Moving on Up an... Out

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Couple learns secrets within themselves and life.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/22/2020
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It is a long boring road that doesn't have a turn in it every now and then.

This will be a multiple parts story. I am trying some thing different in this story. It may have hidden messages in it about things in life. It may or may not be BTB story.

All mistakes and errors are mine and mine alone, sorry you will have to deal with that. It is what it is amateur writing for my enjoyment and maybe yours.

All constructive and guiding comments will be welcomed and appreciated, flaming remarks may be removed.


Chapter 1

When all this started I can't give a specific date, or may be even a year. We, Cynthia and I have been married twelve years. My name is Valiant, Valiant Volkov.

We were in the upper income of the economy. No, not millionaires. Not yet any way.

We have a nice home in a very nice neighbor hood. It is what society refers to has a McMansion.

Quiet place most of the time except when some partying goes on. I have been called on for being to loud sometimes, as well as some of our friends. I usually invite the accuser in, If that doesn't work I turn it down a notch or four.

The house is big and spacious, with five bedrooms and baths, den/entertainment room, game room, dining room, kitchen and etc. Four car garage, pool, and nice grilling out door dining area. Yes, maybe a millionaire's home.

We got it by luck really, it was foreclosed on and we got it for pennies on the dollar. I remember the looks we received when we pulled in the drive in our ten year old Lincoln. Two squealing rambunctious kids launching out of the car and a tired mom and dad.

Our employments Cynthia and I had were good and we could afford this. We just had to be careful for a year two and not be crazy.

She had her own business, a health club. and I did investment/business property consulting. I also did private residential investments, some call flipping houses. That's how I found this home.

We were moving on up.

Chapter 2

We had come in on a Friday evening and the movers arrived Saturday. The Welcome wagon group showed up Monday.

We were still putting boxes where we wanted them and unpacking. Problem was we didn't have enough, yet, to actually make the house like the home it should be.

There were about six ladies showed up to welcome us in the neighbor hood.

Sherry and Debbie I remembered right off. Two blonde blue eyed beauties.

Sherry was our age or younger and Deborah was mid to late forties.

Debbie had the motherly type body, kind of fleshy. Sherry was slimmer and more tight, a lot like Cynthia. Debbie was big breasted and I was guessing enhanced. Sherry was a nice size.

The red head behind these two was a plumper with a nice round ass and a lovely face. The other two, a brunette and a coal black haired woman were typically average.

The last two were older than Debbie with some graying showing. They weren't really granny looking but headed that way. One was really short in stature.

I would find out later on, Deborah and those two grannies were the shit disturbers.

They introduced themselves all smiling and chatting.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Valiant." I said.

Right then Cynthia and the kids showed up. I could feel her almost bristle up. Four of the ladies were looking me over like lionesses ready to pounce, Cynthia noticed.

I introduced Cynthia to the ladies and then invited them inside. I let the ladies be ladies.

They were chatting away when Gloria the redhead came wandering into the den where I was standing and surveying the room.

"The previous owners had a overly large theater setup in here. To much really, no room to play." Gloria said.

I was standing there with one arm across my chest, hand tucked under the other. I was cupping and rubbing my chin thinking when she spoke.

I jolted a little and snapped my eyes to her when she said that.

I noticed she looked me over like a cat on the hunt.

"You must workout quite a bit." She said.

What she said wasn't the problem, it was the finger she ran from my shoulder to my elbow.

My face reddened little.

I looked back to the kitchen and saw Cyn watching all this. Cyn cocked her head a little side ways.

Helen, the short lady, looked up at Cynthia then slid from the tall chair.

"I do when I can, most of the time it is on the job sites. That is where I get most of my work out." I said.

I smiled and chuckled.

Helen showed up standing next to Gloria. It almost looked like a female David and Goliath.

"Mr. Volkov.." She said.

She spoke with a slight hiss in her s' sounds and she made it sound Russian.

"Please, call me Val." I said.

"Val, I see you are contemplating on this room." Helen said.

"Yes I am, I'm not sure exactly what we want to do here." I said.

"I see, I may be able to help you, if you wish. In the mean time, come, Gloria you're missing some entertaining conversation. Besides, Mr. Volkov, looks busy." Helen said.

"Nah, I'm good Helen." Gloria said.

"Come." Helen said.

It was a rather commanding tone.

Gloria hadn't taken her eyes off of me when Helen took her hand. I saw Gloria wince and looked at Helen, then followed obediently.

It looked like Helen was leading a misbehaved child away holding it's hand.

I smiled and chuckled quietly. Cyn grinned also. Cynthia told me later that Helen punished her right there in the kitchen.

Chapter 3

Cynthia's health club started out with mainly yoga, Pilates, massage and some light free weight items. Also two jacuzzi tubs. It is a nice place and she has been expanding slowly.

She has included a few exercise machines, along with yoga and Pilates classes. That business was doing well for Cynthia

'Cyn's' 'Full Body and Mind Health Awareness'

I remember Cyn telling me Helen had come to the spa after we moved in to the new house. She told me Helen surprised her at what she was able to do at her age.

"That is one strong little dynamo. I had to work a little to keep up with her." Cynthia said.

I think it was a lot more than little, but Cynthia wouldn't admit to it.

According to Cynthia the other five ladies came in also. Gloria was one Cyn talked in to visiting more often, which I thought a little strange. The first day we moved in I figured they would be archenemies.

Gloria seemed to be coming a fixture there according to Cynthia.

The few times I got to stop in during the afternoons I noticed there was a nice group of men there also. Cyn told me about twenty percent of her clientele were men from all age groups. It had been a while since I visited the place.

So life progressed on and after about six months to a year we were being invited and inviting our neighborhood friends, to each others domiciles.

One day I was home a couple hours early and stopped off to visit Cyn at her health club. I noticed the place was crowded.

"Well, babe, is it always like this?" I asked.

"Yes, just recently, it started picking up. I thought it was because more people were becoming health conscious or word of mouth type thing." Cynthia said.

"And I feel there is more to what your telling me." I said.

She began giggling then almost laughing. The business had got off to a rocky start and I had put some money into it to help and more to keep it going.

"Did you even read the store front sign when you came in today. It seems there is a prankster some where. It happened about two weeks ago." Cynthia said.


"Oh, you should read it, darling, on your way out. Now are you staying to work out?" She said.

I told her sure, I have a couple of hours and I could use one of her delicious massages afterwards.

I was done with my work out and grabbed a shower and went to the massage room where Cynthia told me to go. I received my massage, but not from my wife.

It seems Helen was teaching Gloria how to be a masseuse. When they finished I left, checking out the store front.

I had a good chuckle at that. ... 'CynFul' 'Body and Health Awareness'.

Chapter 4

We had been in the house for about a year. Things were going really well for us.

Cynthia's health club was doing well enough she was looking to expand and to add some more equipment and floor space.

I was moving upwards in the property investment consulting business and doing more residential property investments.

We had been to a few neighborhood parties and we were friends with most all of them. The parties we attended could get outlandish at times.

Cynthia and I made it a point to ask the ratings after one episode. It started with some people getting intoxicated and risque behavior.

We would ask if it is rated G, PG, R, or X. That brought chuckles from the hosts but they understood. Our children were hold enough to notice and understand certain behaviors.

Cynthia and I had went to a couple PG and R rated parties. I didn't believe there were any X rated, but, if there were we didn't get invited.

We were invited to a PG pool party one evening. Things were lively and fun, the music was loud but not outrageously. You could still carry on a conversation.

The ladies all seemed to be letting their hair down with drinks and dancing, in the pool or out of the pool.

There was this one man, a black man and his wife. I understood he was a player on a NFL team, they had moved in about six months ago.

Justin Jackson, or JJ, he was an okay type of person, as long as the conversation didn't get too intellectually deep. It was like he steered away from that kind of conversation.

Stick with the mundane and slapstick he was alright. He lived for football. JJ could be loud and obnoxious, almost to the point of arrogance. He also thought he was a lady's man, but he was very like-able.

Jasmine his wife had her hands full trying to keep him in check at times. You could tell they were from different backgrounds.

He was quick to pull pranks, like sneaking up behind his adorable wife or other women in the pool. She might be talking to a couple or some women.

He would very sneakily untie her or others bikini straps and slip away, if they wore one. She wouldn't notice until it was too late. That would bring some laughs, but not from her, which brought more chuckles.

I once saw him try that on Cynthia and called her over to me. He looked at me with a grin, I smiled and shook my head.

Chapter 5

We hosted another PG pool party. JJ and Jazz were there also, I began to call her Jazz because she liked the blues and jazz music.

This time she attempted to get even with him, but I don't think it really had an effect on his pranks.

He had done his prank, but most every one had seen Jasmine topless before, thanks to her husband. Cynthia was next to Jasmine, I watched as he did his thing, he got them both.

JJ didn't get what he expected this time.

She just gathered her top up and waded out of the pool like it wasn't any big deal. Cynthia's top didn't come off at the same time, so she had the chance to grab and check the straps.

JJ and some other men watched this cinnamon beauty seductively walk out, including myself.

She chose me to chat with, standing there topless. I was having a hard time staying in eye to eye contact. She giggled at me.

"Like what you see, do you Sir Valiant." Jasmine said.

"Who would not. Thou doth taketh my breath away." I said.

I started to say 'those are very nice'. I got a giggle from her. Her voice and giggle had an unwanted effect on me, along with her fragrance.

She glanced down and smiled her radiant smile.

She took my arm and asked me to make a drink at the bar. Her pool robe was there at the bar.

"Hope I can make it that far with out embarrassment." I said.

She was holding on to my arm as she went to laughing, bending over, her ample cinnamon breasts swaying. Her past shoulder length black curly mane falling around her face.

"I shall shield your lance, Sir Valiant." she said.

We walked the twenty or so feet to the bar as Jasmine clung to me.

We were being watched as we went, Jasmine was putting a sway to her hips.

I asked Jasmine why she puts up with that shit.

She giggled and shrugged her shoulders. Jazz told me she has a little exhibitionist streak in her. Then told me it excites JJ when men, even women, get to see her partially nude. I could understand why, Jasmine is very attractive.

She was of average weight and well breasted, those stood up firmly. Her abdomen was slightly rounded, her ass had a nice roundness too. Jasmine was curvy.

We were at the bar and I was helping Jasmine in to her short pool robe as Cynthia came over. I think she was protecting her territory, from her approach.

Jasmine was slow to close her robe as JJ was now approaching.

"Sweety, could you pour me another Disaronno, when you find the time." Cynthia said.

She spoke snidely while looking at Jasmine's cinnamon breasts then glaring at me. That brought a giggle from Jasmine.

"I'm sure your good knight will serve you first, mine will take a couple minutes to make." Jasmine said.

I wasn't paying any attention when I saw the matching bottoms to that swim top appear on the bar.

Cynthia gasped, I stared, Jasmine giggled.

JJ had stepped up to us as Jasmine opened the bottom of her robe to Cynthia and her husband.

Cynthia turned red and gasped, JJ stared downward. I was, unfortunately, pouring a Disaronno.

"Darling would you mind finding my top and put this with it." Jasmine said. "No sense going half way when you can go all the way."

Jasmine laughed a little as I was handing the drink to Cynthia. Cynthia was still shocked and I noticed her swim top had formed some bumps in it. So Jasmine took her drink, then sipped it.

"Oh, I doth savor this drink, worthy knight. Set forth another, Sir Valiant, your lady is in wait." Jasmine said.

Yes her words were unexpected. I gathered she was quite the reader.

Cynthia looked at her as Jasmine sipped again. I quickly poured another Disaronno, handing it to my wife. Then my wife took an unexpected glance downward.

Jasmine whispered something to Cynthia and smirked. I watched Cynthia's face turn red again as she looked at me. Then a frown came over her face as she bit at her lower lip.

I was later told by my wife that Jasmine told her that her and JJ had been to some nude beaches. Jasmine found that quite exhilarating.

"Come, my lady in waiting." Jasmine said.

Cynthia had no clue as to what Jazz said, I smiled.

Jasmine took Cynthia by the hand and walked off. JJ he didn't seem to chipper now.

We had a little talk and he went over to his wife to apologize, with sincerity. It worked for him.

Cynthia smiled and I assume she received an apology too.

This event slowly drifted more to an R rating has it grew dark. I saw some bikini tops laying around the pool.

Then in ground jacuzzi it went full X at one time.

Jasmine had taken my wife over there earlier. They got to giggling as two intoxicated couples joined them as they watched them.

Cynthia had a full swim suit on, thank goodness. When they got out I noticed Cynthia's sex motor was running, we left shortly after.

Chapter 6

We were laying in bed a couple weeks later when Cynthia started a conversation.

"Do you think Jazzie is sexy?" She said.

'Huh?' was my answer.

"Jasmine, are you attracted to her?" Cynthia said.

I felt like I was stepping in quicksand.

"Sweety, I find a lot of women attractive. Jasmine is an attractive woman. She is interesting I will say that. Why do you even ask." I said.

"Well, she told me you got a big hard-on talking to her that evening at the pool." She said.

I was thinking of shutting this down, but, curiosity kills the cat.

"Yes, I did, but it wasn't big. She was half naked hanging on my arm. She is very attractive and she smelled good. What do you expect." I said.

Then she decided to bomb me with her next question as she asked the next question.

"You wouldn't want to have sex with her would you?" She said.

She didn't look me in the face, she said it more to the room. I think she was thinking the answer might be, maybe, or just straight out yes.

"Hell no! or any other woman. I am married to you, you're the only woman I need or want." I said. "You are my beautiful sexy wife I intend to keep, along with our children. I am not going to sneak around for a piece of ass and suffer the guilt."

I got a hug and a kiss, but, she put a thought in my head. I went for it.

"What about JJ, you think he is attractive?" I said.

I didn't get answer quickly, she was fiddling with her finger nail.

"Well?"I asked.

"Well, ya kind of, he is all buff and everything. He has well defined muscle structure. Broad shoulders. Nice pecs, and abs..."

I cut her off.

"You want to have sex with him don't you?" I said.

She looked at me wide eyed with her mouth open.

"No I don't!" She said, but that was all she said.

"Really? The way you and some other ladies were hanging off him. I believe given the right circumstances, you all would have fucked right there." I said.

Cynthia gasped opened mouth at me. I think she started to say something, but closed her mouth and glanced away momentarily. She pulled that 'I'm angry' pose, then looked away.

I got up and headed to get a drink, as I went out the door.

"By the way Jasmine wasn't to happy about that." I said.

I got to the bar and poured a straight shot. I was a little pissed to say the least.

I was fixing another with some water. I turned to go back to the bedroom. Cynthia was walking in.

"Val, I'm, I'm sorry. I was a little tipsy that night." She said. "Is Jazzie really pissed off at me?"

"What do you think?" I said. "You, Debbie, Gloria, even Sherry." I said. "Sherry surprised me."

I looked at her hard. She looked at the floor.

"Well he is kind of interesting, he knows all about football. He has got these really good moves he makes..."

I was glaring at her in disbelief as she was telling me this. She stopped talking.

"I thought football was barbaric, at least that's what I was told." I said. "When did, you, become so interested?"

She told me she had been watching some games recently. Strange thing was it was only the ones with number 31 in them. I shook my head, I saw through the guise of what she was saying.

I caught her during one of her 'nap times' in our bedroom. She was wearing a number 31 jersey cheering that team on. I hoped she had actually bought it,

Cynthia dropped it and snuggled up to me for the night trying to make amends.

Chapter 7

Life goes on and on. We managed to get past the summers indiscretion and so did Jasmine and JJ.

All though with Cynthia and I it came up a time or two. I asked her once about what the fascination with JJ was about.

"Well." She said. "I don't know"

That is all I received that time.

I went to researching, some of the stuff I found I couldn't believe and didn't really want to know. I asked again about this fascination with black men, JJ to be exact. This one floored me.

Cynthia didn't answer me right away, until I told her this wasn't going away. She started off very timidly after pouring a drink of courage.

'Well' again. This time I waited and wouldn't let her leave it there. I folded my arms.

I watched her take a deep breath and look at me. She took another swallow of courage.

She took in a breath and blew it out and looked down.

"I heard black men have..are.. well.. " she blurted the rest out. "they have big cocks."

The bitch ran out of the room looking back at me as I stood there laughing.

I guess nine inches isn't big enough.

I had to wonder now what that fascination was all about.

I wanted to call Jasmine, I couldn't hardly wait. One thing I did realize, Cynthia hadn't crossed that line, yet, as far as I knew.