Merry Little Christmas


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I spent the weekend not doing too much. The headaches would hit whenever without warning. Josie let Saturday to go shopping, or fucking, I wasn't sure which. By Sunday afternoon I had it all figured out.

I had seen a flyer advertising her Christmas party. It was three weeks away at the Plaza Hotel and Convention center. It was set to run from 8:00 until 12:00. That seemed like the ultimate choice for her to make. Me or him? Then it dawned on me to make her uncomfortable.

Monday morning I called in to work and took my three weeks vacation that I had built up. I had planned on taking Josie on a cruise next spring, but I wasn't taking Derrick Miller too. I placed ads, putting my bike up for sale, and my old pick up.

Tuesday morning as Josie was getting ready for work, I hit phase one. "Are we going to your Christmas party?"

She seemed stunned. "I didn't think you wanted to."

"I do. I am going to try to make myself more into what you would like me to be. We'll go Saturday and buy me some nice duds to wear and I'll clean up real nice so you won't be embarrassed by me."

She gave me a huge kiss and said she'd see me that evening. I was surprised, she actually seemed happy to have me wanting to go to her party. I'd just have to see that she didn't slip off somewhere with Miller. I was disappointed, however, when Wednesday rolled around and she had her'meeting" as usual.

Another holiday tradition for us is driving to Albuquerque to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert every December. It just so happened that this year they were playing next Wednesday. I texted her and told her I had gotten the tickets and when the show was. She seemed excited and I almost chalked another point up for me. Little did I know that both points were subject to further review, and Miller had thrown the red challenge flag on both plays.

Saturday morning came and I got ready to go shopping. Josie came out for her coffee and asked why I was dressed like I was.

"I'm ready to buy some nice clothes for your party baby. I don't want to embarrass you."

She got a sad look on her face. "Babe, I've been meaning to tell you this, but had spaced it out. Arthur decided to make this years party for employees only."

I felt sick. I knew I had just been dealt a hard blow in the battle. Dejectedly I went back into the bedroom and put on old jeans and a t-shirt. I grabbed my keys and headed out to the garage. I decided to take the Pan Head out for a change. And oops, I forgot my phone.

"That was pretty stupid!" snapped Josie when I walked into the house that evening. "You just get out of the hospital from an incident on a bike and you go riding again with no helmet. You really need to get over this whole thing. I can't help what my boss decides to do. I follow orders so that I keep my job."

I wondered what family friendly Arthur would say if he knew his name was being used to defend cheating. He'd find out soon enough.

"Does it matter if I ....Fuck it. Never mind. I don't feel good and I'm going to bed."

I puttered around the garage on Sunday and got a lot done to the'66 I was restoring. As a matter of fact I had it about 95% done. Josie seemed to keep to herself until dinner time. She called me in and had made fried chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner, one of my favorites.

All during dinner I kept talking about the concert on Wednesday. She seemed ready to go so I thought I might have a chance. We snuggled together that night in bed but I feigned sleep when she started to act frisky.

On Monday morning I drove to work and put in my two-week's notice. "Where are you going?" Tara Bennet asked as she punched Lou Graham's extension on the phone. "Lou can I have a few minutes of your time? OK." She hung up. "Let's go to Lou's office Martin. He likes this stuff to be done in person."

We went into Lou's office and he bade us to sit. I sat on the outside of his desk while Tara sat right next to him. "How's your head Martin? We're all sorry to hear of your injury son."

"My head's a lot better Lou. I am still getting major headaches but other than that it's healing nicely. How's Mrs. Lou?"

"She's a pain in my ass as always. I get the feeling though Tara didn't bring you in here to ask about Sadie's well being."

"No, I came in to day to put in my two week's notice."

"You're leaving us? Might I ask why?"

I explained about my marriage falling apart and told him I was heading for Vancouver or Spokane to work on ships again. They both were saddened for me and told me anything I needed was mine. I only asked that my retirement plan be liquidated as soon as possible so I could leave as soon as possible. They assured me that I'd have my money in a week.

On Tuesday I met with Dion Belmont again. I told him she was keeping the house and her money, I was keeping mine. He asked about alimony. I told him that I was officially jobless but didn't want her money. I just wanted out and to be away from Santa Fe. When he asked where to serve her, I told him to serve her at her Job on the Monday before Christmas. She'd know by then that I was gone. I told him there was a slim chance I'd be dropping my petition so that's why I wanted to wait.

Josie left for work as normal on Wednesday morning. I had told her I'd pick her up at two so we could get to Albuquerque and have dinner before the concert. I spent the morning washing and detailing my'Vette. At noon she called me.

"Are you ready for the show baby?" I asked.

"Please don't hate me, but I have to be at the meeting tonight. Something really important has come up so I have to be.."

I cut her off by yelling. "So he gets picked over me again!? Son of a bitch!"

"Calm down baby. No one's been picked over you. I.."

"Bullshit Josie! You just keep picking that fag over me and I don't know how much longer I'm tolerating it."

"We can always go next year. Just sell.."

"Fuck that. I'll find someone to go with and I'm going to enjoy the show. Have fun with Derrick!"

I hung up and called the one person I could think of, Teri. She answered her phone right away. "Marty! How are you dear?"

Dear? "I'm pissed off. How are you?"

"Why are you pissed off?"

I explained about Josie abandoning me for the concert and asked if she'd like to go.

"Sweetie, I'll go as long as my hubby can meet you first and we aren't going on your bike."

"No, I have my car all ready to go. I'll be over there at two. Umm, where's there?"

She laughed and gave me the address.

I was getting ready to go when my phone rang. It was Josie. For the first time ever I debated whether to answer the call or not. I wouldn't win if I ignored her so I answered.


"Are you still mad baby?"

"I'm past it. I have accepted the fact that I'm not top priority for you and as much as it hurts I realize there's nothing I can do about it so why get mad?"

"I wish you wouldn't look at it that way darling. I'm not choosing anyone over you, but I do have to do certain things for my job."

"What did you want Josie. I'm trying to get ready to go."

"Go? Where are you going?" there was a hint of panic in her voice.

"To TSO. I found someone to use the other ticket and I plan on enjoying the show."

"Oh." She said dejectedly

"Did you expect me to sit around while you spend your Wednesday evening with Derrick?"

"I kinda hoped you wouldn't go without me. Who's goin'with you? Jarred?"

"Nope. I asked an old friend to go. Teri."

"That bitch? God damn it Marty, why did you ask her?"

"She's off today and I like her company. You can trust me, she's married and I wouldn't do anything to break either hers or my vows."

She said good bye in a strained voice and I hung up. Fuck her! I didn't have to wait around for her to pull her head out of her ass feeling sorry for myself. I had my plan in motion, but if she should decide to come around I could easily reverse my course. I'd have a lot to explain but I wasn't past a point of no return.

I pulled up to the address that Teri had given me and went up to her apartment. She let me in and asked if I could wait for a little bit while she finished getting ready. I had no problem waiting. I looked out of her balcony window and saw the front entrance of the Plaza Hotel and Convention Center.

I was contemplating the view when she came out and said "My husband wants to meet you but he's been delayed. Can you come in and say hi when we get back?"

"Sure, not a problem. Are you ready?"

"Yes I am, let's roll."

On the drive she asked about my marriage. "Will you take her back?"

"I doubt it they way things are going," I said. "She needs to stop choosing him over me first. I have a deadline though and I am gone if things don't go my way."

"Have you thought of cheating on her?"

That question stuck in my mind for a moment. Teri looked damn good. She was wearing a jean skirt that ended six inches above her knees, and a sheer blue top that looked like a good stiff wind could take it away. Four inch blue heels finished off the ensemble since she wasn't wearing hose on her perfect legs.

"No I haven't. If I cheat it makes me no better than she is. How can I be upset about her cheating if I am too?"

We got to Albuquerque and ate at a real nice sea food place. All we talked about was how much better the seafood was in California and places we missed eating at. The food wasn't bad but we'd been spoiled. We got to the concert an hour before show time and went and had a drink in the lounge.

We took our seats and the shoe started. It was awesome! Alex Skolnick shredded all night and Jenn Cella brought tears to many eyes when she sang. Christmas Eve Sarajevo finished the show way too early in my mind. Even though they played for over two hours I wasn't ready to go back to Santa Fe. I wasn't sure, for the first time ever in my marriage that Josie would be at home for me.

We got back to Teri's apartment around eleven. We went in and her husband Charlie was waiting for us watching TV. We shook hands as she introduced us. "I take it you kids didn't stop off for a roll in the hay."

It was a good thing I wasn't drinking anything, because I am sure the spit take would have been spectacular.

"Hey, I didn't mean to shock you. I don't know if Teri mentioned it, but we swing once in a while."

"Um, no it was never brought up. But hey, if it works for you guys more power to you. I don't play that way but who am I to judge?"

We all talked for a while. They told me they were going to New York to visit his family for the holidays. I told him I was moving to Vancouver in a couple of weeks. I looked at the clock and it read 1:00. "Hey it's late and I don't want to keep you two up so I'm gonna mosey along."

Teri walked me down to my car and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek. "I really had a nice time tonight. I hope you do well in Canada."

"I'll get in touch when I've settled in. Thank you for being a friend."

I got home to find Josie asleep on the couch. I debated waking her, but she opened her eyes and started crying right away. I felt bad but not too bad. She chose to go with Miller tonight. I didn't make her go. I walked back to the bedroom and started stripping for bed. She came in and I got a good look at her. She looked like hell. She looked like she'd been crying all night. I figured most likely not all night, just the part when she'd been home after fucking her boy toy.

I debated telling her that she should call off tomorrow, but then I'd have to find some place to be all day. I got into bed and she stripped and climbed in too. I wasn't going to say a word. She finally broke the silence after I turned out the light.

"Why did you go without me? We always go to that show together. I'm so hurt that you took someone else."

I tried to control my anger, but it was damn hard. "I didn't choose to go with some one else. I just chose not to go by myself. You knew for weeks about this concert. You chose to stay here. I didn't make you stay. I didn't ask you to make me second choice again. I don't regret going with Teri. Not at all. I regret the fact that you have chosen to replace me in your life with a faggot like Derrick fuckstick Miller!"

Before she could say another word I got up and went out to the couch and lay down. I could hear her crying in the bedroom as I fought for sleep. I lay there second guessing myself. I awoke to her kissing my forehead as she went out the door on her way to work. I got up and went to the kitchen for coffee. There was a note from her in my cup.

My Dearest Marty,

I am so sorry for the way I acted last night. You're right I had no right

to expect you to go alone or not at all. Please let's go to dinner tonight

and start working on us.

Love you with all my heart


We went to dinner and managed not to raise voices. I couldn't bring myself to seduce her though. I told her about half way through dinner that my head was aching again. She drove us home.

Karma can be a real bitch. The next morning I awoke with a headache so bad that I couldn't see. I was in bed until Saturday afternoon with it. I spent Sunday resting, because even after being in bed for two days straight I didn't have energy to do a damned thing. I didn't need for this to happen this week I had too much to do.

On Monday I called the bank downtown and told them I would be closing my accounts on Friday and would be asking for the balances in cash. Since there was so much in there I needed to make sure they'd have the cash on hand. They tried to talk me out of it but I wasn't budging. I also told them I didn't want my wife finding out. Since my name was on the account they had to oblige.

On Tuesday I took the'66 to the Statler brothers and sold it outright to them instead of waiting for it to be sold on consignment. I also cashed in my 401K from work and prepaid all the taxes on it. I also sold my old pick up.

On Wednesday I was out of the house just shortly after Josie left for work. I had hoped she'd be fucking Miller tonight since I wasn't sure I'd be home before her otherwise. I pulled out of the garage on the Fat Boy and headed out. A few hours later I was in Denver Colorado. A man there had bought the bike from me. After we concluded our business I asked him to drive me to a car lot.

He took me to a cash and carry lot that had no issues with falsely filling out registration paperwork for a few extra dollars. I ended up driving home in a fairly new Toyota Four Runner, titled as a Wyoming vehicle. I even drove to Cheyenne to get plates issued to a false address. Since all of the dealer's paperwork claimed I was Kevin DuBrow of Cheyenne, they didn't ask for any ID.

I stopped off in Colorado Springs to see a buddy of mine, who sold me a few things that I'd need to carry out my plan. I even had some contingency aid in case things went wrong or I changed plans mid stream. I was pretty sure that I knew what her choice would be Saturday night so I made sure that most of what I needed would cover my tracks to Pensacola. He wished me well and sent me on my way with a list of contacts. Brotherhood can carry a lot of weight.

I stopped in Angel Fire to drop some things off with my buddy and to discuss Friday with him. I had a beer or two and he broke out something that I hadn't seen in ages. He had my uncle's vest with his 1% patch on it. We hugged and then I was on my way. As I drove back through Taos and onto Santa Fe I found myself no longer caring if Josie noticed I was gone, or if she noticed the bike was gone.

She didn't notice anything anymore about me or our lives. I'd be willing to bet my balls that she'd notice if I walked up to Derrick Miller and tattooed my initials on his face she'd notice. OH well, as of Saturday night she'd no longer be my worry. I got home around ten and parked the Four Runner around the corner on the side of Bill and Corey's house. They wouldn't notice, and if they did, it would just be a curiosity for them trying to find out who had Wyoming relatives. Since the whole Matthew Sheppard thing they despised Wyoming.

Josie wasn't home so I quickly showered and went to bed. I lay there for a time feeling shitty since she seemed to have given up any resemblance of us as a couple. She'd never been out this late with that asshole; this was just completely disrespectful as far as I was concerned. I fell asleep sometime later, but when I woke to take a piss at two a.m. she was sleeping next to me. Odd, she hadn't showered so she didn't even care if I found spunk on her person.

I woke around ten the next day and Josie was already at work. I made some phone calls and then spent the rest of the day deciding what to pack and what stayed. I had all I dared packed when she got home. She acted as if nothing was amiss so I played along. At bed time I pretended to fall asleep in front of the TV. I waited until I was sure she was asleep and then went to bed. I lay down and tried to sleep, but it was a long time in coming.

I awoke at six spooned into Josie with my traitorous hard cock buried in between her ass cheeks. She moaned sadly when I disengaged myself from her and went in to take a piss. I decided to lay down for another hour or so and then be gone before Josie had to leave for work. I awoke sometime later as she was giving me a goodbye kiss.

"I wish you'd been awake last night. You had me so charged up I almost raped you baby."

I held my gorge down and told her "Be a good girl and you won't have to rape me."

"You are so bad! I have to go babe. See you tonight."

As soon as she was gone I got up and started my busy day. First I took my Candy Apple Blue pride and joy Corvette to the Statler Brothers. Harold looked at me like I was insane when I asked him what he'd give me for it. He sadly said the best he could do would be $10,000. He looked at me even funnier when I told him he had a deal.

"Marty! You could get upwards of 25 for this car if not more. What gives?"

"My life is done here Harold. I am heading out for Canada in tomorrow and I can't take this car with me. As much as I love it, I can always build another."

He gave me ten large in cash and wished me the best. I went out front to find my buddies from Angel Fire waiting for me in their beat up old TravelAll. Vinnie and Darrell were brothers that I had known for years. I had met them through my uncle. With them were tow guys I hadn't met yet, Rex and Phil.

Our next stop was to my old job. I had to go through an exit interview and pick up my final paycheck. During the interview Lou let me know several times that my job would be here if I ever wanted it back. I thanked him and went out towards the front door. On my way I saw several of Josie's old cronies including Holly and Aaron. I hoped that Aaron wouldn't see Josie before tomorrow night or that she didn't still secretly hang out with Holly. I made my way out before any of them could approach.

From there we went to the bank. I had never seen a million dollars before. As the tellers put the money into lockable and GPS track able cases she counted out over $1.5 million. I told them that seemed like more than I had a record of and was told that the interest compounded to raise the total. I thanked them and left the bank carrying the cases.

Vinnie and the guys then took me home. I pulled the money they had quoted for their aid out and gave it to them. Then we loaded my uncles'57 Pan Head into the back of the TravelAll and they left back to Angel Fire. Phil worked for a packing company and was going to pack and ship the bike to me when I got an address to send it to.

I got home and transferred all of the money into a duffle bag I had bought and stashed the GPS cases in the attic. I wanted to be sure that once I was gone they couldn't just click a mouse and find me. I had also bought four disposable cell phones for the purpose of contacting my lawyer.