Lisa's Second Chance Pt. 14

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Lisa celebrates her first year.
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Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/06/2017
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Lisa is an attractive, blonde 26 year old human living and working on earth. Alien life had been found over 100 years ago and various shady government programs existed but were kept secret from the population. Space travel had become affordable and a growing industry blossomed. Fresh from a broken relationship and with no prospects, she meets a new friend. This encounter will change her life forever as she joins the secret Interstar breeding programme, initially, not of her own choice.

Part 14 - My Anniversary

I felt excited and satisfied in equal measure as I opened my eyes and looked at the morning sun streaming into my room. A smile spread across my face. Today was no ordinary day, it was my first anniversary on the island. Relaxing into my pillow, I allowed my mind to wander back and I remembered Aretta and how she had brought me here, my first time with alien species and all the women who I had loved. Some of them I was still close to and some I'd lost. I carried all of them in my heart.

I wondered to myself how many creatures were alive and thriving on their own planets because of me. I'd given myself so willingly to this genetic conservation commune and one year on, I knew I'd made the right choice.

There would be no work today, Martha had arranged a party for me on the beach and along with the women on the island, we'd be lighting a fire and drinking into the night.

The morning was a lazy one for me, I slowly got ready and dressed in a new, really cute, pink and floral, summer dress and my sandals. No sooner than I was ready when there was a little knock on my door and Sophie put her head around, her pretty little face beaming at me.

"You look so sweet." She said to me as she came into my hut. "but you're missing something."

"Oh?" I said with a smile.

Sophie walked up to me and reached out her hand in which was a large yellow flower, still on its stem. I looked down at the pretty summer sun coloured flower as Sophie lifted her hands up and began to slide it into my hair.

Her eyes stared up at me and she finally finished adjusting it. "There, much better!" she said with a giggle before she kissed me right on my lips.

Sophie and I had arranged to meet for lunch and we wandered, hand in hand, across the clearing to our lounge and bar. I was loving the chilled out feeling of cooking lunch with Sophie and we chatted about everything for a few hours as we ate our lunch and then sipped herbal tea under a tree outside. It was a perfect afternoon and as we began to stroll down the path for the thirty-minute walk to the beach, I felt relaxed and happy to be alive.

Sophie and I spent a lot of time together. She trusted me, and I'd been with here through her first mating and then her first breeding. She seemed so confident most of the time, but I knew this hid a timid and nervous woman, but I would always be there for her as long as she needed me. Plus, I really liked and respected her, after all, it took a lot of strength as a trans woman, to find herself in a female alien breeding commune and manage to make that work.

As we approached the beach I could smell the smoke from the fire, it curled up through the trees and disappeared into the wind as it climbed into the evening sky. Martha was waiting for us as we rounded the corner to the beach. I was so happy to see her face light up as she ran down the beach and hugged us one at a time. Martha had a good size fire burning and some of the other women were already there.

After a while of saying hello and being congratulated by everyone, I sat with a glass of wine, leaning on Martha's shoulder quietly looking at all the women. There were twelve of us on the island now. I knew some really well and others not so much, but they were all lovely and I savoured seeing them dancing together and chatting as the daylight faded.

Each one had a unique journey and story and I found myself thinking about them as I watched them. My eyes settled firstly on Joellen, she was in her mid 40s, a stunning black woman with almost shiny skin. She sat on the sand near the fire with a contended expression. Joellen had been with us for only three weeks but had previously been at another Interstar commune where she'd been for just a little more than a year. I'd been so impressed with her confidence and I'd been with her for an impregnation and birth only the previous day.

Joellen had bred with a Valcicalor - a strange creature that looks like a soft turtle without an obvious head. They are pretty large and slow moving. Joellen was somewhat of an expert with these and after we'd chatted over lunch, she had, without a hint of nerves, walked with me to a breeding room where she chatted confidently as she undressed. One of the things that she shared was that she'd bred these creatures over thirty times. I didn't really need to do very much and knelt on the floor as she got onto all fours behind the creature.

Watching her as she smiled at me was so erotic, she reached between her legs and guided the large, hard and slimy alien penis into her waiting vagina. Her eyes rolled back as she began to ride it, pushing herself back like she was trying to give it as much pleasure as she could. I rubbed her back as she fucked the Valcicalor for over half an hour until she murmured "Fuck, that's it". She rammed herself back as the creature visibly shook and filled her vagina with its fertilised spawn. Joellen had remained focussed and somehow managed not to cum.

As she got to her feet, there was a squelching noise as the penis slid out of her. I looked at the pale green fluid running down her thigh which she just ignored. Looking at me with a bright smile, she said, "I really enjoy that bit but the next part is my favourite." I knew we'd have a couple of hours at least before the young were ready to come out and I was just going to offer Joellen a shower and rest when she asked if we could have more tea. I would do anything to make her comfortable and after Joellen dressed in her white panties and tee, we went to my office where we sat for an hour drinking mint tea as it nothing had happened.

After an hour, Joellen said she wanted to get ready. As we walked back to the lab, she explained that she liked to be calm and still for the birth. I jokingly told her that I can't manage to be calm at all. Joellen smiled at me. "I like to feel every moment deeply and Lisa, touch me if you want to but be really soft and slow. I'm happy to feel you too."

"Of course." I reassured her. This was really new for me, only Martha had this much control.

I took Joellen to the nicest room with plants and a glass roof looking up at the tree canopy and the sky. As we entered, Joellen gasped a little and turned to me. "This is perfect, thank you."

I watched again as Joellen lifted off her tee and slipped out of her panties. She walked over to the bed in the middle of the room and jumped up, laying herself back on the bed. As I approached, Joellen settled herself and closed her eyes. Deciding that I wanted to touch her, I very gently began to stroke her hair and then her arms. Joellen nodded and began to make the softest purring noises as I worked down her body until I reached her feet. Slowly and gently, I worked my way back up. Joellen remained still and almost silent.

I'd been gently and softly rubbing her body for an hour and was stroking her slightly swollen belly when the first hint of the birth came. Joellen breathed deeply and opened her legs, lifting her knees up. Moving myself so I could see between her legs, I continued to stroke her thighs as I looked at her engorged pussy lips, dribbling her own juices and the light green semen.

Joellen's rate of breathing increased but she made no other sound. I saw that she was rocking her hips the tiniest bit. As I watched, her vaginal entrance slowly began to open as the larva was wriggling its way out. It was easily the size of a fist and three times the length. It remained inside her, gaping her pussy wide open, I could see it twisting around and swelling. Without a sound, Joellen's back arched slowly and she tensed slightly and then, I watched in amazement as finally, she gave into the feelings and came, squirting across the room. Even this, she did without making any other sound than a deep gasping breath.

Without even thinking about it, I reached between her legs and let my finger brush her clit like a feather. Joellen came again, instantly cumming hard. Just as she settled back on the bed, she let out a long soft moan and I watched the creature force her vagina open wider and wider until she arched her back then came again as it slithered out of her body and on to the bed followed by a steady gush of liquid.

Joellen remained still, breathing slowly, satisfied that she was OK, I picked up the warm slippery larva and put it safely into a transport case and then went back to Joellen's side. She turned her head and slowly opened her eyes. Almost immediately, she spun around and sat up on the edge of the bed. She had a twinkle in her eye as she reached her hands and put one on each side of my face.

"Thank you, Lisa, that was perfect."

"You're welcome," I replied. "You are damn impressive!"

Joellen laughed and stood up. "Show me where the shower is honey."

I took Joellen to the nearest shower room and left her to clean up.

Snapping back to the moment, I looked at Joellen sitting by the fire, she caught my eye and smiled at me sweetly.

Darkness washed over the beach and with the moon on the other side of our island, the only light was the firelight. I danced, talked, drank and danced some more for a few more hours until eventually, one by one, all the others said good night and headed home until I was left on the beach with Martha and Sophie. It's fair to say that I was quite drunk, not totally but I wasn't used to drinking quite that much. Sophie was just more giggly than usual and Martha, well, she was in charge and had not drank nearly so much as the rest of us. I thanked her for making my anniversary day so special.

It was past midnight when Martha suggested we walk back to our huts. The fire was dying out and barely any flames were left burning as we all stood and walked along the beach. The sea was calm and the only sounds in the cool night were the small waves gently breaking over the beach and the crunching of our feet in the sand.

Martha was chatting to us as we started up the path to our village and sharing stories about other communes which was interesting. I'd not realised that there were six other locations plus a training facility. I chuckled to myself thinking about us human earth girls keeping the universe alive.

In no time at all, I was back at my hut, my head spinning as I lay down on my bed. Martha and Sophie kissed me goodnight. My last thought was that I'd never fitted in anywhere in my life until now.

When the morning arrived, I had a headache the size of a planet and I was really tired. The entire morning was spent drinking coffee and feeling sorry for myself. Eventually, I managed to take a shower and as my head began to clear, I decided to walk to the lab and get at least something useful accomplished. It was a cloudy day as I slowly walked to the lab. On the way I met Sophie who was going out for a hike into the hills with Mia. We chatted for a bit and went on our way. I couldn't help but turn and look at Sophie's sexy little ass as she walked away. Smiling, I turned back and carried on.

Martha was nowhere to be found when I arrived and so I began working on a terminal, entering breeding reports and reading the weeks noted from Interstar. After an hour or so, my comms unit bleeped, and I picked it up to find a message from Martha. She wanted to know if I'd made it in after my night of drinking. After I told her that I had, she told me that Claudia would be arriving soon for breeding and asked me to get her ready and then bring her to breeding room 5 in the basement.

This would be interesting. Claudia was one of the younger girls, maybe even our youngest at 20 years old. I looked up her record. She had been on the island about four weeks and had been mated with a Halispira as her first time, but Martha had requested a fertile Kalerat to be prepared. I skipped to the info file on the Kalerat and found out that it was an eight-legged creature, brown and about 30 centimetres long. It legs were all at the front end of the body and it bred by inserting the lower half of its body into the host where it would then push a tube into the womb through which it would deposit pre-fertilised spawn. After a few days the eggs would be ready to be birthed. There would also be a lot of them.

I pondered the reason that Martha had selected this for a newbie, especially since she was noted as being very nervous. Still, Martha always had her reasons and seemed to make the right decisions.

A short time later there was a knock on the door and I opened it to find a visibly shaky Claudia along with Erica, who had her arm around Claudia. Erica winked at me.

"There you go." Erica said, "I'm going to leave you with Lisa now."

"Come on in Claudia, nice to see you." I said with a smile.

Claudia managed a small smile and said "Hi," as she stepped inside.

"Have fun girls!" Erica said as she blew a kiss and turned and left.

Once we were inside, I kissed Claudia's cheek and put my arm on her shoulder. "You seem really nervous."

"Yes, I am, I'm freaking out." Claudia said.

"You've got nothing to fear, I promise." I reassured her.

Claudia nodded and looked up at me. She was petite, with big green eyes and shaved black hair. She looked pretty but I felt for her being so scared.

"Come with me and we'll get started." I said as I patted her back.

Claudia remained silent as we walked down the corridor. Just as we approached the prep room, she stopped and asked, "What's going to happen today?"

"All in good time honey, let's just go in here and we'll get you ready." I said as I went into the prep room. Claudia followed me, and the door closed. She looked around for a moment. I followed the usual procedure and asked her to undress apart from her panties.

Claudia looked uncomfortable already. "Can I leave my tee on too? I'm a little chilled." She asked.

"Of course, whatever makes you feel comfortable but please take off your bra, you can put the tee back on after." I said to her as she nodded.

I watched as Claudia kicked off her sandals, and then quickly slid off her little blue skirt and for the first time I noticed the snake tattoos which wound themselves up both legs and thighs. Claudia pulled off her tee and took off her bra as I asked. Her large but firm breasts had small nipples, but they were quickly hidden from view again as she slid her tee back on. Soon, she turned to me wearing just her white top and her black cotton panties peeked from underneath.

I looked down at my comms unit and sent Martha a message saying we ready. Martha replied straight away telling me that she too was ready.

"Martha's ready for us, shall we go?"

"I suppose." Claudia said with a deep breath and slight shrug.

"Come with me." I said as I reached out my hand which Claudia quickly took hold of. She was so nervous she was almost crushing my hand. We walked out of the prep room and headed down the stairs into the basement. We walked along to room which was on the left. I'd been here before and it was a simple and comfortable room but had no natural light.

"We're here." I said to Claudia as we stopped.

I gave the door a little knock and Martha opened it with a welcoming smile.

"Hello Claudia, thanks for coming. Come in." Martha said as she stepped aside. Claudia walked in and stopped just inside the door and looked around the room.

Martha had a larger than usual breeding bed set up which was angled down slightly at the head end and this one had extra bars along the sides, like a fence, a type that I'd not seen before. The blue lights were very dim, and it took a while for our eyes to focus. I could hear Claudia taking quick, shallow breaths.

I was intrigued to see how this would play out as it was a new species for me, a new first timer and I was also interested to find out why Martha had chosen such an intense creature for Claudia's first actual breeding.

Martha put her hand on Claudia's arm and asked her to come and sit down. There were a few chairs in the room against the right-hand wall and I followed the two of them as we walked over and sat. I pulled my chair out a little so that we were all seated in a circle.

"So, Claudia. How are you feeling about this?" Martha asked.

"I'm really freaking out" Claudia said quietly.

"I understand, this is weird at first." Martha reassured. "But, you did seek out our communes and tracked us down and then pretty much begged me to allow you to be here."

"Yeah, I know all that but I'm still nervous about it all."

I listened as Martha and Claudia talked. I knew Claudia had been an applicant and actually been refused twice before Martha accepted her. Given that, I was surprised at the total reluctance. Of course, I knew it was weird at first.

Martha continued, "Well today is decision day honey. You told me that you want to experience the ultimate sexual pleasure and give yourself to help these creatures. This is your time to prove to me that you're serious. If you don't want to do this, no problem, we'll send you home on the next shuttle."

"I want to do it, but can I just wait a few days?" Claudia said while staring wide-eyed at Martha.

"No, I'm sorry, I need this done today." Martha replied in a kind voice. "Lisa and I will guide you through this and we promise to look after you. So, yes or no, what's your answer?"

Claudia looked at me and I smiled and told her not to worry and that it would be fine if she wanted to go ahead.

Claudia nodded slowly.

"Is that a yes?" Martha asked.

"Yes." Claudia said to no one in particular.

Martha caught my eye and winked at me. I sensed from the tone of her voice that she felt a little frustrated with Claudia but wanted to give her a chance to join us. I really hoped it would work or we would traumatise this girl forever.

"I'd like to give you a drink Claudia which is a relaxant, it will help, OK?"

Martha got up and went to the counter in the corner and returned with a plastic cup of clear liquid which she passed to Claudia.

"It doesn't taste of anything." Martha said as Claudia took a sip.

Claudia drank the fluid really slowly but eventually got through it and handed the cup back to Martha who took it back to the counter. A she walked away she said, "It will start to take effect in a few minutes."

What Martha and I knew that Claudia didn't is that the liquid also contained a pheromone which would cause the Kalerat to mate with Claudia and it would also cause her to become sexually aroused. It was an effective and necessary drug.

"Lisa, can you get Claudia ready and, on the bed, please. I want to get started."

"Sure thing." I said.

Martha left the room to fetch the Kalerat.

Without being asked Claudia got to her feet slowly. I grabbed the sides of her cotton tee and lifted it over her head. I looked at her and asked her to take off her panties, which she did, and put them on the chair with her tee and stood back up.

"This way." I said as I guided her to the bed.

Claudia did as I asked and walked to the bed. She sat up on the end, visibly shaking and really quiet. Even Sophie hadn't been as bad as this on her first time. I was starting to feel a little sorry for her. I stood close and rubbed her thigh. "Do you want to know about this or not?" I asked her.

"No, I don't want to know, I just want to get it over with." She replied.

Before I could say anything else, Martha returned pushing the wheeled transit case which contained the Kalerat. She pushed it next to the bed and I saw Claudia following her every move.