Naive Housewives Are Led Astray Ch. 03


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For the first time since she met James, she was proudly displaying her young body to a man other than her husband. And what a body it was. Despite the four inch heels, she still looked petite, especially in comparison to her attackers. She had the body of a porn queen and the comparisons to Jasmine Rogue, the Romanian porn Goddess, did not go unnoticed by the men, both porn connoisseurs themselves. She stood proudly upright, happy that her body was on view to her Masters. Her enormous tits stood proudly to attention, they were so pert they seemed to defy gravity in the way they were raised. Her nipples were bullet like in their stiffness and her closely trimmed pussy was still soaking wet with desire. She was panting and licking her lips, eager to find out what she would be ordered to do.

But her husband was still in the picture. He would not get off the phone, go quietly and leave his wife to her fate. On speaker, so everyone could hear James was, unintentionally humiliating himself by revealing to his wife and her attackers exactly what he was feeling. "Oh my darling, I am still hard. The way you described being attacked by those black men, it was such a turn on. I am so embarrassed, but I just can't help myself. It is not like I want you to be fucked by black guys or anything [he lied] it is just that the thought of you being dominated by other men, especially a race of people who we do not mix with, you know forbidden sex and all that, well it is such a turn on..."

Amos and Jessie laughed. The irony of it all. The poor fool had no idea that his sick fantasy was, in reality, being played out on his wife at that very moment. Amos went over to the phone and, looking at Victoria said, "Deal with the fool. Normally I would prefer it if you got rid of the idiot, but in this case, I think we can make an exception. Since he is deriving so much pleasure out of your supposed "fantasy", I see little reason why we should end the poor deluded fool's pleasure now." "No please, I can get rid of him. Let me pleasure you without James on the phone. Please..." Victoria was anxious to spare the man, she so desperately loved, any further humiliation. Her perverse needs did not necessarily mean that her husband had to be humiliated at the same time. If she could keep them quiet, somehow separate them from her normal lily white upper middle class existence, then that would be ideal.

But Amos was never going to be that kind. Even before Victoria had finished her sentence he put his hand up to stop her from going any further. He wanted her husband humiliated, not least because it added to the sexual tension here. He knew that deep down, Victoria wanted to be abused in the presence, however remote, of the man she loved. She was a whore, after all.

"Bitch, do not ever question my order again. In due course you will be punished, but we do not have much time. We have a delivery of stones due here in any minute but, before then, you need to satisfy your black Masters.

"Now, I want you to come over here and rub our black cocks until we cum. You will then allow us to cum all over you. We will of course avail ourselves of other parts of your body, but that will have to wait. For now, bitch, come over here, rub our cocks and talk to that poor fool of a husband of yours."

Victoria walked over to where Amos and Jessie were both standing and, as she did, Amos turned off the mute button on the phone. "Victoria, what's going on, are you still there?" James had realised that he had been going on and on for the last few minutes and his wife had not uttered a single word. "Yes, yes, I am still here, my darling. I have just put the phone on mute as I had to get undressed. I have been ordered to do so by my black Masters. Oh James, they are still here, they are ordering me about, they want me to do some wicked things with them. Tell me my dear, is your cock hard at the thought of me being naked for a couple of black men? Shall I do what they tell me to do? Shall I obey there every wish? I don't think I have much choice..."

James groaned with desire, his wife was still willing to continue with the dirty call and indulge his fantasy. God he was so lucky to have married such an understanding wife, a wife who willing to role play for him and to satisfy what he recognised to be his disgusting needs.

"Yes, yes, do what they tell you to do. What have they told you to do? What are they doing to you?"

"James, they have ordered to me to play with their big black cocks. They want me to rub them until they cum. They have told me that they are going to cum all over me. I know you have wanted to do that to me, to cum over my face, and I have never let you because it is disgusting. But I am going to let these black men do it because they are forcing me James. Oh James, they are forcing me to be a whore for black cock. Save me, James, save me..."

"Oh my darling, I can't. I can't. You must do whatever they tell you to do, my naughty wife!"

"Oh James, they are now playing with my tits. They are playing with my big white married tits. Each man has grabbed hold of one. Oh James..." As Victoria had moved over to Amos and Jessie, they in turn each moved to her side and grabbed hold of some succulent titie flesh and started to abuse it. Victoria, anxious to please, instinctively put her arms behind her head and thrust her chest out towards her Masters. This naturally had the affect of making her tits look even bigger. It did not go unappreciated and each man decided that her tits, like her arse deserved to be slapped. So there then followed some titie slapping, with each man cruelly slapping a tit which caused her tender white flesh to turn red. Victoria screamed out in pleasure. Her pleasure was one of pain being inflicted on her at the hands of black men. Perverse in the extreme, she reflected.

"James, they are slapping my tits, they are slapping them hard. I think they want to hurt me. I think they want to make me their whore. Oh James, what should I do, it hurts, oh it hurts..."

James heard the sound of slapping on the phone and naively assumed it was Victoria slapping her own tits. Poor deluded fool. Once more he closed his eyes, started to play with his penis and imagined that his wife was actually in the hands of two big black men, at their mercy, unable to stop them from doing whatever they wanted to do with her. If only he knew the truth... "My dear you must let them, let them do what they want. You are at their mercy."

Amos and Jessie could not believe the poor fool was inadvertently directing his wife to do their bidding. Not wanting to disappoint him, they unzipped their pants and took out their massive black cocks. Jessie's was 13 inches in length and at least 2 ½ inches in girth. Amos's was slightly smaller at 12 inches. Both were as black as coal and the scariest things that poor Victoria had ever seen. They took her hands from behind her head and placed then on their dicks. She was now standing between these two huge black men, naked but for her heels, which raised her body to perfection, holding on to two of the biggest dicks she was ever likely to see. Then men continued to play with her tits, harshly flicking her nipples and aggressively mauling them. "What's going on?" James was keen for his wife to continue with her story. She had not spoken now for 30 seconds. Victoria was of course speechless. As the men had unzipped themselves, she looked down in fear. That fear was only compounded when they wrenched out their horse like cocks from their overalls. She thought she was dreaming when she saw them. Sure she had seen similar cocks in her porno film. But it was one thing seeing them on screen, another thing entirely seeing them in the flesh, especially when she was expected to serve them.

And it was only when she was forced to hold on to them did she start to truly understand the power of black dick and how it was going to change her life. The first thing that became apparent was that she could not fully get her hand around them, so big were they. The second thing that dawned on her was that some day, not today clearly, but soon enough, those cocks would, whether she liked it or not, be invading her mouth, pussy and, most likely, her arse. And that thought made her shiver with fear and delight. Then, thoughts quickly turned to the poor schoolgirl on screen and how she had been made to serve cocks of a similar size and power and of her screams of pleasure and pain as she was taken again and again and again. That would be her and even if she wanted to stop her Masters, there was nothing she could do. She was now a whore for black cock. She was born to serve these men and other black cock that they ordered her to serve.

Sadly thoughts also returned to her pathetic husband, a man who, from a sexual perspective was rapidly diminishing in importance. A man who was wanking himself off to his wife's supposed "fantasy". A man who, with his penchant for p0rm and desire for his wife to dress more like a slut, had thrown her into the hands of the black man. And they were both about to discover that once you go black, you never go back.

"James, they are making me rub their cocks. They are making me rub their big black cocks. Oh my God they are so big, so powerful. I have never seen anything like it before.

"James, they are now forcing me down on to my knees, they want me to rub their cocks. They want me to rub their big black cocks. Oh James, I am on my knees now and I am rubbing their cocks. They are so big James. They are so big. Much bigger than your cock, James. I don't think I could ever handle such a cock in my pussy, James, what if they force me, what of they rape me..."

"Oh Victoria, rub their cocks. Do what they tell you to do. If they rape you, submit, you naughty girl..."

"Oh James I will, they are my Masters. Tell me James, are you rubbing your cock? Are you rubbing your small cock white cock whilst I rub my Masters big black cock? Does it turn you on that your wife is being forced to rub another man's cock. Does it turn you on that it is a couple of black men who are forcing your wife to become their sex slave?"

"Yes, yes it does turn me on. I have always wanted you to be a slut. A whore. And yes, I am rubbing my cock whilst you are rubbing those black cocks. Oh Victoria I am close..." It was actually a good thing that James was close, had he not been he may have noticed the unmistakeable sound of two black cocks being rubbed. So much pre-cum had been released by both man on to their dicks that the sound of a cock being rubbed off was clearly audible down the phone.

Victoria looked up at her Master and noticed that both men had a look of cruel determination and, like her husband, they were close. It was not just Victoria's sweet ministrations on their big ugly cocks that was the cause of their impending climax. The sound of her husband and the fact that his wife was being forced to humiliate him was also a cause of much of their evil pleasure. "Oh James, they are close, my Masters are close to cumming all over your innocent wife's white body. Oh James, they are close to releasing their black spunk all over the body that once belonged to you. James, are you close, cum with them James, cum with them as these men defecate your wife's body..."

"Yes, yes I am going to cum. Tell me when to cum. Tell me when your "black Masters" come over you."

"Oh James, they are close. Their dicks seem to be getting harder, and their balls look so big, I imaging they will shower me with spunk." It was all true. Their dicks seemed to Victoria to grown in strength and in size. They felt like rods of black steel in her delicate white hands. Both men were now panting out load. Victoria, conscience of not allowing her husband to hear these sounds (could be difficult to explain), was ever more anxious for these man to cum, and for her husband to cum, so that these debauched proceedings could come to a happy end. As a result, she rubbed their cocks even more furiously. This had the desired affect. They both simultaneously rocked their hands back and opened their mouths. Normally they would scream out loud but instead they made muffled noises of delight. And, in any event, these sounds were drowned out by Victoria yelling down the phone "They are cumming. James, they are cumming. Cum, my darling husband, cum as my black Masters, cum on my body. Oh God, they are cumming. So much spunk..."

And boy did her Masters cum. They had directed their cocks at her face and they sprayed it with copious amounts of thick white creamy spunk, amounts which only a black man could produce. In the space of a few seconds, Victoria's once innocent white face was covered all over with the spunk of two black men. She naturally screamed out in horror at this abuse. "Oh God, my face is covered in spunk. Oh James, they have cum all over me and they have so much spunk. Oh James, I am covered with another man's spunk. There's so much. Some of it is on my tits..." "Oh darling that is good, that is so good, I am cumming also, I am cumming, aggghhhh..." and James came as his wife's body was being covered by another man's spunk.

A minute or so subsided before anyone spoke. And thankfully it was James and he was ending the call. "Darling that was a great story! You are so good at that, we should have phone sex more often. You and your imaginary "black Masters" are always invited. Look we will talk this evening, I have to go now and clean myself up. I have a meeting in five. Chao, darling." And with that he hung up, he had not even waited for her to speak.

Victoria had just stayed kneeling on the floor, face and tits covered with spunk. She was finally alone with her Masters. Them and their impossibly big black dicks. Dicks which, although she still held in her hand, were rapidly deflating. It was Amos who broke the silence. "Well, that was not bad, for starters. But we would normally expect so much more from our whores than a mere hand job. In normal circumstances we would ask you suck us off, but our delivery will be here any minute and we need to make some progress if we are to get any money out of your pathetic husband. Tomorrow we will use your mouth, but for now you should go and clean yourself up, you look filthy." And with that dismissive tone, Amos indicated that she should go.

However Jessie had other ideas. "Hang on a second, stay kneeling on the floor, bitch." Victoria obeyed, somewhat confused. Did they have time to force her to suck their cocks or not? All would be revealed in a second. "You do look filthy, but I have a way to clean you up nice and quickly..." Jessie moved around to stand right in front of her and his cock was now just inches away from her face. Holding his cock, he once more directed it towards her face and, grinning intensely, looked down as she, in her most natural and submissive way looked up, waiting to submit to whatever perverse wish he had. She assumed he would ask her to suck his cock. To suck it until it became hard once more and he would then ejaculate down her throat.

She could not have been more wrong. Jessie instead, to her horror, started to piss on her beautiful face. Laughing as he did , he cried out, "Boy, I needed to take a leak for a while and now that I can, I can clean this filthy bitch up! That's it, take my warm piss, you fucking dirty whore..." Both men were laughing uncontrollably as torrents of warm yellow piss rained down on poor Victoria's once innocent face. Despite screaming in disgust (which of course allowed some of the piss to enter her mouth) she did not move or flinch. She remained exactly where she was, allowing herself to be abused in this horrifying manner, only too aware that she was there to serve her black Masters in whatever perverse way they desired.

Jessie moved his cock down slightly and directed it at her breasts, cleaning off the remnants of their ejaculation with his piss before returning to her face.

After a minute or so, once Jessie had finished, a drenched looking Victoria rose from her kneeling position. She looked an utter mess. A once proud, confident white wife, married to a multi millionaire had been reduced to a whore who was willing to allow an old man to piss on her. How did it come to this? Before Victoria could analyse the situation, from the front of the house, the arrival of a truck could be heard. The stones had arrived and she had escaped any further abuse for the day.

Amos, once more looking her in that fearful intimidating fashion, said "Tomorrow, you will suck our cocks. Go."

To be continued...

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Wendywants2BtakenWendywants2Btaken8 months ago

Ohhowiwouldloveto be a submissive slut to black men❤️❤️❤️❤️

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
1* !

To offset faggot taylor , the degenerate psychopath with its dick rotted off !

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago

for a offset to the asshole annony's 1 vote!!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago

for a offset to the asshole annony's 1 vote!!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2over 8 years ago
what do you expect from a racist old ad fag like dear annony!!

A big old 5 for effort and content. Eat shit annony!!

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