Love Me... Love My Dogs Pt. 07


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"John, what did I do to deserve you?" she asked, sounding more like the Christie I loved. Even psychologists need some therapy occasionally, I guess. She was rubbing off on me.

"Oh honey," I laughed, "I've asked myself that same question dozens of times, only about you. Let's just go with it, shall we? I'm so lucky I found you."

Her lips were warm and soft when she kissed me. I could feel that my words had eased her mind.

"So, let's just enjoy the rest of our time here. Go on the sailboat. Do some diving. Hang out by the pool. Get married," I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan. I think I've had enough of the hot tub, though," she giggled.

"I suppose, although I would have liked to see how that blonde in the middle finished. She was pretty busy," I laughed. "Four guys. She'd be well coated."

"Yes, but I think quality beats quantity," she smiled, kissing me again.

"Well, if you'd like, I might be able to arrange some more quality," I whispered.

"Save it for tomorrow, darling," she replied with another kiss. "I think we both need some sleep. Goodnight, baby."

"Goodnight sweetheart," I smiled.


The sun woke us up in the morning. It was like a fresh start. Christie was smiling at me when my eyes opened.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

"Much," she nodded. "Thank you. I was feeling a little fragile, and you reminded me that I'm not alone. We're a team."

"So what do you want to do after breakfast, teammate?" I queried.

"You mentioned scuba diving. I've always wanted to do that," she smiled.

"Oh, you'll love it!" I laughed. "And I'll love seeing you naked underwater!"

"Good. Let's eat," she smiled, gathering her dress off the couch. She slipped into it quickly, and tried to look patient as I found my clothes.

Breakfast is a little less formal, with a large buffet set up in the restaurant, and seating on a first-come, first-served basis. We found a table, and I made an exploratory pass on the buffet.

I came back with a plate heaped high, and found Christie in a conversation with the blonde Marlena, who had commandeered my seat. I took the chair next to Christie, and listened to the girls chatting.

"I totally understand," Marlena said, touching Christie's hand. "Don't give it another thought. This is our third time here, and we were pretty intimidated the first time, too. No one's trying to force anyone to do things they don't want to do."

Christie stood, hugged Marlena, and went to get herself some food, leaving me to get to know the pretty blonde.

"I saw you last night at the tub. I would have welcomed you but I was a little busy," she smiled.

"Yes, I saw that," I laughed. "Where is Ellis today, anyway?"

"Sleeping," she said softly. "He's a bit under the weather, so I'm a solo act. What are you two planning today?"

"Scuba diving," I said, between bites. "She's never been, but I've been certified for years."

"That sounds like fun!" Marlena grinned, as Christie returned, with a decidedly more feminine portion of food. "I wonder if I could do that?"

"Do what?" Christie asked.

"Diving," I replied. "Of course you can. They teach you how before they let you go. If you want to go, just sign up, and meet us at the pool. It's not that difficult."

"You wouldn't mind?" Marlena asked.

"We'll see you at the pool," Christie smiled. "You and I can learn together."

So, we were quite happy to have Marlena as a friend. A naked friend, but a friend just the same.

After we finished breakfast, Christie and I went back to out room to relax for an hour. She had plenty of questions about diving, the equipment involved and what we'd see underwater. I answered her concerns, and gave her something else to think about. Did she want to wear a bathing suit or not?

There were two dive boats; one big one and one small one. Because the resort had two areas... one nude, and one 'prude'... which boat was which depended on how many people wanted to go diving.

At the appropriate time, we left our room... naked. We walked out to the pool, and found Marlena talking to the instructor, a pretty brunette with nice tits and a wide smile. It looked like we would be on the small boat, and I would be the only guy diving.

I took a seat, and watched as the instructor, Maria, got the girls set up with equipment, and walked them through the use of it. When it came time for everyone to get in the pool, I joined them, laying relaxed on the bottom and watching them practice recovering their regulators, and clearing their masks. I knew this was going to be a fun day. Boobs float, and I was going to have three sets to watch. I might want to rent a camera, purely for souvenir purposes, of course.

And so I did. Maria gave me a knowing grin when she handed the small underwater camera on a selfie stick.

"For the fish, of course," she smiled.

"Naturally," I laughed back.

When we arrived at the dive site, the captain, who was clothed, tied off on the marker buoy. Maria tended to Christie and Marlena, leaving me to get myself ready and jump in when I felt like it. She told me to wait on the bottom.

Resort dives for uncertified divers are shallow, no more than 30 feet, so we'd have plenty of time to explore the reef. I heard three thumps, and looked up, with the camera running, at the three women descending slowly. It was, as I expected, quite a sight. Especially Christie, whose big breasts were trying to escape from her buoyancy compensator. She was grinning from ear to ear.

Maria checked everyone, then led off, showing her charges the residents of the reef. I lagged back a bit, getting some images of their three bare asses wobbling with their movements, then quickly caught up. Maria had been here enough that she knew 'everyone's' address; where the moray eel lived, the turtle cleaning station, and even the octopus, which seemed to be rather fond of her breasts as it grabbed her with three arms. Maria shook her finger at the playful creature as she put him back in his hiding spot.

It was a wonderful dive, and over far too fast. Before we knew it, we were back on the boat, and heading in. The cool breeze had everyone's nipples standing up, and I got a group shot of my naked companions arm in arm.

When we arrived back at the resort, Christie, Marlena and Maria had a brief conversation that I couldn't hear. Maria waved at me, and Marlena gave me a hug, before Christie took possession and we walked back to our room.

"I invited them to our ceremony," she smiled as we stepped into our suite, where the air conditioning made her nipples prong up again. "They said they'd be delighted."

"That's great, honey!" I smiled. "Invite every woman here, if you like. It'll make for some great wedding pictures!"

"Hmmm, yes. I think you're having a little too much fun here," she giggled. "You and your wandering eye."

"My eye may wander, but my heart and body are all yours, my dear," I laughed, taking her into my arms.

Within seconds we were rolling about on the bed, kissing each other urgently. A frantic, pre-lunch quickie ensued, ending with me pumping her full of cum.

"There, see?" I panted, resting beside her. "Like I said. All yours, baby."


In the days that followed, Christie and I had a blast. Now that the decision had been made... that we were not here to partake in any extracurricular activities, other than as spectators... we had lots of fun.

We dove nearly every day, and made love on the beach nearly every night. There were sailboats to be ridden, and a sunset cruise to take. Our all over tans were getting deeper and darker each day from time by the pool. I found out all those clichés about nude volleyball were true ; it really was fun to watch, especially when your fiancé is involved. All those bouncy boobs. Mmmmm.

Christie found herself enjoying the eyes on her more and more, and believe me there were plenty of eyes, both male and female. That strawberry blonde hair, hanging long down her back seemed to initially attract attention, but it was the rest of her that set the hook. You already know how I feel about her firm ass, flat belly, and spectacular breasts. Apparently I wasn't alone.

Her new comfort with being watched led to some fun around the pool. It started when she very thoughtfully applied some cocoa butter to my dick. Her hands lovingly spread the slippery oil, and woke up the sleeping dragon.

My cock stood up, and she just smiled, continuing her gentle ministrations. What began as sunburn prevention became a full on hand job, which attracted a crowd. Before I knew it, a gaggle of spectators, mostly women, had formed around us. They were cheering her on quietly.

"Mmmmm, yes, jerk that cock," I heard from the crowd, among other comments. "Make it squirt, honey."

That was certain to happen. The crowd of naked women eagerly anticipating it made it inevitable. Christie's hands worked their magic. I have to admit, I couldn't remember her ever stroking me from start to finish. Usually, she would just use her hands to get me ready for more cooperative activities. She was looking into my eyes, and read my excitement level correctly.

She moved closer, angling my cock toward her chest. The motion of her arms stroking me furiously made her tits jiggle in such a way that accelerated the process.

"Oh god!" I groaned, and erupted. I heard the gasps from around us as ropes of my seed splashed across Christie's chest, arms and hands. It was a very pleasurable release, and she milked the last drops out into her palm. She spread the gooey mess all over her chest, while the crowd applauded. With the show over, the audience dispersed, and Christie laid back on her lounge to finish massaging my semen into her skin.

"I wonder what the SPF factor for cum is?" she giggled.

"Well, if you need more, I'd be happy to provide it," I panted, catching my breath.

She just smiled, and rested her head back, closing her eyes.

"Mmmmm. You're the only supplier I need," she whispered. "I love you."


The hand job was just the beginning. She also gave me a very enjoyable blowjob, very sneakily turning her lounge around and leaning over onto mine to suck me. Only those in close proximity could see, as she swallowed my load.

She saved the best for last, but we'll come back to that later. First, there was the little matter of a wedding.

Well, at least I didn't have to worry about what to wear. A simple bow tie identified me as the groom. Christie made a trip to the on-site hairdresser, and came back looking immaculate, just the way a blushing bride should look.

She helped me with my tie, and donned her flowered bridal tiara, before picking up her bouquet. She had my ring on her finger, and I had hers on mine, as we had no pockets to hold them in.

"Are you ready, my darling?" I asked waiting at the door.

"Yes," she smiled, touching my face gently. "I'm ready, and very happy. I always dreamt of marrying a good man. I think I've found him." She kissed me softly. "Let's go, husband."

I said she could invite everyone, and I think she did. The beach was crowded, with naked people clustered around the arch that served as a backdrop for the weddings here. Marlena and Ellis were there. So was Maria, from the dive boat, and Cynthia, our favourite pool waitress, with her astounding nipples.

Christie and I took our places in the arch, and the, um, marriage guy, joined us. It never occurred to me until that moment to enquire what his qualifications actually were, but we knew that the marriage would be legal, so it didn't really matter.

The ceremony itself was pretty simple ; much like any other non-religious marriage, except of course for the lack of clothing. There was the customary flowery description of love, marriage and commitment, followed by us exchanging promises to remember this moment, and our complete devotion to each other.

Throughout it all, the photographer flitted about, his camera whirring as he captured the moment for posterity. I had a feeling that most of these pictures would end up in our private files. Not everyone needed to know what my dick looked like, or Christie's tits and ass, for that matter.

After the 'I do' s, he took us aside, and we did the posed photos. He was very good. Obviously practice does make perfect, because he was able to position us in such a way that the interesting bits of being naked were covered by other parts of each other's bodys. While it was clear that we were nude, the pictures were tasteful, and suitable for viewing by relations with a minimum of tittering.

As receiving lines go, this one was epic. A man can only take so many full frontal naked hugs from attractive women before a certain part of his anatomy begins to notice. The hugs began to take on the additional component of a quick grope of my dick, and a knowing smile. More women grabbed my shaft in a few minutes than had done so in my lifetime. I'm sure the same could be said for Christie's breasts.

The sun was beginning to set when everyone dispersed. Christie took my hand, and together we walked slowly back down the beach. There were still plenty of people around, and more were joining them to watch the sunset. We took a seat on the warm sand, still holding hands, and she rested back against me. It was very romantic.

She pulled my right hand around her shoulder, and pressed it onto her breast. Using her left hand, she grasped my cock, and began to manipulate it into hardness. She turned her head, and kissed me.

"This seems as good a place as any," she smiled.

"For...?" I asked.

"Consummation," she giggled.

"We had sex this morning," I laughed. "I think we, um, consummated, enough for twenty people since we got here."

"Those were when we were single," she corrected. "This will be the first time as man and wife. Just to make it official, you understand."

She wasn't going to leave it up for debate, and bent over to take my cock in her mouth, brushing away a few grains of pesky sand before she did. I groaned, and the few heads that hadn't already noticed what she was doing turned to get an eyeful.

This would be weird anywhere else in the world, but on this one, small section of beach, among twenty or thirty other naked people, it somehow wasn't. A young bride, sucking her new husband's cock in full view, while the sun set slowly? Barely worth mentioning, really, but definitely worth watching. Christie began to compete with the reason everyone else came down to the beach in the first place ; the sunset. She had repositioned herself on hands and knees, and the movement of her bobbing head had her big, hanging breasts swinging nicely.

This was not to be simply a blowjob, and she pulled away for a moment to check the sun's progress. The lower edge of the blazing disc was just about to touch the horizon.

"Ooooo, perfect! You're ready, and I'm so ready I'm dripping down my thighs," she smiled, spinning around to face the sun, still positioned on all fours. "Come on, baby. Fuck your wife!"

It took me a few seconds to scrambled to my knees. I looked to the right, where the couple closest to us were staring intently. He was as hard as I was, and his brunette partner was stroking his rod while her eyes locked on the junction between Christie and myself. Her tongue touched her lips, expectantly, and I pushed my cock into my wife's drenched pussy.

"Oh YESSSSS!" Christie moaned. I grabbed her hips and pulled her back against me tighter, sliding deeper, until I was buried to the hilt. I shifted my knees on the sand, digging down a bit to get the perfect angle of penetration. She undulated her hips, rotating her juicy cunt on my shaft, as I caressed her firm rump with both hands, pulling out slightly.

"UHNNN!" she gasped as I slammed back into her. If she wanted me to fuck my wife in public, then I was going to FUCK my wife in public. I gripped her hips again, and started to stroke deeply into her pussy, in a steady rhythm. "OH FUCK, yes baby! Fuck my cunt! Fuck my married cunt!"

I really liked the sound of that. Mrs. Christie Reynolds, wife of John Reynolds, screaming for her husband to pummel her pussy from behind. The whole 'naked-on-a-beach-full-of-strangers-at-the-time' thing was just the icing on the cake, or in this case, the muffin.

I wasn't expecting what happened next. Neither did Christie. It brought the whole situation to a new level of bizarre memorability.

The couple to the right moved into a parallel position, about ten feet away, and the brunette, on all fours, readied herself for her partner's cock. He obliged her, matching my rhythm. Within what felt like seconds, another couple had done the same, to our left. Christie looked to both sides, then turned her head just far enough for me to see the smile on her face.

By the time the sun was halfway down, there were five couples, us included, doing it doggy style, facing the brilliant glare. It was public group sex of a sort. Formation fucking. Sunset sex in sequence.

It was also a race against time. Christie made it clear she wanted to cum together, and she was getting close. The extra stimulation of having others similarly engaged and in very close proximity was helping me catch up.

"Hard - er, ba - by! Har - der!" she grunted, urging me on. "I'm gon - na cum - mmm!"

That about did it. My hips went into the automatic overdrive gear that instinctively precedes orgasm, and within seconds, I was pumping her pussy full of warm semen while she tried to muffle her shrieks of joy. She set me off, and we set the others off.

In rapid succession, the other couples came like popcorn. A only one male came inside his partner, while the others pulled out and sprayed their cum on the body parts presented ; ass, tits or face.

In typical male fashion, the guys all exchanged high-fives. The ladies were more, well, ladylike, sharing hugs all around, while somehow not spreading excess cum all over each other. With that, and with the sun below the horizon, the performance broke up, along with the audience.

Christie picked up her flowers, shook the sand out of them, and brushed her knees clean of clinging grains. She was smiling when she looked up at me, and adjusted my tie.

"There. It's official. We're married," she giggled, craning up to kiss me. It wasn't a peck. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and her tongue explored my mouth. I pulled her tight against me, squashing her deliciously full breasts between us. We stood in place, rocking back and forth slowly, for a minute or two. Finally, she pulled away.

"Let's go back to the room, wife," I whispered.

"Lead the way, husband," she smiled, taking my offered arm. "Your cum is trickling down my leg. It tickles," she said quietly. "I'll need a shower. Care to join me?"

There she goes again, nagging me.

My wife... I think I'll keep her.


Thank you so much for your time.

This would seem a logical point to end, or at least pause the story of John and Christie. Please send me your thoughts on the matter, and cast your votes.


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AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

Well, I guess your main characters found their comfort zone, and limits ? Myself, I would continually be worried about crossing the line between exhibitionism and cheating, especially after having been cheated on by previous wife. Maybe some people can walk that line and enjoy it, but it seems awfully dangerous. Not me.

caveman21936caveman21936about 1 month ago

Judging by the title, I expected the dogs to feature a lot more than they did.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Excellent stuff, with characters that have a depth to them, and realistic lives, and lots of sex. Im looking forwards to reading some more of your contributions.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Very enjoyable story. One of the better stories that I have read from various good authors.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyalmost 2 years ago

Another good chapter!


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