Makati Ch. 09

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An American's adventure in Makati.
4.8k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2020
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Chapter 9

At 7:45 I rode the elevator down to see that Sam had the car ready and was waiting for me. I motioned that I would be getting in the front seat and told her to go to the Hotel where we would be picking up Jack and Yomi. I looked down at Sam's long legs encased in her stockings and felt a stirring of my dick. Damn, I needed to get laid tonight.

We pulled in through security to the New World Hotel and Jack and Yomi were waiting for us. Jack dressed in a suit and tie, and Yomi in another silk kimono dress that was very short and was wearing nude colored stockings. She had her hair up with the chopsticks and was wearing a very tall set of red high heels.

Sam and I both exited the car and Sam opened the passenger side for Jack as I did the same for Yomi. Her skirt was so short that I caught a quick glance at her satin white panties as she sat down on the seat and pulled her legs inside the car. She caught me looking and smiled as I shut the door. Sam asked for the address from Jack and entered it into her Google Maps on her iPhone on the dash. Away we went into the traffic of Makati.

Twenty minutes later we pulled into a small older wooden building with Japanese characters on the sign. Jack had explained that this restaurant was in Little Japan, an area where Japanese businesspeople congregated to eat and for nightlife. There were a few hostess bars, KTV's, Sushi and Ramen places dotted through the two-city block area.

We walked in were sat to a table by a gentleman that seemed to know Jack. We were seated in a corner table away from the crowd. Jack ordered us some Saki and then asked if he could be so bold as to order for the three of us. I told him that would be great with me.

I wanted to get the elephant out of the room before we moved forward, so I asked Jack to explain himself about last night. He looked at Yomi and they said something silently between them. She excused herself to go to the ladies' room and Jack told the story. He fell in love with and wanted to marry Yomi's older sister, but her family was very poor. They didn't have the money requested from Jack's family for the dowry. Jack negotiated that Yomi be the payment. Even at 14 years old, she was very smart and beautiful. Much smarter than her older sister. Jack could see turning Yomi into his assistant, and when she came of age, his servant of other needs. It seems once a Japanese woman is married, she isn't very adventurous when it comes to sex. Jack was very kinky and had certain needs, he figured he would get them from Yomi. He was into BDSM and watching women with other women. He had trained Yomi well he said.

She was his servant in business and in bed. She would do exactly what he wanted, never questioning him. A complete sub. In the past year though, she started to push back. She even was in the process of interviewing with his biggest competitor. He explained he didn't pay Yomi much money because he had supported her through university and in her teenage years, that she owed him. When he got to this point in the conversation, Yomi returned from the bathroom.

On her return, we toasted with our Saki and talked business all through the many courses of Sushi and Sashimi. It seemed Jack and Yomi had done some research into our needs and basically had a full presentation for me. The info was just what I needed, but I needed to know costs. Yomi pulled a notebook out of her purse and pulled a small sheet out that laid out basic costs. Up front of $3,000,000 and monthly maintenance and engineering fees of $250,000. The lease fees for the equipment would be between $300-500,000 per quarter, depending on how many welding and painting robots we would need. She explained that these were contingent on finalizing the details of our needs, but she was confident that the price would not increase, only decrease as they built in an engineering factor to the rough estimate.

I was impressed, the current company I've been working with has worked on a proposal for two months and hadn't given me anything close to a hard number. They were leaning towards a cost-plus contract, which I was opposed to.

I asked about in house engineers to run the equipment and if that cost was included. We needed engineers to be at the factory running the equipment after the installation until the locals were trained. on all the ins and outs. We would also need at least one engineer on staff full time after that was accomplished to handle maintenance and upgrades. Jack assured me that these costs were built in, and that he could have equipment in Manila in 90 days after we signed the contract and paid the up front fees.

I was doing the numbers in my head and thinking about the different scenarios. I asked about a couple of further things and got the answers I needed to hear. I pressed him a little on the up front money, saying that it would need to be in escrow, rather than just a straight payment, and he said he would have to talk to his banker about the arrangements to make sure it was going to be within his credit agreement with them.

Yomi pulled up her phone and showed me pictures of the Japanese robots that they had installed in a large car manufacturer in Manila. She explained that the robots that we would get would be very similar, and that was the reason for the quick and competitive pricing. It would double their footprint in Manila, and they could absorb some of the costs by having two large contracts in the same city.

I was intrigued, but I needed a more formal proposal to submit to my customer. They said they could have it to me in 10 days ready to present. I told them that I would need a firm commitment on the date because I would have to fly back to the states to present it, and I would need to book my ticket by Friday. They agreed they would firm up the schedule and have a final answer on when the formal proposal would be finished by the end of the day tomorrow.

We toasted to the future and you could feel the excitement on their part over this large new contract. Yomi excused herself to go to the bathroom and both Jack and I stood to be polite, and once I stood I could feel the effects of the Saki. I was drunk. We both watched as Yomi walked away, captured in her elegance and beauty.

I sat back down when she was out of sight and turned to Jack.

"I'll give you the contract, but I have one condition."

He looked on as I said "I want Yomi. You are going to lose her to your competition, and I'm building a staff here in Manila. I want her to be my person in charge here."

"Bob, that's not the only thing you want from her," he said with a knowing smile.

"I agree, there is more that I want, but I'll leave that up to her. For now, if you want the contract, Yomi becomes my asset. And you know that if I do hire her, there will be five times as much business coming your way."

"Tell you what Bob, I will let Yomi decide. You can ask her yourself," He said confidently with a smirk.

Yomi returned a few minutes later and I ordered another pitcher of Saki. One it arrived I proposed a toast to "our future" and we drank the hot liquid down.

I turned to the beautiful woman at my left and said "Yomi, I have decided if we can firm up the details, I will sign a contract with Jack. But I have one request that will decide if we can move forward."

Lomi looked at Jack and then back at me knowing something was up.

I placed my hand on her thigh on the skin directly below her skirt "Jack has agreed that you will decide yourself if we move forward."

Yomi looked nervously at Jack while I slowly rubbed her thigh.

"Yomi, in order for us to move forward with this very large contract for your brother in law, I need a single concession."

I slowly moved my right hand up to the edge of her skirt and continued "You are the concession Yomi. You will become my property for the duration of the contract. You will run my Manila operation and you will service all of my needs, as you have for Jack these last several years."

Yomi was now glaring at Jack, and she and him began speaking in Japanese to each other. Jack turned to me with a big smile and told me that Yomi had declined my request.

"I don't know why you are smiling Jack, you just lost out on a huge contract," I said as I moved my hand under Yomi's short skirt. She was making no attempt to move it.

"Yomi, it will be up to you. This is more about my business and needing an intelligent person that can be my partner, than it is about sex. But I won't lie to you, I want you in every way," I said as I moved my hand up to her panties and lightly brushed across her pussy.

She turned to me and asked "My salary, how much will you pay?"

"I will double your salary you are making now, and I will pay for your expenses. I have a spare bedroom in my condo and you can stay there with me and you will have access to the car and the driver for your needs."

She reached her hand down and placed it on my arm, and I reflectively started pulling back. She pushed my hand back under her skirt and spread her legs for better access.

When my fingers reached her panties, I pushed them aside and brushed across her damp lips.

"How long will my contract be?" she asked. "Will there be a bonus for successful implementation of the project?"

I laughed and said "We can negotiate the bonus, but I could promise you right now, if you do as I think you will be able to do, it will be in excess of $50,000 USD."

She pushed harder on my arm under her skirt as she looked at Jack "Jack, will you match his offer?"

"You know I can't do that Yomi," he said.

"Of course you can't, you need to send too much money to that bitch sister of mine for her lifestyle while I make less than a recent graduate," she hissed as she pushed harder on my hand.

Getting the hint I plunged my middle finger in her hot sex, it was wet, warm and very tight. I began slowly pushing it in and out of her slit and asked her "Well, do you need some time to think about it Yomi?"

"Bob, Jack is like a brother to me. He raised me and paid for my university. I owe him my life."

I looked over at Jack and he had a big smile on his face and he began to say something when Yomi cut him off.

"But he is an asshole and makes money off me like I'm his slave. That is his right as it's his business. But the bonus you offer is more than I made the last two years."

"I will accept your offer, but we will have to negotiate the terms." She said as she reached down to pull my hand from under her dress.

I placed my wet fingers on her upper thigh and looked in her eyes and told her we could go somewhere and do that tonight.

She smiled and looked at me and said "Bob, I need to go with Jack tonight. I owe him that. Tomorrow I will come to your condo and discuss the final details."

I looked over at Jack who was still smiling. He said "Bob, be careful with her. You will soon find out that you think you control her, but will wake up finding out the opposite is true. Come Yomi, lets get a cab and return to the Hotel. Bob, have a good evening."

They stood and left the table in a matter of seconds. I had to sit there and think about this for a minute, had I just been setup again by Jack? Two minutes later the waiter brought over the bill. Fuck, he was supposed to be buying.

After paying the bill (over $200) I glanced at my watch and noticed it was only 10:30pm. I checked my messages and caught up with some important ones and sent a few text messages to the states to take care of the issues we were having with customs in Manila. I made a mental note to schedule a meeting with the Mayor of Manila to discuss the issues.

Mary had sent another message saying that she was very thankful for MJ's interview with Ms. Laza. I sent a message back saying she could show me her thanks in person soon.

Jasmine had also sent a message asking if she could come see the condo tomorrow, as it was her day off. Now that I knew what she was after, I asked myself if I wanted to pay to fuck a pregnant Filipina, even one as beautiful as she was. I sent her a message asking where she lived (some of these gals working in Makati live over 2 hours away where it's cheaper).

I sent Laza a message and asked if she wanted to go have a drink. She didn't respond right away but I got a message from Jasmine that she and her husband lived close to the hotel in Makati. I sent her a message back asking if her husband was home and she replied that yes, he was rubbing her feet while they laid on the sofa.

"Send me a picture" I sent and within a minute she sent a picture of her in a t-shirt and shorts, with her big belly and her husband massaging her feet. It wasn't the best picture, you could tell she took it on the sly.

"Did you tell him about our encounter?"

"Yes sir, I told him. I felt guilty and he could tell that something was wrong."

"Do you tell him every time you are unfaithful Jasmine?" I asked her.

"Yes sir. He likes to hear about it," she sent with a smiley face.

"Does he fuck your used pussy after you tell him Jasmine?"

"Mr. Jones, I can't tell you that, I'm too shy," she sent in the text with a shy emoji.

"Tell me Jasmine, I may have an offer for you to make some money."

After what seemed like an eternity she sent back a simple "Yes, he does."

I love cucking women. My wife's and my first "swinging" encounter was fucking the next door sexy Latina neighbor one night after three bottles of wine and a big joint. Her husband was sound asleep in his bed literally 40 feet where we fucked his wife until 4:00am. He never found out, and my wife and her still go out and prowl the town together.

Here I thought Jasmine was a simple girl that innocently flirts with customers and possibly fucks one on the side occasionally. But it seems she is a full-blown freak that cucks her husband for money, and not only that, he gets off on it.

"Has he ever watched you fuck another man?"

"Oh no sir, I couldn't do that to him," she replied almost instantaneously.

"So, does he like the money you bring him, or the idea that you are getting fucked by a strange man?"

"Both sir" she replied.

"What is the most you have ever gotten paid?"

"I don't remember sir."

"Jasmine, you remember. Tell me."

After a few minutes she replied "Two Russian businessmen paid me $500."

"Wow, that is a lot of money. What did you have to do Jasmine?"

"Sir, I can't talk about it. It is too embarrassing."

"Tell me Jasmine"

"They made me do awful things sir. They made me drink their piss and they both did me at the same time, both in my, you know sir."

"No Jasmine, I don't know. TELL ME!"

"They put both their cocks in my pussy at the same time. I'm so embarrassed."

"I'm finishing my dinner, I want you and your husband to come to my condo. I'll be there in 30 minutes."

I sent her the address and a picture of a crisp American $100 bill.

"My husband asks if he has to come sir?"

"Yes Jasmine, it's time for him to see what a slut you are."

I left a big tip and walked out to find Sam. She was talking to some locals by the car and when she saw me, she immediately came and opened the back door. I motioned to the front and sat in the passenger's seat.

She got in and asked, "Back to the condo, sir?"

"Yes Sam, I have a little surprise for you. I hope you are game for some fun tonight."

She looked at me with a smile and hunger in her eyes "With you sir?"

"Sure" I said, "and some friends."

Within 20 minutes we were in front of the Condo, I told Sam to park the car and come up.

I went inside and turned on the lights and put on some jazz music and lit a couple of candles, a plan starting to form in my head.

Sam entered off the elevator just as I got a message from Jasmine saying they were downstairs. I had Sam call the doorman to have them put on the elevator to the penthouse. I went in the wine closet and found a bottle of tequila and some shot glasses in the freezer. I looked in Nan's kitchen and found some limes and asked Sam to cut them into slices while I found the salt.

By the time I found the salt Jasmine and her husband John walked in the unit form the elevator. John was a handsome guy, short stature and slim. He was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt just as his wife was. I walked over for Jasmine to introduce him to me and I asked them to sit on the couch. Sam had finished cutting up four limes and I told her to wash her hands, and to bring them into the living room while I brought the salt and the tequila into the next room.

The living room is huge, with three opposing couches and a big coffee table in the middle. Jasmine and John sat on the one facing the kitchen and I sat on the one facing them. Sam brought in the limes and I poured four shots of tequila. Jasmine looked at me and said "Sir, I can't drink sir. The baby, it isn't safe."

I looked at her as I handed her the shot. I told her, it was only one drink, to make her relax. The one drink won't hurt the baby.

I stood up and toasted "To a fun evening," and they all stood and we all drank the tequila and lime, and licked the salt off our hands.

I introduced Sam to the couple and told them that Sam would be joining us tonight. John couldn't look anybody in the eye, he had no idea what was coming. Sam sat next to me, as if she was claiming me. I put my hand down on her hosed covered long legs while looking at Jasmine. "She is very beautiful, isn't she Jasmine?"

"Yes sir, she is very beautiful. But you know sir...." She left that last bit hanging.

"Yes, I know Jasmine. Sam showed me earlier today" I said laughing.

I turned to Sam and whispered in her ear "Pull my cock out and suck it until it's hard. Put on a show but don't make me cum."

Sam smiled at me and reached down and unzipped my dress pants and pulled out my semi hard cock. She looked at me, then at Jasmine and started to suck my cock.

"She's very good" I said with a growl.

Jasmine was watching intently, while John would glance up every once in a while, but he mostly was looking out the window looking out over Makati.

I pulled Sam off my cock after she had gotten it to harden to about 80%. "Jasmine, would you like to try?"

She looked at her husband, then at Sam, and then at my glistening cock full of Sam's spit. She stood up and started to walk over, her big stomach leading the way. She came and sat on the other side of me from Sam and leaned forward to take my cock in her mouth.

I grabbed her on the back of the head to stop her and looked at Sam "Tell him to watch in Tagalog, make sure that little bitch watches his wife suck my cock."

Sam hissed at John in their native tongue as I let go of Jasmine so she could lean over and take my cock in her mouth. I looked up to John and saw he was watching his wife suck this white man's cock and wondered what was going through his mind.

I turned back to Sam and told her "Undress but leave the stockings on."

"Yes sir," she replied as she began to undress in front of John and I while Jasmine bobbed on my cock.

"Spit on it Jasmine, get it nice and wet."

I was pushing on the back of her head as she sucked my cock. She pushed back and pulled off my cock. "My stomach sir, it's too uncomfortable. Let me kneel on the floor."

I motioned for her kneel in front of me but told her to undress first.

She stood up and undressed, showing those big meaty tits above that extended belly. She really was beautiful even being 8 months pregnant.

She carefully kneeled in front of me and I told Sam to pour three more shots. Sam gathered the glasses and poured three shots and handed them out with three limes. She looked sexy as hell, and other than her cock encased in her stockings, you really couldn't tell she wasn't a woman.

I motioned for her and whispered in her ear. She smiled and then retrieved the salt from the table and pulled the front of her stockings down exposing her small cock. She licked her fingers and then dribbled some salt on the head of her cock.