Nymphomania Pt. 02


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"Are you sure Lisa?"

"Yes damn you, I need it harder, do me hard, make me feel it!"

He did respond after my anxious urgings and finally kicked his thrusts into high gear ... soon he was pounding his cock into my vagina and my body responded eagerly, getting exactly what I now needed. I orgasmed furiously, but he didn't relent, riding me hard through my throbbing peak and on down the other side until I felt another (or was it more of the same one) blooming again inside me. "More, more!" I urged and he pounded on, driving his hard cock deep into my tight velvety passage, his pace unrelenting, bringing me crashing through a second towering orgasm.

"Oh God, you're getting to me," he shouted above me as his hips thrust into me relentlessly, "Oh shit, I wanted to make it last! But I can't, I'm gonna cum!" Now it was my turn to smile up at him, content that I had fucked him back, using my body, my pelvic muscles to challenge his control, responding to his hard-driving fuck the only way my body knew, milking the life-giving nectar from his balls and forcing him to give me his cum in a throbbing climax. I felt it splash from his tip, shooting deep inside me and I watched his face contort with pleasure as the waves of orgasm ran through his body just as they had already done twice with mine.

His upper body slumped onto mine, yet I was still comfortable bearing his weight, laying this way -- my body cradling his - for several minutes while our breathing steadied and our heart rates returned to normal.

"Oh Brad, that was so good ... thank you, and thanks to Carla wherever she is right now!" I enthused. I may have sounded a bit over the top but I felt I needed to stroke his ego at this point. Yes, he was good, but no better than the younger, less experienced Josh. My hands took hold of Brad's head, holding his face in front of mine to plant some affectionate short and snappy kisses on his lips.

"I think Carla's gone out shopping. She's really good to be so calm while I'm over here with you. I mean it was her idea, but I think she didn't want to sit around at home on a Sunday and think about us bonking ourselves silly."

"So she's gone for some retail therapy?"

"Yes, you could say that."

"Well, all I can say is how pleased I am that I took Carla into my confidence the other day and told her all the embarrassing details of my medical condition. If I hadn't, I wouldn't have got to enjoy this special moment with you Brad. Without Mark around, vibrators can only do so much. You have made me feel really good, I feel sane again, thanks to you and Carla."

Of course, my comments were an exaggeration since Carla and Brad knew nothing of Josh's appearance in my bed last Wednesday. It was that young man who took the severe edge off my need, giving me my first sex in weeks. But I didn't want to reveal to my friends how I had employed a young stud to mow my lawns, clean my pool and fuck my brains out. Brad could only take credit for quenching a new thirst that had built up in the past 4 days.

"I like the way you get into it Lisa, you're pretty good in bed. It's great to be with a woman who loves to fuck."

"I do, but I'm sure that Carla does too."

"Oh sure, don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting she doesn't. In fact, you and she are very alike, there's an urgency about you both once there's a cock in sight. Carla warned me you'd be as keen to fuck as she is."

Brad was still connected to me by his cock that had slackened to a half erection, the head still held inside the entrance of my vagina. I was hopeful ... in fact, I expected that we would not stop at one. Surely he was intending to stay until we could do it some more. I lay there with Brad wondering how we might fill the time until he could get it up again. I thought about the two glasses of wine I had poured and that we had only half drunk. "Can I get you another drink Brad?"

"We still have two wines waiting downstairs."

"Yes I know, would you like me to go get them."

"No, you don't have to, let me do it. You stay here and luxuriate in the after-glow of your orgasms."

"Thank you, that's very chivalrous of you. They were good Brad."

He lifted up off me and I felt a loss as he withdrew what remained of his erection, still leaking traces of his creamy fluid. My guest was only gone a couple of minutes. He returned carrying the two glasses that he had topped up while downstairs. So we sat up in bed together, shamelessly naked, while we sipped our wine and attempted to make small talk.

I became impatient after about 20 minutes and reached a hand over to begin playing with his cock all over again, hoping he might already be receptive to going around again. It seemed like he was because it grew quite nicely in my hand's grasp. I took his glass from him and placed it on the bedside table, then I pushed him onto his back and scrambled over his body to straddle him.

Together, we had sufficient wetness and soon he was hard enough that I could slide down onto his cock and so began a lazy fuck, riding him slowly, twisting my body this way and that to extract the best feelings on my sensitive parts. I enjoyed two more orgasms over what must have been a leisurely 15 minutes or so before I had this overwhelming urge to finish it with a frantic flourish. I kicked into top gear and drove my body crazily down and up on his hard shaft until he erupted beneath me, his cum hotly cascading in the well at the deep end of my vagina.

This time it was my turn to collapse full-length on top of his body, again staying connected with his deflating organ hanging on tenaciously to my vaginal entrance. I was pleasantly floating, his arms wrapped around my back.

I was jolted awake when Brad moved beneath me. I've been getting so tired with the long days and nights at the hospital that I had unexpectedly drifted off to sleep. I lifted my head, suddenly becoming aware of who was with me, and looked around to check the time. It was 3pm, I must have been asleep about two hours. "Oh Brad, I'm so sorry, what a terrible host I am. I closed my eyes after having two more orgasms and next thing I'm asleep. What about you, it must be uncomfortable with me laying on top of you."

"No, actually you feel good. It's nice that you felt comfortable enough with me that you could drop off like that. When I saw you were asleep, I let myself go off too."

I rolled off him to relieve him of my weight. I felt wetness everywhere, some of our juices had dribbled onto his thigh and there was more on the sheet. "Oh damn, there are wet spots everywhere."

"Oh, that's me, Carla's always remarking on how much cum I spill every time. Sorry about that."

"No, that's ok, don't apologise, the sheets needed changing anyway." I was curious how long he intended staying, after all he had completed the task his wife had ordered ... very satisfactorily, I might add. I wondered if Carla had set any time limits, "So Brad, when is Carla expecting you home?"

"No special instructions, she just said to stay until you were happy ... are you happy yet Lisa?"

"Oh, of course I am," I didn't want to offend Carla and Brad after their generous gesture to me. I could have let this episode finish now, I had had enough to satisfy my cravings but I couldn't be impolite.

"What about one more before I go, I'm sure I can get it up". I guessed this was Brad calling for what he wanted, not following Carla's script that would have had me calling the shots.

"Sure Brad," my enthusiasm waning, but how obvious was the tone of my voice?

Not obvious enough it would seem. Brad suggested a cleansing hot shower and we indulged in that the way any horny couple would. I soaped his cock until it regained some stiffness and he used his soapy fingers to slip and slide in all the inlets and crevices of my pubic region. Then we took turns to dry each other off and returned to bed ... but only after I changed the sheets. Carla's intent was for us to indulge in straight out hot sex and I'd have preferred for it to stay that way. But he didn't seem to be in any hurry this time so there was a lot of slow gentle passionate kissing. Too much slow passion and less frantic fucking, it became more romantic than I would have liked.

We were finishing the day with a slow languorous fuck and in spite of the languid pace, I had cum a couple more times. Suddenly, Brad stopped all the action after a long long time of thrusting into me. He asked if we could return to the blow job I was giving him a few hours before. Brad had succeeded in satisfying my itch this Sunday in my bed, making me able to face a new week of hospital visits. So I didn't mind spinning around and taking his erection, coated in my own juices, into my mouth, sucking and licking his cock until he blew his load deep to the back of my throat and I swallowed every last drop.

Brad and I lay there for another 15 minutes but it was feeling awkward again. The hot sex was complete and he was back to being Carla's husband that I only knew vaguely, so what is he doing in my bed? "I better go," he at last decided and I lay back in bed, watched him dress. When he one again looked like he did when he arrived, he came to the side of the bed and leaned over to kiss me. "Thank you Lisa, I hope I was able to do what Carla wanted."

I turned my face at the last moment to give him my cheek, "Tell Carla thanks!"

Was I being too flippant, almost ungrateful? I gave him a smile, adding, "You did do good Brad ... tell Carla it worked!"

He looked happier now and after planting a kiss on my cheek, he turned to leave, "Stay there, you look comfortable, I'll let myself out."

When he reached the door to the hallway, he turned, "Same time next Sunday then?"

Was he serious or being an opportunist, was this in Carla's plan? "I think not Brad, but I'll call Carla." As well as things went in what could have been a difficult hook-up, I didn't want a repeat, at least not with Brad. Now Josh is another matter.

Chapter Four

Having previously cancelled my new casual lawns guy/pool guy and sexual services guy on Friday so I could be at the hospital for Mark's awakening from the coma, I again cancelled young Josh on Monday. In spite of my grand plan to have the student give me the sexual workout I needed 3 days a week until Mark recovered, I had so far only managed to couple up just that one first day last Wednesday. But Brad did do such a good job with me on Sunday that my primal needs were less urgent on Monday and my conscience suggested I should spend some quality time sitting with Mark at the hospital.

I could hear the disappointment in Josh's voice and I actually felt sorry to be letting him down. I guess he had expected so much when I engaged him to look after my needs but circumstances were such that my original plans changed. I had to remind myself again that this was not about him ... I had engaged Josh and his stud-like body purely for my own wellbeing. Whatever he got out of the arrangement -- a few dollars and the use of a hot woman's body - were an incredible bonus for a young college student in his position. But that's all, just a bonus ... I owed no obligation to the young man.

As good as Brad had been in quenching my sexual demands on Sunday, I was guilt-ridden for now having taken two lovers to fill the gap left by Mark's untimely stay in hospital. I decided to spend all day Monday visiting my husband, he was starting to make some steady progress and the doctors were predicting that he could come home within two weeks. I was encouraged by that timeline because, deep down, not even Brad and Josh together could replace the sexual chemistry I shared with Mark, but the reality was that the doctors had stressed that two weeks would be a minimum time period.

A further two weeks before coital reunion with my husband could be possible would not be easy for me in my condition to get through, so I knew I'd have to have more of young Josh's therapy. While I had appreciated Carla's magnanimous gesture, I had an uneasy feeling to have had sex with a man that I had known platonically for so long ... a man that Mark knew and didn't actually consider highly. At least before last Wednesday, Josh had been a stranger to me and I could rapidly dismiss him once Mark had recovered, as good as he may have been in my bed. There was no need for my husband to ever meet him, so we could eventually block out this period in our life.

Carla called me Sunday night after Brad returned home to her and I am sure that she would have extracted most of the details of my tryst with her husband from him. I told her that we would catch up through the week and I would talk about what happened then. She called again on Monday but I put her off by telling her that I was sitting by Mark's bedside and now was not the time to discuss matters of sex in front of him.

Tuesday morning, I called Carla to set up a lunch date. I told her that I would spend an hour or two with Mark before meeting her so I would be able to bring her up to date on Mark's medical status. She expressed interest, but as compassionate as she may sound, she was obviously more interested in hearing whatever I might divulge about my time with her husband on Sunday.

I had to sit through the inevitable, might as well get it over with. Carla wanted to review how her incredible offer went down with me. As soon as I sat down at the table at the café, her face lit up in anticipation. "So Lisa, how was it? How was he, how were you? Do you recall what were your first thoughts when you found Brad on your doorstep? When did you twig that I was offering my husband to you? Oh my God, I have so many questions, you've got to tell me everything."

"Easy Carla, give me a chance. Wouldn't you like to order lunch first?"

"No, damn it, you've got to talk first, the food can wait. Go on, tell me, tell me."

Resignedly, I began at the beginning, "So I arrived home from the hospital about eleven and saw the car there. I knew I recognised the car but for the moment, I couldn't recall who owned it. So I was curious as I walked from the driveway to the front porch."

"Yes, with all of those trees around, you wouldn't have been able to see who it was until you were almost on the porch."

"That's right! So there was Brad, on his own, possibly the last person I would have expected to come calling on me on a Sunday morning."

"Oh, this is so exciting, so what did you think?"

"He told me that you'd sent him over and that sounded so odd for you to send him to me without you coming to visit yourself. So I pressed him to explain and that's when he handed over your note and said for me to read it and everything would be explained."

"And you had no idea?"

"Well Carla, that's not quite right. The thought of why you really would send your husband to me actually did flash across my mind at that moment."

"NO! It couldn't have!"

"Yes it did, I know you to be such a crazy and uninhibited person and you did kind of hint at it when I first told you about my condition. I knew that I wouldn't put it past you to try it."

"Oh my God Lisa, you know me way too well."

"I had shown him into the house and he sat down on the sofa and I sat opposite him to read your letter.

"What did you think?"

"Exactly as I said, it was a plan crazy enough to have been invented by you."

"I will take that as a compliment."

I hunched my shoulders. "I read it all and couldn't look up at Brad at first. I was ... I don't know ... I am not sure if the word nervous cuts it. I think what I felt was awkward. Here was this man that I knew quite well -- but then not all that well -- and he had come from you with an open invitation for me to use him sexually. A wonderful suggestion for a woman in my fragile state of sexual deprivation, so I read and re-read your words and eventually determined that it was possible. I thought I could do this without harming my marriage, or yours. So then you think, but how do we start it? Do I get up and walk over and sit in his lap, perhaps even pause to undo his trousers before I sit down so I can plonk myself straight onto his erection. I tell you Carla, that was the hardest part ... having decided I could do it, then how do we break the ice."

"Yes you're right, I can see that now. I guess I didn't follow that part through far enough. I just thought you'd sit down together and kiss and then touch and away you go."

"Well basically, I guess that's what we ended up doing, but it took some happening. For example, after I poured us some wine, I went and sat down next to him. Brad agreed he felt a bit awkward too, he even asked me how we might start. And I asked him what he would do if he was with you, and he said he'd kiss you. So I said 'Then go ahead and kiss me.'"


"From there it just evolved, except that after we got through some foreplay and after Brad went down on me, I decided that I'd prefer us to be in bed. I was too cramped trying to lay back into the corner of the sofa."

"You didn't mention your first orgasm when Brad went down on you?"

"Oh come on Carla, you know he's good at doing that so you know I had one."

"Of course I do, Brad told me, but I'd like to hear it from you."

"Carla, I'm not going to analyse every moment. I'll bet you've already put Brad through the third degree. By now, you know what happened piece by piece. Let's just say that it was a beautiful gesture from a truly good and special friend and I will never forget what you and Brad did for me. Yes, I had a heap of orgasms and I now feel the best I have in weeks. So Carla, can we order lunch now?"

"Yes we can, but you don't get off that easily. I'll continue to ask questions all through lunch."

And she did! I figured she might never let me forget what they had done for me.

Chapter Five

By Wednesday, I was more than ready to have Josh again. Three days since Brad had put me through the sexual hoops very satisfactorily, but three days with my sexual cravings was long enough between seeking satisfaction.

I called Josh early in the day, about 8.30, as soon as the kids had left the house and after checking that they'd both be out all day. I could hear the hesitancy in the young man's voice when I asked, "Josh, is that you?"

"Oh Mrs. Mitchell. Look, I don't know if I can do this anymore."

"What! Oh my God Josh, don't say that, I thought we had a deal?"

"But you keep cancelling Mrs. Mitchell, I built myself to plan to do exactly what you wanted, even cleared a couple of incidental appointments so I could come around on the precise days. But you keep calling to cancel. I might be better off picking up some other pool and lawn work that's steady and actually occurs."

"No Josh, don't give up on me. I did need to cancel Friday and Monday and I am sorry about that, but the doctors asked me to be at the hospital on those days. But Josh, I'm not calling to cancel you today ... I was actually needing to check what time you are coming over. I am so ready to see you, to ... well, I won't say it over the phone, but darling, you know what I want, what I need from you. All I will say is be prepared, be hard, be very very hard."

"Oh Mrs. Mitchell, that won't be a worry. In fact, just hearing you say that, I'm starting to..."

I interrupted him, "That's wonderful Josh, what time can I expect you?"

"How about now?"

"Yeah, I could do that."

"I don't want you to miss any lectures, your studies are very important."

"No, I'm fine. Actually, all I've got is a 3pm and a 6pm lecture today."

"Good, then come on over now ... no, err ... wait a moment. Give me an hour, will you? No more, just an hour. I want to run a bubble bath so I'm squeaky clean for my wonderful young stud. Come over in exactly one hour, come around the back, I will leave the back-door key in a jar out on the table by the pool. Let yourself in and come upstairs to the main bathroom. I'll be waiting."