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A man is baffled by his wife - and their pretty neighbor.
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I don't understand women.

I know. Guys all say that, but I really mean it. Just wait until you hear my story.

I had a mother and a sister and I've had a girlfriend most of the time since 9th grade. As far as I can tell, nothing you learn about one woman teaches you anything about any other woman.

Not only that, but figuring out how one woman thinks doesn't mean she's going to continue thinking that way. Case in point: My wife and I dated off and on for three years in college. All that time she acted as if getting married had never entered her mind. Two summers in a row, she left me completely and took jobs in distant states. Sometimes I wasn't even sure she wanted to continue dating.

Then we were college seniors and dating again. Everything was fine until Christmas day when I went by to see how she liked the ski jacket I scrimped and saved to buy her. I thought her thanks were lukewarm. No, she was downright cold. I was baffled. She was certainly going to need the jacket when we went skiing in January!

I waited all night for Janet to tell me why she acting so cold. Finally it came out. She was expecting an engagement ring for Christmas!


That was the first time either of us had mentioned marriage. I guess the thought had crossed my mind, but I figured there was plenty of time to get serious after I graduated and got my first job. All of a sudden, Janet had other ideas. All of a sudden she wanted to know how I felt and if we "had a future together."

I stewed over it for a couple of weeks, but it made more and more sense to me. So I proposed and we got married in September after I graduated and started working for a big company. Twelve months later I was a father for the first time and the years just flew by. Now Janet and I are in our early 40s and our two boys are in college.

After a few years of working on routine little parts of big corporate projects, I started designing things at home to stave off boredom. I came up with several impractical gadgets before I thought up a process to streamline the manufacture of certain drugs.

By then my company had lost its biggest client in drug manufacturing. They weren't interested in my process, so I quit to develop the idea on my own. It was three long, lean years before I refined, prototyped and sold my idea. After that, the money came in a steadily increasing stream. We could have traveled and played golf the rest of our lives.

Instead I worked mornings at home, designing and consulting, and spent the afternoons with Janet and the kids. I coached the kids' teams, volunteered at their schools, led them in Scouts; the works. It was a great life until our second boy left for college and I began to find time dragging. The afternoons were especially slow. I still did some volunteering at the neighborhood school, but it's different when your own kids are gone.

Janet made a number of puzzling sharp turns in our first years together. She graduated with a teaching degree, then decided not to teach. She worked at several jobs while I was getting my manufacturing process off the ground. When the money started rolling in, she stayed home until the boys were in high school. Then she went back for her masters in education, but switched to exercise physiology.

Then Janet decided we should have another baby. We tried for a long time the old-fashioned way, then tried several kinds of medical intervention. Nothing worked. Finally, during our third complete physical evaluation, the doctors discovered a problem with Janet. Treatment failed and she had a hysterectomy. She was sad about that for long time.

Janet then started on a second master's, but quit after six months. She threw herself into the boys' lives, with mixed results. Finally she began volunteering at a battered women's shelter. Therapy, she called it. Before long, Safehouse became her life and her passion. She spent most of the daylight hours there, doing everything from clerical work to tutoring and leading exercise classes.

There was a big change in Janet after we married. From seeming very casual while we were dating, she was suddenly the stereotype of a jealous woman. Janet wanted to know everything about the women in my office. And I invited angry questions and a full day of sulking if I thoughtlessly complimented one. If I was half an hour late coming home from work, she accused me of being at a motel with some "slut." She hovered at my elbow at parties, and glared icicles at any woman who dared to get flirty.

I like to look at women, but Janet never had anything to fear. She was always willing and generous in bed, and she had the kind of beauty and curvy body that make men slow down and watch as she goes by. I've always loved digging my fingers into her curly brunette mop while we make love. She's all I could wish for in a wife, aside from her over-the-top jealousy.

I chafed at the restrictions, but gradually learned to reassure Janet and keep her jealousy in the background. She seemed to mellow over the years, but could still begin simmering at an innocent remark. Then one long summer my world went gradually, but completely, upside down.

It started some time before when the sweet, elderly Appletons next door decided to sell their house and move to a smaller place. The new owners are Curtis and Kathleen, a married couple in their late 20s. As much as we miss our old neighbors, Curtis and Kathleen are a lot more active and engaging. They immediately began redecorating and upgrading the house and working on the neglected yard.

Interestingly, they are both engineers. Neither is in my field, but we quickly found lots in common. They both worked for a big national firm, but a year after they moved next door Kathleen quit to do contract work from home.

Curtis is a thin, mild-mannered guy with a soft handshake and perfect manners. He's good-looking, pale and seems to lack energy. He languidly tends their roses, while Kathleen strides purposefully back and forth pushing the lawn mower. Curtis holds the ladder while Kathleen cleans out the rain gutters.

Kathleen is average in height, weight and build so she doesn't turn many heads, but she is certainly pretty in a quiet way. Her light blonde hair is straight, shoulder length and always clean. Her breasts are small, but she carries herself upright with her head up and shoulders back, so you can't help but notice their firm roundness. Watching her jog by one day I was struck by her straight back, muscular legs and beautifully rounded butt. I figured Curtis was a lucky man.

I also figured I would catch hell one day when Kathleen was doing yard work in a bikini top and cutoffs and Janet noticed me watching a little too closely. But for once she just smiled, stuck out her tongue at me and left it at that.

It surprised me how fast Janet and Kathleen became best friends, but they were soon visiting back and forth several times a day. They wore a path between our back doors. Curtis was usually out of town on business Sunday night through Friday afternoon, so I think Kathleen was lonely. One morning I stumbled downstairs at six in my boxers to find them sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and talking. They had a good laugh as I modestly dashed back upstairs. After that there were many mornings when Kathleen had breakfast with us.

Then remodelers started working on her kitchen and before long Kathleen was eating supper with us every night, too. Actually, it was a lot of fun and the three-way conversations were lively. And Kathleen's attendance inspired Janet to start coming home and cooking again. She'd almost given up cooking unless the boys were around.

Often Kathleen would show up at the back door with a covered dish while Janet was fixing supper and I was nursing a beer at the breakfast bar. Kathleen is not the cook Janet is, but she likes to experiment and she's had some notable successes. Sometimes it's like a competition and I've found Kathleen and Janet alternately feeding me tidbits and demanding to know whose entree or dessert is the best. They refuse to let me be diplomatic and insist on knowing whose dish I really prefer.

Surprisingly, Janet seems genuinely pleased when one of Kathleen's experiments pays off and I praise her cooking. And Kathleen is always effusive in her admiration of Janet's kitchen skills.

My relationship with Kathleen was based mainly on engineering and computers. I'm her computer help guy whenever she has a document that won't print, or balky software. And she occasionally comes to my upstairs office to talk through a problem she's having with a tricky design or ask my advice on handling a client. I have gotten involved in a couple of Kathleen's projects to the extent of doing sketches for parts of them. Truthfully, it was stimulating to learn about another branch of engineering and the places where it intersected my field.

Also stimulating were the times I found myself leaning over Kathleen, looking at the screen while she sat at her computer. People who work at home can wear what they want, and Kathleen's taste ran to bare feet, tennis shorts, loose blouses and delicate little bras in white or pink. It was distracting to see the tops of her small but full breasts partly visible down the front of her blouse.

Another time she crawled under her desk to check a power cord and the sight of her firm, round butt and tanned thighs made me gulp hard and look away. Nothing would be stupider, I told myself, than getting the hots for my next-door neighbor, who also happened to be my wife's best friend.

Janet's relationship with Curtis was much more distant than her friendship with Kathleen. In fact, she has made some cruelly remarks about him. That puzzled me since Curtis is such an inoffensive guy and Janet is not normally a harsh critic. So I asked her about the source of her disdain.

Well it seems Kathleen and Curtis had tried to get pregnant for several years without success. So Kathleen went to a fertility specialist who ran tests that showed her plumbing was fine. But Curtis refused to submit to fertility testing or consider medical intervention of any kind.

Embarrassed by the intimate details, I mumbled something about not even knowing Curtis and Kathleen wanted children. Janet glared at me.

"When a 20-something married woman moves into a four-bedroom house and starts decorating a nursery before she even unpacks her kitchen ... then *I* think she wants a baby!"

Janet went on in that vein for quite awhile, and I realized there was little she didn't know about our neighbors' personal life ... right up to how rarely they had sex. According to Janet, Curtis had little sex drive and Kathleen had to get very aggressive when she wanted sex. For a long time Kathleen assumed she hadn't gotten pregnant because she and Curtis had sex so rarely.

But after she was tested and found fertile, her doctor hinted that the problem probably lay with Curtis. Since Curtis refused to be tested, the doctor told Kathleen there was nothing he could do.

Though heartbroken, Kathleen apparently forgave Curtis for his failings. Janet was not so kind. She treated him with coldness bordering on contempt. But Curtis seemed oblivious, and life went on.

Over time I began to feel strongly attracted to Kathleen. She had a sharp, creative mind and it was a pleasure to watch her tackle an engineering problem. It was even more of a pleasure when I was able to help with a solution and receive her generous thanks.

It didn't help that her clothing became more and more revealing as the warm summer months began. Her shorts were often tight enough to outline her plump mons, while she stopped wearing bras altogether. I began to find myself fighting for self-control as I tried to focus on the computer screen instead of her dark pink nipples poking against the thin fabric of her shirt.

Finally I decided I would no longer go to Kathleen's house for consultations. The temptation was too great. If she wanted help she would have to come to my office. I thought surely she would wear less revealing clothing to my house, because Janet was in and out all day. But I was wrong. Kathleen continued to wear tight shorts and filmy blouses without a bra. And I continued to battle my arousal.

The final test of my restraint came one hot afternoon.

Janet was volunteering at Safehouse and I was working in my upstairs office when I heard the back door slam. Kathleen shouted "Anybody home?" and I answered 'Up here.' I gulped in dismay when she stepped smiling into the room.

Kathleen had clearly been working out and her white t-shirt and shorts were soaked in sweat. The damp cotton clung to her chest, clearly outlining her half-erect nipples and the sweet curve of her breasts. Her gym shorts must have shrunk because I could clearly see the 'V' between her legs and the bulge made by her pubic hair. I reminded myself to breathe. Small tendrils of hair were stuck to her temples by sweat.

"You said you would show me that new CAD software," she said, smiling.

"Uh, of course," I croaked, trying not to stare. "I've got it running now."

I tore my eyes off Kathleen and concentrated on my computer. She stood behind me as I explained the features of my new software. As I talked I could hear her soft breathing near my ear and smell her scent. She must have showered just before she ran because I smelled a heady mixture of clean sweat and scented soap. She leaned over to look at the screen and something soft touched my shoulder. Her breast? I was afraid to look.

I was babbling about document layers when suddenly I noticed she was no longer behind me. I looked around and the room was empty. I stood up and went into the hallway.


I heard nothing. She was not on the stairs or in the hall. Where had she gone? The door of our guest bedroom stood open a few steps away. Had it been open when I came upstairs? I walked over to the door.

Kathleen was standing motionless in the middle of the guest room, her back to me.


She gave no sign of hearing me, but kicked off her sandals and smoothly pulled her t-shirt up and off. She dropped it on the floor. Staring at her straight, bare back, my mouth was suddenly dry. Next she bent forward and pushed her shorts down her legs until they were a little puddle of cloth around her feet. Her tiny, white panties followed. She stepped out of them and walked to the bed, her firm buttocks moving in a sensuous rhythm. Sunlight from the window briefly highlighted the fine golden hairs on her arm.

Kathleen climbed onto the bed on all fours and lowered her forearms to the comforter. Her beautifully rounded butt was elevated and pointed straight at me, and the puffy lips of her slit peeked from between her thighs. My heart was pounding in my chest as she turned to look at me over her shoulder.

"Now, David," was all she said.

I don't remember discarding my shorts or crossing the room. But suddenly I was kneeling on the bed behind her, one hand caressing the smoothness of her butt while the other held my throbbing erection. I rubbed the head of my dick up and down her pussy lips. Once they parted, my dick found her wet inside, soaking. One thrust put me halfway inside her, another and I was buried. She moaned softly and pushed her butt back against me, seating my dick even more firmly.

Then I lost it. I was pulling out and plunging into her in a frenzy of lust and delight. The room was filled with a wet SMACK, SMACK, SMACK as my loins slapped her firm buttocks in a rapid rhythm. She stretched out her arms and grabbed the comforter to keep from being driven off the other side of the bed. She was silent except for an occasional involuntary 'oof' when I went especially deep ... braced motionless to withstand the onslaught. The delightful, musky tang of her pussy hung in the air.

I didn't last long. Suddenly my head snapped back and I uttered a drawn-out howl of relief and satisfaction. My hands gripped her hips with bruising strength as I poured my sperm into Kathleen, jet after burning jet.

"Aaaah! Aaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaggghhhh!"

Finally I knelt there behind her ... drained, my legs shaking, near to collapse. I started to pull out, but she reached underneath us and stopped me by taking gentle hold of my balls. So I waited, enjoying the sensuous clasp of her pussy around my dick, and the way her straight blonde hair parted to reveal her slender neck.

Some time afterward my penis shrank and pulled out on its own and I fell forward, resting my cheek against her smooth, warm back ... my arms clasped around her. She put one of her hands over mine. We stayed that way for awhile before she pulled away and got off the bed. I looked up to see her smiling at me gently. I opened my mouth to speak, but she silenced me with a finger to my lips.

"Not now," was all she said, then she quickly put on her sweaty clothes and left with a bright smile and a wave of her hand.

"Wow!" I thought, "that was wonderful!" Then, "Oh no! I've just been unfaithful to my wife. And with her best friend. I am SUCH an asshole!"

My feelings of pleasure and tenderness for Kathleen battled my feelings of self-disgust as I straightened up the guest bed and showered. An hour later, I got very nervous when I heard Janet's car pull into the drive. Luckily, she went straight over to Kathleen's, but I was sure she would know what happened as soon as she read the guilt in my face.

I needn't have worried. When Janet finally came home she was in a wonderful mood. She chatted, laughed and fussed over me while making a light supper. At one point she slid her arms around me and gave me a deep kiss. "Later gator," she whispered, a sure sign she wanted to make love that night.

Feeling panicky, I wondered if I could satisfy Janet so soon after Kathleen drained me. Again, I needn't have worried. Normally Janet likes a lot of foreplay. But that night she was wet before we even went upstairs. I know because she shocked me by taking my hand after supper and pressing it against her warm, wet crotch. We left the dishes in the sink.

Janet was the aggressor that night, getting me hard with her fingers and mouth then straddling and fucking me with an intensity that was rare for her. She alternated between pulling up then impaling herself on my dick, and rocking quickly back and forth with me deep inside. Her need was palpable. And audible!

Usually Janet said little during sex, but that night the words flowed non-stop.

"FUCK ME! Make me feel that big dick! Do it hard! HARDER! Make me come! Fill me up!" I began to wonder if the neighbors could hear, then felt guilty because I had just fucked one of those neighbors. She goaded me into mauling her full breasts, then cruelly twisting her nipples when she came. I came myself a few seconds later, hoping Janet wouldn't notice how little sperm I produced. We fell asleep kissing in a warm, sweaty tangle of arms and legs.

Janet was gone late the next morning and I was absorbed in my current project when I heard the back door open and close. Light footsteps came up the stairs and Kathleen was standing in the door to my office, beckoning me to follow. She led me to the guest bedroom again where her clothes were soon flying.

Our second fuck was much like the first, although I took a lot longer to come. I had time to enjoy the beautiful way Kathleen's full hips tapered into her narrow waist. And the way she wiggled her ass to encourage me whenever I started to slow my thrusts. I tried to pay some attention to her breasts, but she soon moved my hands back to her hips. Again I had a powerful orgasm and again her light caress on my balls kept me from pulling out until my dick was too soft to stay inside her.

She dressed and fled without saying a word, leaving me with a brilliant smile and a brief kiss.

I laid there on the guest bed, exhausted, and even dozed for awhile. I was panicked out of my sleep by the sound of Janet's Lexus stopping in our driveway. Luckily she went straight over to Kathleen's house and didn't come home to fix supper for an hour. But this time Kathleen came with her!