Morena and the Matriarch Ch. 02

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Politics can be a real Bitch.
6.3k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/23/2016
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"I have a Fertility Festival less than a month away and Morena is telling me she can't deliver???"

The Matriarch was having a bad day.

"I'm sorry, my Lady," a middle-aged woman in a simple grey frock told her. "She has not said she cannot. She said she may not be able to and wants us to be prepared with an alternative. Apparently, there is some kind of disease or condition spreading through her stock which is affecting production and they have not been able to isolate it, yet. And other sources take time to develop."

"You sound like you're defending her, Madge," the Matriarch huffed. "Since when are you on the side of the riff-raff?"

"Since Mistress Morena became the only one on the list of Ranchers that hasn't tried to screw us over, my Lady," Madge replied. "I know the frustration you are feeling, and I am sure that Morena is acutely aware of it as well. We have never postponed a Fertility Festival in the two hundred and thirty-seven years since we crawled out of the fallout shelters and began rebuilding our world. This year we may need to settle for less quality and less quantity. And fewer pregnancies."

"I see no reason why this should be an acceptable situation," the Matriarch complained. "I will not stand for it. We must have increased production and we must have pure, fresh DNA to add to the gene pool. If I must send out the troops to conquer another land somewhere to get it, I will!"

"My Lady, please remember what happened the last time we sent an excursion into the Wilds," Madge reminded her. "Those that returned were severely wounded at best."

The Matriarch glared at Madge, and a lesser woman might have withered under her gaze. But Madge had been upward-managing for decades and took it in stride.

"Then what would you suggest?" the Matriarch asked icily.

"That we assist Morena, and whomever she would recommend, in solving the problem the best way they know how. They are, in this case, the experts and we should avail ourselves of their knowledge. It can only come back to look favorably on you when they succeed."

The Matriarch looked steadily at Madge as if she were crazy... but her expression softened as she began to see how it could work in her favor. Eventually she made up her mind.

"Do whatever you need to do to make it happen, Madge. Use my seal. But make damn sure the Festival goes off without a hitch."

Madge breathed an internal sigh of relief. She had the okay to go ahead.

"My Lady, may I suggest you give the Consorts a call and spend some time relaxing and putting this out of your mind? I can handle the details so you needn't worry."

"Is this your way of telling me to go get fucked, Madge?" the Matriarch asked with a wry smile.

"Not precisely, my Lady," Madge answered. "Although it can be a great stress reliever."

"Madge, get the hell out of here," the Matriarch told her with a smile.

"Yes, my Lady," Madge nodded, then turned and left it to her boss to call for a royal fucking.

* * * * * * * * * *

Alyssa was leading another male back to her cave. A bit disappointing, insofar as he was an older one, but still hale and hearty from living in the Wilds. She was bothered by it taking two more days to catch this third one.

Of course, she smiled to herself, getting double-teamed by the brothers in the meantime has been nice. Too bad I'm going to have to turn 'em over to the Rancher.

She reached her cave and pushed the new capture forward, making him crawl through. She followed him in and attached his lead to a hook near the entrance, then walked over to the cage where the brothers were standing, looking at the new arrival.

"Gentlemen, would you seat our new guest?" she asked, unlocking the cage. "He's being a bit surly and I don't want to hurt him. Much." She walked away to get her syringe box and left the brothers to figure it out.

Gann and Roe had a hurried conversation before moving over to the newcomer.

"You know him?" Roe whispered.

"Never seen him before," Gann answered. "Could be Callunar, but they're supposed to have dark skin."

"What about Lakvannar?" Rod asked.

"Maybe," Gann agreed. "Or a Solo. I just hope he isn't stupid."


They walked over to the newcomer and Gann stood before him while Roe moved around behind.

"Lowland Common?" Gann asked.

"Some," the man answered. Gann nodded.

"Gann, son of Tor," he told the man, indicating himself.

"Hecht of Lakvannar Suyden," he told them.

"Roe, son of Tor, my brother," Gann pointed. "What is a Southern Lake-dweller doing up in these mountains?"

"Trade," he answered. "Separated from group. Got caught..." he nodded in Alyssa's direction.

"Yeah, about that," Gann told him. "We're going to sit you down and she's going to give you two shots. You won't be happy about it, but it's better if you don't fight it. Unless you've got a death wish. My recommendation is, just do what she says."

Hecht looked over at Alyssa and lowered his voice. "Is she a Trapper?" he asked. "She jerked me off in the forest."

"Yeah, probably," Gann told him. "We call 'em Procurers, 'cuz that's what they call themselves."

"Gott!... I'm dead..." Hecht moaned.

"Not necessarily," Roe told him. "She's been good to us. Don't know what kind of Rancher we'll get... For now, though? Come on with us." He gripped Hecht by one wrist and the opposite shoulder and walked him towards the chair, while Gann paced alongside, watching for any attempt at trickery.

"What did you do to piss her off?" Gann asked as he sat Hecht in the chair. "She called you surly..."

"Tried to run even after I was tied up. That's when the ball clamp went on. Nasty device."

"Yeah, we walked here coupled together," Roe told him. "Not pleasant."

Alyssa approached with her wooden box. "Gann, please hold this," she asked and handed it to him. Then she fished inside and pulled out the first of the two syringes, the one with the poison.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Hecht of Lakvannar Suyden," he replied.

"Okay, Hecht, I am Mistress to you." She injected the small capsule under Hecht's skin.

"That," she explained as she picked up the other syringe, "is a neurotoxin which will slowly release into your bloodstream over the next six to seven days."

"This," and she injected the clear fluid into Hecht's right bicep, "is the antitoxin, to keep the other one from killing you. It will wear off in a little over a day. Therefore, if you want to live, I need to stay alive to give you the antitoxin daily. If I am incapacitated or dead, you die. Painfully. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," Hecht nodded.

"Yes, what?" Alyssa asked.

"Yes, you make yourself clear," Hecht answered. With a slight smile, Gann leaned down and whispered into Hecht's ear.

"Oh!" Hecht exclaimed after hearing Gann, "Yes, Mistress!... sorry..."

She moved behind him and cut his bonds.

"Okay, Gann, Roe? Give me your arms." They complied immediately and she injected them with the antitoxin. "You two have about a day before you need your next shot. Don't fuck with me. I want you to go hunt dinner. I don't need to tell you about the tie that binds. I'll be here when you get back. So will Hecht. Kill enough for four of us."

"Yes, Mistress," both Gann and Roe told her, then walked to the entrance, taking their bows, arrows and knives with them. Hecht was astounded.

"You let them have their weapons?" he asked. "Um... Mistress, I mean?"

"Yeah, I do," she told him. "What are they going to do? Commit suicide by hurting me?" She walked over to the pile of Hecht's stuff she'd brought along and dragged it into the cage.

"You can have your stuff, too," she told him. "I don't think you're stupid."

"I think you'd want a shower, though... you're pretty grimy from hiking around the mountains."

* * * * * * * * * *

"Are we being stupid?" Roe asked Gann as they walked back with a small goat strung on a pole between them.

"What do you mean?" Gann asked.

"I mean, are we making a mistake going along with Mistress? The Procurer, I mean. Shouldn't we be trying to dig the poison pellet out with our knives or something? Break her hold over us? And now it's not just the two of us... there's this Hecht guy, too. If we could get rid of the poison, we could make a break for it."

"Normally, I'd agree with you, brother," Gann told him. "But in this case, I'm just too afraid. I don't know that digging into my arm isn't going to sever an artery. Or make the pill dissolve faster than the antidote works. Or any number of other things that could go wrong, including clipping a nerve or getting an infection. I figure we have a better chance when this first pill is gone. Then we see what happens."

"Okay, I guess you're right, bro', but I don't have to like it," Roe pointed out.

"I didn't say I liked it, either," Gann assured him. "Although the Mistress is a damn fine fuck."

"You got that right..." Roe mumbled, then lapsed back into silence for the rest of the hike.

Reaching the cave, Gann slid in first, then Roe pushed the goat in to him and followed. Roe stood up to find his brother staring at the cage. A naked and unconscious Hecht was sprawled out on one of the bunks. He then saw Alyssa over by her bedchamber, naked and motioning to them.

Automatically, they dropped their gear by the entrance, carried the goat to the kitchen area and went over to Alyssa.

"Nice kill," she observed.

"Yes, Mistress," they both agreed.

"What we don't eat tonight, we'll salt and wrap and take with us," she told them.

"Take with us?" Gann asked.

"Yes, I'm going to have to change hunting grounds. I can't get what I need here. So I'm taking you two and Hecht to my pen until I can fill my quota."

She eyed both of them, looking for their reactions. They seemed pretty stoic.

"Don't worry," she added. "I'll leave you in capable hands. You won't get mistreated... much."

Roe was a bit worried at that last bit, but since Gann wasn't showing any concern, he certainly wouldn't either. As Gann had said, better to play along and wait for a better opportunity.

"In the meantime, and speaking of capable hands, since Hecht is recovering and I'm still randy, what do you think we should do about it?"

"I think we should fuck your brains out to a couple of crashing orgasms, then butcher the goat while it's still fresh," Gann told her.

"Then we can come back and finish reducing you to jelly," Roe added.

"Gentlemen," Alyssa smiled, "I really like that plan..."

* * * * * * * * * *

"There's a rider at the door with a message from the Matriarch," Stella told Morena. "You want it, or do I tell him you're not here and send him away?"

"Of course I want it," Morena snapped irritably. "It may be my death warrant. But better to find out what the old buzzard wants rather than piss her off any more."

Stella smiled at the "old buzzard" comment - the Matriarch was ten years Morena's junior. It was the disposition that seemed like an old hag's. "I'll be right back," she told Morena and headed down to retrieve the message.

Not for the first time, Morena wondered what she was going to do to save her life and her livelihood. Her viable stock had dwindled from its height of forty-two Class double-A rated studs and thirty-one Class single-A's down to the twelve double-A's and twenty-eight single-A's she had now. She wouldn't keep any stock that was less than Class A. Her reputation was based on quality and quantity, in that order. And she was about to go under. A couple more losses to her stable and that would be it.

Stella returned in a few minutes with a parchment envelope bearing the seal of the Matriarch. Morena took it to the table and sat down, heaving a deep sigh as she tore it open and pulled out the letter inside. She looked through it for a moment, then told Stella, "well, I'm not dead and you're still employed..."

Then she read closer, and Stella could see her reading and re-reading portions of it.

"Stella," she finally asked, "if you were to choose one of the other Ranchers to partner with, who would it be?"

Stella was surprised. The competition for product was so intense, none of the Ranchers ever seriously considered partnering with the competition. But she took Morena's question seriously.

"I suppose the only one I could come close to trusting would be Tara," she told Morena. "She's shady and backstabbing, and unethical in her treatment of her customers and her stock. But she's least likely to cut her own throat and appealing to her best interests usually works, for a time."

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Morena agreed. "I've been offered a way to keep my contract and save face by partnering with another Rancher to meet the quality and quantity quota without threatening the terms of my contract. And I'm being offered a generous 'on-time' bonus... enough to pay the other Rancher a decent fee for their services, if I hit the deadline. I smell Madge's hand in this, Stella. This can't have been the Matriarch's idea."

"You're right, there," Stella agreed. "Now we just have to figure out what our shortfall is going to be and start negotiating."

"I really wish I could get hold of that Alyssa woman," Morena told Stella. "I'd love to know if she's made any progress or if she's just taking off with my six hundred."

"Her contact is her sister, Dosay, in Vern's Dale," Stella told her. "She said if we needed to reach her, we could go through her sister."

"Feel like a road trip to the Uplands?" Morena asked.

"Sure," Stella agreed thoughtfully. "Haven't been traveling in awhile. Might be nice. And Rodriguez can run the stable while we're gone. He does most of the heavy lifting, anyway."

"Okay, set it up, then. It's a couple days' trip in the coach. I don't feel like getting saddle-sore. We can overnight at the tavern at Mossy Hill. Don't need to pack heavy, since it's summer."

"Yes, ma'am," Stella grinned. She had fond memories of the blacksmith at Mossy Hill. She wondered if he was still around and still in business. And still fucking the occasional traveler.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Dosay, this is Gann, and Roe, and Hecht. They're pilled and cooperative. I need you to hold them until I can get three more. Gann and Roe will wear off in two days, Hecht in five. You need to keep dosing them, and one day extra to make sure. Don't damage them. They're solid Class AA stock and I make a bundle if I deliver them intact and functional."

"Gentlemen, this is Dosay, my sister. She's a bit twisted after the rapes, but will follow my instructions. If you like kinky sex and being Dom'd, she's your girl. Otherwise, just do what she tells you to do and you'll survive. Oh, and the food's damned good. She's an excellent cook... and baker."

Gann, Roe and Hecht all looked at the girl before them. She seemed tiny. And young. She was dressed in a peasant blouse and full skirt, had the same piercing grey eyes and thin lips as the Mistress, and had a kind of mad gleam in her eye, leading them to wonder about her sanity.

"Sure, 'Lyssie," Dosay told her. "Just like always. Dungeon's ready to go. Clean, even. Bleached all the blood and stuff. How long?"

"I hope like hell I'm back inside of three days," Alyssa told her sister. "I've got a deal with Mistress Morena and I really want to make it happen."

"Where you goin'?" Dosay asked.

"Mirror Lake's a bust... played out," Alyssa told her. "I'll take a chance on Settlers' Ruin. The tribes risk excursions there because the game is so plentiful. Problem is, all the other Procurers know it, too. So I'll have to be extra sneaky. All I need is three young'uns and I should be okay. I'll take the cart to the base. It'll make the return trip faster."

Dosay nodded. Alyssa's plan made sense. She looked at her new toys. Two young studs and a veteran. This could be good.

"Do they fuck well?" she asked.

"Excellent," Alyssa told her. "And they know how to use more than their cocks. Especially Hecht. His tongue will drive you through the ceiling. And Gann and Roe play well together."

"Oh, goody!" Dosay exclaimed. "I like getting eaten. And sandwiched."

Gann and Roe both filed that bit away for future reference. They hadn't really concentrated on oral with the Mistress - who they now knew was known as Lyssie - because she'd wanted to fuck, and hard. Hands and mouth weren't a problem. They had plenty of practice with each other, and women weren't that different, once you figured out where all the parts were.

"Oh, and do a count and motility work up on them, if you would," Alyssa requested. "And check for radiation levels and mutated sperm. I'm pretty sure I've got some untainted winners here, but knowing before I meet with Morena would be a good idea."

"You got it, Sis," Dosay agreed.

"Okay, gentlemen, follow Dosay. Keep cooperating and you'll be treated right. In fact, all three of you have done right by me, so I'll try to do right by you and get you tolerable terms with Morena. Now I gotta head back out, so Dosay's in charge. And I'll see you soon."

"Yes, Mistress," all three answered.

Alyssa smiled and turned away, heading for the barn to get the cart and horse set up for her trip to Settlers' Ruin.

"C'mon, you three," Dosay told the men. "Follow me."

* * * * * * * * * *

Roe was tied up on a big wooden "X" and Dosay was sucking him. Sweat was pouring off his body. She was going for number six. He'd had no idea he could produce so much cum and have almost no recovery time. Dosay seemed stoned for some reason, sort of in a daze, but she was damned good at what she did. And in this case, what she was doing was him.

She'd simply asked if she could suck him off. He could have said no, he supposed, but who was he kidding? Sex with a real woman, of any kind, was definitely addictive. Her only requirement was that he be hooked up to the big wooden "X".

"Oh, God, Mistress," he mumbled. "I don't know if I can cum anymore."

"Of course you can," she smiled. "Watch." And she went back to sucking him like an industrial strength vacuum cleaner. And sure enough, he was building up again. Despite being exhausted, he was going to blow another load. And it seemed like each one was just as powerful as the last.

With a slight moan, he let himself sag against the restraints, now realizing the purpose for being affixed to them. He could pass out and she could still keep sucking him. He knew Gann and Hecht were watching, but somehow he just couldn't care. All he wanted was to let loose his load down her throat and get some rest.

For her part, Dosay seemed to be going the same direction. Because of the rapes, she had to work around certain traumas. Having her victim secured was a big one. And they were victims, not partners. She was getting even, every time.

She needed to ingest a lot of cum before fucking. It did something to her to mellow her out, like a powerful tranquilizer that blocked her abhorrence of being fucked. And if she was going to fuck, she had to be on top. It was the only way she could cum, other than hands and mouth.

"One more big load, stud, and you can rest," she told him, then went back to bobbing on his shaft.

She kept up the powerful stimulation until she felt Roe starting to build again. Then she grabbed his testicles in one hand and squeezed, while using the other to stick a finger up his ass. The results were predictable. He came like gangbusters. So much so that she struggled to swallow it all. But she did.

Licking her lips, she stood up a little unsteadily and put a ball clamp on Roe. Then she freed him from the cross. She led him back over to the cage and put him through the mantrap. Unlike Alyssa, she didn't let them roam free. In fact, she had let Gann's and Roe's toxic pills elapse without injecting another. They were toxin free at this point.