Mangrove Creek


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Claire pulled the tab on her own can, but didn't drink right away. "So, what about you, Dan?" She asked me. She had big brown eyes, full lips and a damn cute nose. I was trying to guess her heritage. Japanese maybe? She was surprisingly chesty for an Asian. Not a patch on Robyn's impressive bust, but still, nothing to sneeze at. I tried not to look too much.

"I take I.T. contracts mostly," I replied. "Keeps me busy about nine months of the year. I usually do fresh setups for new companies, or help existing ones to restructure. Pretty boring stuff, really."

"Maybe for some people," Robyn said. "But no business could survive without a good I.T. guy."

Claire had another question. "So, Robyn says she just met you, is that true?"

"Ah, yeah," I replied truthfully. "That's true. She busted me camping on her land."

Rick and Claire both laughed at that. "Well, it hasn't been her land for long, as I take it," Rick said. "So I imagine you didn't know it had changed hands?"

I nodded and knocked cans with him. "Very true. I've been here three or four times before, and I love the spot. So secluded, you know?"

"We've been looking for a place like this for ages," Rick said, smiling at Claire. "But they're so hard to find, and getting harder."

"But it looks like Robyn may have solved that problem for us," Claire added, grinning at Robyn. They shared a look, and something unspoken passed between them, though I couldn't put my finger on it. Whatever it was, they both smiled slightly at each other before resuming the conversation.

"As soon as I found this place, I thought of you two," Robyn said warmly. "And just so you know, Dan's cool. I may have only just met him, but I can tell he'll fit right in with us."

Both Rick and Claire gave me appraising glances. Claire spoke first. "If Robyn says you're cool, mate, then you're cool."

"Welcome to the club," Rick said, knocking his can against mine again.

"Thanks," I returned. "Were you being literal? Are you guys in an actual club?" My mind was spinning with ideas of what sort of 'club' people like Robyn and her friends would be into, but I squashed them before I got too excited over nothing. It was probably a fuckin' tennis club or something. But then, Robyn did say she and her mates were liberally minded. Whatever that meant. Fuck, I hope they're not some obscure-but-fanatical political movement.

Rick's mouth quirked in the beginnings of a knowing smile, and the women mirrored him, though they took a drink to hide it. "Well, it's not an official club, really," he began. "It kind of just happened, and then... Well, you'll see mate."

Just as I was about ask more, Robyn jumped in. "Who's hungry?" Everyone nodded, especially me, since I'd chosen sex over breakfast. "Well, I brought a shitload of food, and I reckon we should have a barby. All keen?"

There were more head nods, and we all scrambled to help Robyn put lunch together. I got the fire going and found a hot plate with legs to straddle the firepit. After a minute, Rick came over with a plate of steaks and a basket packed with oil and tongs and everything else I'd need.

"Thanks mate," I said, taking the stuff from him. He also had a fresh beer for me. Legend.

We grabbed a couple of chairs and got settled while the girls did their thing in the marquee. We chatted for a bit while I tended the grill. Small talk, mainly. I noticed Rick didn't like going on about his work; he seemed more interested in what I did, but I had the same problem. I was good at my job, but it was boring and I only did it for the coin. Naturally, the conversation turned to things other than work.

"So how long you and Claire been together?" I asked Rick.

"About two years," he replied. "She's a great girl. Heaps of fun. She's also a pretty gun businesswoman. Her clothing line is going off at the moment." When I asked him about the clothing label, he told me which one it was.

Yep, Claire was the owner of one of the biggest sporting fashion labels in the country. Fuck, what kind of world had I fallen into? Was James fucking Packer about to stroll into camp with Sia on one arm and Naomi Watts on the other? Shaking my head, I pushed myself out of my chair and asked Rick if he wanted another beer, to which he said yes. Taking his empty, I made for the marquee, where I could see Robyn and Claire standing close together and whispering. Their backs were to me as they worked on making some sort of salad. I admired their arses for a moment, Robyn's lush globes in denim against Claire's smaller, perkier buns in tight lycra.

Claire looked over her shoulder and noticed me approaching, and the conversation suddenly stopped. So, they were talking about me, were they? "Beer, ladies? I'm getting freshies."

Robyn turned and flashed me a grin. "Yes thanks!"

I delivered the beers and headed back to the fire, and the girls had resumed their whispering as soon as I was clear of the marquee. As I settled in my chair, Rick asked me a question. "So, Dan, have you figured out yet what Robyn, Claire and I all have in common?"

I shook my head as I handed him his beer. "Apart from the fact that you're all kicking arse out in the world?"

Rick chuckled. "Aside from that, yes. I want to tell you, but I also like the idea of letting you figure it out for yourself. I find it hilarious seeing the look's on people's faces when the penny drops."

"Please don't tell me you're all Mormons or something," I blurted. Fuck, what if they were? Good job Dan, go and offend the people that have been nothing but nice to you.

"Ha!" Rick laughed. "No mate, no religious connections between us at all. If you want a clue, look behind you."

I turned to see where Rick had looked, and back in the marquee, Robyn and Claire were engaged in a very passionate kiss. "Oh, fuck me," I breathed.

"That's the look!" Rick hooted, slapping his thigh. I had to laugh with him; I can imagine I looked like a stunned mullet. "And no, mate, I won't be fucking you, I'm into girls. But thanks for the offer." He burst out into more laughter, and I shook my head at him, though I was smiling.

"Fuck you, Rick the Prick," I grumbled good-naturedly, which only made him laugh harder.

"What's so funny?" Robyn asked as she came over. Her bikini top looked a little crooked, and her nipples were denting the white fabric.

"Dan's just figured out our secret," Rick explained once he'd settled down.

"Ah," Robyn said, smiling at me. "You all good, Dan? Some people accept it, others don't, or can't. Whatever works for you is perfect." Claire came up beside Robyn and stood with an arm around the taller woman's waist, smiling at me encouragingly.

My thoughts arranged themselves very quickly, despite the light fuzz in my head from three beers on an empty stomach. Three successful but genuinely nice people, two of them stunning girls, one of which I'd fucked this morning, and they're swingers. Huh. My cock wanted me to jump in, no doubt about it. I had some questions, though. "How many people are in this particular circle of friends?" I asked, looking at Robyn, Claire and Rick in turn.

"Aside from us, there are a few more," Rick answered. "Sometimes people stop hanging out, and sometimes new people come along. There's never been more than ten or so at any one time, I don't think." He looked to the girls for confirmation, and they nodded agreement. "Normally, we don't invite new people this quickly after meeting them, but Robyn says she reckons you're the real deal, and she's never wrong."

I looked to Robyn, who flashed me a radiant smile, and I couldn't help return it. "I imagine you guys keep these cards pretty close to your chests," I said, thinking out loud. "How do you stop this getting out? Surely your reputations would suffer if the public clued on?"

Robyn fielded this one. "We contain it by only inviting the right types. But someone did try and extort us last year, silly bastard."

"How did you handle it?" I asked out of curiosity.

"We know a lot of people," Claire said simply. "Let's just say the arsehole decided to back off after a phone call from one of the most feared barristers in Melbourne."

I chuckled. "Fair enough."

"On that note, Dan," Robyn added. "We do take our privacy seriously. I would love for you to hang out with us and help me with what I hope to do with Mangrove Creek. We would also ask that you sign a non-disclosure agreement, if that's okay."

It was a fair point. I wasn't personally offended; they've opened their world to me and they need to protect themselves. I'm a pretty good judge of character, and my gut was telling me these guys were being completely honest. Besides, an NDA was no big deal.

"Yeah, that's no drama," I told them. "I understand you've gotta protect yourselves. I can appreciate that."

"I'm so glad you said yes," Robyn purred. "I'll be right back!" At that, she disengaged from Claire and headed off to her tent. Claire headed back to the marquee to finish prepping lunch, and Rick and I resumed chatting while I turned the steaks one last time before piling them onto a plate. Robyn appeared as Rick and I entered the marquee, a manila folder in hand.

"Wow, you actually had an NDA here with you?" I asked incredulously.

"Always be prepared," Robyn said smugly. "Nah, I'm kidding. I have a portable printer here in case I need it for any work stuff. Fortunately, I have some NDA's tailored to our exact situation that I've used before. We just need to add your name and it's all good."

Rick and Claire served up the food while Robyn sat next to me at the table. She presented the form to me and waited patiently while I read it. It seemed pretty standard. I Daniel Simonds, wasn't to disclose any of the experiences or conversations shared with Robyn Sadler or her companions, including but not limited to Rick Foster and Claire Tanaka -- so she is Japanese! - or act in any way which compromises the privacy of aforementioned individuals, unless given express written permission by them. Under the same agreement, Robyn Sadler and any other listed individuals do declare that their actions in relation to Daniel Simonds will be fair and lawful, and will not require him to break the law either directly or indirectly, or cause harm to any person(s) directly or indirectly.

Yep, I was happy with that. Not only did it cover their bases, but it also protected me, further proving to me that these people were fairdinkum. Taking the pen from Robyn, I made my mark next to my name. Robyn signed it next, and then Rick and Claire, who had taken seats opposite Robyn and I across the table.

"Yay!" Claire exclaimed happily. "Glad to have you, Dan!" She raised her beer, and we all knocked cans together. After taking a long pull, the cute Japanese girl promptly stood and whipped off her lycra sports top, exposing her surprisingly full breasts to us all. I reckon I would probably only just fit those beauties in my hands, round and firm and capped by dark brown nipples that stood out proudly. "Ah, that's so much better!" She exclaimed happily as she bent to peel her bottoms down. When she straightened, I could see her bald slit as she stood unabashedly in front of me, as if to say: "here's my body, do you like what you see?"

I did. Claire sat down and Robyn got up next, removing her bikini top and shimmying out of those denim shorts, until she was as gloriously naked as Claire. She resumed her seat next to me and squeezed my thigh with her hand. This was proving to be an interesting day, indeed. As hungry as I was, all thoughts of food were forgotten as my eyes travelled from Robyn to Claire, enjoying being able to look at two gorgeous naked women so effortlessly.

"Whaddya say, Dan?" Rick chimed in, setting his can of New down. "The girls have set a good standard. Should we follow their lead?"

I shrugged, thankful that I'd had a few cans for a bit of Dutch courage. "Sure," I said blandly, rising with more confidence than I really felt.

Robyn and Claire clapped their hands excitedly as Rick stood too. As one, we doffed our tops. Rick was a pretty fit bloke, but nothing ridiculous. I was no gym-junkie, but I do like to run and swim, so it keeps me more or less in shape. Before I could give myself time to think about it, I hooked my thumbs into the band of my boardies and pushed down as Rick unfastened his jeans.

"Very nice, Dan!" Claire beamed as she looked me over. I gotta say, it did feel good to have an appreciative audience. I grinned back at Claire, then looked down suddenly when I felt a warm hand encircle my dick.

"Do you like his manscaping?" Robyn asked as she fondled me a bit.

Whatever Claire was saying was lost to me as I turned and saw Rick stepping out of his jeans. "What the fuck is that?" I asked, almost in a shout. I wasn't shouting. I wasn't, but hanging between Rick's legs was a fucking monster. I didn't have any problems with my own tackle, but fuckin' hell!

"This," Claire said as she reached up to grasp Rick's cock. "Is little Rick."

"Little Rick," I murmured, shaking my head. I actually laughed. "Mate, you're not even hard and her hand doesn't even get all the way around it. How do you fit that inside her?"

"Oh, don't worry about me," Claire said confidently. She kept her eyes on me while she idly tugged her boyfriend's dick. "I make it work."

I looked down at Robyn, who was eyeing Rick's junk with a fond look on her face. "I assume you've wrestled this monster as well?" I asked her.

Robyn laughed at my phrasing, and released my cock, which had rapidly inflated under her attention. "Yep, many a time."

I shook my head again in disbelief. "Well, hats off to you girls, and hats off to you, Rick, for having the strength to lug that thing around all day every day."

Everyone chuckled again, and I sat down. Rick enjoyed a few more seconds of Claire's stroking before he sat too. "Now that we're all naked and horny," Robyn began. "How about we get lunch out of the way and then see where the afternoon takes us?"

A better idea had never been spoken. The food was already plated up at one end of the table, so in no time we were tucking in to a pretty good meal. The girls had made up a salad with some feta and olives which was an excellent complement to the meat. We ate and drank and chatted for a bit, and soon I felt like I'd known these three for years instead of hours.

After lunch, I offered to clean up, and Claire jumped up to help me. Robyn and Rick said the water was looking good and they were headed in for a dip.

"We'll join you in a bit," Claire told them as she gathered plates while I put a pot of water on Robyn's gas cooker for washing up. Robyn's marquee area was set up with a kitchen area along one side, with everything laid out on a long table about waist height. "Now I know she's got a washtub here somewhere," Claire murmured as she bent down to look beneath the table, casually showing me her smooth pussy lips and puckered bum. My cock twitched as I watched her. "Ah, here we go!" Claire announced as she straightened. She was holding a round, white plastic tub. She placed the tub on the bench and looked at me for a moment.

"Water'll be ready soon," I said, looking back at her, enjoying the way her big brown eyes seemed to pull me in.

She stepped closer, until her nipples were almost touching my chest. "What would you like to do while we wait?" She asked softly.

Half a second later, I was kissing her, and my hands were holding her by her slim waist. She moaned into my mouth and kissed back, pressing her naked form against me and grinding her pelvis against my rapidly hardening cock. "Robyn told me," she began breathlessly, in between kisses. "How you fucked her this morning, right there in the open." More hot kissing. "It sounded so hot. Please tell me you wanna fuck me like that."

"I've wanted to fuck you like that since I first saw you," I growled, biting her plump lower lip. I spun her around, putting her back to me, and applied firm but gentle pressure to her shoulders, encouraging her to put her hands on the bench. She happily complied, wiggling her luscious arse back at me as I leaned over her, kneading her tits in my hands and nipping at her neck and shoulders. I ran a hand down her flat belly to the slit at the top of her thighs, and she willingly widened her stance to give me access.

I was delighted to find her already wet and ready, and her knees buckled slightly when I brushed my fingers over her hard little clit. "Just fuck me, Dan," Claire moaned. "I'm ready. Just fuck me."

Seeing no reason to delay, I bent my knees and lined myself up, feeling the heat of her pussy as my cockhead nudged against her lips. She pushed back insistently, and I put my hands on her hips to steady myself as her wet cunt began to swallow me whole. Fuck me, she was tight. It was like being gripped in a hot, wet vice. I bottomed out, my cock buried in Claire's pussy as far as it would go in this position, leaving maybe an inch of me free. Slowly, I began to thrust, being careful not to go too deep, but increasing the pace a little each time.

Claire arched her back and pressed back against me fearlessly. "Yes! God, that's good! I've been needing some cock ever since we got here!"

I happily offered Claire everything I had to sate her need, but I had a problem: her cunt was so hot and tight that I was racing toward orgasm at breakneck speed, despite the fact that I'd already come this morning with Robyn. It appeared to have made no difference. Claire had a magic pussy, and that was that.

I decided to change things up. I pulled out and turned Claire around. She squealed in delight as I picked her up by her perky arse and put her down on the bench facing me. Getting the hint, she grinned and leaned back on her elbows as she spread her thighs. Her pussy looked so good that I wanted to taste it before I fucked her again. I placed my hands on the table on either side of my lover and leaned down, planting kisses on the silky skin of her belly, her pelvis, her thighs, teasing her before running my tongue from her arse to her clit in one broad stroke.

Claire's hips bucked. "Shit, Dan! Do that again!"

I did. And then I went to town on her hot little snatch, exploring every fold with my lips and tongue. I flicked her clit back and forth, and then ran circles around it, using her sighs and moans to gauge where her sweet spots were. Soon enough, she was ready to come. She was now lying flat on her back, one hand tangled in my hair and pulling my face harder against her pussy, while her other hand mauled a breast, sometimes squeezing the soft flesh and sometimes pinching the hard nipple. I sucked her clit in between my lips and pressed my tongue against it more firmly than I had before, and Claire began to shake, her thighs closing around my ears as she found her release.

I waited patiently until she let me go, and I stood, my cock hard enough to cut diamonds and pointed directly at her cunt. "Fuck me, Dan," she cried, her hips moving in small circles and her hands kneading her tits. "Fuck me and then come all over me."

I seized her hips and drove forward, slipping back into that sweet channel. From this position I could go deeper, and I pushed until my balls were resting against her arse. "Fuck, you've got a tight pussy," I groaned as I began to thrust.

"Yeah? You like my tight cunt? Fuck it hard!" She was getting into it more and more, bucking her hips with each thrust until we were shaking the bench with our efforts. "I want your come all over my pussy!"

Fuck, that was a hot thought. Despite my short break, I quickly found myself approaching the gates again. Shit, might as well give the girl what she wants. "I'm gonna come!" I announced, grabbing Claire's thighs and pistoning into her with all my strength.