More than Just Friends Ch. 04

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Tyler and Danny's first time.
5.9k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/29/2019
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Tyler was late to school. There were only two weeks until graduation, so it didn't matter, but it wasn't like him to not at least text. Danny called him between classes.

"Dude, where are you?"

Tyler's voice sounded muffled. "Mmhph. Danny? Whassup?"

"Where are you? Were you sleeping?"

Tyler smacked his lips together. "Shit. Yeah, what time is it?"

"Ah, eight thirteen? Two minutes before second period."

Tyler sighed, long and tired. "I was up late. I'm so tired. I'm gonna go back to bed. Call me at lunch."

"Up late? What were you doing?" Danny asked, feeling jilted.

"Hmm? Oh, stuff. Just reading stuff online too late, lost track of time. Call me at lunch." Tyler hung up without waiting for a response.

It annoyed him all of second period. Was Tyler hiding something? They were supposed to share everything, know everything about each other, but in the last week or so Tyler was acting strange.

He got a text ten minutes into third period. 'I'm coming to get you. Go out the door by the gym in 25 min'.

He read it twice, annoyed, but also excited. 'What are we gonna do?'

'My secret!' Tyler texted back. Danny frowned. They weren't supposed to have secrets. Silence drew his attention back and he slid his phone into his lap just as Ms. Nelson cleared her throat, his stomach twisting with guilt. She stood above him, her hand held out expectantly.

"Phone," she said, not even giving him a chance to explain.

"Ms. Nelson!" he exclaimed. "I'm sorry, please don't take my phone. It was... It was my mom, about my... doctor's appointment for my physical. For college."

She wasn't buying it. "Let me see it, then."

"Ms. Nelson, that's a violation of privacy that I would never ask from someone else," he said, the words falling from his lips. Why couldn't he hold his freaking tongue for, like, five minutes? "It sorta feels like a violation of my fifth amendments rights for protection against self-incrimination."

The social studies teacher's lips pursed in annoyance, but he was soooo glad he'd been paying attention during their two week long block of constitutional law. "That sounds very much like you have done something self-incriminating. Such as texting while in school, to friends, and not to your mother. Both are wrong during class, but seeing as how you have obviously retained something from our Constitutional law unit, I will forgive you once. If I see your phone out again, I will take it for the rest of the day."

"Thank you, Ms. Nelson," he said, tucking his phone in his pocket, his fellow classmate's eyes on him feeling like a convicting jury. "It won't happen again."

She turned to the rest of the class. "I will not abide anyone else using the Fifth Amendment against me in this classroom. You have all been warned."

There was a collective moan, then Ms. Nelson returned to the front of the class. "Since you're all so enthusiastic about your constitutional rights, let's have a quick refresher pop quiz."

The quiz took up the rest of the period, and his classmates weren't exactly happy with him as the bell rang and they filed out, but he didn't care. He was graduating, leaving these assholes behind. He loved his parents, but he hated this town and would never come back.

That wasn't true. He'd go wherever Tyler went, even if it was back here. He didn't think it would be, but he'd follow Tyler to the ends of the earth. God, he was as clingy and needy as a girl.

He checked the time, realizing he was late to their rendezvous. "Shit," he exclaimed, running up to his locker to grab his stuff. He was fourteen minutes late by the time he slipped out the door by the gym, only barely dodging both the vice principal and his secretary on his escape. Tyler wasn't there, so he jogged off campus and around the corner, then ducked behind a Subway, looking for Tyler's car with no luck.

He frowned. It'd be just like Tyler to be impatient and leave him. He pulled out his nearly-confiscated phone and saw he had no missed messages, which just irritated him further. Maybe he'd just go buy a sub and head back to school in time for fifth period. He looked around one more time, then sighed, pocketing his phone and walking around the building for his sub.

His phone rang just before he got to the door. It was Tyler, so he answered. "Where are you?"

"You're late," Tyler answered, sounding upbeat.

"I almost got my phone confiscated which turned into a mandatory pop quiz, then I almost got caught by Vice Principal Englehardt and his demoness secretary. Sorry I didn't sleep in like someone I know..."

Tyler laughed. "Ms. Adams would totally eat you up," he agreed about the demoness secretary. "Walk over to the CVS parking lot. I didn't wanna get spotted by school fuzz."

"You're ridiculous, you know that? What are they gonna do, keep you from graduating?" Despite his complaints, he turned away from the door and turned to talk to the CVS, two blocks from school. The sun was hiding behind angry looking clouds, threatening to burst on him at any second. He picked up speed, hoping to avoid getting completely soaked in the threatening downpour.

He spotted Tyler when he was still a block from his car, and Tyler waved at him the whole time it took him to get there. "You're an idiot, you know that?" Danny asked as he climbed into the passenger seat, throwing his backpack into the backseat.

"Takes one to know one," Tyler mocked. "You hungry?"

"I could eat," he said. "What's the big secret?"

Tyler smiled at him, playful and sexy, and goddammit, he couldn't even be irritated at his friend's mischievous nature.

"Lunch first?"

He sighed. "Fine. Something quick."

They rolled through a Chick Fil A and grabbed some sandwiches. Tyler drove straight to his house as they ate.

"My house?" he asked, confused. "How do you have a secret at my house?"

"Secret's in my bag," Tyler corrected. "No one's home at your house, and no one would potentially stop home, either. Unlike my house." Tyler sighed, wrinkling his nose. "Yours is better."

"Fine," he agreed, because what else would he do? "What are we doing?"

Tyler laughed, sounding nervous as he grabbed the said bag, a black backpack from younger student days. "Be patient."

"I don't get why this is such a big secret," he complained, leading his friend into his house. He locked the door behind them, then turned to confront his friend. "Spill it."

"It's a secret because... it's more fun this way," Tyler said, his smile not as confident as it had been.

"What's wrong, you seem upset?" he said, turning around then putting a hand on Tyler's chest to stop him. "You're all nervous."

Tyler's expression was amusing. "Yeah, I am," he agreed after a breath, probably thinking about whether to lie to him or not. "I'm just so excited."

"What kept you up all night?" he asked, sounding more surly than he wanted it to sound, but he was worried it was a girl. Even though they said they'd share, he still wasn't sure enough about the dynamics of their relationship to be comfortable.

"You jealous?" Tyler asked.

"No," he lied.

Tyler knew he was lying, that smile told him so, but he didn't call him on it. "I was doing research. I think we're ready, now, so I wanted to make sure we do it right."

"Do what right?" he asked.

"Let's go upstairs," Tyler said instead of answering. "Come on." He grabbed Danny's hand from his chest, stepped around him and pulled him forward, towards the steps.

Danny sighed. "Fine." He followed begrudgingly. "What's this all about, Tyler?"

Tyler didn't say anything until his door was shut. "So, we've been doing stuff, like blowjobs and handjobs and stuff, right?"

He hadn't been expecting this turn of conversation. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. So, I wanted, I mean, before we graduate, cause we might not see each other as much, I ah... I wanted to have sex."

"What, what?" he asked, his throat suddenly tight with fear. "Like, in the butt?" He swallowed hard.

Tyler nodded, looking nearly as nervous as him. "Yeah. In the butt. That's how guys have sex, like penetrative sex. I wanna have sex with you, Danny. Before we go off to college. I wanna have good sex with you, and everything I've read says the first few times aren't that good, because it takes a lot of work." Tyler looked down at the bag in his hands.

"That's your research? You were looking up how to fuck me in the ass?" Danny asked, sounding harsher than he intended, but he was suddenly so freaking nervous. Every part of him was nervous, except of course his dick, which was almost instantly hard.

"Sorry, I mean, no, we, I wanted to talk about who would be the bottom," Tyler said, looking anywhere but at him. "I didn't-"

It killed him that Tyler looked like that. "I didn't mean it to sound that way. I'm sorry, I'm just kinda worried, like, nervous."

Tyler looked up at him now, then walked to his bed and sat down, opening the backpack. "So, I don't care who's on top or bottom. I think we should each try both, eventually. I bought stuff yesterday, to help." He took a clear bottle of thick looking liquid from his bag. "Really good lubricant, and this, every site I read that sounded legit said to start with a butt plug. I didn't know what size to get, there's a lot, and the old dude at the counter was looking at me with his crackhead drugged-up judgy eyes. Anyway," he said, pulling out another, and a third one, all different sizes, "I thought we could try these today. I mean, if you wanted."

He picked up one of the packages, his hands shaking slightly. "So, you put these in your butt? Won't it be gross? That's where I poop from."

"We'd take a shower first, and use your fingers to wash out your insides," Tyler said, turning the largest one over and over in his hands. "Then it's clean. It's, I mean, if you don't wanna, I'll just, I mean, we could just hang out. Forget I said anything," he said. He started shoving things back in his bag and reached for the plastic encased clear butt plug in Danny's hands.

"No, I mean, you put your finger in me once, and it felt weird, but also nice. I wanna be... Shit. This's so embarrassing, especially in the middle of the day."

Tyler flushed. "Yeah, but we don't have anywhere safe to do this at night, without getting caught, I mean."

"These must have been expensive," he said, feeling bad that he hadn't contributed. "I'll pay for half."

"You don't need to," Tyler downplayed. "It wasn't that much."

"Bullshit," he said. "You need to be honest with me. You don't have to treat me like some girl who expects you to pay for shit all the time."

"But, you buy me lunch and snacks and dinner and stuff all the time," Tyler complained. "I just..."

"There's no way that costs what I spend on you for dinner," he accused. Tyler flinched, but didn't back off. He sighed. "Fine, but I'm buying the next toys. How's this work?"

"You wanna do this?" Tyler asked, looking up, looking fragile.

He chuckled, his stomach a knot of butterflies. "Yeah, I mean, yeah. Who goes first?"

Tyler got up and approached him, taking the smallest butt plug from his hands. He leaned in and kissed him on the lips, chaste, then stepped back. "Can I do you?"

His dick was in charge, those words filling it completely. "Yeah. Should I shower?"

"Yeah, clean yourself out, with your fingers. Thanks," Tyler said.

"Shut up," he told his best friend, then kissed him, prying his way into Tyler's mouth with his tongue. "I'm... It's exciting." He pulled his friend's hand down to his hard-on.

"You're... Why?" Tyler asked.

"Cause I've wanted you to do this to me for a while," he admitted, turning away to hide his blush.

"Oh. Okay," Tyler said, as if he didn't know what else to say.

Danny took a quick shower, basically just soaping up and cleaning himself. It was weird, sticking his fingers inside himself, so he imagined it was Tyler. He cleaned himself there three times before he was satisfied. He didn't even bother getting dressed, just dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist. Tyler was on his bed, the smallest butt plug on a small towel, already shiny with lubricant. He looked up nervously as Danny entered, swallowing hard.

"You ready?" Danny asked. Tyler had drawn the blinds and curtains, and his room wasn't dark, but it was dim.

Tyler nodded. "Can you, it would probably be easier if you were on the bed, with your butt up in the air."

Danny pulled his damp towel off and dropped it to the floor, still hard as a rock. "Sure." He climbed onto the bed, pressing his face and chest into the blankets so his ass was up. "This's embarrassing."

"It's sexy as fuck," Tyler corrected. His fingers brushed over Danny's asshole. "It's so cute."

"Dude, did you just seriously call my butthole cute?" Danny asked, twisting to look at Tyler.

"It's really hot," Tyler said, sounding distracted. Tyler leaned closer, then used his hands to pull Danny's cheeks apart so he could get a better look. "I wanna kiss it."

"It's gross," he said, feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

"You cleaned it?"

He nodded his head into the comforter. "Three times."

"It's not gross, then," Tyler said, pulling him apart even farther.

Before he could respond Tyler's lips were on his pucker, and then his tongue danced over the muscle, sending a tremor through his whole body. Tyler didn't say anything, and he couldn't, either, as Tyler pressed his face between his cheeks. He prayed he didn't fart in his friend's mouth, then lost the thought, and any others as Tyler's tongue pushed its way inside him.

"Stop," he moaned, the feeling of Tyler's tongue both strange and arousing.

Tyler pulled back. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No, I mean, it has to taste gross," he said, mortified.

Tyler's finger brushed over his muscles. "Not really. It just tasted like skin, but the feel of your muscle on my tongue was neat. Do you, I'm gonna start with my fingers, then move up to the smallest plug, okay?"

He trembled, conflicted. "Yeah, sure," he agreed.

Tyler's hands moved away, and a breath later one wet finger pressed against his opening. "Spread your legs more," Tyler said, using his other hand to bat his legs apart. Danny went deeper and then Tyler's slick finger was pressed against his hole. "Relax, Danny. Relax."

"I'm trying," he said, breathing through the alien feel of a finger there, teasing the sensitive, taboo flesh. "Sorry."

Tyler's other hand smacked his ass gently. "No apologizing. Tell me what you're feeling, how I can make it easier on you."

"Just do it, I can't, it's so embarrassing. I'll tell you if I need you to not do it," he said, hiding his face in the sheets. Tyler's finger pressed against him, against the ring of muscle and he clenched hard, unable to control it. "I'm sorry," he moaned.

"Shh," Tyler said, continuing to press gently, massaging the flesh there with his slick finger. "It's okay. I'm gonna do this until you relax, I won't stick it in, I promise."

"Thanks," he said, taking a breath, trying to steady out his breathing, trying to calm down. "This's super embarrassing."

"Nothing to be embarrassed around me for," Tyler said, tracing gentle circles in a rhythmic pattern. "You're good. I want this to feel good for you, for us both."

"Me too," he admitted. "I've fantasized about this, if we're being honest here."

"That's hot. You want me? In here?" Tyler punctuated his statement with a firm press to the center of his anus that had him squirming, his finger not pushing inside, just firmly against. He moaned, pushing himself against Tyler's finger. Tyler chuckled. "That's reassuring."

Tyler pressed a little harder, and he clenched, then forced himself to relax. He breathed in, slowly, steady, and then he felt himself relax there. Tyler circled his anus, then his finger slipped inside. Danny instinctively tightened up again.

"Woah, dude, relax, it's good, relax. You're squeezing my finger so tight," Tyler said, his other hand settling in the small of his back in the most comforting way. He pushed a little deeper, then pulled it out. "What's that feel like?"

"Strange, weird. Like nothing I've ever felt before. Exciting," he said. "Do it again."

"Sure, sure," he agreed. "Relax again, and let me in. Does it hurt?"

He shook his head. "Sorta feels like I gotta take a dump, but smaller. Not bad."

"Good, okay, yeah. That's good," Tyler said, pressing that finger against the muscles again, which had tightened up reflexively. "Relax, Danny."

"Hmm," he moaned as a slick finger pushed inside of him again. He concentrated on his breathing, in and out, as Tyler slowly pushed further inside him.

"Let me know if this is bad," Tyler said. "I don't wanna hurt-"

"Good, don't stop," he moaned. Tyler, encouraged, pushed deeper.

"I'm gonna keep moving one finger in and out, okay?" Tyler said, wiggling his finger inside him.

"That is the weirdest feeling," Danny said. "Your finger inside me."

"Sorry, is it gross?"

Danny shook his head. "Feels weird, good. Keep doing it. Please?"

Tyler's finger wiggled inside him, thrusting gently in and out until he felt himself relax completely. "Oh, that's different," Tyler said, and suddenly he felt fuller.

"What'd you do?" he asked, tensing again.

"Jesus, Danny, relax. I just added a second finger." He scissored his fingers. "See?"

"That feels, oh, shit, do that, with the bottom one, oh shit, that's great, there's this spot, just, ah, right there." His eyes rolled back in his head, it felt so strangely good. "Do that more, it feels fantastic. I like... I, ah, um..."

"You like this?" Tyler asked. "Can I put the plug in?"

"Can you touch that spot... mmmm..." Danny felt good, light, as if he could float away, and the only thing keeping him tethered was Tyler's fingers in his ass. "I like that so much."

"If I put the plug in it can stretch you, help you relax, while we kiss or something? I could suck you off."

Danny moaned again as fingers traced that spot inside him that felt like pure pleasure. "Kissing sounds good."

Tyler stroked a few more times, then his fingers were gone and he felt a physical emptiness he'd never felt before. It was replaced soon with the clear butt plug, but it didn't feel as nice as fingers. They'd been alive, warm, but this was just filling. It popped into place and seated itself deep in his butt crack.

"Come here," Tyler demanded, wiping his fingers on a small hand towel.

Danny didn't hesitate, climbing onto Tyler's lap. He was hard, he noted. "You liked that?"

"It feels mega-neat inside you," Tyler said. "Like, I totally enjoyed it. Do you want me to-"

He closed in, kissing Tyler. They kissed and he rocked, rubbing the buttplug deeper inside him, trying to get it to hit that magical spot Tyler had found.

"I want a bigger one," he panted between kisses, their hands everywhere on their bodies, everywhere but their cocks. It was as if they were unconsciously saving themselves for when Tyler was inside. Or maybe it wasn't so unconscious.

"Yes, sir," Tyler agreed, pushing him down again. He forced Danny's head into the sheets again, then tugged at the plug. "It's really in there pretty good."

He grunted as the plug popped free. "I'm gonna get the next one ready. Just think, two more plugs, then I'll be here," he emphasized his point by dipping a finger into the hole that Danny felt was a little open. " Do you want me here?"

"God, yes," he said, not even having to think about it. "So much."

"You're so fucking sexy," Tyler praised, then another silky sex toy was pressed against his ass. It was a lot bigger, or at least it felt like it was.

"Slow down," he said as the first tinge of pain hit him. "It's big."

"Sorry." Tyler pulled it back, then slowly pushed it back in, rocking it back and forth, stopping just before it hurt each time until it popped into place like the first. "Can I kiss you again?"