Maid to Order Ch. 06

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Michele and Bill entice Karen Grayson into threesome sex.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/22/2016
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Michele and Bill talked late in the night stopping whenever their lust for each other overtook their need to converse. Arrangements were made, compromises reached and finally a mutually beneficial arrangement was entered into.

"Ok Bill let's call it a night and tomorrow we give our plan a try," Michele said yawning as she stood.

Her maid's uniform was quite dishevelled, her makeup smooched and her stockings laddered from their repeated lovemaking but Bill still found Michele arousing; even more so to some extent because of her unkempt 'just-fucked' look.

"Ok Michele. And thanks for giving me this chance after being such an arsehole," Bill said, pushing back his chair.

"Well mutual blackmail is a strange way to start a relationship but we'll see how it goes. Consider yourself on probation," Michele said quite coldly.

Bill winced and walked towards the front door, head down.

"Where are you going?" Michele said and Bill turned.

Michele flicked her skirts lifting the white taffeta ruffles to expose her full globes encased in black satin full-cut knickers with a white lace trim and creamy white thighs framed by the gauzy black welts of her laddered silk stockings.

Bill raised his eyebrows.

"Aren't you staying the night?" Michele smiled invitingly.

Bill couldn't remember the last time he had fucked a woman five times in one day, although technically it was now the early hours of the second day they had been together, but his cock told him that it was definitely going to happen again now. He grinned and followed Michele into her bedroom.

The deal they had struck was this. Bill would move in with Michele on a trial basis. The only way to make this work Michele had decided is that Michael Nyland would disappear in the house they cohabited, only Michele would exist. It would be too creepy being 'Mick' around Bill and then emerging from the bedroom later in the day as Michele and probably having sex (they hadn't come to an actual arrangement about sex - they left it to pan out).

Since Mick's wife had left him, he had pretty much become a recluse so there were no nosy neighbours to worry about and as his family never visited it was highly unlikely uninvited guests would find out about the strange arrangement.

Bill would still work his job and attend his social engagements, such as they were, really just going down the pub and playing darts tournaments with his team. Michele would for all intents and purposes be his surrogate wife. But first Bill had to deal with Marie.

"Ok Marie, I understand that our relationship is over. I admit that you have given me chances in the past and that I have proven to be unfaithful and that finally you have had enough," Bill said.

They sat in a coffee shop, neutral ground, as they discussed the dissolvent on their marriage. Marie looked refreshed and to some extent Bill was a little regretful that he was leaving her. But as soon as he thought of what might be possible with Michele he realised that was where his destiny lay; at least for the near future.

Michele and Bill had thought long and hard about this meeting and what would be said. Michele did not want any suspicion about her crossdressing peccadilloes to permeate within the family so Bill's explanation had been well rehearsed.

"I know that you are over me and we both know that Cynthia is over Mick so we have come to a mutual beneficial arrangement. Mick can use the extra income and I need somewhere to stay so I'm going to lodge with him, Bill explained.

"What; the Nancy boy?" Marie said.

"Well that might be; but as long as I have my own room and he doesn't do any of that poofy stuff around me I'm ok with it. At least I'm sort of staying within the family and it's safe and cheap. You've taken my savings from the mutual account and I won't contest that so long as you leave my wages alone," Bill gazed at Marie looking forlorn.

"Fuck Bill, with your savings, the house, my car and my own wages I can live comfortably without you. Maybe I'll find a nice young man looking for a cougar to fuck me when I need it, I think that's what they call them 'cougars'. At least he won't stink of beer and fags and he will be able to stay hard long enough to get me off. Fuck off! Do what you want; I couldn't give a fuck! Get the rest of your stuff out of the house tomorrow and leave your keys on the hall table; I've already arranged to have the locks changed anyway," Marie hissed.

"Fuck off and stay with your Nancy-boy son-in-law and good luck!" she snatched up her purse and stormed out of the coffee shop.

When Bill told Michele about the encounter, she sitting in his lap as he stroked her through her panties and she squeezing him through his trousers, they both laughed. Their plan was coming together nicely.

And so it progressed for the next few weeks, which soon became months. Mick changed his business practises, controlling his business by phone and by email. He occasionally and begrudgingly had to take face to face meetings in drab but he had appointed his trusted second in command to look after the business whenever a human presence was required. Mick had for all intents and purposes become the invisible CEO of his small but lucrative security firm and was able to deal with almost all of the managerial issues from home.

When Bill came home from work he initially found Michele dressed in the maid's uniform but more often lately he found her dressed in business attire, a reflection of her managerial position. She even discussed with Bill the prospect of 'coming out' but they both agreed that this required significant consideration and consultation given the line of work her company was in.

Their sex life was vibrant and varied, but on most nights Bill slept in the spare room. They still hadn't reached the stage of being 'a couple'.

It was eight months into their arrangement when Bill finally quizzed Michele about her shopping spree in Hull and the assistant who had been so sympathetic and assisted her with her purchases. Michele told him all about it and Bill of course knew some of the story because he had spied on her while she shopped.

But when Michele described Ms Karen Grayson, the department head of 'Ladies Apparel', and the incident where she gently squeezed Michele's semi-erect penis through her dress and winked at her in her ladies change room, Bill became very aroused.

"So do you think if we went back there and confronted Ms Grayson she might be up for some fun; a threesome perhaps?" Bill mused one night after they had just made love.

Michele grinned.

"I wondered when this was going to happen," Michele smirked as she slowly stroked Bill's deflating penis.

"What?" Bill said innocently.

"I was wondering when you might propose a threesome," she smiled.

"Now that could be interesting," she smiled and kissed him passionately.

Michele was prepared for just this event, and anyway she was half of a mind to go to the department store in the big shopping centre and meet up with Ms Karen Grayson and see if Karen remembered their previous encounter. She also wanted Karen to be impressed when Michele showed up wearing one of the dresses she had bought from the store.

They decided to drive to Kingston On Hull and stay for the weekend; it was far enough away from where they lived so that Michele could 'come out' with little risk of being clocked as Mick.

They left early Saturday morning; Michele dressed in the black leather skirt and white nylon blouse that she had bought at the department store, underneath she wore white satin lingerie, flesh-toned tights and black heels. Michele had grown her hair long and it was now nicely styled in a brunette bob, no need for a wig. Her makeup was perfect. They stopped for coffee on the way and she was very aware of the appreciative glances she received at the cafe, especially from the truck drivers and labourers.

"You're loving this aren't you?" Bill squeezed her knee under the table.

"Oh my god Bill its so exhilarating being out dressed. I'm sure some of the people suspect I'm trans but no one is giving me any grief," Michele smiled.

Bill patted her cheek.

"Why would they darling; you are beautiful," Bill smiled back.

Bill was a different person since he moved in with Michele. He'd lost a stone and a half and was dressing better. Today he wore a blue chambray shirt, tailored tan slacks, loafers and his hair had been professionally coiffured. He looked ten years younger.

They arrived at the Kingston on Hull Holiday Inn Express hotel and checked in, the concierge gave Michele an appreciative glance that was not lost on Bill and he pulled her close and kissed her; the first time he had showed public intimacy and Michele was thrilled.

Once they were in their room Bill's first instinct was to throw Michele on the bed and dive on top of her. Michele giggled and let him kiss and fondle her but she put a stop to it when his hand went under her skirt.

"Eyes on the prize dear. If we go any further with this, we won't be meeting Ms Grayson will we?" Michele eased herself from under Bill.

"Now leave me alone while I get changed," Michele grinned.

Bill, a little disappointed, went over to his bag and pulled out a six pack of beer, opening one and putting the rest in the mini-bar fridge along with a couple of bottles of champagne.

"Don't sulk Bill, you know this will be worth it if Ms Grayson is working and is amenable to our proposal. And if not we can come back here and fuck all night anyway," Michele's smile was reflected in the mirror as she fixed her makeup.

She shucked out of her skirt and blouse and slid into the red cotton-lycra blend, long-sleeve dress with the V-neck and tight bodice that Ms Grayson had helped her try on in the fitting room. She got Bill to zip it at the back and had to playfully slap his hand away when he got carried away smoothing it down her body; he couldn't resist sliding his hand under the hem.

"If you ladder these tights I'll fucking kill you!" Michele admonished.

She brushed her hair, sprayed perfume, and slid her feet into a pair of red high-heels. She pirouetted in front of Bill.

"Too much for the St Stephen's shopping centre?" Michele asked.

"No babe. Not for a Saturday afternoon anyway," Bill tipped his can at her and polished it off.

Because the hotel was part of the building housing St Stephen's shopping centre they were able to get the lift down to reception and enter the shopping centre through the second story car park. Most of the people in the shopping complex were your typical locals dressed in dowdy tracksuits, football jerseys, hoodies and trainers but some of the more sophisticated women had made an effort and were dressed nicely. Michele's attire blended in and once she realised that the odd stare she received was of appreciation, her confidence grew. She had been practicing hard and now spoke with a naturally smoky feminine voice (her Bonnie Tyler voice she called it) and she spoke with self-assurance whilst conversing with Bill.

The test came when they arrived at T. K. Maxx, and that was when Michele became nervous and insisted that Bill take her outside for a ciggie. They smoked a cigarette and Bill gave her a slug of whisky from the flask he had hid in the inside pocket of the navy-blue sports coat that he had thrown on to go with his blue chambray shirt, tailored tan slacks. Michele clung to his arm and they approached T. K. Maxx for the second time, she was now more excited than nervous. She checked her watch. It was four-thirty; the store would close in half an hour.

They strode into the store and went straight to women's apparel. Michele spotted Karen Grayson almost immediately; she was carefully smoothing out blouses that careless shoppers had left scattered around the women's fashion department and returning them to their racks. Ms Grayson's blue rinse and bouffant hairstyle was gone. She had dyed her hair black with cerise highlights and was wearing it in a stylish bob; it suited her and made look younger and more attractive. But she was still easily identifiable; she wore a navy-blue skirt and jacket and white blouse, the hem of her skirt rode mid-thigh displaying a shapely pair of legs clad in tan hosiery and shod in black kitten-heels. Michele guessed she was in her mid-fifties, she wore heavy makeup and although she was large framed, and she was voluptuous rather than fat.

"Ok girl, go get her," Bill whispered in Michele's ear, patting her bum to send her on her way.

Bill pretended to be the disinterested husband while Michele browsed the racks, both their hearts beating heavily. Michele realised that their fantasy of enticing the divine Ms Grayson into a threesome was far from reality. They were in a well-lit department store in the late afternoon and although the rush hour had waned, there were still a few customers around.

Michele set her resolve and selected a business suit, navy blue skirt and matching jacket, and made her way over to Karen Grayson who looked up from what she was doing and beamed Michele her best 'can I help you' smile. Her eyes were smoky with heavy dark eyeliner, mascara and mauve eyeshadow; her full lips glossy with plum-red lipstick and Michele's heart skipped a beat.

"I was wondering if you could help me find a blouse to go with this suit?" Michele asked.

Karen took a second to appraise Michele and her smile widened.

"Of course madam, may I suggest one of these cream satin blouses. A twelve is it?"

"Yes I think a twelve will fit but you're never sure until you try them on are you?" Michele replied.

"Well come this way and let's find out," Karen gestured towards the fitting rooms and Michele's heart beat faster.

They entered the unisex fitting rooms, the cubicles had floor to ceiling partitions and doors just as Michele remembered. This time there was no one at the counter due to the late hour. Ms Grayson directed Michele to a cubicle at the far end.

"There you are," she opened the door with a smile and made to leave.

"No!" Michele blurted out.

Ms Grayson looked at her quizzically.

"Sorry, I was hoping you would help me try them on. Sometimes it's a bit difficult getting things right and Bill out there is hopeless," Michele smiled apologetically.

"I know what you mean dear; mine's been gone for five years now but he was never any help in these matters," Karen smiled.

"Gone?" Michele raised her brows.

"Oh no dear! I mean divorced not the other gone," Karen placed a comforting hand on Michele's shoulder and Michele inhaled her perfume.

Michele was becoming aroused being so close to Karen and she was glad she was securely gaffed.

They squeezed into the cubicle and Michele hung up her handbag, the suit and blouse and turned her back to Karen so she could unzip her dress. Karen unzipped the dress and helped Michele take her arms out of the sleeves and ease it down her torso. She spotted the label.

"Oh it's one of ours! I thought I recognised it," Karen quipped.

"Yes I bought it here about eight months ago. In fact you helped me try it on."

"Really, I don't remember you?" Karen looked confused as Michele turned to face her, the dress bunched at her waist.

"Well I looked a bit different back then," Michele reached around Karen and unhooked her handbag.

Karen seemed a little unsettled at how close they were in the confines of the cubicle when Michele did this. Michele rummaged in the bag, found her purse and withdrew her driver's licence. She held up the licence with the picture of Michael Nyland. Karen looked confused and then a look of shock followed by delight bloomed on her face.

"Well fuck me! I never would have guessed! Oh sorry I swore," Karen blushed.

Michele beamed.

"You look absolutely gorgeous dear! So different from the nervous bloke trying on women's clothing for what I'm guessing was the first time in a store," Karen grinned.

"Do I really?" Michele said coyly.

"Of piss-off; you know you do!" Karen was still smiling.

"I remember something else," Michele whispered.

Karen looked confused again.

"You said that once I put on my brassiere and filled the cups, and gaff this naughty fellow, the dress would fit perfectly," Michele whispered hoarsely.

She nervously took Karen Grayson's hands and put one on her breast and other between her legs.

"Ahem," Karen cleared her throat.

Michele was scared that this would be when Ms Grayson was going to become enraged and call for the store security officer.

Karen looked very terse.

Then she squeezed Michele's breast through her white satin brassiere; of course Michele couldn't feel it exactly but the hand on her breastform was comforting.

"Very life-like," Karen whispered.

Then she squeezed Michele through her panties and gaff. This Michele could feel.

"And even though he's gaffed; this fellow is still naughty," she whispered, her voice husky.

Michele groaned.

Karen rubbed Michele's semi-erect penis through her silky satin panties and it sprang to full turgidity and strained against the gaff.

Michele drew Karen into her embrace and crushed her lips against hers. Karen slid her tongue into Michele's mouth and pressed her body against her. Michele slid her hand under Karen's skirt and found her mound hot and clammy through her tights and knickers. She pushed a finger into Karen's cleft and rubbed the gossamer knicker fabric into her soft folds and felt Karen's warm juices moisten her knickers.

Michele was leaking too and Karen felt Michele's panties dampen. Their kisses became frantic as they desperately groped and fondled each other. Michele was able to pull down Karen's tights so that her fingers could slide inside the silk knickers and slip into the warm wet folds of her labia.

"Oh my god!" Karen gasped through crushed lips.

Karen tried to pull down Michele's tights but she wearing her tights under her panties and they became entangled. Karen became impatient and pulled them back up, slid her hand inside Michele's panties and tore out the crotch of Michele's tights with her long fingernails. She found the gaff, a panty-liner held in place with cosmetic tape, and tore it free and grasped Michele's hot, throbbing member and squeezed it.

"Jesus!" Michele screamed into Karen's mouth.

"Shhh!" Karen hissed into Michele's panting mouth.

Michele found Karen's clitoris nestled in the hot wet folds of her cunt and began to stroke it gently with her middle finger as Karen began to slowly stroke Michele's turgid penis. They pressed against each other, kissing, groping, stroking and fondling. Michele pushed harder against Karen's clitoris at her urging, Karen was rubbing her crotch back and forth on Michele's hand, pushing hard. Michele thrust back and forth in time with Karen's strokes.

Their lips were crushed together, their tongues exploring each other's mouths; their bodies crushed together, rubbing and gyrating.

They came together.

Karen shuddered and moaned as she flooded her knickers; her juices soaking Michele's hand as Michele thrummed Karen's clitty. Michele screamed into Karen's mouth as hot semen exploded from her quivering penis; her scalding issue sprayed over Karen's wrists, the inside of her dress and some dribbled down onto her panties.

They kissed, moaned, groaned, tugged and hugged each other, oblivious to their surroundings.

Michele and Karen tenderly kissed and caressed each other, stroking and canoodling as they came down from their orgasms. After what seemed like a languid eternity they were both spent and held each other gently and kissed each other softly.

"Well my! I've never done that before!" Karen giggled.

"Well I certainly appreciate your assistance Ms Grayson," Michele smiled mischievously, pulling up her ripped tights and wet panties.

"And yours Ms err?" Karen was pulling up her own knickers and tights.