Mating Rituals Ch. 08

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Cherie and Al experience fun in the dungeon.
16.5k words

Part 8 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/23/2016
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Cherie and Al experience fun in the dungeon


Author's notes:

1. This is a work of fiction. The activities and practices described in this story are not necessarily either condoned or recommended. If you choose to do anything described in real life with real people you do so at your own risk.

2. All characters are fictional and any likeness to any living person is purely coincidental. The story is purely imaginary and, to the author's knowledge, bears no relationship to any factual occurrence.

3. This is the seventh chapter of the 'Mating Rituals' series - it is a standalone story but will make more sense if you read chapters 1 to 7 first (and why would you not want to do that?).


Cherie surveyed the room, amazed at the changes that had been made since she saw it last. She turned to Karen with a grin.

"Looks like we'll be spending all our time in here," she commented.

"Thought you'd like it," smiled Karen, "We're still exploring all the uses of the different pieces of equipment but I'm sure you'll be able to help. What we lacked was a devious mind to design ways to use the additional equipment."

Frank and Al joined the two women and handed them the drinks they had prepared while Al surveyed the room.

"Karen bought some special stuff for men," Frank warned Al, "If she uses it on you you'll probably never be the same again."

"Oh come on!" replied Karen, "Just because you're too chicken to let me inflict a little pain on your precious balls doesn't mean that Al's going to be afraid to let me experiment, are you honey?" Karen put her arm around Al's waist and looked up at him, fluttering her eyelashes in an effort to bend him to her desires.

"We'll see," was all Al replied.

The revamped dungeon was the first room that Karen and Frank had shown them since they arrived. They were obviously very proud of it and all four were keen to experiment, but right now Cherie and Al were tired from their flight and they were all hot on this warm Saturday afternoon. They walked away from the room entrance and placed their drinks on the table.

"I guess you two need to freshen up," said Frank, "Karen and I are also going to change into something cooler and far sexier, why don't you do the same?"

Cherie and Al took their bags to their room, although they suspected that most of the time they would be sleeping with Karen and Frank in their large bed. Karen and Frank also went to their own room and both couples emerged a few minutes later wearing considerably less than they had earlier. Karen wore a pale blue outfit, her top being a simple powder blue strap beneath her breasts with two small triangles of powder blue fabric held over her nipples by a thin strap around her neck. Her pussy was covered by a matching tight lycra bikini G string which showed off her camel toe to perfection. Cherie also wore a daring outfit in bright red, her breasts being covered by two cups of fabric being held onto her ample breasts by strong elastic around the bases. She also wore a red G string bottom, except that the patch of fabric stopped just short of her vaginal entrance, which was uncovered, the garment being held together by thin straps that fitted into the creases between her labia and her thighs.

Both men were stunned by their women, who had, unbeknown to their partners, decided to see who could design, make or buy the sexiest outfit. While it had started as a competition, it was clear there were obviously no losers in this contest.

"You women both look like sex on wheels," said Frank, ogling his wife and Cherie.

"Well, we aim to please," smiled Karen. "You guys are dressed very conservatively compared with us. Would you like to see what we've designed for you?"

It was around now that the guys realized this was a setup, and they were easily persuaded to allow the women to guide them back to the bedrooms so they could each be fitted with the clothing that the women had designed for them. Al went into Karen's room where Karen wasted no time in removing his shorts and presenting him with a lycra cock tube which she fitted onto his half hard cock, pulling it snugly against his balls, then covering his balls with the attached cup flap, tying it tightly into position around the base of his cock and balls.

"There," she said, "That's about as good as I can do. The lycra will stretch and it'll be interesting to see who wins, the cock or the fabric. Meantime, we can tie the end back either between your legs to prevent him standing up or around your waist, holding him in an erect position. I think we'll pull him between your legs for now."

She threaded a string through an eyelet at the end of the cock tube and pulled the ends between his legs, around his ass cheeks and waist and tied it in front. Al's cock was now pulled between his legs, which was quite uncomfortable due to its present semi-erect state. Karen sat back and examined her handiwork.

"There, that should curtail your impulses a little," she commented. Then she stood and led Al back to the living area, where he saw Frank in a similar cock restraint to his own.

"What a sexy lot we are," commented Cherie, "And we've only been here for a few minutes. Looks like it'll be a fun stay."

"Yes," agreed Karen, "Your estimate only just fits his tube."

Cherie looked at his tightly encased cock striving to harden and stand proud.

"Oh you poor darling," she said facetiously, "I hope you can cope."

She reached down and gently caressed his cock, feeling it twitch as it tried to grow harder.

"You'll keep," was Al's only comment, said with a grin.

They sat on the deck and sipped their drinks, catching up on old times and new events that had taken place since Frank and Karen's wedding. Karen was particularly taken with Cherie's engagement ring, so they moved onto the real reasons they had made the trip.

"We want a different sort of wedding with different sort of vows, similar to those you made. How are those working out for you?" asked Cherie.

"They're fine," said Karen, "They don't really prevent us from doing anything we would want to."

"So you can have other partners sexually?"

"Yes, provided we both agree. That's the arrangement we have with each other."

"So if one doesn't agree, the other can't have sex with someone? Is that how it works?"

"Well, yes," replied Karen a little hesitantly.

"So have either of you had sex without asking or telling the other?" Cherie probed. Once the question was out, she realized what she had done and instantly wanted to retract the question, but too late. She hoped she hadn't scratched an open wound in their relationship, but also a part of her wanted to see how the openness of this couple's relationship stood up to these type of hard questions.

"Well, there was a time a few weeks ago that I wasn't able to ask Frank about," Karen stopped and turned to Cherie. "This isn't fair. It's like a very one-sided truth or dare game except that this could push wedges between us. Is that what you're trying to do?"

"No, not at all, it's just that we're struggling to find a happy medium between being completely free and independent people and being in a controlling and limiting relationship. I'm really sorry if I've poked a hornet's nest here, but interestingly, the fact is that if you've both broken the rules, then perhaps it's all fine. Maybe it's the rules that need to be changed. Maybe each of you could punish the other in the dungeon and it would be all over."

Karen and Frank looked at each other guiltily, a look that quickly turned to love.

"That sounds like fun," said Frank, "Maybe I should go first, which would give Karen permission to confess second. A few weeks ago I found myself in a very compromising situation with a new intern at work. She was only there a few days because apparently she came on to the boss's son and so she was told to leave. Anyway, we found ourselves in the store room and before I knew it she'd locked the door. She then began kissing me very sexily and I could tell she really wanted to be fucked. Well, you know me, darling; I don't like to let women down, so we fucked up a storm for a short time. I didn't tell you, darling, because it was all over and I certainly didn't have time to ask your permission first. It just happened." He hung his head. "I'm sorry honey."

"Darling, I totally forgive you. Please, if that happens again, tell me that evening as you make mad passionate love to me, Ok?"

"Ok, sweetheart, I thought of doing that but didn't know how you'd accept it."

"So now I guess it's my turn," said Karen. "I had the groceries delivered a month or so ago and the guy who delivered them insisted on bringing them into the kitchen. It was a hot day and I was wearing not very much at all, about what I am now, so he took it as an invitation. I was feeling sexy and had been reading stories on Literotica, so was hot and horny. He did make the first advance but I certainly did nothing to cool the situation down. In a few minutes we were both naked on the floor with his cock deep inside me. He filled me with his cum, then stood up, dressed and left, leaving me high and not very dry. However, the Sybian soon took care of the itch between my big toes. Like you, I didn't tell you because I was ashamed at being taken so easily and also there really was no time to ask permission. I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"That's Ok, honey, at least he showed you how wonderful I am as a lover. I completely forgive you."

"Thank you, darling. Now Cherie, what sort of punishment do you think we should receive?"

"Oh we'll think of something, I'm certain," said Cherie with a grin. "So maybe we won't have the bit about permission in our vows and agreements. It certainly seems to kill any spontaneity."

"Yes, it does," agreed Karen. "How would you feel, honey, if we changed that agreement and removed the requirement for permission, instead including a requirement for confession as soon as possible after the event, and preferably during a sexy session so it can add to our experience?"

"Sounds good to me. Consider it done," replied Frank, "And we have witnesses."

"Don't you think this requires some sort of formal acknowledgement of change?" asked Al, "Something like you two shaking hands, but, of course, far more sexual than that, maybe making love while the witnesses watch."

They all stared at Al with mixed thoughts, Karen wanting Al's huge cock in her as soon as possible, Frank wanting to fuck Cherie once again and hoping this was an opportunity.

"Good idea," said Frank, "How about a group event in the dungeon. That way we could start off with our punishment, Cherie and Al could experience some of the new equipment, and we could end up with a group orgy."

Everyone agreed that was a great way to end this matter and also a great way to begin their time together, so they all filed into the dungeon, Cherie realizing that now was not the time to broach the subject of best man and matron of honor.

"How do you want to punish me?" asked Frank.

"Well, for a start I want to tie you up to the frame and then we'll see what happens next," replied Karen.

Cherie and Al helped Karen tie Frank to the frame with his arms above his head and legs widespread. Then Karen walked slowly around him, thinking. She then asked Cherie to strip his cock tube off while she selected a whip. Once she returned with a light multi-tailed whip she took up her position in front of her husband.

"Now, I realize I have to be a bit careful here because I'm sure you'll give me at least as much as I give you. Today, however, I feel like a whipping, so you're going to get one too."

As Cherie and Al sat down together, Cherie on Al's lap with his ever-hopeful cock trying in vain to rise, they saw Karen swish the whip threateningly, then give it a quick flick upwards between his legs, catching his balls and his cock, which was now sticking out horizontally in front of him, nearly fully erect.

"OWWWWW!!" yelled Frank as he wriggled in his bonds.

"Oh don't be such a baby," said Karen scornfully, "That was only soft. If you want to feel what hard is like, then feel this."

She swung the whip once again across his ass cheeks, causing Frank to writhe in pain without any sound.

"How old was this intern anyway?" asked Karen.

"She was 20," said Frank.

"Ok, that's a good number. I'm going to give you 20 more strokes, ten of this and ten of the cane. I want you to count out loud."

She swung the whip again upwards between his legs, the thin leather striking his scrotum and cock but not breaking the surface and not leaving any distinct marks. "One," said Frank. Her next stroke was on his abdomen, then some on his back, then the final two on his cock and balls. Frank bore them all silently, apart from counting after each stroke, although he winced and writhed in pain on several occasions.

Cherie and Karen then freed his wrists, fitted a bar at crotch level and bent Frank over the bar, attaching his wrists to the floor. Karen chose a cane and swished it in the air a few times before lining his ass up and laying the first stroke across both cheeks. "Eleven," intoned Frank. A further nine strokes hit his ass cheeks, by which time there were a series of red stripes on his skin, but no drops of blood. Cherie and Karen then untied Frank and he embraced Karen, kissing her and thanking her for her leniency. He then asked Al and Cherie to tie Karen face up to the padded table, explaining how he wanted her laid out.

Cherie and Al laid her on the table, face up, first removing her clothing, such as it was, and then positioning her so her arms were stretched above her head, her ass was at the edge of the table and her legs were spread widely apart. Cherie and Al could clearly see that Karen was aroused judging by the juice that was leaking from her vaginal opening.

Frank used the same whip that Karen had used and placed his first stroke across Karen's abdomen, following it quickly with a stroke across her breasts.

"AAAARRRGGGHHHH!! That stings really badly," she cried.

"So how do you think my cock and balls feel?" asked Frank, as he laid another stroke across her breasts from the other side. Karen bore this one silently, biting her lip to prevent her scream. "Another twenty strokes for you, my girl," said Frank, "And I want you to count out loud."

"One," said Karen as the whip landed on her abdomen once again. The next stroke was between her legs, eliciting a howl of pain, followed by "Two." The next four strokes were between her legs, each accompanied by a delayed count as Karen bit her lip to prevent herself screaming as the thin leather impacted on her tender perineum, lips and clit. Then followed two more breast strokes and finally two more pussy strokes.

"Please release her, tie her upper body to the table, her feet wide apart on the floor," instructed Frank.

Cherie and Al did as Karen asked, then Frank used the same cane as Karen had and administered ten strokes across her ass cheeks, leaving ten bloodless red lines. She was then freed and she hugged and kissed Frank, thanking him for the punishment.

"Well, that was fun to watch. Can I experience this now please?" asked Cherie.

"Yes, of course, how would you like it?"

"How do you want to beat me, darling?" asked Cherie looking trustingly at Al.

"On your back on the table with your feet wide apart strung up to the ceiling rings," he answered after looking at the equipment for a few minutes.

"Oooohhhh, goody, that sounds great, darling," replied Cherie. She quickly stripped off her clothing, lay on the table and allowed herself to be positioned. Once in place, Karen suggested the multi-tailed whip and Al swung it a few times to get the feel of it. "How hard should I strike with it?" he asked Karen.

"Try it on your leg. Swing it and feel how it feels. You want it to hurt, otherwise there's no point to it, but not to incapacitate."

Al swung it against his leg a few times, increasing the power each time, then thought he had it about right. "Where would you like it?" he asked Cherie.

"Oh darling, use your imagination. Surprise me."

Having been given carte blanche, he swung the whip and landed the first stroke across her ass cheeks. Cherie gave a small yelp. The second stroke was also across her ass, but a little harder. Again a yelp. Al watched in fascination as her ass reddened from the blows. This could become addictive, he thought to himself. The third stroke he applied to her breasts, causing a moan as she tried to wriggle her chest to dissipate the stinging pain. He liked the look of her wriggling in pain, maybe he was a sadist, he thought, so he applied several more strokes to her breasts until they also were glowing red. It was now time for his final few strokes and for these he focused on her exposed, open and flowing pussy. He applied a stroke to the inside of each thigh, which Cherie bore silently, probably knowing what was about to happen. He then struck directly between her legs, watching the strands insinuate their way between her lips, impacting on her engorged clit, labia and vulva.

Cherie screamed as the stinging pain swept through her body from her abused pussy. The pain was followed by a wave of arousal like she'd never felt before. She wanted more; she was very happy to put up with the pain so long as she could have more of that sensation.

"More, please, honey, beat my pussy again please darling."

Al had difficulty believing that she wanted him to use the whip on her most sensitive area once more, but he had heard her and so he did as she asked. He increased the power of the swing slightly and once more brought the whip down on her tender skin. Cherie howled and writhed in pain as the stinging sensitized the nerves throughout her body, followed by a huge wave of sexual arousal. She felt her juices running down her ass crack as she begged Al for more strokes like that one.

He obliged, landing the whip once again on her pussy, watching his beloved fiancée writhe in agony and pleasure. He noticed she was panting, as though approaching her orgasm. Is that why she wanted more? Was this causing her sexual pleasure? He'd heard of that happening so this time he waited less time between strokes and laid three strokes between her legs in quick succession.

Cherie came hard after the last stroke, her body heaving against her bonds, her pussy lips opening and closing, her vaginal entrance gaping open invitingly, moaning a soft sound as she did when she was cumming during intercourse. Al was astounded and stood and watched his beautiful fiancée have her first orgasm from being whipped. He became aware of his reaction to this, his cock was stretching the lycra as much as possible as it tried to stand up against the tightly tied bonds holding it down. He resisted the temptation to set it free, knowing that his arousal would only be greater for the delay.

After a few minutes Cherie opened her eyes and gazed at Al standing between her legs.

"Thank you, darling, that was wonderful. I never knew I could cum from pain. Please kiss me then untie me now, honey."

Al kissed her and, with help from Frank and Karen, untied her quickly. Once she was free she sat on the table and grinned at Al.

"Your turn, darling, if you wish."

Al didn't know if he wished or not but did feel a moral obligation since he had subjected Cherie to the whip.

"Ok, darling, do your worst."

Cherie removed his cock tube and took him in her mouth for a few seconds, stretching her jaw as she had to when he was hard. Then she told him to lay on the table and she positioned him while Frank and Karen tied him in place. She then chose the multi-tailed whip and applied that to his ass, abdomen and inner thighs. Al enjoyed the stinging pain as it coursed through his nether regions and wondered what Cherie would choose for the rest of his session.