My Two Mothers


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The idea so aroused her that she dragged me to the bedroom as soon as she arrived home that night and we completely forgot about dinner.

When we walked around doing the weekly shopping, or we'd head out together for a day, I did wonder how people viewed us. We couldn't hide the fact we were deeply in love. Even how we held hands told anyone who took notice of our relationship. And while we did display affection publicly, we were still careful about being noticed by people who knew us, though in a city of over five million people, we would have been incredibly unlucky.

We agreed that we were committed to each other. We couldn't marry. There'd be no children as Mum was simply too worried about complications either with falling pregnant, the pregnancy itself or issues when the child was born. But there was no problem with us living together as a couple and that's what we agreed to do.

Until everything changed and it was my mother that was the catalyst, showing how wonderful a human being she is at heart.


Three years later...

"You should just invite her around, baby," Mum suggested, "I've met her a couple of times and we are nice to each other. I genuinely like her."

"I think she would find it weird, Mum," I replied, glancing at my watch, "And I know Candice likes the one night a week she gets with me anyway."

"You know, if it was any other woman, I'd be a little jealous."

"But not Candice?"

"She loves you, baby. You've been her shoulder to rely on before she even married your father. I still think that's a mistake, by the way."

"It's been two years, Mum. But... Yeah, the less said, the better..."

"I'll be waiting in bed for when you get home, baby. Mummy will make sure she's nice and wet so that all her son has to do is get naked and slide his big cock inside me."

"I might want to taste my mother first..."

I heard her moan softly as just the idea was enough. "When can you visit my office again, baby? I'd love to just sit back on my desk with your face between my thighs..."

"I'll organise something again soon, Mum. I'm about to clock off here myself and I promised Candice I wouldn't be too late."

"Give her a hug from me, baby. Yes, I know that sounds weird, but you know my thoughts about him anyway."

After exchanging words of love, I disconnected the call and sat back in my chair. My life was going well. My mother and I practically lived as husband and wife now. We had a small circle of friends that shared the same lifestyle. I'd had to distance myself from other friends as it was too difficult lying to their faces, particularly when they would be trying to set me up with girls. I'd graduated from university and had landed in a fantastic job that paid well and with plenty of job opportunities in the future.

Candice and my father had married two years ago. It had been a lovely day. Candice had been stunningly beautiful in her dress. My father looked smart in his suit. It was a civil ceremony. The ring he placed on her finger wasn't cheap. But there were already signs that though they loved each other, something in their relationship was missing. Even the first dance seemed to lack that love and passion... I found myself thinking of when I'd dance with my mother...

My father spent most of the night with his friends. I eventually ended up dancing more than once with Candice and she was ever so thankful for that. They disappeared for their honeymoon a couple of days after their wedding day for two weeks, both returning home with healthy tans and smiles, but while my father looked content, I knew Candice enough by then, particularly having spent so much time in her company with just the two of us, to know something wasn't right. But although I'd long been a shoulder to lean on, an ear to chew off, I also knew I wasn't the one to go asking personal questions.

Mum encouraged my relationship with Candice as she seemed to realise how close we had become. I visited her at least once a week, usually a Wednesday or Thursday, and we started heading out for dinner as my father was more often than not missing in action. Most weekends were still spent in the company of my mother, but on the rare occasion she did plan something, I would often find myself heading over to see Candice if she wasn't doing anything.

It was six months after they married that Mum insisted that I invited her over. To my surprise, Candice accepted the invite without any hesitation, driving over after I finished my studies one afternoon to pick her up. She was a little nervous about meeting my mother, as I talked about her all the time and she knew how close we were, but despite the difference in their ages, it was nice to see the two were immediately friendly. Candice hadn't broken up their marriage, while Mum seemed to genuinely like her in return.

After driving Candice home, earning a soft kiss on the cheek and one hell of a cuddle, Mum was waiting for me when I returned home, lying back naked in bed. We made love as usual, our bodies moulding together as I buried my cock where it belonged, before we snuggled back in bed.

"She's lonely," Mum whispered, "I know that look. It's the same look I faced in the mirror when your father was cheating..."

"You don't think, do you?"

"I hope not, for her sake... But your father has a track record. I wonder if he cheated on girlfriends before I came on the scene. Seems the old 'once a cheater, always a cheater' rings true in some circumstances."

"But they just got married?"

"The age gap, baby. She's arm candy for him at his company events and on an evening out. How many nights is he home with her during the week?" My silence gave her the answer she was seeking. "I hope he isn't, baby. And I mean that because she is a very sweet woman, and I have no doubt she absolutely loves his son too."

"Yeah, I love her too, Mum. I know she's not that much older than me, but it's like having a second mother."

"Or an older sister?"

"Yeah, I guess you can look it at that way too."

But it was this night, three years later, that would be the catalyst for the lives of four people changing. Parking up on the street as I always did, Candice buzzed me up when I rang the bell. What I didn't expect was her to answer the door in an absolute flood of tears, colliding with my chest as she clutched me tightly, her sobs ringing around the empty hallway.

Being the tiny thing she was, I easily picked her up and headed inside, kicking the door shut behind me as I carried her into the living room, sitting us together on the couch, Candice refused to let me go for a few minutes as I held her tightly in return.

"I don't think I even need to ask," I sighed.

Waiting until she calmed down, there was a tissue box nearby, passing her a couple so she could dry her eyes and cheeks. "Sorry," she stated quietly, "Just seeing you standing there, the one man I've relied on for what feels so long... I just needed to be held."

"Candice..." Her blue eyes looked up into mine. She looked different without her glasses, seeing her struggle to focus. Resting on the coffee table, I passed them over so she could slide them on her cute little nose. "There we are. Now..."

"Wait here. It's only one piece of evidence, but it's enough for me right now."

She disappeared into what I assumed was either their bedroom or bathroom, not missing that she was wearing quite a short silk robe that showed off her lovely legs. Sliding back onto the couch next to me, she handed me a small box. I felt my eyebrows raise as it was Viagra.

"Your father started having difficulties getting it up not long after we married. I get it, he's a lot older than I am, and men start having problems. The Viagra isn't the problem." She opened the box. "He got a big box. Sixty-four tablets. He's used forty-one of them. I know he hasn't used a single one with me because we haven't had sex in six months, and he only bought the Viagra five months ago. Before those six months, he could barely get it up and he refuses to do much else for me."

"Shit," I muttered.

"I don't know who he's fucking. I don't care. But he's either cheating on me or using the Viagra to jerk off. And I don't buy the second option."

"I'm sorry, Candice," I said, wrapping my arm around her, feeling her mould into my side.

"I don't know what to do, Mark. We've only been married a couple of years. I don't really have anywhere else to go. My parents live in a retirement village. My brother and sister both have families and can't put me up. I won't ask that of my friends."

"Can you get more evidence? Really put the screws in. In my eyes, this is enough, but one thing I've learned is that my father seems to be an accomplished liar." I sighed as I held her tighter. "I don't know how you're feeling, but it took a long time to forgive my father and learn to love him again after what he did to Mum. I won't forgive him again for hurting someone else I love."

"Thank you for saying you love me," she whispered.

"I'm going to call Mum for advice."

Her advice was simple for the moment. For Candice to get dressed and come to our home for dinner. She accepted immediately, disappearing to get dressed, wipe her face and make herself feel at least a little presentable. Holding her hand as we walked up to our front door, Mum was waiting for us, greeting her with a long hug as Candice had another little sob, Mum giving me the sort of look that suggested she wanted to kill her ex-husband.

After eating, I cleared up as Mum grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge and led Candice into the living room. I stayed away though listened in as Candice got plenty off her chest, and it was obvious that she was deeply regretting the marriage.

"He hurt me, but he also hurt my son," my mother finally stated, "I never went looking for revenge at the time. I just had to pick up the pieces of my life and get on with it, mostly because I still had my son, and he was such a beacon of strength during those times. He has no idea how much just his hugs got me through some days."

"He really loves you," Candice said softly.

"More than you probably realise. Any man I now meet is compared to my son. No one comes close at all. And your husband? He's a fucking snake. I know exactly how he would have seduced you, got what he wanted, and now that he has you..."

"We were meant to start trying for a baby," Candice exclaimed, bursting into tears again.

I heard my mother sigh, glancing through the doorway to see her holding Candice. When she looked my way, I saw the anger and fury as tears ran down her cheeks. I knew this was bringing a lot of her own memories and emotions to the fore. The pair held each other in silence for a couple of minutes before Candice calmed down.

"That surprises me," Mum explained, "Because after we had Mark, he made it pretty clear that he didn't want children. But he never got the snip or anything saying birth control was my responsibility. I was tempted to fall pregnant again just to spite the prick, but I wasn't going to bring a child into the world in that sort of environment."

"Who did I marry, Madeline?"

"Putting it bluntly, you married a piece of shit in human form." Mum then took both of her hands. "Candice, I want you to do something for me. I'm going to help you. I never wanted revenge, but knowing he's done this again to someone as sweet as you..." Candice couldn't help blushing at the compliment. "Then that shows the sort of man he is. And I want to put the hurt on him for the both of us. We can't destroy his life, but I'd love to knock him down a peg or two at least."

"What are you thinking?"

"Leave it with me for now, sweetie. I've had more than one idea over the years of how I'd like to get back at the bastard for what he did to me, but it has to be done right, and if you want it to hurt, it had to be something that will destroy him in return."

"I just keep asking why, Madeline. What did I do wrong?"

"Absolutely nothing, sweetie. You're a beautiful young woman with obviously so much to offer. I know for a fact my son loves the time he spends in your company because you are so sweet and kind."

"I love it when he visits," Candice whispered, "He shows me more love and affection than my own husband." She sighed and shook her head. "I sometimes wonder if I married the wrong man in the family."

Mum glanced at me standing in the doorway. To my surprise, she smiled as I was honestly a little shocked at what Candice just admitted. I knew we were close, but did she actually fantasise about something else entirely? Had I missed any sort of affection shown that suggested something else? I was so in love with my mother that I would have missed the signs of any woman showing an interest unless she was naked, lying back on a bed, and had written about her pussy that I was to put my cock inside her.

Driving Candice home after they talked for a little longer, comparing stories of their married lives, I walked Candice up to her apartment to find my father had arrived home. Candice proved to be a rather good actress as she greeted him with a kiss and a smile. I found it a little more difficult as, to be honest, I wanted to knock his block off. I now understood the sort of man my father was. Once all this was sorted, I would find it difficult to restore any sort of relationship with him again.

Returning home, Mum snuggled into me once I joined her in bed. "I feel awful, Mum," I confessed, "Not only because of Candice but because I kept in touch with him after what he did to you."

"Never feel guilty for that, baby. What happened was mostly between me and him. I didn't want you to lose your father, no matter what. And in a way, it's good you didn't because now we're both here for Candice."

"I can't believe it, Mum. What sort of man... I'm just glad I'm not like him."

"Not at all, baby. You have a good heart. And I'm glad you're there for her. I can see how much she appreciates you. She loves you, baby."

"I love her too, Mum. How could I not?"

"I don't want you worrying about it for now, baby. Leave it with me. I was willing to let it all go after the divorce as doing anything simply wasn't worth it. No longer. I won't let him get away with it again."

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm not sure just yet. I'll think of something. The bastard deserves to pay for this. The one thing I want you to do is keep visiting Candice. Keep her company. Be there for her."

"I will, Mum."

"Good boy. Now, after all this, I really need my son right now. Can you do that for me, baby?"

"Think I'll say no to you, Mum."

Sliding inside her, I felt her legs wrap around me as we moved together. The gasps and moans she made were music to my ears. The way her pussy clutched my cock with each thrust sent shivers up my spine. We rarely started making love without foreplay, but sometimes, we just needed to be joined together in such a manner. I lasted quite a while, long enough for Mum to enjoy a couple of orgasms, before I finally groaned and came inside her. Feeling her caress my back and a kiss on my cheek, I remained inside her long enough that we resumed making love a little later.

"I love how hard you remain," she moaned as her hands rested on my shoulders, "Always hard for Mummy."

"The day I don't get hard for you, Mum, is the day rigour mortis has ended."

For the next couple of months, Candice played the role of dutiful wife, continuing her own career, while she was busy putting together any evidence she could of his infidelity. In addition to my visits, I knew Mum was speaking to her every so often, and it was nice that the pair were almost becoming friends. Not the nicest way to establish a friendship, but Candice was aware of what loomed on the horizon and the advice my mother offered was heartfelt. She was also a visitor to our home every so often, the pair sharing a bottle or two of wine and usually ending up crying together as I know my mother was exorcising her own demons at the same time.

Arriving home from work on a Tuesday evening, I was greeted at the front door by my mother wearing one of her favourite black silk robes that clung to her curves and showed off her legs. "Evening, baby," she stated, greeting me with one hell of a kiss, "Have a good day?"

"The fact I'm now getting home after you... Yeah, welcome to the world of employment."

"But you're enjoying it?"

"I love it." Running my hands down her back, I had to ask, "What's the occasion? You know I love the robe but love what's underneath even better."

"You're a naughty boy, wanting your mother in such a manner. If you must know, Candice is popping around for dinner tonight."

"Cool. I'll just get changed first. When's she getting here?"

"In a few minutes. She's gone home first."

I'd changed by the time Candice knocked on the door, surprised she had a small bag with her. Larger than a handbag, more like an overnight bag. Greeting her with a kiss, Mum did the same thing, before she asked if she could use the bathroom. Having been a frequent visitor, she knew where everything was. Mum finished serving up dinner as Candice walked out of the bathroom, wearing the same sort of black silk robe my mother had.

"Wow," I whispered as Candice simply smiled before sitting to my right as I was at the head of the table, "I didn't know you had one like that."

"I bought it a few days ago," she replied.

Mum placed a plate in front of me before leaning down to kiss me. And it was no ordinary kiss, the sort we'd only share in private or in front of very close friends, the sort who shared the same sort of relationship. When she pulled away, there was that smile of unconditional love I'd always seen with that added lust and desire since we'd started our intimate relationship. Clearing my throat, I then looked at Candice.

"I understand you and your mother are very close," she stated.

"Um... Yeah..." I replied with caution, Mum sitting down opposite Candice and to my left, glancing between the pair of them. "What's going on?"

"Eat your dinner, baby. I've got to make sure I look after my man," Mum replied.

"Thank you for the invite, Madeline. I've been feeling a little lonely lately."

"You're welcome, sweetie. And I know how much you love spending time with Mark."

"He's the one man putting a smile on my face right now."

I felt myself blush though understood her thoughts. Her parents lived in a retirement village a few hours up the coast. She only had a sister as a sibling, and they were not particularly close. I knew she'd been feeling rather isolated, so while I might not visit constantly, I certainly kept in touch through phone calls and messaging. And I had a feeling my mother and stepmother, always weird thinking of Candice with that title though it was factually correct, I had a feeling they were now rather good friends.

When I started smiling, Mum asked, "What?"

"I'm glad you two are friends."

"Not for the best of reasons considering we've had the same husband who is a philandering piece of shit, but we also share in common a love for a special young man," Candice explained.

Finishing dinner, Mum asked if I'd clean up and she needed to have a chat with Candice. I didn't miss the fact she grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses, both women leaving a kiss on my cheek as I cleaned up as quickly as possible before grabbing a drink of my own, walking into the living room to find the two most important women in my life sitting side by side, legs curled underneath them, quietly discussing something that halted as soon as I appeared.

"Come sit between us, baby," Mum offered, "I think we need to talk about a few things."

Taking a seat between them, Mum's hand was immediately stroking my chest. Taking a sip of my drink, Mum wasn't shy as her hand moved down my body to my groin, and her touch still got me hard within a matter of a few seconds. Considering the shorts that I was wearing were not baggy, the erection that formed would have been obvious, making me gasp when she didn't hesitate to give it a gentle squeeze.
