Little Sister's Big Butt Ch. 08


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"Mmh... No, girl," Gabby purred in a slow, drowsy cadence. "Leave it there, I like it... Keeps me calm... It's like, you know, a butt pacifier or something!"

Even Gabby had to laugh at her own very fitting joke, but her groggy snickering was nothing compared to Tyler and Michelle's howling laughter. Once the hilarity died off, with Michelle now lovingly cuddled against her brother so that he had a girl on eaither side and could wrap his arms around them both, Tyler finally spoke.

"So, not counting Michelle's cum milk shake," he said pinching his sister's gloriously plump booty, "who's hungry? Because I'm seriously starving! You girls are the best workout in the world, but it's still a rough workout, I gotta say."

"Aw, poor you!" Michelle teased, poking Tyler's ribs. "You're all tired out because you had to fuck us so much!"

"Well... Yeah, kinda," Tyler shrugged, still pawing Michelle's big round ass.

"This doesn't seem tired..." Gabby commented sultrily, gently caressing Tyler's fat dick.

"Yeah, maybe, but I think we could all use some food anyway," Tyler persisted. "I need to refuel so bad."

"Yeah, actually, I could eat too," Michelle admitted. "That cum milk shake was a nice appetizer, but something more solid would be nice!"

"How about pizza?" Gabby suggested. "If I'm staying here tonight we'll need to get our stud all loaded up on carbs, so he can keep going for a while. Now that my pussy is broken in, I'm gonna want both my holes fucked and fucked a lot!"

Over the girls' giggles and his own excited chuckles, Tyler extended his right arm over the side of the bed and reached for his bunched up pants lying on the floor. Once he succeeded in his attempt to grab his phone from his pocket without having to get up and leave his comfy place between Michelle and Gabby, Tyler took a moment to think before he dialed his favorite pizza place.

"I guess I better order an extra pepperoni. Just in case..." he wisely murmured, and then made the call.


Humming in delight as she swallowed her final mouthful, Ellie looked across the table at Alan and commented: "Mmh, that was amazing! I can see why you made enough money to retire so young!"

"I'm not that young!" Alan chuckled, causing Ellie to laugh too.

After taking a good sip of his red wine to wash down the last morsel of his meal, Alan shrugged and added: "The truth is that the restaurant business wasn't as fun as it used to be, and I just wanted to relax and enjoy life. It's just not the same thing today, with these food delivery apps and all the rest... It's very practical, of course", he conceded, indicating the leftovers of the feast that he had ordered from one of the restaurants he used to run and own, and of which he was still a small shareholder. "But the business has changed too much for me, and I had enough of working all day every day. At some point it just isn't worth it anymore, you know, all the stress and pressure... Anyways, I'm surprised I had the success I did in the first place!"

"I'm not surprised at all," Ellie replied, looking intently at her big brother. "You've always been smart, and I think that owning a chain of restaurants kinda suits you, in a way."

"Well, it was just a small local chain..." Alan said, smiling sheepishly.

"Aw stop, Al!" Ellie laughed. "You've always been way too modest. You don't have to hide the fact that you're a great businessman."

"Yeah, well," Al said, grinning, "I guess you're right about one thing though: Sasha says that, as a Taurus, it's supposed to be 'my thing' to be in the food industry... Eating well and focusing on money and material stability are typical Taurus things, apparently. Along with stubbornness and loyalty, if I remember correctly!"

Blinking in surprise as she watched her big brother chuckle and scratch his beard, Ellie broke into a bright peal of laughter before exclaiming: "What the hell was that, Al?! Did I just hear you saying 'as a Taurus' or am I hallucinating? Don't tell me that you of all people got into astrology?! You used to be such a rational, down-to-earth, no-nonsense kind of guy!"

"I still am," Alan replied, shrugging and pouring more wine into Ellie's glass and then into his own. "I didn't say that I believe that stuff, it's just what I was told. Sasha is on a big astrology kick right now, apparently a friend of hers from political science class is into all that type of things. Anyways, Sasha just keeps telling me all these random astrology tidbits and zodiacal stuff... And the weirdest thing is that it kinda makes sense, at least it does when she explains it!"

After they shared a chuckle, Ellie asked: "How old is Sasha now? Twenty-one?"

"Twenty-two," Alan corrected her. "Three years older than Tyler. She used to live mostly with her mother until she finished high school, but after I retired and she got into college she started spending more time here," he said, taking a sip of wine, smiling in paternal pride.

Even though he hadn't said much, Ellie could read her older brother well enough to know that he was on really good terms with his daughter. From what little she had gleaned about Alan's divorce, things weren't exactly great between him and his ex wife, so it was a relief to hear that at least he had a healthy relationship with Sasha.

"She stays at the dorms during the week but the campus isn't too far from here, so she drives back every weekend," Alan went on, winking at Ellie, "and that means a lot of laundry for me to do!"

More laughter resounded in the room, preceding Ellie's words. "That's good, Al. That's very good... I'm glad you and Sasha get along. I still have those picture of her you sent me when she was a baby... She was so cute..." Ellie said, her voice trailing off, her smile souring into a self-reproaching grimace. "I guess I haven't been much of an aunt for her, have I? I did look her up on social media, she looks so beautiful... I actually looked you up too, and Drew..."

"I did the same," Alan simply said, taking a sip of wine. "Judging by his pictures, Tyler looks like quite the athlete, and Michelle is just adorable. She has some really funny posts too, and she kinda reminds me of that actress that plays Supergirl."

"Supergirl?!" Ellie exclaimed, a laugh and a gasp bursting from her mouth at the same time.

"Yeah, you know," Alan shrugged casually, "it's an okay enough TV show, I guess. And yes, in case you were wondering, I do have a lot of time on my hands these days!"

After a few laughs, Ellie went silent again and averted her gaze. Realizing that she was still dwelling on the sad stuff of the past and the regrets that came with it, Alan reached across the table and took her hand in his, squeezing it tenderly until all traces of self-recrimination left his sister's face and she seemed to emerge from her temporary funk.

"It's okay, Ellie. It's been so long, but now you're here," Alan said, looking straight into his sister's luminous eyes. "You did more than any of us even thought of doing. You have no reason to be sad now. The past is the past. Let's try to make the present better, okay?"

A long silence followed, and yet in that pause Ellie and Alan told each other more than they had said up until that moment, just by looking one another in the eye and sitting close, comfortably enjoying the silence.

Eventually, as they cleared the table and finished the wine, Alan chuckled and said: "Oh, by the way: Sasha made you a natal chart!"

"A what?" Ellie asked, frowning.

"A birth chart, or natal chart... I forget what it's called exactly. It's an astrology thing, a chart that shows all the placements of the planets in the sky at the moment of a person's birth," Alan said as he put the leftovers in the fridge.

"My natal chart? How did Sasha do that, exactly? And why?" Ellie asked, baffled and intrigued.

Unfazed by his sister's questions or by her evident skepticism, Alan shrugged and smiled placidly. "I don't know, Ellie. She was curious and she was asking me about you, so I told her the date and time of your birth and she put it into some website and that's it, she got your natal chart. Apparently you have a lot of positive placements, or so Sasha says. She told me a lot of stuff, but most of it just went over my head, honestly!"

"Oh, okay then..." Ellie said as she followed Alan into the living room again.

"You can ask her about it yourself, she'll be here this weekend," Alan said a he fixed a scotch for himself and one for Ellie. "She printed out the chart and everything... She'll be thrilled to walk you through it, I'm sure. You're staying here a few days, right? The guest room is all yours."

"Uh, I... I kinda thought I'd get a hotel room or something. I haven't really planned the whole thing through, not past the point of showing up here! And I told the kids I'd be back tomorrow, but..." Ellie said, surprised and confused by that turn of events, yet not at all displeased by the idea of staying at Alan's for a couple of days nor by the prospect of seeing her niece in person, finally. "I don't know, Al. It's just..."

"Well, just think about it," Alan said as he handed Ellie her drink and slumped in his comfy armchair, taking a sip of his scotch. "But at least stay here tonight. Tomorrow we'll call Drew. You'll see, he'll get here in a second when he hears that you're back in town! TV show or not, he'll be dying to see you again, I promise you!"

Sitting on the couch and taking a steadying gulp from her drink as she realized she still had to confront her younger and much less calm brother Andrew, Ellie furrowed her brow and asked: "TV show? What are you talking about, Al? I thought Drew worked with you at one of the restaurants..."

"Yeah, he did, and he was actually a pretty good chef, if you can believe that!" Alan said, chuckling and shaking his head. "He still has a big share in the company, bigger than mine even, but he sort of branched out."

"Meaning?" Ellie asked, wondering what kind of craziness their little brother could have gotten into.

"Well, a few years ago one of his girlfriends worked for a local network. She was the hot anchor type, you know..." Alan shrugged, grinning knowingly. "Long story short, Drew managed to get himself a cooking show, and he actually made it into a success! He's a local celebrity, more or less, and now he's producing one of those docu-reality things, something about the wackiest restaurants in the area. Crazy, uh?"

"Yeah! Crazy indeed..." Ellie murmured, draining her glass and grinning as she shook her head in genuine surprise.


Not for the first time, Gabby got low-key upset as she watched Michelle stuff her face with pizza.

As she had done on many other previous occasions while sharing meals with the siblings, Gabby grumbled about how unfair it was that Michelle had the kind of metabolism that allowed her to eat any food she wanted to eat, at any time and in any quantity, with impunity. As usual, Michelle could only shrug and smile in response to Gabby's resigned lamentations, and of course she then planted a big, greasy smooch on the brunette's sculpted cheek as a token of sympathy.

While the girls giggled and joked and chatted through the meal, Tyler was much more serious about refueling, eating up slice after slice of pizza with an attitude than mixed culinary gusto and grim determination. Long after Michelle and Gabby were done eating and sauntered outside to laze by the pool and catch the last gentle rays of the warm summer sunset, Tyler was still methodically getting his carb load in, chewing slowly yet relentlessly. All the while, a grin gradually dawned on his lips and his libido rose higher and higher, the prospect of putting his replenished energies to good use through the coming night already evoking ever clearer and sexier images in his mind.

By the time he joined the girls outside, Tyler's dick was already chubby and he was more than ready to go again. Since they had all stayed naked, as soon as he caught sight of Michelle and Gabby's naked bodies, Tyler's boner grew again, so that, when he was standing between their deck chairs by the pool and they turned his way, they were treated to the pussy-moistening image of his hard dong jutting out proudly between his muscular thighs.

"Mmh, so nice of you to bring us dessert, stud..." Gabby purred, licking her lips as her eyes ran along the veiny length of Tyler's hard, swollen schlong.

"Maybe we should go inside for this," Michelle suggested, her eyes glinting with playful mischief as she looked first at her brother's horsecock and then into his gray eyes. "Gabby and I were just talking about some stuff we'd like to try, and it might get noisy..."

"Sounds interesting," Tyler commented, his hands on his hips, his grin widening as he drank in not just the girls' beautiful nakedness but their dick-hungry gazes too. "Should I even ask?"

Giggling as they got up from their chairs, Michelle and Gabby each wrapped a hand around Tyler's shaft and pulled him along by the dick as they sashayed their way back into the house. The feel of their hands stroking him, not to mention the epic sight of their fabulous asses swaying and jiggling before him as he gladly followed, made sure that Tyler stiffened to full granite hardness in a matter of seconds.

At that point, certain that he would have tons of sex anyway, he didn't even care about hearing exactly what his sister and girlfriend had concocted for the night ahead, but, as they climbed the stairs, Gabby glanced at Michelle and shared a quick knowing look with her. Immediately after that, Gabby turned to look at Tyler over her shoulders, flashed him an impish grin and spoke.

"So... Ready to give your sister some love, stud?"

"Always!" Tyler promptly replied, locking gazes with his beautiful little sis, who squeezed his dong harder in her dainty, shaft-pumping hand and regaled him with a magnificent smile.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll get a big dose of loving tonight!" Michelle said with an excited giggle, her voice trembling in lustful anticipation.

"A double dose, actually," Gabby specified, winking suggestively at Tyler. "All straight up her ass..."


Unsurprisingly, the exciting events of the day made it impossible for Alan to fall asleep for quite a while. Despite the wine and the scotch, he lay in bed fully awake, reading (or rather trying, without success, to read) for much longer than it usually took him to doze off. The thought that his long-estranged little sister was back in his life was so unbelievably amazing and joyful and unexpected that he wondered if he would get to sleep at all!

As he held his book and tried in vain to focus on the words before him, failing yet again to move past the paragraph he had been stuck on for what felt like hours, Alan kept reliving flashing memories and revisiting emotions that had been locked away in the recesses of his mind for years. No, he thought, for decades. But now, out of the blue, Ellie was back, and it was like something inside him had finally been awakened and brought to life again after a long, long period of hibernation.

"Ellie is back..." Alan found himself mumbling in the silence of his bedroom, and he smiled.

Better yet, Ellie wasn't simply 'back': she was right there, in the house, just down the hallway, asleep in his guestroom!

That notion was so incredible that Alan lay there in a grinning stupor for a good ten minutes longer before he turned toward his nightstand to check the time on his alarm clock and realized that he hadn't even remembered to take some water with him for the night. Chuckling to himself and shaking his head, he put down his book and got out of bed to go grab a glass of water downstairs.

As soon as he stepped into the hallway, even though the stairs were to his left, Alan instinctively turned right and looked at the door of the guestroom, currently Ellie's room.

Briefly, he wondered if she still sometimes suffered from those recurring nightmares she used to have when they were kids. Even back then, Ellie had been too proud to seek comfort during the night, choosing instead to suffer alone in her bed and endure her bad dreams rather than admit that she was having them at all. Only after months of nightly terrors and fitful sleep did Ellie finally tell her brothers about her nightmares, and at that point she was already over the worst of it. Ellie had always been headstrong, Alan thought with a smile, and she always had an exceptionally strong character to go with her willfulness too.

He was about to turn around and head downstairs, when he noticed that a thin slice of light was filtering out from under the guestroom door. Apparently, Ellie was awake too.

Somehow, even though there was no particular reason for it, Alan's big-brotherly instincts kicked in, and he found himself heading for the guestroom, worried about his little sister. As soon as he found himself standing there before the closed door though, his gaze still focused down on the slither of light oozing into the hallway, Alan shook his head and realized that he was being silly. They weren't kids anymore, and Ellie was almost certainly not having nightmares!

Still, he told himself, maybe she needed to talk. After all, he couldn't sleep either, due to their unexpected reunion, so it made sense that Ellie too might be tossing and turning and thinking things through and struggling to make sense of it all. Maybe she could use a glass of water too, Alan thought, and since he was going to get one for himself anyway...

Confused and overwhelmed by the whirl of emotions surging inside him, feeling all tingly as his heart thumped crazily in his chest, Alan placed his big trembling hand on the doorknob and, ever so carefully, opened the door.

Even though he wasn't quite sure what he was doing, or if he should be doing it and what exactly to expect by doing it, Alan was definitely not prepared to see what he saw once the guestroom door was cracked open.

Lying on her side on the bed, with her back to him and her head turned to watch the luminescent screen of the laptop perched on her nightstand, Ellie was totally naked and clearly in the throes of pleasure. Her hands were not visible, but, judging by the motions of her shoulder, one must be buried between her legs, and it was clear that she was masturbating. Her soft, muffled moans echoed in the room like gentle tidal wavelets, and her beautifully voluptuous body was shaking in delight, her big plump ass jiggling in time with the pace of her self-fingering manipulations.

Since the only source of light in the room was the laptop screen that Ellie was watching with mesmerized fascination, it took a few seconds for Alan to notice that, between his sister's round fleshy buttcheeks, a thick pinkish dildo was sticking out, indicating that she was turned on enough by whatever she was watching that she needed to have both her holes pleasured at the same time.

Frozen in place and slack-jawed with wonder, Alan just stood there at the door, motionless and unable to even breath, peeking through the crack at his gorgeous MILF of a sister as she let out a continuous stream of low whimpers and rubbed away at her pussy with one hand while with the other she cupped and pawed at her own huge tits.

The sight and sound of Ellie in that lascivious scenario brought back a flood of images and feelings that invaded Alan more intensely than any other he had already relived that day, filling him with a maelstrom of mingled love, lust and longing like he had not experienced since he and Ellie had last had sex when they were young. Stupefied as he already was, Alan was suddenly pushed into further shock when, due to Ellie shifting her head slightly to the side against the pillow, his line of sight on her laptop was finally clear, and he could see what his sister had been watching.