena. Aretta and I took the cue began undressing each other, leaving our panties on we started kissing each other deeply before we parted and moved to a chair each. Helena was to be my helper and Martha was with Aretta. I stood between the stirrups and Helena slid off my panties and I climbed up, Martha took off Aretta's panties at the same time and they helped us into position. I leaned back and lifted up my legs as Helena adjusted the stirrups so my thighs were wide apart. I could see Aretta sitting there with her pussy exposed and her lovely long legs wide open which turned me on even more.

Martha turned to Helena, "We'd better get undressed too, remember how messy this gets?"

"Oh yeah!" said Helena "It was a little wet last time!"

With that, Martha and Helena stripped their clothes down to their panties so we could admire their sexy bodies. I did like looking at these two more mature women, I loved them dearly and found them so beautiful.

Almost at the same time, Martha and Helena knelt between us. I looked down to see Helena's head sink between my legs and she started kissing my pussy lips. I wasn't expecting it but I was always happy to let these women do what they needed and wanted with me. I could hear from Aretta's moans that Martha was doing the same. I moaned out loudly as Helena pushed a finger from each hand into my pussy and stretched it open sideways quite firmly, she was making my pussy gape. "Oh fuck!" I cried out as my entrance got stretched wide. Helena kept probing and stretching my pussy and then started sucking my clit,

I closed my eyes but then I heard the familiar sound of Aretta cumming. I thought I had more control but I lost it big time as Helena dragged her teeth over my clit. I came so hard and so suddenly. My squirt hit her right in the face. As I opened my eyes, panting for breath, she was smiling back at me, my juices dripping off her face. "Lisa is ready" said Helena, almost laughing at the irony,

Aretta added "I'm fucking ready too!" In a squeaky and out of breath voice. Everyone kind of giggled and caught their breath. I focused on Helena standing between my legs who was now pulling on long rubber gloves, she bent down and I heard splashing, I knew she was trying to fish the Stormbug out of the liquid, Martha was way ahead and I could see her stand up slowly in front of a grinning Aretta, holding the squirming creature in both hands. I watched as Martha carefully put the tail of the creature inside Aretta. She literally screamed and laughed at the same time as Martha pushed the wriggling creature into her pussy. "Oh damn! Fuck! Yes!" Aretta screamed. I could not take my eyes off Aretta, in seconds, she went rigid and cried out as her body experienced an orgasm and she sprayed a jet of cum at Martha.

While I had been watching Martha and Aretta, I had failed to noticed that Helena had finally caught the creature for me. I looked at her wide-eyed as she bent down and I felt the rounded tail touch my pussy entrance. Helena, held it still and I saw her lick her lips as she looked up at me from between my legs "Are you ready honey?" She asked me quietly. I gritted my teeth and nodded then put my head back and waited. I was so wet and Helena simply pushed the thing steadily into my body, stretching my pussy open with the bulbous bug as she slid it inside me. I felt it hit my cervix in no time and I suddenly tensed up as it started wriggling inside my filled-up pussy. I realised that I was almost screaming with the intense pleasure and I felt another orgasm building. I arched my back as the bug began thrashing around in me.

I opened my eyes and saw Helena staring up at me. "I'm gonna cum" I blurted at her which made her grin. Another wave of orgasm overtook me, but Helena just held the bug still inside me. I lost count of the orgasms but both Aretta and I pretty much came continuously so intense was the stimulation from this creature. All of a sudden I felt the creature tense up and stop moving, in short order, I felt a little pressure on my cervix,

I looked down at Helena and she looked back at me, raising her eyebrows , "Does that feel like it's in just the right place?" She whispered "Gasping through the pleasure, I felt the tail pressing on my cervix and I nodded, "OK baby, I'm gonna push it in there, here it comes." Helena slowly pushed as I screamed and screamed. I could feel the small, ball-shaped tail of the bug being pressed into my cervix and then, all of a sudden I felt my cervix give in and open allowing the tail of the bug to slide into my womb accompanied by another intense orgasm.

The bug had more or less stopped moving all together but then it began to shake and I felt it shrink suddenly inside my pussy at the same time I could feel something hot and almost lumpy spraying into my womb. "H-o-l-y f-u-c-k." I screamed. Aretta was screaming and almost howling. Helena looked at me "That's it baby, it's all done, its all inside you now, we got it all in your womb, well done, please relax and let me pull it out." Helena gave the now-limp creature a gentle pull and it slide back out of my cervix and slopped out of my pussy.

I sank back into the chair, gasping. After a few minutes, I looked down, expecting to see my pussy leaking with whatever was just squirted into me but there was nothing there. Aretta looked over, she sensed my confusion and, gasping for breath, she said "It's the egg spawn Lisa, its too thick to run out and is safely in our wombs" Instinctively, I put my hands on my belly and felt the area a little swollen. I couldn't help but smile. Helena stroked my body as I began to relax.

Martha and Helena moved away from us and took their gloves off. They hugged each other as Aretta and I recovered. We were both watching them as they ran their hands down between each other and rubbed each others clits through their panties while they were standing, I felt for them, they must have gotten so turned on as we were bred. Aretta and I were both grinning at each other from our chairs. Soon Martha was cumming and I heard her squirt splash on the floor, I was astounded that she had squirted with such force through her panties. Helena screamed out as her orgasm took her. They both looked at each other and giggled as they breathed deeply and held on to each other as they recovered.

Both Aretta and I were taken back to the Spa, Martha and Helena thanked us as they always did before leaving us to be cleaned and then given a long massage by girls that we hadn't met before, Sophie and Claire, they were sweet and we chatted as they rubbed and kneeded our tired bodies. We knew the pleasures that awaited them. I looked at Aretta, "How long know?"

"About 2 days" Aretta replied quietly. We would have to stay in the lab until then just in case something went wrong. We had a comfortable guest room and Martha and Helena kept coming to check on us. I think we were so tired that we fell asleep in seconds once we got into bed that night.

Over the next two days, we remained in our room. Martha checked in on us every hour during the daytime. After I while I felt my stomach growing slightly, it didn't look pregnant or anything but just swollen and expanding, it was feeling a little uncomfortable by the time the entire two days had passed. I felt like things were moving in my womb, which after all, they were! Aretta felt the same and we held each other as we lay in bed that evening. We knew they would be ready to come out very soon.

I could sense that the time was getting close, there seemed like a lot of movement and pressure in my stomach. Neither Aretta or I had dressed that day. Martha came back and asked us to lay down before she felt each of our bellies. "I think it's time we went back downstairs," she said.

Martha took out her communication device and called up Helena "Sweety, they are ready, can you come back now?" Martha said in her call. I was ready for whatever needed to happen. I got to my feet and grabbed Aretta's lovely hand and together we very slowly walked down the stairs and back into the room where we had been impregnated two days earlier.

Helena arrived just as we got there. "Oh wow, you two look wonderful," she said as she watched us slowly making our way to the middle of the room. I kissed Aretta and told her that I loved her before we made our way back to our chairs. Helena helped me get up and, once I was in position she adjusted the restraints on the chairs so that my legs were higher and my ass was hanging over the edge of the chair, I could just about see Aretta who had been moved into the same position by Martha.

Helena and Martha wheeled in tanks filled with liquid and put beneath us. Aretta had told me that sexual stimulation releases the spawning of the creatures, Helena and Martha would help us with their fingers, they could not put their mouths near our vaginas as it would not have been good to accidentally swallow any of the larva.

Martha looked from one of us to the other "Shouldn't be too long," she said as Helena started to stroke my thighs, I could feel the bugs moving faster inside me. I felt a little, sudden pressure in the top of my vagina, deep inside, then I realised, there was liquid running from my pussy and I heard it splash into the tank.

Helena looked down "Ahhh my love, it's starting." I relaxed as Helena started using her experienced fingers on my pussy again. She kept rubbing them over my ass as well and then across my clit rubbing in the liquid that was dribbling from my pussy. Pretty soon Aretta and I were moaning away yet again. Helena's fingers were making squelching noises as they worked. I was just thinking that I was wanting to cum when I suddenly felt a huge pressure in the top of my pussy and I knew it was going to get serious now, It didn't hurt but felt strange as the baby Stormbugs wriggled at my cervix.

Helena saw me jump and smiled as she bent forward and pulled apart my pussy lips with her fingers, so she could see inside me. She looked up with a huge smile. "They're about to come baby girl." Her voice was comforting. With those words, her fingers pinched my clit gently I felt an orgasm overtake me. I wasn't prepared for what happened next, I felt pop after pop inside me and I screamed as the bugs wriggled and forced through my cervix and I felt them filling my pussy. They seemed to be sticky and one after the other, the bug larva forced themselves into my vagina, stretching me from the inside out. I was screaming as I came again again and again.

I was vaguely conscious of Aretta who was, by now, also cumming time and again. I managed to look at her and saw larva dropping from her pussy into the tank as her body shook. I felt Helena push her fingers into my pussy and start pulling the bug larva out and dropping them into the tanks, splash after splash as my womb and pussy contracted over and over forcing the little wriggling worms out of my body with the occasional help of Helena's fingers. Aretta screamed relentlessly and I felt the need to hold her but that would have to wait. Finally, I felt my cervix relax and I knew I had got them all out.

"I think that's it," I said between gasps.

Helena wasn't sure they were all out "I'm sorry baby, I need to check, just relax a moment" before I could say anything, Helena was rubbing lube on her fingers and she pushed the tips of all her fingers into my gaping pussy. I screamed as her fingers stretched my pussy even further as she pushed her hand inside. After everything, I was being fisted! I came hard as I felt her hand slide in and my pussy closed around her wrist. "FUUUUCKKKK!" I yelled out as she put her other hand on my stomach, "Well done baby, just relax for a little longer."

I felt her inside me probing her expert fingers around my cervix and the depths of my pussy. Meanwhile I heard Aretta screaming out as Martha fisted her in the same way checking for any stray Stormbugs. The pressure inside was too much as I felt her pulling out and she was stretching my pussy again. One last time I came harder than ever as her hand slopped out of my body.

Helena, released the leg restraints and I slumped into the chair, moaning from the pleasure I had just felt. Helena moved the tank away. And then came and cradled my shaking body in her strong arms.

It was ages before I felt like I could stand but eventually, we both managed to get up and drink a bottle of water each. We put on towel robes and sandals that Martha gave us and then Martha and Helena helped Aretta and I back to our hut, it took us ages as walking was clearly uncomfortable for both of us. They lovingly helped us into bed. Martha told us, "You two gave birth to over 300 Stormbugs, that doubles their population, I'm so proud of you both." I snuggled into Aretta and we fell asleep straight away, my last though was, please please, one day, let me double them again...

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OGHMNWOGHMNWover 6 years ago
Super hot!

Great story writing, I totally understand and agree that Lisa and Aretta needed to have their womb and vagina checked for any stray Stormbugs. I only wish I could have helped.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Incredible...more please!!! You are so talented!!

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