My College Coworkers

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Three women. Each different. Each fun.
12.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/14/2023
Created 07/21/2023
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My junior year at college was a lot of work but also a lot of fun. I took several Computer Science classes, and I loved every one of them. Sometimes the programming assignments took an exorbitant amount of time, but I enjoyed working on them, so I didn't mind.

There was a two week stretch where I was working on a major assignment, and I was not getting much sleep. After finishing the code, I scrambled to write enough documentation to explain what I had done. When I finally pressed 'Submit' late Friday night to turn in my program, I immediately went to sleep. I think I slept 20 hours over the next two days, but the late nights turned out to be a good investment. My work on that one assignment drastically changed my life.

When I got to class on Tuesday, our guest Teaching Assistant, Joanna, was there. I was surprised, as I thought she was only teaching the class for the prior two weeks because our regular TA, Jack, had to travel to meetings in Washington, D.C. to meet with one of the federal agencies that funded his research. Joanna said Jack couldn't make it today, so she was here one more time. She started the class by announcing our next assignment was similar to our prior assignment - the one that cost me two weeks of sleep - but there were some changes to the requirements. She then proceeded to list what some of my classmates considered major changes. In some cases, she added new requirements. In other cases, she took some of the "givens" from the prior assignment and said, "Oh, sorry, what I told you was wrong." Then she gave us totally different givens. If you hadn't written the program well, this could almost amount to a complete rewrite.

"So," she started, "how long will you need to make these changes?" Then she pointed to a guy in the front row.

"About 2 months!" he answered, bringing lots of laughter from everyone.

She called on someone else who said she'd need at least half as much time as it took to write the first program. Then she looked down at her notes.

"Is Richard Nelson here?" she asked.

I raised my hand.

"How long will it take you, Mr. Nelson."

"I think I understood everything you said," I started. "I think I'll need about ten minutes."

"Bullshit!" someone behind me said, and Joanna just smiled.

"How could you possibly make those changes in ten minutes?" Joanna asked, her smile giving away that she already knew the answer.

"All those changes just require some new run-time parameters or adding records to my meta-data tables."

"Please show us the design of some of those tables," she replied. "Here is your documentation, in case you don't remember."

I walked up to the board and started showing how I structured the tables that drove my logic. I didn't need my documentation; I spent so many late nights on that program, it was still stuck in my brain.

A few people asked questions, but they were easy to answer.

"That's a nice design," Joanna said, "but did you consider this?"

She then suggested a couple of simple changes that would have made the code even simpler.

"Wow, no, I didn't. But I should have!" I said. "That's brilliant."

I took my seat and Joanna continued talking about different techniques we could have used. As class wrapped up, she said there was no assignment for the next class, and no one had to modify their program. A few people cheered.

"That's it for today," she finished, and everyone started filing out.

As I walked to the front of the class, Joanna turned to me.

"Richard, can you stick around for a minute?"

"Sure," I replied.

After everyone left, Joanna sat on the front of the desk.

"You did a really nice job on that last assignment. You were the only one who got every feature working, and your solution was quite elegant."

I tried to hide my internal smile; I don't know if I was successful.

"Are you interested in a part-time job during the school year, and, if it works out, full time during the summer?"

"Oh, YEAH!" I said, perhaps a little too excitedly.

"We're looking for another person to do some programming on one of Professor Teller's research projects. We were thinking we'd look for another PhD student, but I think you'd work out better. Can you talk to him at 2:30 this afternoon? I'm supposed to meet with him then."

"Absolutely," I said.

At 2:25, I opened the outer door to the office where the research project was housed. Professor Teller's office was behind another door inside. As soon as I walked in, I froze. There she was. "The girl." I didn't know her name, but I had seen her walking the halls. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. She had a small, round face with friendly, brown eyes and a small nose. She usually wore her light brunette hair pulled back in a ponytail with a colored scrunchie. She was tall and thin, with small breasts. Her ass had a tiny curve to it; it was perfect. When she looked up at me and smiled, I melted.

"Hi, are you Richard?" she asked?

I nodded, almost unable to speak.

"Hi, I'm Tracy. C'mon in. Professor Teller is expecting you. He's finishing up a call, so you can have a seat until he's done."

I nodded again and croaked out a "Thanks."

After a couple of minutes, Tracy softly said, "Don't be nervous - he's actually a really nice guy."

The smile she flashed could make a person facing a firing squad feel comfortable.

After a couple more minutes, a buzzer on Tracy's desk went off.

"He's ready for you," she said. "Go on in."

I opened the door, and Professor Teller stood up. He was a tall, imposing man. He also had a reputation as a bigwig in the Computer Science community, both within the university and in the research community. He didn't exactly smile as he extended his hand, but he didn't look mean.

"How do you do, Richard. Please have a seat."

He didn't introduce himself, even though this was our first meeting. He just assumed I knew who he was.

"Joanna had some very good things to say about you," he started. "We need someone to help her with some programming work. Are you interested in doing that?"

"Yes, sir, very much so."

"Would you be able to spend about 10 hours a week during the rest of the school year and then go full time in the summer?"

"Yes, sir."

"Most of the stuff she's working on right now is funded by a few government grants and some private corporate sponsors. We'd be able to pick up your tuition and pay you 25% of the research assistant salary during the year, and then full-time research assistant pay during the summer. Would that be okay with you?"

Did he ask me if it would be okay? He's going to pay my tuition, pay me a salary, and I get to work with the smartest computer science person I've ever met, while doing something I love?

"Yes, sir, that would be great."

"Okay," he said. "Tracy will set up all the paperwork."

He then turned to his computer and started looking at email. I took this as a sign we were done.

When I walked out of his office, Tracy turned and flashed her warm smile.

"All good?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Have a seat," she said, pointing to the chair next to her desk. "I need to get a little information so we can submit the paperwork." Then she leaned toward me and, in a quiet voice, asked, "did he say 'goodbye' or 'thank you' or anything, or did he just start looking at his email," she said with a chuckle.

I laughed.

"He just turned to his computer and started looking at email. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do, but it looked like he was done with me."

Tracy laughed.

"Yeah, that's how you know when the conversation is over. He just ignores you and starts reading something. You'll get used to it."

The more Tracy smiled and talked to me, the more I fell in love with her.

I later found out that Tracy lived with her boyfriend, Clark. Four years ago, when Clark was a senior, Tracy suspended her college studies so she could support them. He was now finishing up his third year of law school. Once he graduated and got a job, she planned to finish her degree and they could live happily ever after. She was smart, organized, and, although soft-spoken, had a great sense of humor. Combine that with her looks, and she was pretty-much perfect.

Holly was another admin who worked in the office. She, too, was friendly, but in a very different way than Tracy. She was loud, very direct, and flirty. She carried a little extra weight and had big boobs, which she didn't mind putting on display. On more than one occasion, she wore skirts that were so short that, when she was sitting in a chair facing me, I could tell you the color of her panties. She'd make an effort to pull the skirt down, but sometimes there just wasn't enough material. I liked Holly, and I didn't mind looking at whatever she was displaying, but she wasn't the first person I'd pick to be my girlfriend.

After I finished filling out paperwork for Tracy, I almost danced my way home. This had been an INCREDIBLE day. I couldn't wait to start my job on Monday.

I was told I could work whenever it fit in my schedule. On Monday, I was done with classes at 1:00. I stopped in the office, and Tracy greeted me with a warm smile.

"Welcome to the zoo," she said with a chuckle. "You'll be working in the office with Joanna. C'mon, I'll show you where."

We walked side-by-side down the hall and around a corner. She opened the door to a smaller office that had two desks. Joanna was sitting at one.

"Oh, hi!" she said when we walked in.

"Hi," I responded.

"He's all yours, Joanna. See you later, Richard," Tracy said, as she left.

Joanna wore large glasses with black frames. Her hair was parted in the middle of her head and went just below her chin. You wouldn't describe her as beautiful, nor would you describe her as unattractive. She was just a normal looking woman who happened to be brilliant.

"Glad to have you on board," Joanna said. "I'll email you a link to the project website, and you can spend some time just getting familiar with what we're doing. How did DT describe the job?"

I looked confused.


"David Teller," Joanna said with a chuckle.

"Oh. He told me I'd be working for you, and you'd let me know what to do."

"Perfect," Joanna said. "The first thing I need you to do is pick up my cleaning at the dry cleaners on State Street. Let me find the ticket."

"Really?" I said, kinda' bummed that I had to do this kind of thing.

Joanna started laughing loudly.

"No, you goofball. You're here to be a computer scientist. We're going to design stuff, and you're going to write code. But I sure liked the look on your face when I asked you."

I smiled, amused at her teasing me.

"How long are you here today?" she asked.

"I don't have anything the rest of the day," I said.

"Great. Start reading some of the documentation and keep a list of questions. We'll go get some coffee in a couple of hours and talk."

I nodded and headed to the other desk. I pulled up the website and started reading.

After two hours, Joanna turned toward me.

"You ready to go get some coffee?"

"Yep, I've got a list of questions."

"Good. Let's go."

We walked across the street to Starbucks and started talking. I absorbed every word that came out of her mouth. I learned about the project and some of her own research for her PhD. She was really smart, and I knew I'd be learning a lot by working with her. I also couldn't help but notice she wasn't wearing a bra. She had nice breasts - probably a small c-cup. They'd move around a little when she got animated, and I'd often see her nipples poking through her top. I tried hard not to let them distract me; I was USUALLY successful.

During the week, Joanna and I spent lots of time together. I was getting familiar with the technical design of the products she had built, and she gave me my first programming task. I asked a couple of clarifying questions and started working on the code.

Two days later, I told her I had something to show her.

"Really? Already?" she asked.

"Uh huh."

"Okay, let's see it," she said.

She rolled her chair next to me, and I brought up the system. I walked her through the screens demonstrating each of the functions she requested.

"This is good, Richard. VERY good," she said, making me feel great. "Let me drive," she said, pushing my chair out of the way as she slid over in front of the keyboard and grabbed the mouse.

She tried a lot of different options, and she seemed pleased. I had been staring at the screen as she was trying stuff. When she leaned forward to get a better look at a graphic, I happened to turn my head toward her. Suddenly I realized I was looking right into her gaping blouse, and I could see her complete breast and nipple. I don't know if I gasped or not, but something caused Joanna to turn toward me, and she followed my eyes to see where I was staring. She looked at me, and I turned red.

"Do you like seeing my tits?" she asked nonchalantly.

I debated for a nanosecond whether I should deny looking, but I realized it would be a ridiculous lie.

"Yes, I did. Very much. Thank you for asking," I said, hoping I could diminish my embarrassment.

Joanna started laughing hysterically, which actually made her breasts bounce around and caused me to involuntarily stare at them again. Finally, she calmed down a little.

"First," she said, still chuckling, "thank you for not pretending you weren't looking at them. Second, that was a great answer. I wasn't expecting that. Third, here's the deal. You've probably figured out I don't like to wear bras. I used to work in this office by myself, and I usually put on a sweater or sweatshirt if I am going to be with other people. I'm not used to having someone sitting right next to me in here, okay? Now I don't really care if you look at my tits as long as you can still work when all your blood is rushing to your dick."

I realized Joanna had looked down at some point, and I was showing a bulge.

"So," she said, inserting a dramatic pause before continuing, "CAN you work when all the blood's in your dick? Is there enough left in your brain to think?"

Now it was my turn to laugh.

"Yes, I think I can. Unfortunately, my dick doesn't take as much blood as I wish."

Joanna started laughing again.

"Good. Now that we've got that settled, let's talk about this program."

Joanna was an amazing person. She was incredibly down to earth, and we talked about all sorts of things. She was obviously way smarter than I was, but she listened to my ideas. Sometimes we'd argue about the better way to do something, and sometimes I could convince her my way was better. She was open to rational arguments, even when they challenged her beliefs. We developed a real friendship over the months.

When the school term ended, I started working full-time. Frequently, we ended up working late into the night. We didn't have to come in at any special time in the morning, so if we worked really late one night, we'd come in a little later the next day.

Joanna's husband, Jim, was a paramedic, and he sometimes worked a 24-hour shift. Often, especially if he wasn't coming home that night, we'd be at the office until midnight. Sometimes, we'd go get something to eat after that. It was a weird schedule, and I certainly worked more than 40 hours a week, but I loved the work. And I loved working with Joanna. I learned an incredible amount from her.

One Wednesday in June was Joanna's birthday. We were all going out for drinks after work to celebrate. Tracy's boyfriend, Clark, and Joanna's husband were both joining us. We left the office at 5:30 and headed to the new restaurant / bar that opened a couple of months ago.

Jim was a nice guy - I liked him a lot. I had met him a few times before when he stopped by our office. He was funny and had some pretty good stories about situations encountered at work.

This was the first time I met Clark. He was an interesting character. He was very good looking - movie star hunk good looking. On the surface, when I first met him, he seemed friendly. But the more he talked, the more he reminded me of a used car salesman. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised: he was going to be a lawyer. Not sure you can trust anyone in EITHER of those occupations! He was never unfriendly... I just got the feeling he didn't believe half of what came out of his mouth. Maybe I wasn't being fair, but that was my impression. He didn't go to a top law school, and he was still trying to find a job after having graduated in June.

We crowded around a small table and ordered drinks. All of us from the office had some funny stories to tell about Joanna, and we were all laughing pretty loudly. Holly was sitting next to me, and her short, denim skirt had ridden up pretty high on her hips. Every time I looked down, I saw a lot of leg. Holly was sitting next to Tracy, and I noticed she kept looking down at Tracy's legs, which I thought was a little strange. Jim was very affectionate with Joanna, frequently rubbing her arms or kissing her. They were clearly very much in love. Of course, Joanna wasn't wearing a bra, and some combination of the air conditioning and Jim's attention had her nipples on display most of the night.

After a couple of hours, Clark called over the waitress and asked for the check.

"We need to get going, right Tracy?" he said, staring directly in her eyes.

"Oh, uh, yeah, we do," she replied.

Clark calculated a tip and said how much it was for each person. Everyone gave him their share, and, thanks to rounding up, the waitress got a very nice tip. Everyone stood up and wished Joanna one last 'Happy Birthday". I gave her a hug right before she and Jim left.

"I got dropped off at work this morning," Holly said to me. "Can you give me a ride home?"

"Sure. No problem."

In the summer, since I had a full-time appointment, I was able to park in the staff lot. Holly and I walked to my car, and I opened the door for her. As she sat down, her short skirt again rode up a bit. She then spread her legs as much as the skirt allowed as she swung her left leg into the car. It gave me a clear view of her pink panties, and I could have sworn there was a wet spot by her pussy. Holly was looking directly at me and smiled as finally swung her other leg into the car. I took a deep breath and closed the door.

When we got to her apartment, Holly turned toward me.

"Hey, it's still pretty early. Want to come in for a bit?"

"Sure," I said.

I parked and we walked up to her unit. As soon as we got inside and closed the door, she turned toward me. She put her hands on my waist and pressed her hips against me. I was pleasantly surprised. I put my hands on her hips.

"Did you see what was going on tonight?" she asked.

"Uh, no, what do you mean?"

"I'm sure you saw Jim hanging all over Joanna. I thought her nipples were going to rip a hole in her top," she said with a chuckle.

"Well, yeah, I did notice that," I said.

Holly was rubbing her body against mine, and I was starting to get hard.

"She's got great tits," Holly continued. "Jim probably couldn't wait to get home to fuck her."

That was Holly - never exactly subtle.

"But you didn't see Clark and Tracy, did you?" she asked.

"Uh uh," I said as I shook my head.

"Oh my god," she started. "I was sitting right next to Tracy, and I saw Clark slip his hand up the inside of her thigh. When he started moving under her skirt, she stiffened and was just staring off into space. I thought she was going to come at the table!"

"Wow. No, I didn't see that," I said.

"When Clark said they had to go, I'm sure it's just because he wanted to go home and fuck the shit out of Tracy."

Holly was still rubbing against me as she spoke, and I was completely hard.

"I was really getting horny watching them. Joanna was going home to get fucked, and Tracy was going home to get fucked. I thought I needed to see if I could get a hot guy to fuck me tonight." As she put her hand between us and rubbed my dick, she continued, "do you think you could help me with my problem?"