Maddy Moo Cow


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"Specials on the tag there, I'll be right back," Angie spun on her heel without looking back at Drew. Maddy watched her, smiled, and pushed her hand across the table to take Drew's.

"Hey, are the chocolate malts good?" Maddy tapped at the menu with a finger.

"Yeah, I had one. Yummy."

"I'll have one of those. I didn't just drink a gallon of milk, like some of us here."

Drew shook his head and laughed.

"And we'll take one back for Peaches. But, on other matters, I either just made your life hell, or you're going to be the luckiest dude in town."

"Uh, what?"

"You been here before?"

"Twice. First time alone, right after moving in. Brought a dude from work along second time, maybe ten days ago."

"You met Angie, there? She your server?"

"Yeah. Place some sort of extended family gig, she's a cousin or something."

"Some mixed vibes, babe," Maddy said as she watched Angie circulate among a few tables, but she went quiet when a young man arrived with two glasses of water, napkins and knives and forks, "thanks."

Once he'd left, she spoke again with a smile. "What we did just a while ago? Angie's been picturing you with herself in my place. Just, without the milk part."

"Yeah, riiigghhtt...," Drew said, "she was friendly, but."

"Drew, lover, you're the smartest man I've ever met. But your intuition about the females of the species has always been, uh, lacking. Probably why you were so good at coaching our women's team. You missed ninety-eight percent of the signals that were being thrown at you and that meant you just focused on soccer and making us the best team in that league 'cuz of it. You and us were all, what, early twenties..."

"Barely. Me included. Helen was late twenties, oldest."

"Yeah, about her. Did you know that she was madly in love with you?"

Drew's mouth locked open and he stared. Maddy still had her smile, but her dark eyes seemed to be utterly serious. He finally managed to speak. "No way. When she moved back to town and rejoined the team, she had a girlfriend along."

"Sure. You've ALWAYS been hopeless with straight chicks, you and Mary were an absolute disaster. Hilarious as fuck for the rest of us, but for you two..."

"Hey, it was not a disaster. Was worse."

"But with us biromantic babes, like Helen and SueAnn. And me, you hit our sweet spots. I half expected you and SueAnn might get back together after I she's like me, married to a woman and with a baby, but trust me, all her memories of you are sweet. So... Helen would've dumped that Linda in a minute, but it was purely on YOU to push it beyond flirting. IF you'd ever read her signals, good chance it would've worked. Water under the bridge. Good luck for me."

"Uh," he said quietly, after a moment, "I think I might've, ah, felt that. Somewhere. But, she'd come back to teach at the Uni, she was staying there. I was, like you, others, always planned to graduate and leave. We're both now, what, two thousand miles away?"

Maddy nodded and squeezed his hand. "Lotta that happened back then...," she started but stopped when Angie arrived.

Drew wondered at the server's expression and her manner was polite but... he went over Maddy's words. They managed to order burgers, a shared plate of fries, a 'Cascadian' IPA that was an untried style for him and Maddy's chocolate malt.

"Hey, lover," Maddy squeezed his hand and he blinked, "dreaming about bending Angie over one of these tables?"


"She's got a sweet ass on her," Maddy said brightly, "could get a good grip on those hips. More or less our age, too. And..."

He shifted slightly to look over the edge of the table as Maddy grinned at him while she adjusted her place in the chair. An activity which apparently required an extended period with her legs apart.

"She liked that view," Maddy winked at him, "as did a few others. Got the hook out, might take a bit to reel her in, all three of us will fit in your bed."

"That a promise?"

Maddy pulled both of his hands and squeezed them. "Might have to settle for only me for a couple more nights... then... we'll see. Can you make do?"

"I'll suffer," he said and return the squeezes, "but I'll manage."

"Gimme," Drew and Maddy both jumped slightly and let out quick grunts when the front door opened just as Maddy reached for the doorknob.

Peaches, still barefoot and in her shorts and tee, snatched the cardboard box with the burger and fries and the chilled plastic cup from Drew.

"We brought you a chocolate malt," Maddy said, "they're really good."

Peaches held the cardboard box to her nose. "Ah, smells good. Unlike you two, bleah. I think me and Edgar should eat our dinners in peace. That bar..."

Peaches pointed with her right hand that held the malt. "That bar, Padraig's or whatever?"

"Yeah, that," Drew said.

"Good Guinness?"

"And hell of a whiskey selection."

"Good. Moo Cow is allowed a Guinness."

"I am? Uh, what about Edgar?"

"Happy as clams, me and him, watching 'Up.' Last time you had a Guinness? Nursing mothers been drinking the black nectar since prehistory. Just one."

Maddy's tongue flicked along her lips.

"You," Peaches said to Drew, "my other sweet and smelly fuckweasel. Have a whiskey. Now, shoo!"

Both blinked at the sudden closure of the door.

"How the hell does she slam the door without making a sound?" Drew asked.

"A bar," Maddy said slowly and after a pause she handed Drew her purse then quickly undid the upper two hooked buttons on her blouse and turned her back to the second fuckweasel, "unhook me."


"Bra. Unhook. You know how, right?" She said in an amused tone. He reached under the square hem and with a quick move unhooked the garment.

"You're slick, remember that when we reel Angie in." She ran the straps through the armholes of the sleeveless blouse and soon held the bra aloft. She laid it over the railing of the small front porch. Then she redid the two buttons and set the fabric to just cover both nipples.

"Lead on, lover," she said and took his hand, "where to?"

"Back past the park, but we turn right a block. Just there."

"Ooohhh, I like this place," Maddy said as Drew led her into Padraig's. Despite the front being nothing but glass, the dark wood of the booths, furniture and bar blocked streetlights from penetrating and seemed to absorb what light was emitted by the interior fixtures. Brass highlights offered ethereal reflections that revealed only two fortyish women seated at the far end of the bar and the bartender setting two drinks of clear liquids and colorful garnishes in front of them. Both women watched with hooded eyes as Drew led Maddy by the hand and they sat just to the far side of the collection of beer taps, nearest the one delivering the black treasure. Maddy nudged her stool closer to a second one and repeated her deliberate process of sitting as Drew kept his grin hidden from her intended audience. Her movement again forced her red skirt to the tops of her thighs and as she settled onto the stool he used a finger to keep her skirt high. Drew chuckled and sat, the two in a vee facing the bar, Maddy's left leg outside of his right with her right knee against the bar. The bartender said something to the two women then turned on her heel.

"Ah, always nice to see new faces," she said as she set coasters in front of them before her eyes spent a moment on Maddy's cleavage and she looked at each of them in turn, "I'm Brittany. Welcome. Interested in dinner or just liquid refreshment?"

"Hi, Brittany, I'm Maddy and this is Drew. We'll be drinking our desserts, how's the Guinness here?"

Brittany set her hand on the appointed tap and offered a proud smile. "Perfection. Forty two degrees and its very own gas mixture."

"Two of those," Maddy said, "and this man, who is currently fingering me—."

"I am?"

"Well," Maddy said and then her eyes flickered when his fingers found her clit and Brittany snorted, "it's been eighteen months since I last had one... and finally. So, it better be perfect."

Brittany set a glass under the targeted tap at a forty-five degree angle and dark liquid flowed. Before it filled, she set it aside and repeated it with a second glass.

"Patience is a virtue," Drew said as he flicked the nub between Maddy's legs and she squirmed and pushed her left thigh against his right one, skin to skin. Maddy let out soft mewls and licked her lips as she looked at the glass. Brittany set the second glass next to the first.

"While they're resting," she said as bubbles coalesced in each glass, "whiskey. But, uh, why such a Guinness absence?"

"First it was, 'you gotta get ready to get pregnant,' then 'you're preggers,' then...," Maddy cupped her breasts, "it's 'you're a glorified cow!' Nazis I'm surrounded by! But I'm finally allowed... one."

"Oh," Brittany said, "congrats... how old? And, uh, your first night out?"

"Boy, six months. Yeah," Drew said with a glance at Maddy's broad smile, "I moved here couple months back and this one and little Edgar had stayed behind and just arrived, not seen each other quite a while, a friend came along and is at home. Giving us a night off."

"And she's paying," Maddy tapped her purse she'd set on the bar, "so, do those shelves mean what I think they mean?"

Brittany followed the pointed finger that started low and rose and nodded.

"Okay," Maddy continued and she set her voice to just above a whisper and Brittany leaned slightly, "get him something from the top. He fucked me brainless already tonight, but I think if I get 'im a bit tipsy he'll bend me over and do me in that little park over there on the way home. Or maybe on that booth table there."

Maddy grinned before she bit her lip and jumped slightly when Drew squeezed her clit.

"Uh," he said. Brittany laughed and spun and slid the rolling ladder connected to the shelves behind the bar. She scrambled to the top shelf and slid down with a bottle. She blew dust off and set it on the bar.

"'Method and Madness 28 Year Old Port Pipe, Irish whiskey,'" Brittany said, "owner bought it and ordered me to wait for 'just the right customer.' I think you two fit. Let me finish these."

She slowly topped off the Guinness pints and set them on the coasters before she broke the seal on the whiskey.

"Hey," Maddy whispered again, "those two at the end regulars?"

"More or less, they..."

"Think I'm a slut," Maddy laughed, "used to it. Ain't apologizing, I'm finally able to wear my favorite clothes again. But we prefer the term 'fuckweasels.'"

She leaned and kissed Drew, held it for a count of three as Brittany snorted again and the whiskey bottle offered a 'pop.'

"And," Maddy said as she rubbed Drew's awakened cock through the thin denim fabric of his shorts, "pour two for those bitches. And one for yourself. My friend is feeling very generous tonight."

"This would be wasted on those two. Gave 'em Aviation Gin and they couldn't handle it. They drink outta the well," Brittany said, "and for me I'll have to wait 'till the end of my shift, but, trust me, I WILL take advantage."

"Neat," Drew said, "and—."

Brittany set a small jug on the bar.

"And that," he said, "you're good."

"The best," Brittany said.

"C'mon," Maddy said as she picked up her Guinness, Drew removed his right hand from between her legs and picked up his pint, "salut!"

She and Drew tapped their pints and Brittany tapped both with the whiskey bottle. Maddy closed her eyes and swallowed a third of the pint in one swallow.

"Aaahhh," she said as she lowered the pint, white foam covered her upper lip, "this beautiful hunk fucked me good and hard earlier for the first time in soooo long... and now this. I'm ALIVE again!"

From the odd exclamations behind him, Drew had little doubt the gin drinkers had heard that. Maddy didn't seem to care, her eyes remained closed and she took a second, smaller sip. He let out a slight exhale as he felt the fingers on Maddy's left hand squirm under the hem of his shorts and push until they found and fondled the head of his cock. She set her pint down and licked her lips and used her finger to gesture for Brittany to lean close.

"When you deliver their G&Ts," Maddy whispered, "tell them I'm stroking his cock. And that while it's magnificent and I AM willing to share it and I've added to my list a chick a couple decades older than them, those two ain't got a hope."

Brittany chuckled and then hummed, before she nodded.

"But, first," Drew said, as he decided to not think about Maddy's statement for the moment, "taste test."

He picked up the whiskey glass and took a tiny sip, set it down and added two drops of water and let it swirl. Then he sipped again.

"Shi... that's... wow. I'm not an expert, but that's incredible."

He set the whiskey down and took another drink of his Guinness before Maddy jumped but smiled after his slightly chilled fingers had left the pint glass and renewed their exploration of her clit. She shifted on the stool to open her legs further, only Drew's position denied the gin drinkers a clear view.

Brittany smiled and shook her head. "One thing, Drew. I don't care if you grab her by the waist, put her on her back on that booth over there and fuck her senseless like she wants. But, my boss will care when he loses his liquor license."

"You could sit on my face while he does me," Maddy said, "would that help?"

Brittany laughed and the grunts from the end of the bar indicated she wasn't the only one who'd heard. "You two gonna come back sometime?"

"Probably, walking distance," Maddy said.

"I'll keep in mind what you said," Brittany winked, "but just limit yourselves to drinking in here. Ah, well, go ahead and warm up, but keep it there. Now... I have some lame drinks to fix."

Drew jumped when Maddy's fingers tightened on the head of his constrained prick. He squeezed as he held his pint in his left hand and he and Maddy locked eyes as they tapped and drank.

"Only one," Maddy said as she looked at the remaining liquid and her mouth went to a pout.

"Oh... hell," Drew said, "your twenty-first, back before you left. All you wanted at the Crazy Parrot was... ahem, Guinness."

"I'm true to my heritage," her voice had gained a brogue, "but, finally."

She drained her pint and offered a hangdog look. Drew's body tightened when she poked the tip of her pinkie finger into the hole at the end of his prick and squeezed the glans. Hard.

"I hope this can make me forget the disappointment of a single, tiny, barely there Guinness."

He responded by pushing a finger into her slit as she opened her legs another notch. She shifted her blouse so the erect flesh of her nipples were barely covered, the blush pink fabric giving way to areolas whose color fell between it and her dark pink nipples were exposed.

"Tiny, hah," he said. She squeezed and stuck out her tongue. He drained his whiskey and closed his eyes and let an 'aaahhh' that was silenced when he felt lips on his and a tongue pushed into his mouth. By the time he opened his eyes and blinked, Maddy had sat back and licked at her own lips.

"Sampling. It is tasty," she purred, "Brittany..."

The bartender looked up from her nearly-finished drinks. "Yeah, babe?"

"Give 'im a refill, please. I need 'im a bit more tuned. I mean, would YOU wanna fuck me sober? Look at me!"

Brittany clamped her lips together to chop off her laugh. "I'm only here Sundays through Wednesdays, but if I DON'T see you two here again... I'll be very disappointed!"

She wiped her hands on a towel and refilled Drew's whiskey glass and spoke quietly. "This one's on the house. Now, I have two drinks and a message of disappointment to deliver."

She picked up the two G&Ts and set off to the end of the bar. Drew fought the urge to turn but he watched as Maddy used him to obscure her spying.

"Ooohhh," Maddy said quietly, "one night and I think we have Angie, Brittany and Doris sniffing the hooks to share our bed... that bitch outside Left Hand and these two might just burn your place down. I haven't lost my mojo."

Drew made her jump when he spun his hand and crooked a finger to press the solid spot of flesh inside her pussy. She let out a slow exhale as he rubbed.

"I've been here two months, hardly anyone here has noticed me—."

"'Cept Angie," Maddy interjected, her eyes barely open as her pussy flesh rippled.

"Yeah, her. You definitely have your mojo."

"Finish your whiskey," Maddy's voice was deep and beyond a request, "if we're not allowed to fuck here..."

And then her voice went to a whisper and she looked down at her chest. "Shit... I'm leaking."

Drew felt the thigh Maddy rubbed against his cock, still in its denim prison. He slid his hands down what fabric there was of her dress and passed it and found the bare flesh of her solid ass cheeks. Their tongues pressed back and forth as they stood on the sidewalk. As soon as they'd left Padraig's, Maddy had undone all but the bottom button on her blouse and pushed the cloth off her nipples, to avoid 'staining' her favorite blouse she'd said.

"Good thing it's Wednesday," Drew had said, "gets kinda busy 'round here on the weekends."

"Hmm," Maddy had said as she'd stood straight and did what Drew seemed to think had been a strut for the passers-by they encountered, "I'll wear something that'll really show off then!"

That phrase ran though his mind as he squeezed her ass and her hands ran across his back before finding his ass. The thought of her walking in nothing but the stilettos caused his cock to twitch.

She moaned into his mouth then broke the kiss and pushed apart but grabbed his hand.

"Felt that. Lets go," she said, her voice hoarse and breathy, he shifted to walk toward the house but she pulled him into Van Horst Park, "I found a spot in here and I've got everything we need."

She led him left, past the covered gazebo at the center of the park. He saw a few other couples as they passed through shadows and occasional pools of light from the streetlights and a few park lights. She pulled them to stand alongside a small fountain surrounded by a low, cast iron railing. Its spray of water glittered in the stray rays of light that made it through the foliage.

She turned and her mouth found his while his right hand again slid under her skirt. Her right hand went to his zipper and quickly freed his quivering erection. She wiggled to free her purse over her head and released his cock.

"Drink," she whispered as he broke the kiss. He cupped her right tit and wrapped his mouth around the nipple. She slipped the purse strap over an iron rod and her hand went back to his cock. She nudged his hand away and he felt a small, plastic bottle pushed into it. His mouth lost its target when she squatted and sucked his entire shaft into her mouth. He twined his fingers in her hair but after three slow strokes she released his prick and stood.

"Great tits," she said as she kissed his neck and cheeks, "and no gag reflex. What more could you want?"

"Your cunt," he said.

She kissed him. "Later. Ass now. I came prepared."

"That'll suffice."

She spun in front of him and pulled his right hand to her breast. He scissored the nipple and felt drops of milk. He bent then slid his cock along the cleft between her ass cheeks as she ground against him when he realized what he held.

He forced her to loosen her grip and he popped the top of the bottle. Lube. She opened her stance and pushed him back as she rested her arms on the railing.

"Ooohhh, cool," she purred as he pushed her skirt up around her waist and slid a lubed finger past her anal ring and coated her tight passage. She let out soft sounds and shimmied her hips.

He'd walked through this park a few times, like much of the local area, it'd been rehabilitated and refurbished in the last handful of years. The combination of prices that hadn't yet taken off and its convenience to tram lines that took him directly past his new job and everything else an easy stroll had made it perfect.