Masks That We Wear Ch. 03

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The Peregrine Sisters lose the protection of their father.
31.9k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/03/2017
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Masks That We Wear. Ch. 03

By: AlexClayton


Author's Notes: Takes place two years after the events of Chapter 01 and a year after the events of Chapter 02.

Virginia Peregrine - older daughter of the late "Mister Falcon". Studies music at Julliard in New York. Model Inspiration: Malena Morgan.

Caroline Peregrine - younger daughter of the late "Mister Falcon". Studies ballet at the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow. Model Inspiration: Elle Alexandria

Scene inspirations:

Fire and Ice (1999) starring Keri Windsor.

Pleasure or Pain (2013) starring Malena Morgan.

Various other GIFs and Scenes from online.



"Come here, kotyonok," the Russian Mob Boss known as Alexi Petrov gestured to Caroline after she finished her ballet routine for him, having danced a number that she created to the Red Army Choir's classic, Farewell of Slavianka. Late night private performances for the money lenders to the Bolshoi Ballet were not uncommon, but there was something about this one that sat off with her as she danced for this particular patron of the arts. For starters, it was very late at night. Heck it was pretty much morning as the clock said 02:08 on the wall. Caroline Peregrine, the nineteen, soon to be twenty year old younger daughter of the now infamous and very deceased Joffrey Peregrine back home in Texas, visibly shook as she took one tentative step forward after another in her ballet shoes. In the dim lighting of his penthouse suite with the night lights of Moscow in the large panel windows behind him, Alexi was patting the couch next to where he sat with a lustful smile on his face. He gestured again when she paused just outside of arm's reach. "Come here," he said, a bit more forceful now.

"I..." she was uncertain what to say. "I was told that I was going to be safe from... from this..." she said in a tiny voice, looking down and wringing her hands nervously in front of her.

Alexi gave her a patronizing smile. "The deal was that you were going to be safe from Sokolov who is your designated patron here. There was nothing in agreement that said that you wouldn't have to perform for others. Now that daddy is gone, no one is here to protect you," Alexi explained, his voice now hard. He nodded to the empty space on the couch beside him to his right. "Sit. Or I make my men make you sit and you will enjoy their company instead."

There it was. To be honest she'd expected this to happen to her last year the moment she found out that her father was dead. She'd stayed on here at Bolshoi despite her older sister urging her to return to the States. Caroline had insisted that she was safe here under Sokolov's PMC protection but now that turned out to be a lie as her patron obviously just pimped her out to one of his cohorts in the Russian criminal underworld. Caroline sat on the plush couch next to Alexi, feet crossed daintily in front of her with her hands folded neatly in her lap. She focused on a point on the wall ahead of her, not making eye contact with Alexi. She'd heard talk from the more... experienced... dancers that this was the best way to cope with this. Now her heart thudded in her chest and her breathing became heavy as she braced herself for what was to come. No one was there to help her. Alexi's bodyguards in the room beyond that served as the entryway to the elevators would sooner drag her back in than protect her from their boss.

Alexi didn't leave her waiting long as he leaned in to her and kissed her left shoulder, his hand brushing the side of her neck and circling around to the other side. Caroline froze, shivering from her head to her toe in fear. She knew that if she were going to survive the night she'd have to go through with this. Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she focused as hard as she could on the wall on the other side of the room while her body experienced the intimate touching from a man who could quite literally end her existence at any moment. The danger was real and her body responded in kind; goosebumps suddenly raising on her skin, her nipples going taut under her leotard, and her sex going wet between her legs. Already his free hand was pulling the left shoulder strap of her hot pink leotard down her arm, partially exposing the top of her smallish A-Cup breast. A moment later, his hand was underneath the fabric groping her left breast and feeling her hard nipple underneath.

"You are tense, kotyonok," Alexi murmured in his thick Russian accent, still kissing her bare shoulder and moving up to the side of her neck. "Your mind is telling you no, but your body is telling you yes." He laughed to himself as his hand continued to fondle her breast. "I'm told a lot of you dancers are this way your first time."

Caroline sat rigidly still, practically hyperventilating through flared nostrils. Her whole body shook and quivered out of fright. His hand moved across her chest to her right arm to pull down that shoulder strap. He slowly peeled the leotard downward, exposing her now flushed breasts to him, not stopping until the polyester was down around her navel. He then brought both hands down, on in front and one around the back of her body, to feel up both of her breasts at the same time. He squeezed her modest A-Cups and rolled her hard nipples in his fingers, sending jolts of erotic shocks down her body straight to her loins.

Alexi pulled her closer to him, his broad, tall muscular body nearly dwarfing her petite ballet built frame. His right hand came back up to her neck and he twisted her head, forcing her to face him. His thick lips were pressing against hers, forcing, demanding a kiss from her. She whimpered in defeat and closed her eyes as his tongue invaded her mouth. His left had stopped fondling her chest and she heard his belt buckle open up and the fly of his jeans unzip. He then grabbed her left wrist and pulled it over to his lap where he closed her fingers around his thick manhood. "Stroke me, kotyonok," he told her, moving her hand up and down his hardening shaft a few times until she started doing it on her own. When she was fondling his cock at a good pace that he enjoyed, he let go of her hand and placed it down upon her smooth, flat belly, sliding it downward.

He put pressure on the back of her neck, pulling her back into the couch so that they both reclined a bit. Caroline whimpered again in defeat as she knew what was coming soon. Already his hand was pressing against the top of her mound as he drove it down between her legs. He ordered her to open up for him and she uncrossed her ankles and spread her thighs, giving him access to slip underneath her white tights, under her pink leotard, to get to her smooth, bald pussy. Caroline kept herself shaved as it made wearing the tights and leotard more comfortable and it was easier for her to do the splits. Now all it seemed to do was drive Alexi's lust as he let out a deep moan as his hand cupped her rapidly moistening sex. She squeaked when she felt his index finger press up inside of her, probing her pussy, and dragging down the front of her vaginal wall. Her body shivered as the erotic pleasure washed over her from the intimate touch. Her left hand continued to pump his cock, now feeling like a large, hard Christmas sausage in her hand.

"You are not virgin?" He asked, pulling back and glaring down at her when he felt no resistance inside of her. "Look at me and answer!"

"Uhhhh..." she wasn't sure how to respond as she looked up at him with her big, baby blue eyes. She brushed an errant strand of her light brown hair that had somehow got dislodged from her bun. "Sort of..."

"Explain," he demanded. "I figured with your father you would be untouched!"

She blushed furiously, not sure how to explain it. "I uhm... was ruptured one time when I was younger when I did the splits," she said. "It happens in girls who are... uh... really limber. But... I've never been with anyone before."

"Ah," the dawning came to his face. "I understand now. Then I will be your first," he said with a smile. "We will get you the proper medicine for this tomorrow."

"Uhm..." she said uncertainty, biting her lip as he stood up, took off his shirt, and lowered his slacks down as he knelt in front of her. "I uh... am already on birth control..." she admitted. "The managers wanted to... uh... regulate us so that they could plan performances." Well, it was partially true. They also knew that their patrons regularly screwed the girls who were of proper age when they came of age. It seemed to be a tradition around here. The only reason Caroline had survived this long before being taken was because of her father. But now with him gone, it seemed that she was fair game.

"Even better," Alexi said, his hands grabbing her leotard and tights at her waist and pulling them down her legs. He took her ballet shoes off long enough for him to get her naked and then slipped the shoes back on her feet. She deliberately didn't wear pointe shoes because she wanted to walk to and from the dorms with no problems and she'd been ordered not to do a routine for Alexi that involved pointe anyway.

Alexi shuffled forward, putting her long, slender legs that only had her ballet shoes on, up over his shoulders. His large cock grazed up and over her bare pussy. She felt his balls against her butt. Alexi reached down and grabbed her small wrist, pinning them on either side of her head. He looked her dead in the eyes as he dry humped her at first, reveling in the feel of his cock sliding back and forth across her wet slit. Then he let her go long enough to reach down between them, spread her pussy open wide, and push into her.

"Noooooo..." Caroline whined, her eyes fixated on his cock as he positioned himself. Then she arched her back, closed her eyes, and let out a long, high pitched, "Ahhhhhhhhh..." as she felt his cock penetrate deep inside of her. It was the first time she'd ever had anything inside of her. Her virginity was now officially gone... taken by a Russian Mob Boss who seemed to be getting extreme pleasure in deflowering her. She twisted her head to the side to avert her face from his, keeping her eyes squeezed shut, as she felt his hands return to her wrists as he started to thrust in and out of her. Caroline sobbed softly as Alexi had his way with her, trying hard to ignore what her body was telling her to enjoy.

Alexi seemed to know what he was doing. He moved his cock inside of her in slow, gentle, deep, deliberate thrusts. His pubis would ground right up against her clit every time his cock drove deeper into her. She felt the head of his cock brush against her cervix and bottom out inside of her pussy. He'd obviously done this before and knew how to push a girl's buttons. Every so often he'd lean in and tease her nipples with his mouth, alternating between licking and sucking. Caroline seemed to know when he was about to blow. His cock became even more engorged inside her. She felt his balls tighten as they slapped against her bottom. Even she felt like she was about to burst as she tried not to show her own pleasure. Her face was scrunched tight, reddening more and more with every thrust of his cock into her tightness. He seemed to anticipate her body's desires as he let go of her wrists, allowing her to cross them over her head on her own, and holding the sides of her slim torso so that he could brush his thumbs up and down over her nipples. He didn't even seem to mind her not looking at him anymore. If nothing else, he seemed to revel in her embarrassment and discomfort.

When she felt his seed blow deep into her womb, her body was ready to go off the edge of the cliff with him. Her body climaxed so hard that she jerked against him, body shaking violently and her thighs quivering rapidly. The orgasm seemed to slam her from her loins on up her spine harder than if she'd been kicked between the legs. Her pussy convulsed around his throbbing cock as it seemed to spurt an endless stream of his cum up into her. He threw back his head and breathed his passion while Caroline just cried and whined as she climaxed with him. Their bodies stayed locked together in the intimate, erotic pose until finally they both relaxed.

After a while, Alexi finally pulled out of her, his cock soaked with the combination of their juices. He cupped her head and pulled her upright onto the couch, standing at the same time. He thrust is cock into her mouth past her lips and she had no choice but to take him in. Alexi forced her to clean him off, not pulling his cock out of her mouth until he was done. Then he left her there a quaking, sputtering mess. "My men will see you back to your dorm room," he said as he left the living room of his suite. "They will bring you back to me when I return to Moscow from business."

The matter-of-fact way that he'd announced that made her shudder. Not 'if', but 'when'. What was worse was that she knew that she'd have to play this game until such a time she'd be able to get away and get back home to Texas. She knew a bit about what her father had done to all those women back home. It was made known to her the moment he died. Caroline wondered if all of those women felt as helpless as she did now.

She also wondered if she was now paying for her father's crimes.



At that same moment, a half a world away and nine hours earlier on the clock, twenty four year old Virginia Peregrine was flopping into bed in her off campus apartment. Sure, it was only six o'clock in the evening in New York City, but she was exhausted. It was another busy day at Juilliard for the starting second year Masters student chocked full of work, classes, meetings, and rehearsals. She forced herself to get back up to go through her normal routine; shutting and triple locking the doors and windows, closing blinds, and setting her security alarms. The scare that she had last year with a laser pointer from a sniper's rifle that had been pointed right at her still gave her chills when she figured out what it was after her father's strange phone call where she'd heard the term PMC... private military corporation... used by someone in the office with her father. The fact that he wound up dead the next day didn't make things any better. Virginia didn't feel safe living on campus after that and used her money to get her own place where she'd have control over her security rather than rely on the ineptitude of campus police.

It was about seven when she finally fell back into bed. Normally she'd put TV or Music on and do homework, or even practice her flute, but she decided to forgo it today as it was a Friday night and there were no classes tomorrow. Virginia didn't even bother with her clothes as she was so tired. Another normal day for her as this semester was going to be more strenuous than anything before. She was taking an overload of classes, determined to make the most of her academics so that when she did graduate in the spring, she could go anywhere that she wanted to.

And hopefully leave the taint of her father's criminal legacy behind her for good. She was scandalized as her father had been exposed as one of the biggest sex traffickers in the nation. The press relentlessly hounded her and dogged her every step. It was all that she could do to keep good standings with Julliard so that she could continue toward her double degree. She was forced to appear in front of an Ethics Review Board to testify that she knew nothing about her father's activities. She'd been interrogated by the police. Her accounts had been frozen. Virginia had faced the very real possibility of being thrown out onto the streets with nothing to her name. But then an unlikely savior came forward. She'd been told that she had a benefactor who wished to remain anonymous who'd paid for her schooling for as long as she wanted to study there. Virginia took the unlikely miracle and ran with it. One more year and she'd be free and clear.

Virginia tossed and turned in her sleep. Something felt off. Then she felt like someone was in her room. She tried to dismiss it as bad dreams but she forced herself awake. Just as she sat up a bit to take stock of her apartment's only bedroom, she saw a man standing there beside her bed. Her mouth opened up to scream but the man clamped his hand over her mouth and slammed her back into the bed. "Shhhhhh..." he said in a low, soft voice. "Just be quiet, my dear Virginia," he said in a thick Russian accent. "Just behave and we'll all walk away here happy. Understand, da?" he asked. "Now, I am going to remove hand. You are going to be quiet. If not... it is lights out for you... Krrk," he jerked her head hard to the side to give her the impression of her neck snapping. "Now, if you don't believe that, or don't care about own life, know that my associates back home in Moscow have your sister and are enjoying her company tonight as we speak. Whether or not she remains breathing after tonight is up to you."

Behind his hand, Virginia gasped. Her heart thudded in her chest. Oh my God! Caroline! They got Caroline! She thought in a panic. Goddamnit... I told her that she should come home for just this reason!

Her eyes drifted over to the smiling Russian man who, under other circumstances, would've been handsome. The fact that he wasn't even bothering to conceal his identity spoke volumes as to how deep of shit she was in. "Are you going to be good girl and behave?" he asked. Knowing that her sister's life was on the line now... the only other person in the world that she truly cared about... made Virginia come to a quick decision. She looked him in the eyes and slowly nodded her head. He took his hand away, just by an inch, and when she didn't scream, he smiled even broader. "Come, since you are already dressed, we don't need to wait here long. Limo is downstairs waiting for us. Don't bother to bring anything. You will be brought back here after meeting."

"I want to talk to my sister," Virginia said softly, her voice raw with emotion and hollow. She looked up at him. "I want to know that she's alright."

"Boss said you would say that, so he allowed me to show you picture," he said, taking his iPhone out to show her the screen. On it was his sister dancing a ballet routine in her pink leotard and white tights earlier in the evening... about 1:30am Moscow Time according to the time stamp. "She is rather tied up right at this moment intimately enjoying the big boss over there. So no picture of that for you." He gestured to the door. "Come."

"How'd you get in here?" Virginia wondered as she pulled her shoes on and begrudgingly followed him out into her living room and into the hallway beyond.

"There are always ways in and master codes to get around security for right price," her new Russian escort said, holding the door open for her and closing it behind them as they left.

"Wait! I gotta lock my door!" Virginia protested, looking back.

The Russian Goon grabbed her hand and pulled her along. "Don't worry about that. Our men will be handling that," he said matter-of-factly, holding on to her until they were in the elevator heading down. "They will be up as soon as we are gone." When they reached the lobby, he ushered her out to the waiting limo, pushed her inside, and then followed behind to ensure that she stayed in.

They drove downtown in silence with Virginia feeling more trapped than she ever had in her life. When they reached their destination, a very affluent hotel in the ritzy district of New York, she was escorted straight to the penthouse where a very handsome, charming, dark haired Russian awaited them. The goon gestured to him, and then took up a position at the elevator door while she walked into the penthouse suite that had an expansive view of all of New York.

"Hello," he said, standing up from his lounge chair and walking over to her. "I am Ivan Petrov," the smooth talking Russian Mob Boss said, taking Virginia's hand and kissing her knuckles.
