Long Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Eyes Pt. 04

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Judging from the cover, I'd love to read the book.
20.8k words

Part 4 of the 12 part series

Updated 05/04/2024
Created 09/23/2023
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The Monday Blues hit Erik as soon as he opened his eyes at six am. He hadn't overindulged Sunday, and the workweek ahead looked good, so that left 'catastrophic thinking' as the likely cause. Too many unknowns regarding his relationship with Annika, including if he still had one, left his brain too much room to roam, which promoted worst-case scenario considerations.

He needed to turn his phone back on and see if she had responded to Ainsley's social media findings, but he needed coffee first. There was a very real chance this was it for "Annika and Erik," for several reasons. The first being the adoring looks and kiss exchanged on the dance floor between "NYC's Hottest New Couple - Annika and Berk!"

Add Berk's hands on her ass, the intimate conversation and body language shown in a couple of the photos, and the natural conclusion was that she had moved on to someone in her elevated social strata and profession.

Even if everything he had seen was yet another set up to garner publicity for the products they were pushing in the commercials, though, there was the realization that he wasn't cut out to play the accepting cuckold in the eyes of the public. Although he hadn't had enough serious relationships in the past to realize he was a jealous MF who would not share, that was crystal clear to him now. In fact, he wouldn't even appear to share!

Knowing she would be snuggling up to men and smiling adoringly at them during photo shoots was bad enough, but that was a part of her job. Engaging in that conduct away from the studio or site was not, and it would not happen with his acquiescence!

Whether the affection she displayed for others, like Afton or Berk, was real or pretend, Erik vowed he was not going to play her boyfriend when they were together, and then be cast as her cheated-upon ex on social media and entertainment TV when she was at work!

Whatever the truth, perception matters, and being seen as the latest flame of the hot guy de jour when she was working, but Erik's girlfriend when she wasn't... nah, that's not happening! He might not be some beefcake Turkish Olympian or a blue lagoon pretty boy, but he had pride aplenty; there would be no sitting at home pining for his one true love while she made out with her latest co-star!

With that worked out in his mind, he went to his job, and being at work somehow cleared and refocused his mind. Today he would introduce the module and sic his minions on it, with instructions to prove it didn't work or needed more work. Best case, they would fail, but even if they found flaws, he was confident they wouldn't find fatal flaws. This was going to work, it was going to make him a lot of money, and it was going to cement MW-LSLT as the green transportation alternative!

Johnny was unusually chipper, and, while enthusiastic about Erik's creation, he remained a bit distracted, as if Erik's big news of the day wasn't so big. Erik pushed his friend, but got only a grin and a promise that he would 'know soon enough' in response. Very unusual, but he was also distracted - by the efforts to find the mistakes in his programing.

When they had nothing significant by noon, he began correcting the minor issues and told them to try harder in the afternoon. They did, but the beta module survived its inquisition largely intact. He informed them that tomorrow they would begin developing a working module, so give some thought to how it could be housed. Until they could find a way to integrate it into the existing dashboard displays, the 'efficiency module' had to do its job without distracting the driver.

"When is Annika going to get here?" Johnny asked innocently but with a hint of hidden meaning in his voice.

"I'm not sure," Erik replied. "Last I heard, Wednesday or Thursday morning."

"Is that what she said when you talked last night?" Johnny asked with a surprised tone.

"We didn't talk last night. I did talk to her Sunday afternoon, but that didn't come up in the conversation."

"Hanna talked to her last night; she told me Annika was coming home today."

"Maybe she is," Erik replied. He reached into his pocket, retrieved his phone, and turned it back on. The notifications continued for a few seconds before he glanced at the screen. "You may be right; looks like she changed her mind and is coming in today or tonight."

"What's going on?" Johnny asked. "Are there more problems between you two?"

Erik cleared his screen, accessed Photos, and pulled up one of the most damning. "What do you think?"

"My first inclination is to ask what she said about it, but I'm guessing you haven't talked. So my second inclination is to say that you need to remember the South Pacific and make sure you know before you do what I think you're planning to do."

He chuckled and replied, "Oh, I'm sure she's going to provide a perfectly logical explanation, like she did for the social media post my sister found that made me sic Ainsley on photos of her from the night in question. But at some point, my friend, don't I need to ask myself whether I'm cut out for this? I'm not going to live my life getting pissed every time she goes off somewhere and engages in conduct unbecoming a girlfriend!

"I don't enjoy reading about how she's cheating on me with today's hot shot, or being questioned about it by my family. Would you, if this was Hanna?"

Johnny shook his head and repeated, "Just hear her out, and then you can go off on her as necessary."

"Haven't I already heard this story once, and gotten a bunch of promises and assurances that things would change? Does it look like things have changed?"

"You'll be with her soon; hear her out. Meanwhile, come eat supper with Hanna and me; she's cooking her specialties."

It didn't surprise him at all that Annika and Rhonda, her PA/security person, were waiting at Hanna's apartment, which was filled with delicious smells. Almost as soon as he walked in, Annika approached and said, "Can we talk for a moment? Hanna offered us her guest room."

With a neutral expression, he replied, "I'd prefer to be introduced to your new security person, and then be given a few minutes in the guest room with her."

That put Annika on her heels, but she introduced them and gestured to the guest room. Erik made the same gesture to Rhonda, and followed her inside. They faced each other from opposite sides of the queen bed. It wasn't germane to the situation, but he noted her short brown hair, cute face, trim body in jeans and a light sweater, and sensible shoes. She was close to ideal for security work; she wouldn't attract attention, but carried an air of competence.

"First question: it's obvious she brought you to back up whatever story she intends to tell, so my question to you is: is lying for her part of your duties?"

Rhonda's mildly reluctant demeanor turned to offended. "No, it is not. I don't lie for anyone, unless lives are endangered."

He showed her the screen of his phone, and then flipped through several photos. "Were you there when these pictures were taken?"

She nodded. "I was."

"Can you tell me what I'm not seeing? Because it looks obvious to me."

"You need to let Annika explain her actions. I don't owe you anything."

"Even the truth? With your background, I'd think the truth would matter to you."

"It does, but..."

"But what? Are you a Mayor Giuliani fan - the truth isn't the truth? No buts - you tell me what you saw and heard that afternoon and night, or I walk!"

"I was directed to answer any question you asked, so I'll do it. But in my opinion, you two have a lot to work on, communication-wise, and to discuss, including fundamental beliefs and expectations!

"I'm not going to do a play-by-play, but if you will turn back to the second of the photos you showed me... Yes, that one. See the man over Annika's right shoulder with his hands clasped in front of his chest, and the delighted look on his face?

"That's the designer, Mr. Tom. He has one purpose only: to sell as many of his very expensive products as possible. He couldn't care less about Annika or the man with her, be it Berk or any other actor; he's only interested in what they can do for him, and he's willing to pay a bunch for the publicity he believe sells his clothing.

"After they finished the contracted photo shoot, he made Annika and Berk a very generous offer. 'Stay here, show off my designs, and pretend you're intrigued with one another! I want you to dance, talk, hug, kiss and make them believe this is nature taking its course. You're two beautiful young people falling into an overwhelming infatuation that is TOTALLY caused by my designs on your beautiful bodies!'

"It sounded stupid to me, but he offered a quarter of a million to each, so he obviously believed it would be beneficial. Annika was reluctant, but Berk told her he needed the money. She talked to me about it, convinced herself she could use the money for her new studio in Texas, and agreed, but told Berk not to take it too far because she had someone at home she didn't want upset.

"As you know, the pictures one chooses to posts on social media are the ones most likely to get the greatest response, and there would be plenty of exculpatory photos posted as well if that weren't true. Annika not too subtly stomped his foot when he grabbed her butt, and the kiss lasted no more than a second before she moved away.

"The looks of adoration you see here are her doing the job, as are the whispered conversations. She tells me she doesn't have the acting skills to be in movies, but she's very convincing in such situations, which is why she draws the big bucks for commercials. One moment she's this slinky, happy, pretty thing, the next she's a sultry siren who intends to fuck you to death! Not many can pull that off.

"I don't know you and I don't owe you anything, but I will assure you that she very coolly turned Berk down when he suggested they take it back to the hotel after the lucrative photo op. She also spent the trip back to our hotel wringing her hands, saying she made a mistake taking the money, telling me that you weren't going to understand, that you were going to be furious with her, and that she must never be talked into anything like that again! She even begged me not to let her!

"My impression is that she loves you very much, but she's so deeply involved in her profession that she will sometimes do things that will make you question her commitment to you. That's why I say you need to communicate better - either you need to learn to accept that things may look bad while also accepting she really does love you, or convince her to give up her career.

"It really 'was nothing' to her, but, obviously, it was something important to you."

He thanked her for her honesty, and they walked back into the living room, where three anxious faces were waiting.

"Smells delicious, Hanna - y'all ready to eat?" he asked without prelude.

Hanna shook her head vigorously. "No, not until you two talk! Dinner can wait!"

Erik turned, walked back into the bedroom, took a position on the opposite side of the bed, and waited with his arms folded across his chest. Annika followed, but she stopped just inside the door. Her body language showed her mental frailty and trepidation, and she had to force herself to meet his eyes. He didn't speak or exhibit any emotion.

"Eric... Honey... I don't know where to begin. I guess by saying the photos you sent me were as bad as it got. I didn't go out with him, I certainly didn't fuck him, and I didn't return his calls after I told him not to call again. So where did I go wrong?

"He was cute, charming, and we worked well together. There was a connection between us; it wasn't on the sexual level, but on the professional level, and, I guess, on the friend level. Don't get the idea I met him and it was like you and I; it wasn't! I promise, it wasn't!

"I just felt relaxed around him, even the first day, and by the last day we were teasing like old friends. You need to remember that Mr. Tom himself was there, and as I told you, he likes to push the envelope. The clothes were skimpy, clingy, form fitting, and we were in very suggestive positions quite often.

"Our director did little things to break the tension and help us relax when the poses or scenes became... uncomfortable. Mr. Tom made it clear he picked us because he wanted his clothing on smoking hot bodies who were doing wicked things, and that meant bodily contact and intimate poses that were held too long. Being honest, by the second day I was used to Berk's hard penis pressing against me, but that wasn't the first time that had happened on a photo shoot - by any measure!"

She had been looking toward him, if not at him, but now she lowered her eyes to the floor. "We were all relieved when the scenes in the closed bar were finished. The owner was chaffing at the bit to open up because he had a mob waiting outside, and Mr. Tom wanted us to stay and party with the crowd for a while. I was reluctant, and Berk said he had other plans, but he offered us a quarter million each to stay, talk to people, and continue playing our parts from the commercials.

"I knew I should leave, but that was enough money to do a lot of good in an enterprise I want to open, and Berk said he could use the Euros, so we stayed. I forcefully warned him not to expect much because I didn't want you getting mad after seeing things on social media. That was probably the wrong thing to say because he was already acting jealous of my relationship with you.

"Anyway, we stood together and acted like a couple while talking to bar patrons, many of whom were New York beautiful people or celebrities themselves. We were getting so many requests to dance that I agreed to dance with him a few times. The first two were fast dances, but the third was the slow dance you sent the pictures of, and that was when he leaned down and kissed me.

"I stepped on his toes hard when he grabbed my ass, and I tried to knee him when he kissed me, but I was being subtle because he was only doing what the man paying us wanted, and I'd already sold my soul for the damn money!

"I refused to dance anymore, and we - Rhoda and I - left soon after that. I was sick to my stomach on the way home, knowing what would be on social media and that you would see it. We had a wrap party at the studio the next morning, and I spent the afternoon getting my explanation prepared for when we talked. I wanted you to know what the pictures you saw didn't show, and how it all came about. I thought the video made it clearer than the photos, so I sent that too.

"Of course, when I finally got to talk to you, you didn't really believe me and then you sent all those other pictures and turned off your phone! I cried, Rhonda got us seats on a plane today, and I came back to explain and beg your forgiveness, again."

"I'm not going to call you a liar, or even ask a bunch of question, Annika. I'll just say that I'm not sure I'm the guy who can turn a blind eye to some of the requirements of your job, and Rhonda is right: we need to have a conversation about our deepest beliefs, and we MUST learn to communicate better. If, of course, we're going to try to keep 'us' a thing."

Annika paled and looked sickly at his words. She tried to speak, but he softened his face and continued, "But, for tonight, let's declare a truce. Hanna cooked her specialty and they invited us over here for some reason, so we owe it to them to man up, put our problems aside for the night, and go see what their big surprise is. Can you pull that off?"

She sighed. "I'd be the happiest person in the world if it were true that we had reconciled, so I think I can pretend for one night; can you?"

He beamed in response and offered his arm as he walked around the bed toward her. She donned one of her killer smiles, took his arm, and they walked back to the living room. Rhonda, Hanna, and Johnny were waiting with concerned looks, but broke out in big grins when they saw the couple arm in arm, smiling.

"It's good to see you two smiling again!" Johnny proclaimed. Then, he told his partner, "I told you to hear her out!" Erik winked in return, and resumed the charade.

There was a lot of nervous tension during the meal that didn't seem to have anything to do with Annika and Eric. After they ate, Hanna and Johnny exchanged looks, and then offered cherry pie a la mode for dessert. They returned grinning from ear to ear, and began passing out the bowls. Hanna placed Annika's bowl with her left hand, letting it linger for a few seconds. Annika grabbed her hand before she could remove it and shrieked, "What? What is this?"

She jumped out of her seat to hug her beaming best friend. Erik stood, enthusiastically shook Johnny's hand, and pulled him in for a hug. "Congratulations, you lucky dog! She's the catch of a lifetime!" Johnny nodded his head in agreement, and beamed with pride.

Rhonda offered her congratulations and watched as Erik demanded to see the ring, warned Johnny he better not have raided the business accounts to buy such an audacious stone, and hugged Hanna so tightly she squealed with delight. She squealed again when he lifted her off the ground and spun her around, and giggled after he gave her a worthy kiss before offering his condolences for her having been suckered by his unworthy friend.

Annika was giving Johnny a full body hug at the same time, and a worthy kiss as well. "Our ice cream is melting," Hanna warned, "Let's eat dessert, have a glass of wine, and we will tell you all about it!"

Rhonda thanked her hosts and excused herself following dessert. These were old friends, and her presence kept things on a different level. With her gone, the real party would begin, the stories could be told in detail, and, in the euphoria, perhaps her employer would have a chance to work things out with her extremely hunky boyfriend. Having been alone in a bedroom with him, Rhonda knew she would pick Erik over Berk or any of the other pretty-boy actors. He was all man, and he exuded sex appeal!

She knew that the pictures really were misleading, but it was hard to tell when Annika was acting. Erik's suspicion was warranted, and she swore to herself she would never lie to him. Annika wanted Erik as a husband, but he wasn't a man to be trifled with, so she was going to have to change her ways or go her own way.

The engagement party was tempered by the fact it was Monday night, but the story got told just as it happened. Hanna was her usual uninhibited self, and she led the telling. "I'll give him credit: he had the ring hidden in the nightstand, had probably had it for a while, and probably had plans to ask me in some romantic setting.

"But I was completely exhausted Friday night after the week at school. He read that, gave me a massage, drew me a bubble bath, and just generally pampered me all evening without asking anything in return. I slept like a log, and woke up horny and appreciative from the night before.

"I got naked, got him naked, and woke him with a blow job. From there it only got better, and we didn't put a stitch of clothes on all day! By nightfall he had gotten a full dose of Horny Hanna, and I think that was the deciding factor! He reached into the drawer, said something about this not being the setting he had planned, and opened the box with the ring! I was screaming 'Yes!' while he was trying to ask me, and after the ring was on my finger, Horny Hanna showed him that the events of the day had only been the preliminaries!

"By morning, I had to give him a massage and bubble bath!"

With a raised eyebrow and doubtful face, Erik asked, "Are you saying what I watched in the Grand Hotel wasn't your A-game? You have levels of sexuality that exceed those?"

She swung at him and missed, and then fussed at Johnny, "I told you he was watching us! You promised me he was asleep!"