My wife's Cock Squad

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My wife recruits my golf buddies for her personal cock squad.
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I golf. I golf with three other guys a couple of times a month and it's all about the game, the booze, and for us, sex talk. It's hard to tell which we enjoy more.

I'm forty-one and have been married to my wife, Elizabeth, who is thirty-eight for five years. We have a four-year-old son and a two-year-old daughter. My wife is a beauty. At just five-seven, she has a sexy body that just will not quit. She's petite, with the exception of her 36C breast and ample hips. She has deep richly colored red hair to her shoulders. Despite the two children, she has a tight little welcoming pussy. What more could a guy want?

I'm five-eleven with brown hair, fit, and I'm pretty good looking. Well, no one has taken a look at me and used the word "hideous"; well, not yet.

My golfing buddies are Dave, the handsome one that is really good at chatting up the ladies, his wife is Joy; Larry, he's kind of gym rat and looks the part, his wife is Eve; and finally, there's Milt who is a black guy and the only single guy on the foursome.

The wives have all met all of the guys at bars, restaurants, and backyard cookouts. We don't really get the wives involved but a couple of times a year and that seems to be enough.

As soon as the guys met Elizabeth, they conjured up a large infection of lust. I told you she is pretty, but she also has a sexy way about her. She doesn't have to try; she just is sexy. So, when the golf and drinking is going on, the guys have no problem talking about Elizabeth. And they have no reservations about telling me to my face they'd like to fuck her. Sorry, guys, that's not going to happen. But they still come up with all manner of suggestions to get into her.

On day as we started a round of golf, Dave suggested that anyone getting a hole-in-one that day get to fuck Elizabeth. The suggestion was roundly lauded. I even agreed reminding the guys, "Hey, none of you are good enough to do a hole-in-one even for a turn at Elizabeth. I'm really not worried." Everyone laughed. Dave said that he was going to be more focused that day and try out his new driver - he felt he had a chance at both the hole-in-one and Elizabeth. In the end, there were no hole-in-ones and none of the guys got even close to Elizabeth's hole.

At a bar one night with the guys and their women, Larry and Dave cornered Elizabeth and flirted with her endlessly. She strung them along laughing and lightly touching them on the leg, only to burst their bubble when they asked if she'd join them in the alley behind the bar which was known for dumpster fucking. She gave them a firm "no" and softened it with a sexy smile which only encouraged them for something in the future. When we got home Elizabeth told me the story and we both laughed. She said that all of my friends were horny, but they didn't seem all that smart.

A couple of days later, Larry had asked at the beginning of one golf round if everyone was satisfied that their handicap was fair. They all agreed. He suggested that I'd set up a date for the player with the best score on the eighteen that day. Without me, they all agreed. Milt won the round and asked for his reward. By this time, the guys had become vocally blunt in their talk about Elizabeth.

He told me, "Set up my date with Elizabeth and I'll bring her home with a new appreciation for black sex. There's cock, black cock, and my cock - do you hear me? Man, you'll never measure up after that."

Elizabeth and I had a good laugh about the whole thing. "You tell Milt that I laughed at the very thought of going out on a date with him. In fact, tell him that if I did go on a date with him, I'd likely break him -- and his black cock. Tell him that for his own safety, I said no."

I laughed. Elizabeth knew that they guys always teased me about having sex with her and she took it without offense but as a compliment, but a compliment she had absolutely no interest in following up on.

The next round of golf, I told the guys what Elizabeth's response to Milt offer of a date was. They laughed and Milt faced an afternoon of teasing.

"The white women say that, but they all get curious. Then one day you'll come home and find me balls deep in your woman and she'll be making sounds you've never hear before."

Larry replied quickly, "Yeah, she'll be saying things like 'Hey, is it in yet? I can't feel a thing.'" The group all cracked up laughing. Even Milt joined in.

"And when Milt finally pops, she'll say, 'I'd like to do that again - - - never'," Dave said. The laughter continued. Milt blew his next swing at the ball with a slice.

The guys played on and into the clubhouse for a round or two of beers. Milt and Larry took their leave and wandered off to go home. Dave and I stayed to finish our beers.

"You and Elizabeth need to some over this Saturday to see our new hot tub. It's a beauty!" Dave continued, "Joy is planning some appetizers and there will be plenty to drink. Come on, it'll be fun! I paid a lot for this fucking tub; I want to get some use out of it!"

"I'll ask Elizabeth,' I replied. I knew that Elizabeth liked Dave, but she didn't really like Joy. Elizabeth had told me in no uncertain language that she thought Joy was a slut. Her reasoning: Joy was a slut. It was true, that Joy was a big tease, and frankly, I thought that she'd fuck me in a heartbeat. She'd likely do me right in front of Dave. Joy was built with big tits, a slim waist and grab-on-and-hold-tight hips. On the other hand, she did tend to wear a makeup look that was more on the whore side of the makeup scale. Joy was Joy.

When I got home, Elizabeth was making dinner wearing only a thin, summer dress. I quietly walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and thrusted my hips forward so I could rub my pants-covered cock against her hot ass.

As I ground my cock against her, she calmly said, "Look her, pool guy, I told you no more of that, my husband will be home soon. Go. If he catches you, you'll be a dead pool boy."

I laughed and said, "You know we don't have a pool, right?"

"That doesn't mean that I don't have a pool boy," she said.

She spun around in my arms and we shared a long kiss.

"I missed you today, but the game was fun."

"I wasn't missing you. I had the pool boy," she said.

"I told Milt that you weren't interested in a date with him. Of course, I did it in front of the guys and he got a shit load of crap from the guys. It blew his whole game, so he bought the first round. Of course, I'm sure that he's recovered and, right now, he's out at a bar picking up his chick-of-the-day."

"Better her than me," Elizabeth said. "Why does everyone think that black cock is better than white cock? Hell, even at Thanksgiving, everyone wants the turkey's white meat. Are we supposed to think that in a black household on Thanksgiving, when asked if they want white meat or black meat, they all order up dark meat? Besides, it all taste like chicken!"

I smiled through her black cock rant. "Hey, wait a minute," I said. "How do you know that it all taste like chicken?"

Elizabeth laughed a sinister laugh knowing that she'd gotten me in a good tease. She loved to tease. "Didn't I tell you? The pool boy is black!"

"There are some appetizers over on the table. Help yourself. Dinner will be ready soon," she said.

"Appetizers. That reminds me. Dave and Joy put in some huge hot tub thing at their back yard and want us to come over next Saturday for appetizers and a splash. I assume that Dave would like to paw you in the hot tub."

"And that slut Joy will want to paw you." The nasty tone in Elizabeth's voice was unmistakable. "I really kind of hate that little bitch. And I feel sorry for Dave having to put up with her antics. But, what the hell, tell them yes. I'll just have you wear your armored swimsuit."

I laughed. I really didn't think that Joy wanted me any more than she wanted any and every person with a dick. We had a nice quiet dinner and the subject didn't come up again.

Sunday afternoon, I called Dave and accepted the invitation. We settled on the specifics and logistics. I was about to hang up when Dave said, "Hey, buddy, one more thing. I fully intend to seduce your wife and fuck her. Just giving you a heads up. But, don't worry, Joy will be there and you can have her as a consolation prize. Actually, she's not a bad fuck."

I laughed. "Hey, Dave, Elizabeth had no interest in a Dave-Fuck. She may tease you, but you're not getting it in."

"I don't know, Buddy. I think I'll be balls deep in her before midnight. We'll see." Dave laughed and ended the call.

I hung up the phone knowing that Dave was not bullshitting. He had every intention of trying to seduce Elizabeth and fuck her. I also knew that my wife wouldn't be interested. I felt secure in that knowledge.

On Saturday we were getting ready to go to Dave and Joy's place and I thought that Elizabeth needs a heads up. "Just so you know, Dave actually came out and told me that he plans to seduce you tonight - going so far as to say that he'd fuck you before we left his place tonight."

"He said that, did he?"

"Yep. I told him he didn't stand a chance with you. Right?"

"Absolutely right, but knowing his plan, I'll have one of my own. If you trust me, I'll tease the hell out of him and let him think he's making headway and then leave him with blue balls." She paused and started to undress in our bedroom. When I asked what she was doing, she said, "I'm putting my tease-the-shit-out-of-him plan in action."

She tossed her panties and bra away and slipped into a fairly low-cut dress that ended just a bit below her mid-thigh. The dress had room to allow her breasts to be seen to move around as she walked.

"Honey, you look sexy as hell," I said. "Dave doesn't need this much encouragement!"

"Now for just the right bathing suit for the hot tub. I think I know just the one." She rummaged through a drawer and brought out a blue two-piece swimsuit. The bottom wasn't a thong, but it was little more. Everyone would see quite a bit of her ass. She stuffed the swimsuit into her purse and proclaimed, "I'm ready to go. One last thing. You need to stay clear of that slut, Joy, that Dave is married to. I don't trust or like that little bitch."

When we arrived at Dave and Joy's home, we were greeted by both of them. Joy had a glass of wine and Dave was grasping a glass of scotch. He leaned forward and gave Elizabeth a peck on the cheek and remarked that she looked very sexy. Joy took Elizabeth by the hand saying that "the bar was open."

As Dave closed the front door, he paused and said, "Buddy, do you remember what I said?" I nodded. "Good, because I am definitely fucking her tonight. No shit." He paused for a moment staring at me. "Did you tell her what I was going to do?"

"Of course, I did. And, trust me, you don't have a chance."

"You say that, but she shows up with no bra and those big luscious tits swaying side-to-side. Looks to me like she's interested. I'm wondering, is she wearing panties?" I didn't respond. "Well, I'll find out later. Anticipation is a delicious thing."

We followed the women through the house to the large patio in the back. There were chairs and chaise lounge chairs in an area around a table filled with finger foods. Dave remained standing and suggested to the group that they start by allowing him to make up some Rusty Nails for their first drink. Not hearing any objections, he started four glasses with ice and then pouring on two-parts of Scotch and one-part of Drambuie. He delivered the first one to Elizabeth who was on one of the lounge chairs. Dave stopped at her shoulders and made no attempt to hide the fact that he was checking out her tits. After a moment, he leaned forward putting the Rusty Nail into her hand.

The first sip was strong, but after a couple of sips, the drink satisfied her. Dave finished and delivered the rest of the drinks then took a chair across from Elizabeth. I didn't understand why he sat across from her when there was a chair next to her. Then I realized that he was trying to determine if she was wearing panties or if she'd flash her pussy for him. Elizabeth resisted the urge to satisfy that interest, and besides, she had a lot of teasing to put him through before he got the answer to that question.

"So glad that you two could come," Joy said. Please help yourself to the food. We wanted to keep it light, but I think you'll find tasty things there." Elizabeth got up and took a couple of the things from the table and nibbled. She picked up a breadstick and added it to her plate.

Returning to her seat facing Dave, she continued to nibble at her food. Then she picked up the breadstick and nibbled on the end. She had Dave's full attention. As they sat and drank, Elizabeth shifted around in her chair making sure that Dave couldn't see up her dress. Soon, Dave rose from his chair and announced that he was going to prepare the second round. This time, he delivered Elizabeth's glass last and took the seat beside her.

"I can't wait to show you the new hot tub. It's a wonder. They say it can accommodate eight adults, so there should be plenty of room for the four of us." He paused as Elizabeth and I voiced our excitement at seeing this new hot tub. "We went with the top of the line, because of all the great features. I can't wait to show you all of the tricks it does." Then turning to Elizabeth, he said, "You do like tricks, don't you?"

"Absolutely!" Elizabeth paused and decided to start the torture of Dave. She continued, "I like tricks just like a cheap whore." There was a collective whoa from the three of us. I smiled to myself knowing that Elizabeth was winding him up. The Rusty Nails were having their effect on the four of us. I was feeling a bit tipsy and I could tell that the same was true of the others.

"Well, maybe we should move to the tub," Dave said.

Elizabeth picked up her purse with the bathing suit and asked where she could change.

Dave laughed, "You don't have to wear a suit. Come on, it will be fun."

His suggestion fell on deft ears and Joy showed her inside.

Dave turned to me and said, "Grab the ice chest and bring it over to the tub." I did as he asked while he picked up some of the drink making ingredients.

The hot tub was surrounded by a soft, but firm skirt in various widths. It was soft to the touch. We put down our supplies on the skirt near the tub controls.

"Well, I need to get changed," I said.

"Hold on, buddy, we guys aren't wearing trunks. Strip down and get in." We stripped down and laid our folded clothes on the chairs and walked naked back to the tub. The water was warm and felt really good. It was then that Joy and Elizabeth reappeared. Dave pressed a button and millions of bubbles appeared and our naked bodies disappeared under the surface.

Elizabeth looked really sexy in her small two-piece suit. The top was held by a cord that ran around her neck and through the top and was tied in a neat bow on her back. The bottom was secured by cord ties on each side. Joy, was dressed in little more than a string top and a thong. The women climbed into the tub. Joy chose a seat next to me and Elizabeth sat next to Dave.

"Yes," I said. "This thing can easily handle eight people. You could almost do laps."

Dave moved closer to Elizabeth and put his arm around her. "You look very sexy tonight. Does your husband know how sexy you are?" He leaned in a gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Sexy." Joy said, "How about this hunk of a man?" With that she moved closer and gave me a kiss. Her hands were loose under the bubble filled water. She reached over and stoked my leg and then ran her fingers up to my balls. She was not surprised that I was naked. Obviously, she and Dave had planned this. She tugged at my balls gently but firmly.

Dave's hands were now below the surface and I suspected that he was rubbing Elizabeth's breasts, but I couldn't be sure. Elizabeth didn't resist. Soon, it became obvious that he'd slipped one of her tits out of the bikini top. I couldn't see through the bubbles, but I was sure that his had was cupped over her breast.

Elizabeth leaned close to Dave and whispered, "You are a very bad boy. You should be ashamed of yourself. What would your mother say?"

"I have no idea what mom would say, but dad would give me a 'fuck yes' and I always sided with my dad."

Dave still had his hand on my wife's breast. She took his hand and pushed it away and pulled her top up over her breast.

Noticing that her glass was empty, he reached over and picked up a pitcher of Rusty Nails that he'd made and pored her glass full. She was already drunk, but Dave was sure that one more would be a good thing - for him.

Dave's hand once again disappeared under the surface of the water and it was out-of-sight. I didn't have to wonder what he was doing. Having been pushed away from one breast, he now was playing with the other. Elizabeth sipped from her drink. A small smile appeared on her face as she gave me a knowing wink. It was my reassurance from her that she was still toying with him and that he'd not have his way with her.

Joy was had moved from just tugging on my balls to slightly stroking my now-hard cock. She touched it so gently it felt like a butterfly, but it was rather exciting. Suddenly, she stopped and sat up. She unhooked the top of her bathing suit, lowered it exposing two perfect breasts and then tossed it out of the hot tub. Moving even closer, she sat in my lap facing away from me making it easy for me to fondle her tits. I took one in each hand under the water and massaged them gently at first. Sitting there, my cock was erectly positioned between her legs on the cusp of her pussy lips. She knew exactly what she was doing as she wiggled. I pinched her nipples and she moaned. I looked over at my wife and she gave a knowing look.

Dave moved even closer to Elizabeth and in an almost whisper said, "Why don't we get you out of your top too? It seems to be the thing to do." My wife smiled and shook her head.

Dave toyed with the nipple of the one breast out of her suit. He then reached around to her back and pulled the end of the cord that held up her top. The suit top fell loose and he collected it and dropped it on the cushioned apron of the hot tub. I knew that, like Joy, her tits were bear under the surface of the water even though the bubbles obscured them.

Dave positioned himself directly in front of my wife and his head disappeared under the water. Elizabeth moaned as Dave used his tongue to harden her nipples. It was then that she tried to reposition herself and apparently brushed across Dave's cock and realized that he was naked I the hot tub.

"What the hell, Dave," she said. "Where the hell is your suit?"

"Yeah, about that, the boys decided to go jungle style. Right?"

"Yep," I said.

"So, you're naked too? You're sitting there naked with Joy topless on your lap? Am I getting this right?"

Joy wiggled for a few moments and then tossed the bottom of her suit from the tub. Undoubtedly, she did it to aggravate Elizabeth. She retook her seat in my lap, but now my cock could feel the hair on her pussy and her pussy lips.

"Come on, Elizabeth, they're getting ahead of us. Turn around and let me see that nice ass."

My wife looked at Dave and then me and turned around. She placed her forearms on the edge of the hot tub and put her ass up in the air in front of Dave. He moved forward and grabbed her ass cheeks.

She teased him by shaking her ass around in a sexy way. She knew that this would set him off. I was still assuming that she was going to continue to tease him as planned.

Dave started running his hands over her ass and soon was slipping his fingers inside the leg openings to pet her pussy. She continued to wiggle and pull away preventing him from any real sex action with her pussy. Dave didn't give up and as much of this was happening under the bubbles, I didn't really know if Dave was just petting her pussy or fingering her.