Long Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Eyes Pt. 09


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"You do those unspeakable things to anyone but me, nearly naked Pirate boy, and it'll be another man done gone out in the swamps!

"You! Stand up!" she ordered Erik. She poked and prodded, then peaked under his wig. "I'll be damned! You make a damn fine black pirate, Blondie! Do you think Snow White will recognize you? It will be fun to see you two together in costume, and I'll bet a bunch of brothers will have dreams about being in your shoes!"

"Well, yeah, Fairy Tale Princesses can be pretty hot fantasies, I guess. But myself, I've always had a wild fantasy about this hot Voodoo Mama, dressed just like you, with a mind more wicked than my own! Want to help me indulge that fantasy tonight?"

Until then, Erik had hidden his kinky humor and his ability to flirt shamelessly from the Krewe. He wouldn't have then, but the moment was right: Marie was pushing him, giving him hell and Ray was standing three feet away. Had Snow White been there, it would have been even better, but the shocked look he got from Marie and the burst of laughter from Ray made him glad he had.

He had thrown Marie off, but she quickly recovered. "What? You aren't really suggesting we go off in the swamp and 'indulge your black Voodoo woman' fantasies, are you? You know you won't come back, but even if you somehow do survive, you won't ever be the same!"

In his best Cajun patois, Erik responded, "Or maybe you won't, Voodoo Queen! You have no idea what us Black Pirates are packing, or what we know that you don't! Might be you that'll never be the same, yeah?"

Ray was chucking at the interchange, but he burst out laughing again at Erik's challenge. He knew his wife would have to respond, but other than leaving with him, there wasn't much room to wiggle.

Marie was surprised by this latest trap too, but she rose to her full height, slowly looked him up and down, turned to look her husband up and down, and sneered. "You really think you can teach me something he hasn't? Honey, I'd destroy you!"

Still using the Cajun accent, he answered, "Maybe, maybe no; only one way to find out, Cheri. Ah'm sure Ray has taught you everything he knows, but you have nevah plumbed the depths of depravity in my wicked mind! Or maybe I should say, you've never been plumbed by the depths of wicked depravity I'm capable of!"

Ray's laughter broke her poise, and Marie started laughing too. "Damn, Boy! If I weren't married, I'd take you up on that! Maybe if Ray ever starts cheating on me, I will. I think you're all talk, but I gotta give you credit for keeping that blonde amazon supermodel under control, so maybe there's something I haven't seen in your pantaloons!"

Erik's dazzling smile gave her the last word, but they now knew there was more to him than the quiet, reserved, and humble dude they had been seeing.

Their group had grown and was growing, and the musicians were starting to tune up. Erik looked through the crowd for the Princess/Queen but didn't see her. He retreated under the stairwell, keyed his mic, and asked, "Where is she?"

"She and the waif are posing for pictures, signing autographs, turning down propositions, and working their way toward you. At this rate, it may take another ten minutes or so, but don't worry; we've got two of the best right beside them!"

Just in time for the first song, the French Courtesan arrived, sans fiancé. Erik bowed deeply and said, "Mademoiselle, would you honor me with this dance?"

Hanna eyed him imperiously for a moment, held out her hand, and replied, "As long as you show proper respect for your betters, Pirate Boy."

He held her way too closely to be showing proper respect for his betters, but she didn't fight that hard to gain distance. "I recognized you right away. One guy said he never understood why princes would agree to marry homely women, but if he got to have a courtesan like you, it made sense."

"I saw you, too - the cutest little braided pirate I've seen since Johnny Depp. You like this look on me?"

"You look yummy, and you feel yummy too," he replied as her breasts were mashed against his chest and his hand rested on the swell of her firm round butt.

"Not that it doesn't feel good, but we might be pushing the bounds of 'friendship' here, buddy. What would you think about Annika and Johnny doing this?"

He breathed his answer into her ear as he pulled her crotch over his thigh in a turn, "Annika does more than this in every photo shoot that involves men, so I doubt I would get too worked up over it. How about you? Would you be jealous?"

"I might if it was Cassie or someone else, but Annika is so crazy in love with you, it would be a thrill for Johnny, but I wouldn't be concerned about them having an affair.

"That having been said, you need to stop squeezing my ass and rubbing my kitty on your leg or I'm going to have an orgasm right here on the street in front of tens of thousands of people!"

"Really, like those on Mackinac? That was fun to watch, and you were loud! We should draw quite a crowd," he whispered as he squeezed her perfect butt and rubbed his thigh against her pussy. She moaned, but twisted away from him, shook her finger at him, and made her way through the crowd toward the Krewe's designated gathering place.

He followed, chuckling. He would never go beyond heavy flirt-teasing with her, but she was definitely 1b in his world, just behind 1a Annika.

Maybe it was the smirk on his face, but Kailina cut him off and insisted on dancing. He offered his hand for the slow dance, and she came into his arms with a lascivious smile on her lips.

"I heard you offered Marie a night of fantasy and then won the tease after; impressive! Think you could back up your brags?"

"No brag mam - just fact! That is one of my fantasies, and all I promised was that we would plumb the depths of depravity in my wicked, warped mind. That not bragging.

"What about you? What are your most wicked fantasies?"

"Until tonight, none of mine involved skinny black pirate boys, but I'm kind of intrigued. You must have something going to keep the Queen of the Fairies satisfied, 'cause I KNOW she gets the pick of the litter, being a supermodel superhero political influencer and all!

"Of course, unless he agreed to a straight-up swap, I'm never going to find out: Lilo is a straight arrow! However, he might be tempted to go crooked for your pretty Princess."

"In the real world, I'm about a straight as they come. Here in Fantasy Land, though, I indulge my own fantasies a bit. I never had one for a golden vahine before, but it's rapidly developing. Of course, you already knew that, you vixen!"

She giggled. All 5'11", 180 pounds of her giggled, and those big breasts rubbed even harder. She leaned back, but stayed connected below, grinding her puss against his cock.

The song was ending, so he grabbed a double-handful of that rock-hard ass and ground back for the final three seconds. How good that felt surprised her; suddenly her teasing morphed into foreplay, and she realized that there was more to him than a handsome computer geek. If she wasn't married, she decided, she would without question want to test the depths of his depravity!

The throbbing, bass-heavy song that came on was perfect for her, and Erik had danced to it many times in at fraternity blasts in college. She faced him, caught the rhythm, and began to move in a very unusual way. Erik watched, caught the rhythm, and joined her in what appeared to be some kind of mating ritual. This was unlike the fraternity dances, and had none of the gentle elements of the south pacific dancers; this was some potent blend of Native American and African ceremonial dancing.

The members of the Krewe not dancing were assembled on the sidewalk and balcony, and many were laughing, pointing, and watching the two of them. Kailani's eyes kind of glazed over as the song progressed, and Erik (and the others) got a chance to see what Lilo encountered at night. She was gorgeous, graceful, powerful, flexible, and athletic, and her moves were sexually intimidating!

A minute into the song, Annika appeared and was given a pirate's mug of punch. She turned to see what everybody was watching and saw Erik and Kailani. At first, she was surprised at their audacity, but watching them and so many others move about in this ritualistic display of sexual prowess and passion quickly got her juices flowing.

The street had grown full of dancers following the lead of the black pirate and the scantily-dressed harlot. The dancing was not stylistic, or 'steps' you could pick it by watching; it was hundreds of people interpreting the music the way their minds, bodies, and souls dictated. A mass of writhing, twirling, swirling, jumping, jerking, twerking, touching, rubbing, leaping and gliding bodies, often intertwined.

The band caught on and kept playing, extending and forming the song to make it even more sensual. Lilo grabbed Annika and said something; she took a big swig from her mug, set it down, and followed Lilo into the crowd. He led her to an area close to Erik and Kailani, stood still for a moment, and then began to move that gigantic, muscular body in rhythm with the throbbing, wanton music.

'Someone that big and powerful should not be that graceful,' she decided, and began to emulate him, to move her body with his. Were she not already high on the adulation she had received and the free-spirited crowd moving to the rhythm each heard, she couldn't have given herself to the music like she did.

Soon, like everyone on the street, she was tempting and teasing and suggesting, asking to be ravished, and promising her fertile body to her ravisher. Lilo was meeting her thrust for thrust, move for move, contortion for contortion. He was keeping his hands off her, yet conveying with his body his virility, her femininity and their mutual desire to mate. The eyes of dancers and bystanders turned to them, impressed by their bodies and mesmerized by their suggestive movements.

Erik was in a trance-like state already, but seeing Annika exhibit a complete lack of inhibition in front of a crowd like this fascinated him. He continued to dance, but his eyes were on the wanton Princess. Kailani skillfully guided them to their mates, and suddenly Erik was paired with his fiancée, Kailani with her husband.

Neither pair missed a beat while transferring their desire to a new partner, and Annika seemed to release the last bit of reticence in her body when paired with Erik. Her movements grew more erotic, more wanton, more animalistic! She remained just out of his reach, but the invitation was unmistakable, and a growing audience moved closer, surrounding them tightly and urging them to consummate the ritual.

Annika found herself inches from her prey; she continued to sway and writhe to the music, enticing him with her body and movements, but also by touching and stroking his body; he reciprocated in kind, and their exhibition became so carnal it appeared they were preparing to consummate their lust.

The crowd urged them on in a low roar, the throbbing music inducing them deeper into the fantasy surroundings, the music and dancers providing the perfect backdrop. Their movements became more entwined, their touches more intimate; there was not a watcher that wasn't erect or wet. Most were emulating them, and clothing had begun to be removed; a mass orgy seemed the natural conclusion!

They were in a world without convention, a world in which cultural constraints did not exist. A world of light and sound, of veil and disguise, of shadowy figures writhing together; a dreamlike world in which seeking your pleasure was paramount. Annika and Erik were citizens of that world, and they thrashed together in a kinetic demonstration of their needs and intentions.

Perhaps the band felt they had taken it as far as they could, or perhaps they were instructed to stop, but they played only a little longer before smoothly transitioning to a Cajun favorite, 'My Time is Gonna Come.'

The featured dancers stood confused, as did myriad others in their audience. Slowly the spell was broken, and people began to wander about. The black pirate and his Princess remained entwined, speaking words of love and need, and making promises of wanton conduct never-ending.

A majority of the Krewe, led by Ray and Marie, broke them up. "Damn, Brutha, if I'd known painting you black would make you a Zulu, I'd have costumed you as Peter Pan! Every black woman here was ready to take you right there on in the street!

"And you, Sista, damn! You always fine lookin, but you got the soul of a marauding lioness in heat!"

Marie wrapped Annika in her embrace. "You may be a Scandinavian goddess, but you accessed that tiny bit of African DNA they say all humans have! Never seen anyone catch the beat and let it drive them like that!"

Annika, with the otherworldly look still on her face, acknowledged the compliments with a smile and asked, "Where is the punch? I'm just so thirsty now."

KJ appeared with a full mug; she drank half, then thanked him and looked around. Spotting Erik watching her a few feet away, the look of love and lust reappeared, and she went to him.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yes, I think so. That was intense! How are you?"

"Other than feeling I've been engaged in unbelievably sensual acts in some other dimension, I seem okay. I'm still not sure I'm in the real world, but touching you and being touched by you makes me want to strip naked and fuck you like I've never fucked you before. I feel higher than I've ever been, and far hornier!"

"Lord, me too! The setting, the people, the tribal music, the dancing. It was if we were transported into another state of being, another level of consciousness, like the old LSD users described, and I'm so jazzed up I've not fully returned to what we call the 'real world!' Is that what you feel?"

Annika was wrapping herself around him, emanating the overwhelming desire she felt through her touch and her pheromones. The effect on Erik was immediate: he put his arm around her and pulled her into the nearest bedroom. He paused to lock the door; she began discarding her costume and he hurriedly followed.

Naked, she was still the Princess, with her hair piled high on her head supporting the tiara. Naked, Erik was a clown of sorts, with black hands and face. He offered to go wash it off, but she insisted they do it later, in the shower.

He crawled between her legs and offered oral sex, but she resisted and pulled him higher. "No one ever needed foreplay less than I do right now!" she proclaimed urgently.

She did let him pause to nurse her swollen breasts; she watched, and enjoyed a mini orgasm before saying, "Okay, I see the black on blonde thing now. The contrast of your face against my pale shin is startling and intriguing, but it's still you making love to me. Your touch is familiar, but I don't know that it's ever inflamed me more than it is now!

"Take me baby! Use the Fairy Princess you captured and own!"

He did, and they revisited that realm of sexuality in which they had danced. It was a land of overwhelming sensuality and lust, and both found it easier than ever to achieve orgasm, recharge, and achieve orgasm again. The Princess reached a plateau in which multiple orgasms turned into continuous orgasms that went on and on until she fainted.

She had been on top at the time; he rolled her over, draped her knees over his shoulders, and focused on achieving his next orgasm. That awoke the Sleeping Beauty, who enthusiastically accommodated his need and desire, while reaching and riding her own wave of lust and orgasm. They went at it as hard as possible for about ten minutes, and then his roar joined her scream of climax!

They lay in each other's arms and slept until someone beating on the door and yelling their names woke them. "Come on - it's time to go home, and we're all sure you two need to go home and rest!"

"Can't we just sleep here? If not, we need at least fifteen minutes!" Erik replied, "For a shower and to dress."

"You can stay here until nine; we have a breakfast buffet planned at ten. Walk over to the house and change, and the bus will be by at 9:40!"

"Hasta mañana!" Erik replied, before querying security: "Are we good?" "Golden," came the immediate reply. "Sleep tight!"

Erik snuggled into Annika's arms and returned to a sleep filled with images and feelings like none he had known. The focused, oblivious world in which he was raised and had lived was growing exponentially. Being welcomed into Annika's world expanded his own, but tonight's events were mind-bending for both of them.


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Sorry, but compared to the other chapters this was very bland. Nowhere near your normal standard.

oldsage_1oldsage_14 months ago

Maybe I'm into stories more than just sex but I enjoyed this segment. Like another commenter I wonder what happened to the Football Douchebags! Anyway you still have me hooked!



GregJohnson1958GregJohnson19584 months ago

Just let Annika get raped already so Erik can move on to a normal chick that’s not putting herself in the same situation over and over and over again

RanDog025RanDog0254 months ago

I'm sorry but this chapter made me realize that every chapter is about the same, names changed, locations, bad guys, etc, etc,,, but it's all the same Eric and Annika fighting off the Rapists and bad guys. Nothing changes. Same shit just different location, same bad guys trying to fuck Hanna or Annika!

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