Long Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Eyes

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Do you love as good as you look?
23.5k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 05/04/2024
Created 09/23/2023
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Long blonde hair, sky blue eyes,

Yeah, that well-bred look is easy to recognize*

Something gentler and kinder, after Comeuppance and It Ain't Paranoia. The characters, settings, and timelines are as important to me as the story line, and the sex is part of the story, not the point. I don't begrudge those who move on to look for something different. I'm certainly not above constructive criticism, but I do begrudge those who read this and then bitch about what I just warned you about.

It's been a while since I wrote in Romance. Hope some of you enjoy it.


Part 1

"Mrs. Olsson, Mr. Olsson, thank you again for inviting us to dine with you this evening... and for the hospitality you've shown throughout our stay! I'd like to propose a toast to the promise of our new partnership, and the opportunity to continue working with and learning from you. Skål!"

Glasses were raised and "Skål" was repeated by all at the table.

"Believe me, Son, the pleasure is all ours!" Mr. Olsson stated. "The two of you have been fresh air blowing through our lives. Admittedly, I'm not the man I was twenty years ago, much less the man I was at your age, but having you two to work with has been invigorating!"

"Sir, you taught us so much in such a short time that Johnny and I feel like we've been drinking at the fountain of knowledge! Every night we debrief, consider what we've learned, and talk about how blessed we are that fate connected us with you, and with your lovely and gracious wife."

With a pouty look, Mrs. Olsson declared, "And now that you have your deal, you'll leave us and we will never see you again!"

"Hardly, Mrs. Olsson; as soon as we locate an appropriate space, we'll establish an office in your fair city, so one or both of us will be nearby to assist when the inevitable problems associated with transition arise. When we make a deal, we do our best to ensure our partners get whatever they need from us, and this deal is the most fortunate we've made!"

"That's wonderful! We look forward to getting to know you better, and to a profitable relationship," she replied enthusiastically.

"And it will also be our pleasure to be taught all the Swedish traditions that have been maintained in this area, but have faded away in Austin," Erik added with a smile.

"Son, it's a sin for men named John Carl Lundell and Erik Alexander Swahn to know as little as you do of your great-great-grandparents' homeland, and a shame a city built around Svenska Kullen has lost its Swedish identity!"

"Well, sir, there is still Swedish Hill Bakery, but otherwise, even in our families, Swedish traditions have faded away!" Johnny complained.

Erik was nodding in agreement; she suddenly froze, sucked in a breath with a soft whistle, stared at the doorway, poked his buddy, and began quietly singing, "Long blonde hair, sky blue eyes, a tailored dress that fits just right, yeah that well-bred look is easy to recognize..."

Johnny followed his stare, and whistled quietly. "You screwed up the words, but yeah! That right there is the Swedish girl of my dreams!"

The Olssons were seated with their backs to the door. Over the past weeks they had gotten used to the 25-year-old males gawking at and commenting on Minnesota beauties. They chuckled, but didn't turn to look - until the young men's eyes began following their target across the restaurant. Mrs. Olsson looked over her shoulder, spotted the blonde beauty, laughed quietly, and poked Oliver. He followed her gaze, paused, shook his head, and then told the boys, "That one you should stay away from."

"That should be easy enough to do," Erik replied, "given that she's completely out of our league, but why did you say that so quickly?"

"Because we know her well, and she is what is called a 'man eater.' She toys with young men, breaks their hearts, and moves on to another," Mrs. Olsson explained. "She's been doing it since she was a child."

"Ah, the Twins third baseman," Erik replied after a brief period of recollection. "But they called her The Ballbuster, I believe."

"Sadly, yes; that's her," Oliver replied.

"Well, it would still be worth it!" Johnny exclaimed. "My heart's been broken before, and not by someone who looks anywhere near that good!"

"Boys, yes, she is a very attractive young woman," Mr. Olsson said, "and she's very smart, very personable, and also completely self-centered. She has ruined many a young man's life, and I don't want her to ruin yours."

"How do you know her so well?" Erik asked in a puzzled tone.

"Because she is our son's daughter; our oldest granddaughter," Mrs. Olsson said quietly. "Now, let's stop talking about her, because she's spotted us and she's coming over."

The tall, lithe Scandinavian goddess left the table of girls she had just joined and walked across the restaurant to her grandparents' table, with eyes following her every step from every angle. "Mormor, Farfar! I didn't expect to see you here!" she gushed, before leaning over to hug her grandmother and then her grandfather.

When she straightened up, she assessed Erik and John, and asked, "Who are your guests?"

"Our guests are off limits to you, my darling granddaughter," her grandfather said casually. "They are astute young businessmen who will be doing important things for us, and I need their minds clear."

"Astute businessmen? These two boys? They seem too young to be working with you, Grampa Oliver."

Looking first at Johnny, who was all but drooling, and then at the bemused Erik, she asked, "Do I know you, wunderkind? You must be someone special to be doing business with my grandfather at your age."

Johnny opened his mouth to answer, but Erik cut him off. Affecting a Texas drawl, he replied, "I doubt it, Princess. We've never been featured in People, or Cosmo, or Vogue, or even Sports Illustrated - just two ol boys up from Texas to do some bidness with your family and learn from your grandparents."

Annika couldn't decide whether to be insulted by his insinuation, or pleased that he knew her... assuming he did know her and wasn't just being insulting! She stared at Erik for a brief moment while deciding, but before she could answer, he turned his attention back to her grandmother.

That wasn't something she was used to, or expected. She frowned.

"Mrs. Olsson, you promised to tell us the tale of your ancestors settling in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and how you met Oliver on some nearby island without cars. Is now a good time?"

Maja (Maya) Olsson was as bemused as Erik had appeared when Annika called him a boy. She had seen many men take one look at her granddaughter and act as befuddled as Johnny; she had never seen a man deflect her attempt to demean, insinuate that Annika is an immature and shallow girl, and then turn away from her as if she were irrelevant. This might be an interesting contest of wills, and she would assist.

"Ah, yes, Erik. I'm sure Annika wants to return to her friends now, so if you are interested, I'd love to give you some of our family history!"

Johnny was still gawking at Annika, who was frowning at Erik's impertinence, and so, in an amused voice, Maja began. "The first Winquist - my great-great-grandfather - arrived in the Upper Peninsula in 1877. His name was Aron, and he first engaged in logging, then in transporting the timber to market. However, in Sweden he had been involved in mining iron ore, and when mining came to the UP, he returned to mining. First it was iron ore, then gold, and then copper was found.

"This next part is interesting only to a hobby mineralogist like me, so remember that you asked," she said teasingly. "In Michigan, copper is found almost exclusively in the western portion of the Upper Peninsula or UP, in an area known as Copper Country. Copper here, unlike most copper mining districts around the world, is found as pure copper metal - native copper - rather that in copper oxides or sulfides, which are the copper ores found in almost every other copper-mining district.

"I see that all eyes except Erik's have glazed over, so I'll return to the story of my family rather than talk about Precambrian flows that caused this," Maja said with a chuckle, and then she noticed that Annika was still standing beside the table. "Do you need something else, Child?"

Annika was watching her grandmother intently. "Why have you never told me these stories, Grandmother?"

"You've never shown any interest, Granddaughter. However, if you are interested, you're welcome to join us."

Johnny jumped up, found an unused chair, and brought it to the table, placing it beside himself. Annika took the seat without acknowledging him, and turned her attention to her grandmother.

"As I was saying, Aron became a successful miner, but he also knew how to transport ore, so he moved from mining into the transportation of minerals. While in Marquette, where over a thousand Swedes had settled, he met his wife, Leah Johnsson, daughter of a Swedish banker in the same city. He fell in love at first sight, but she required a few more visits from her suitor before catching up. Her father liked the ambitious young man and gave his permission for them to wed when she turned 18. Aron was already 25, but knew little of women, and she was a virgin.

"They must have figured it out, because she bore eight of his children, six of whom were boys. My great-grandfather was the eldest, and he joined his father in the transportation business. There is much more to our story, of course, but after Oliver and I married, Flying W Transport merged with Olsson and Son to form Midwestern Logistics and Transport Services, MWLTS, the parent company with which you boys will be working."

Johnny remained mesmerized by Annika, but Erik was fixated on Maja. "And how did you meet Oliver?" he asked.

"It's one of those 'meet cute' stories you find in romantic novels and movies, Erik. Are you sure..."

"Absolutely! I'm a romantic at heart, and my parents have a story like that. Tell me yours and I'll tell you theirs."

Annika was watching them with a variety of emotions flashing across her face: curiosity, perplexity, and jealousy. She started to speak, but didn't, so Maja continued.

"Both our families had vacationed on Mackinac Island for generations, but we'd never met because they went in July and we went in August. When we were both 13, they waited until August because Oliver's dad had broken his leg in April, and not being able to walk or bike on an island without automobiles is no fun.

"We were staying at Grand Hotel, of course, when..."l

"Wait! You say 'of course,' but I know nothing of this island or the Grand Hotel. Can you explain?"

With a patient smile, she said, "So you're a details guy. Okay, but that's going to make this story much longer. Why don't we take you to the island when you return from Texas? There's too much to describe it to someone who's never been."

"Grandmother, I've never been either! When did you stop vacationing there?"

"Oh, we still go every August, Dear. Your brother and sister have gone with us many times, and your father has taken your stepmother ever since they started dating. You and your mother would never go, citing 'other obligations,' although we never understood why children's beauty pageants, friends' birthday parties, or, later, teen modeling jobs, should take precedent over family vacations.

"Now, if I may, I'll continue with our story."

Erik thought Annika's properly chastened face was her prettiest yet; the 'entitled bitch' look was gone, if only for a moment.

"Anyway, Oliver was there with his older cousins, and the three of them were so rowdy around the pool the lifeguard threatened to ban them. I had mysteriously evolved since my thirteenth birthday in January, but hadn't learned to deal with the attention my budding boobs and butt garnered. Oliver's cousins were 15 and 16, and they were drawn to me in ways I didn't understand.

"Oliver, at age 13, was tall, skinny, and immature, but cute, I thought. He was also quiet and shy, and kept his distance while the cousins hovered over me. He looked both disheartened by and jealous of their attention to me, but spent much of his time on the diving board doing all kind of trick dives. I'll admit I was watching and impressed, but I was so busy fending off the older boys and he was so shy I didn't get to tell him, or even speak to him!

"On our third day, we were going on a carriage ride to a popular swimming hole so we were up early for breakfast. When we entered, I saw Oliver sitting by himself. I'll never know what gave me the courage to do it, but I walked directly to his table and asked if he would like to join us for breakfast.

"His steel blue eyes grew huge, and he stammered out a polite response that he would like to, if it wouldn't be an imposition. I assured him it would not, led him to our table, and had him introduce himself to my parents and siblings. He was inordinately well mannered, I learned, and carried out the introductions as if he were royalty meeting royalty.

My father eyed him while shaking hands, and asked, "Oliver Olsson... are you Ludvig's son?"

"Oliver solemnly answered, 'Yes, Mr. Winquist, and I know you are business rivals, but I hope you won't hold it against me."

"Daddy laughed loudly, assured him that theirs was a friendly and respectful rivalry, and he was most welcome to join us. He seemed very pleased to meet Oliver, and later I would learn why.

"But I was so nervous about my audacity in retrieving a boy I didn't know, I became tongue tied, while Oliver, my parents, and my older sisters asked him questions and told him about our family ties going back generations. Our meal came, we dined, and then my mother, of all people, told Oliver of our plans to swim and picnic on the other side of the island, and asked if he would like to join us.

"I was mortified that she would do something like that, but secretly pleased; perhaps without his cousins around I could get to know this courteous and cute boy. He accepted, and literally ran to tell his parents and get his swim trunks. My dad laughed, my sisters teased me unmercifully, and I tried to glare at Mom, who told me she knew I wanted him to come but was afraid to ask.

"So, without taking all day to finish the tale, we sunned and swam, he did a swan dive off a cliff that impressed everyone, including dad, and he invited me to go for a walk. My sisters acted as if they wanted to go too, and they laughed at me when I glared at them. After we got deeper into the woods, he took my hand as we walked 'to make sure I didn't slip on the rocks' and I rewarded him with a soft, nervous kiss before we returned.

"It was my first kiss and his too. We experienced many 'firsts' after that, which I won't go into, and here we are, still together, all these years later!"

During the course of her story, Oliver had slid his chair closer and laid his arm across the back of her chair; when she ended the story, he kissed her on the cheek and whispered, "All these blissful years later, my love."

While maintaining eye contact with Maja, through his peripheral vision Erik had watched the older man grow misty eyed during the remembrance, and seen their granddaughter's consternation grow. When her grandfather kissed her grandmother, Annika blurted, "How do I not know this story? I feel like an outsider in my own family!"

"Annika, this probably isn't the best place to have that conversation. If you will come by some evening, your grandfather and I would love to answer any questions you may have, and will happily regale you with tales of our families."

"It's my mother isn't it?" She asked, ignoring Mormor's suggestion. "She always kept me with her and her family! I never spent time with you and your sides of the family; I was always with hers! I see that now, and it hurts me to realize how I cut the Winquists and Olssons out of my life! It's no wonder Elle and Axel don't treat me like they treat each other; I've never acted like their sister, or even an Olsson!"

Erik was sharply focused on Annika's face and body language during her little rant... or epiphany, whichever it was. He was looking for the sign as to whether this was merely "The Super Model with a Future in Movies," as predicted by People, or a legitimate moment of insight shared with her grandparents and two strangers.

He wasn't certain, but he was leaning toward legit; if she was acting, she was Academy Award material already.

Oliver responded in a soothing but firm voice. "Your mother was strong willed, Annika, and I don't think we were ever good enough for her and her parents. The 'old money families' from which she came have a different perspective than do the Olssons and Winquists, or most other families.

"Your father was different in their eyes, with his Penn education and Yale Law degree. They were more accepting of him, but the trucking business? No, that was beneath them. Didn't you ever feel that way?"

Annika lowered her eyes. "I want to lie and say no, but, you're right - it was drilled into me, and I believed it! I don't know, but maybe that was part of the problem I had with my dad, who I know loves me like no one else does! Yes, he was a young, hotshot millionaire lawyer with his own firm, but he wasn't from a well-bred family, so there was still a stigma of sorts.

"I'm ashamed to say that, but I remember feeling that way when I was around 17 or 18. Mom and I were just better than anyone else was, so we did our own thing. And then mom finally showed her true colors, or maybe my eyes were finally opened, and I saw what she had been doing all along, and the kind of person she really is!"

Erik was mesmerized by the reluctant confession she couldn't help but spill. 'Maybe there is hope for this spoiled, entitled, rich bitch after all,' he thought... 'but probably not. If she's still rudderless at age 24, after all the experiences she's had and all of the world she has seen, odds are she is what she is. Which is a shame, because she really is an incomparable beauty; but, who needs the kind of drama that follows her around?'

Maja reached out to her granddaughter, patted her on the arm, and counseled her. "My darling girl, you are just coming into adulthood. There is plenty of time for you to correct whatever you believe you should, and for you to gain the knowledge and skills you need as an adult in the real world.

"Your momma, bless her soul, couldn't help you with those things because she never lived in the same world as the rest of us. But you don't have to be like her or follow in her footsteps. You can - no, you must - make your own way, become the person you want to be, live the life you want to live. We will support you as best we can, but, if you ask my opinion, you need to start with your father, Mary, Elle, and Axel.

"And, my dear, a good place to start your reconciliation would be to cancel whatever you have planned the second week of August and join your family and extended family at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island for the week."

Annika's eyes hadn't left her grandmother's since she patted her arm. Erick saw the look of confusion as she tried to remember what she was supposed to do the second weekend of August, her panic when she remembered, and then the resolve when she made her decision.

"I do have something, but I'm going to call Edith and get it moved. This year, I will vacation with the Olsson family and friends!"

Eric couldn't help but smile at her; she was looking better and better in his eyes.

"And, you young men will also join us!" Maja stated. "You already told us you haven't had a vacation in two years, and we want to show you around our little paradise!"

Johnny cut a look at Erik, who smiled at Maja. "Mrs. Olsson, we would be honored and privileged, but we don't want to cut into your family time. It appears you have someone who has a lot to catch up on!"