My New World; The Seduction


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I pushed downwards easing my fingers inside the bra, taking that with me. My fingers slid right onto the wonderfully puckered, almost rubbery skin of her areola and nipple. I pinched it. This must have hit her hard for I felt her body jolt a little and heard a low moan slip from her lips. I pressed on easing the cup away from the breast and revealing its loveliness to my gaze and touch. It was a beautiful sight and a wonderful feeling as the very pale pink tipped breast seemed to beckon me and as my hand cupped it and caressed it in delicate strokes and increasingly avid squeezes and pinches. I could feel her body shuddering and shaking against me and little whimpers of pleasure slipping from her mouth as I did this and I held her even tighter, if that was possible.

I slid the top of her thin beach dress away from her and looking right in her eyes I whispered

"Is this ok Karla?" as I eased the other cup of her bra away from her breast.

"Yes Cat, yes it is" she sighed back to me.

"Have you done this before?" I rather inanely heard myself asking.

"No, I have never been with a woman."

Looking down at them I whispered. "You have such beautiful breasts Karla."

I was quite surprised when she replied. "So do you Cat, so do you. I have always wanted larger ones like yours."

That presented me with an opportunity to heighten the sexual tension between us. Without taking my eyes from hers for a moment I undid the knot on my wrap and let that fall away from me. Holding her gaze I reached behind me and with shaking fingers I unclipped my bra and removed it. Her eyes seemed to pop out of her head as I did that and as she stared at my now naked breasts. I leaned forward so I could reach round her and quickly without any objection from her I slid her bra off as well. Smiling I whispered.

"We can now look at each others can't we Karla?"

She continued looking at mine and could not have failed to notice my nipples hardening under her gaze. I cupped one of hers in one of my hands and then slowly I pressed my breast against it. As our nipples touched I felt a shock of additional excitement run through me and I knew that she would have had a similar sensation.

"Is that nice Karla," I whispered rotating my larger nipple and areola against her paler, smaller one. I saw the pleasure in her eyes, the slight nod of her head and the sharp intake of breath as we both shared similar sensations; something that's impossible with a man!

I took her hand and slowly moved it nearer and nearer to my breast waiting for any signs that she didn't want that. None came and then I had the delicious feeling as her soft fingers grazed across my boob. I manipulated her fingertips across the flesh of my breast and then onto my nipple. I then placed the palm of her hand under the fullness of the orb. Gently I pressed against it as her natural female instincts took over and she started, almost without thinking, to caress it.

And like that sat on the edge of the bed still with our panties on we gave each other a wonderful climax. Kissing and caressing but touching no part of the other beneath the waist we slowly, yet persistently, aroused each other until we were both panting and sighing as those lovely feelings flooded through us.

We stopped then. It was right and proper to do so for Karla needed to talk about it. Talk about what had happened and what it meant. Talk about this voyage into the "forbidden" land of bisexuality and lesbianism. She would need explanations and comfort especially if, as I hoped, we were to repeat what we had just done and go further down the path that maybe causing her some conflict.

I called up room service for some tea and we both slipped our sundresses back on, but I was pleased to see that like me Karla didn't replace her bra.

Pausing in our chat as the tea was delivered we covered the whole topic with me explaining and she quickly appreciating that what we had done did not mean either of us were turning lesbian but that we both had the good fortune to "swing both ways." Working in the fairly liberal world of publishing this was not that uncommon for her and she told me that she knew several women who were "like us" (her words exactly!). She even went on to say that she had been curious about it for some time and that had prompted a slight desire in her to try it. This was all wonderful news to my ears and I avidly encouraged her to tell me more about her feelings. Karla went on about it at some length saying how she was becoming increasingly disconcerted with men although from a sexual viewpoint she adored making love with them but nearly always she was left after that with a feeling of disappointment. This gave me the opportunity to ask what she felt after we had made the rather limited love we had and to this she said that despite her nerves she'd thought it was marvellous. It also enabled me to ask if she would like to repeat it and she said that she would.

We agreed to stay in the hotel for dinner that evening and Karla went off to her room to get ready as I did alone in my room. The restaurant was quite dressy, as posh Italian ones tend to be, so I wore a fairly low but respectable 'little black number.' When Karla knocked on my door on her way past she looked absolutely magnificent in a simple white sheath that moulded itself tightly to every curve of her body. She looked totally ravishing and I told her that as we walked down the stairs.

We were given a table away from other diners and we had what was a really romantic dinner. As the wine flowed we even flirted with each other our, very muted, conversation became more intimate. I eventually said.

"So Karla am I going to be able to tempt you to my room after dinner?"

She looked at me and said with a little smile. "Just try and keep me away!"

We had just one Armagnac at the table before wandering upstairs and straight into my room where we had another. This time there was little or no hesitation on my part. Almost immediately I took her into my arms and kissed her. This time there was no pretence or hesitation. There was also no pretence of the kiss being anything other than sexual in intent and nature. I pulled her entire body against mine smothering her chest with my larger softer breasts, squashing my slighter rounder tummy against her flatness and letting my pubic mound squirm against hers. My tongue snaked into her mouth and my lips ground against hers. My hand ran over her back even venturing far enough down to touch the roundness of her bottom. She responded perfectly, her arms around my neck her body submitting to my advances her mouth eagerly receiving mine.

I felt that we had gone past the hesitant stage, the enquiring and asking and finding out phases of lovemaking. We had both now committed ourselves to this, to each other and to having sex. We both knew that we were now going to fuck each other.

I eased her backwards until the backs of her knees were against the bed signalling my intentions very clearly. There was wonderfully no resistance whatsoever as I helped her down onto the bed and as I laid beside her. Indeed as we did so she seemed to be kissing me even harder. I raised myself onto one elbow and quite confidently started to undo the buttons on the front of her dress glancing from her eyes to the lovely sight that was being revealed between the opened folds of her dress that I had now unbuttoned almost to her waist. I saw the lacy bra and the small mounds of her breasts leaping from them, her smooth upper chest and the tanned skin of her waist. Holding her gaze I raised my hand and caressed her small but beautifully formed breasts feeling a charge of want rush through me as I did.

We struggled her out of her dress and I stood up and removed mine so that we were both in just our underwear; a white lacy bra and thong for her, black French knickers and a black lace bra on me. Considerately, I thought, I said.

"You are sure about this aren't you Karla?"

She smiled and said. "Yes Cat I am as sure about this as I have ever been about anything to do with sex."

They were some of the most enticingly attractive words I'd ever heard and I couldn't stop, not that I wanted to, my arms reaching out and pulling her to me as my mouth closed over hers.

I broke the kiss and sat up. She saw what I was about to so and she also sat up. Our eyes holding the others gaze and then dropping downwards we both removed our bras and dropped them on the floor. We lay side by side on the bed again and kissed for some time as our hands roamed over the others back, up and down their arms, around their waist, across their stomach and then, inevitably and wonderfully their breasts. I kissed her breasts and sucked her nipples into my mouth causing her to groan with pleasure and writhe her body against mine with excitement; she really was an enthusiastic and very 'visible' lover.

Her face slid downwards and rested on my boobs. As she suckled at my breast like a child so I stroked her back and revelled in both the fact that she was responding so wonderfully and at the lovely feelings her mouth was causing on my body. We remained like that for some time both adjusting ourselves to the new bout of lovemaking. There was no hurry, we both knew that. There was not the urgency there so often is with men. We were both aware that we had all night. That our bodies could last as long as our minds had the will not like the male whose lust denies languid all-night lovemaking.

Slowly Karla moved so that she now lay almost on top of me. The four rosy tips of our breasts merged together. Our stomachs met and merged together and our pubes touched and also merged together. Our legs became intertwined so that our bodies were almost as one. We cuddled each other and we rocked ourselves enjoying the intimacy of the position. I pulled her a little further onto me so that she was completely on top of me our pubic mounds now firmly pressed together. I opened my legs and she slid between them. Our mouths also merged together with a passion that until now had not existed with our kissing.

Our natural female instincts then took over. Karla began rubbing her mons against mine and my legs opened further. Her hands grasped my breasts and mine cupped the smooth taught cheeks of her bottom. Our kissing took on more aggression and she began to slightly thrust herself up and down against me. It was so thrilling and exciting that this woman who I had seduced just a few hours ago was simulating fucking me. It became very obvious that we were going to cum together again. And we did. Wonderfully, strongly and so very satisfyingly.

It was now near midnight but neither of us showed any interest in sleeping. We were both so alive with our discovery of each other that we could not let the night finish yet.

No not for hours would this magically momentous night end.

Again we lay in each others arms talking enthusiastically about the marvels of what we had experienced. But still we were both in our panties. Somehow it hadn't seemed appropriate yet to remove them. To women they are the last defence, the final barrier and their removal has a deep and significant meaning. At present we had not broached that and certainly had not breached it either. But now I wanted to. I wanted Karla to be naked for me and I wanted to bare and flaunt myself to her. I wanted no barriers at all between us. Now I wanted to make as full a love to her as I could.

"Karla," I whispered brushing the lock of blonde hair away from where it had fallen over her eyes. She looked up at me her appealing eyes catching mine and we smiled the smile of lovers at each other.

"Yes Cat," she breathed. I held her gaze as I ran my fingers down her spine until they were in the elastic of her panties.

I said very softly "I want us to take these off each other Karla so that we are naked together." Our eyes didn't leave the others as she looked at me and slowly nodding her head muttered.

"Yes Cat yes. Please let's do that."

It really was a heavily charged and highly erotic moment. We lay there side by side our eyes switching from being locked on the others to roaming down their body. Almost simultaneously, we both slid our hands into our own panties and, after lifting our ourselves up a little, eased the delicate garments down our legs and off. My heart was pounding as I stared at the naked form beside me and as I watched her eyes devour my nude body. I wanted to flaunt my bareness at her and to possess her nudity. She had neatly trimmed her dark pubes presumably ensuring that she had safe bikini line. I saw her eyes open a little when she saw my narrow 'landing strip' of tawny hair that ended well above the start of my slit, which I knew would be glistening at her with my free flowing feminine juices.

I touched my finger to the tip of one of her breasts and then slowly ran that down her body until it was touching her mound. I pressed a little and then let it slip further until it found that hooded place nestling at the front of the lips of her vagina. As I touched her clitoris my heart leaped with joy and anticipation when I felt her whole body shudder and heard a sharp, deep groan escape from her lips that were slightly parted. Staring deeply into her eyes, that were misty with the excitement and pleasure, I took her hand and slowly moved it until it was close to me then I pressed it right against my pubic mound. She showed no resistance whatsoever. Opening my thighs a little I slid her fingers right onto the soaking expanse of the lips of my vagina. I watched for any sign of apprehension in her eyes as she touched the most womanly of places, for the first time ever on another woman, but there was nothing other than pleasure and excitement. As I stroked around her clitoris so I pushed my crotch towards her invitingly, I hoped. And sure enough she accepted that invitation for her fingers slithered wonderfully around my lips before coming to rest right on my clitoris as well. Simply gazing deeply into each others eyes and occasionally touching the others face, eyes, hair or mouth we caressed the others naked pussy and clit. Then, as that got to both of us and we started moaning and writhing our bodies, more was needed. Looking deep into her half closed eyes, I smiled and then pushed two fingers into her warm wetness. Marvellously, she responded by doing the same to me.

"Oh Karla" I sighed.

"Yes Cat, yes" she groaned back as I plunged my straightened, now three fingers deeply in and out of her.

"I'm fingering you."

"And I am you Cat; I have my finger in you, up you."

"Yes we are finger fucking each other aren't we?"

"Yes Cat," she whispered kissing me. "We're finger fucking our cunts aren't we?"

A Like me she seemed to enjoy and gain excitement from talking dirty and that added yet another dimensions to our sexplay.

After that there really was no stopping us. The barriers had been broken and Karla's acceptance of lesbian lovemaking knew no bounds.

She seemed to understand that what we had done so far was just the starter in the feast of lovemaking acts available to two women. She even began to take the lead a little. I was sitting up with my back against the headboard of the bed when she leaned across and cupped my breast and fondled it lovingly. Holding the flesh in her hand, her fingers squeezing it with just the right amount of pressure, I was thrilled to watch her head move closer and closer to it, her tongue between her parted lips as it neared its destination. My heart was pounding with anticipation and the joy of her willing participation as her tongue ran across my nipple that, if it were possible, became even harder. I groaned with pleasure as she started to suck that aching bud. I held her head in my hands my fingers running through her silky hair as like a child at a mother's teat she suckled on me. Sucking and gently chewing with the skill that only a woman can really possess she ran her fingers over my breasts and stomach making me feel wonderful, so female and so desired. She did this to both breasts her fingers flitting over my thighs and tummy as her mouth, tongue and lips did such delicious things to me above my waist. It got better though for as she orally fucked my breasts so she also finger fucked my cunt. She then gave me the fantastic pleasure of being made to cum by myself by a woman I had just seduced.

After, I naturally did the same to her feasting my mouth on her small breasts and nipples and my finger on her clit and up her pussy. It was as equally wonderful to watch my young lover ion the throes of an orgasm I had produced for her.

I laid her on her front and softly massaged her back. Starting under her hair on her neck I lovingly stroked and caressed her smooth skin moving slowly but inexorably downwards until I was massaging, well caressing really, the two symmetrical mounds of her tight bottom. I cupped them and squeezed them. I kneaded them and stroked the delicious, curved orbs. My fingers sliding into the crease between them, I pressed and stroked her there, loving the little grunts and sighs that slipped from her lips as my touch brought a particular surge of pleasure to her. I was thrilled to see her legs suggestively slipping open further. I could see the pink wetness of her sex invitingly on display and I stroked its velvet surface loving the way that with each touch further grunts and sighs came from her mouth and her body shuddered with the reaction.

I laid between her spreaded legs my arms around her holding her breasts my crotch pressed against the base of her spine. As I started to move and grind myself against her bottom simulating the actions that many men had done on both of us I heard her gasp with such intensity and say.

"Oh yes Cat, fuck me, please fuck me."

And I did. I thrust myself against her, my mound sliding from the base of her spine through the crack in her bottom and onto the back of her lips and then back again. I did this time and time again as we both sighed and moaned at the wonderful feelings we were each gaining. Both in that marvellous state of being near to, but not quite at, climax she pushed me off and, pushing me onto my face she did the same to me until we both did go over the edge and climaxed together.

This time though we didn't stop, we didn't rest, we didn't pause in our lovemaking.

She showed absolutely no resistance as I knelt and bent my head towards her tummy indicating very clearly that it was time for us to move to the next level of lesbian lovemaking. The taste of her was marvellous, but that was overshadowed by her reaction as my tongue found her clitoris between the silky folds of her vagina.

"Oh God, yes Cat, yes," she nearly screamed as her entire body bucked like a horse being broken in and as her hands gripped my hair that was tumbling all over her waist and tummy. She opened her legs and raised her knees making her glistening cunt as available to me as it could be. She started to cum almost immediately her bottom lifting off the bed as she pressed it harder and harder against my tongue. She was hurting my head with the way that she gripped and pulled my hair but the pain was meaningless compared to the pleasure we were both gaining from me orally fucking her. Her climax just went on and on or maybe she had a series of them. Neither of us knew or cared so deeply were into this. How long I sucked and licked her I have no idea. All I do know is that we both went on such a wonderful journey of sexual pleasure that we finally shuddered to a conclusion in each others arms my mouth, still covered in her juices, firmly grinding against hers.

It didn't, of course, stop there. It couldn't, it wouldn't have been right for us to finish like that for we both now wanted to go further. I wanted more from her and she wanted to give me that. With no encouragement at all from me, for I realised only too well what a commitment it is for a woman to make oral love to another, her head slithered down my body. It went over my chest, waist and stomach and through my 'landing strip', past my mound until it was nestled between my thighs that I gratefully and so welcomingly parted for her. It was one of the most gorgeous feelings I'd ever experienced from sex when Karla's tongue found my clits and stimulated that so sensitive part of my body. Yes Emma, Jane, Sherry and Amanda had been there before and I think Gretter and Benni had forced their tongues in there, but somehow as I was the instigator of this, it felt different, more meaningful and intense.