Ordinary Women

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Axel loves fucking ordinary married women.
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It seems that in most Literotica stories the wives are beautiful. Statistically that is an impossibility; this story seeks to reduce that statistical anomaly.


Axel Lundgren has many bad qualities. He's vain, self-centered, immoral, shallow, and opportunistic. Many attractive women would want a relationship with him, however, because he's good-looking, athletic, smart, well-endowed, and wealthy, but want nothing to do with him when they find out that he's not just commitment-phobic but intellectually eschews commitment, and he's completely devoid of even understanding the concept of fidelity let alone being able to adopt it. He's what most men would consider an asshole.

However, in Axel Lundgren's "distorted" mind he does have one particularly good quality. He brings temporary joy to many ordinary women. Why does he pursue ordinary women? Probably because they are more easily susceptible to his charms, or overlook his faults, or are more willing to do whatever he wants them to. Or -- maybe he just gets off on it, or is afraid of rejection by a good-looking woman.

One might ask what is an ordinary woman [not the main character in the Russian TV series 'Ordinary Woman" available on Netflix and AppleTV, but in real people terms]? A dictionary may define it, when applied to a woman's looks, as "1. of common or established type; 2. familiar, everyday, or unexceptional." An ordinary woman can be tall, short, skinny, plump, blond, brunette, black, white, or all permutations and combinations thereof; but NOT beautiful, alluring, or sexy. Axel's definition adds one other quality; she is easy to seduce and anxious to fuck.

Axel is the owner of a business called Morale Enhancement Services LLC, known simply as MES in the trade. While it is a business Axel makes very little money on it, since he is independently wealthy he doesn't really care. He uses MES to position himself to fuck ordinary women. MES guarantees companies enhanced employee morale if they hire MES, and Axel backs up the guarantee.

As part of MES' services Axel insists that all employees fill out a questionnaire that was designed by a psychologist who used Axel's goals in crafting the questions. In a very subtle way Axel can use the information to identify likely targets for his sexual predation. MES alleges that all information on the questionnaires is not only confidential but that the individual answering it is anonymous, however Axel has devised a system whereby he can relate the individual questionnaires to specific women (only one of many ways he lies).

Axel does not limit himself to employees of the companies he does business with, however. While the questionnaires that the female employees fill out help him a great deal in identifying potentially willing targets, Axel is always on the prowl for fuckable ordinary women regardless of their position. What follows are stories of some of his many conquests of ordinary-looking women,


Denise is a thirty eight year old ordinary woman. She's about five feet five inches tall, maybe 145 pounds, definitely at least ten pounds overweight for her height and small build, with unexceptional tits and ass. Her face is plain with a nose disproportionate in size for the rest of her face, her brown hair is straggly, and her brown eyes are almost lifeless. She's been married since she was eighteen to a common warehouse laborer, and has an eleven year old son in 6th grade at a public elementary school. Romance has only existed in her dreams when she herself was in elementary school, never in real life.

Denise works in a diner in a big city near a large office complex and takes the bus to and from work. Normally she works breakfast and lunch so she is home when her son gets out of school, but once in a while she works dinner at which time her husband gets home early so their son is only alone for an hour or two. At least two weekends a month in nice weather her husband likes to take her son fishing, and they camp out Saturday night.

Axel first came to Denise's diner at lunch with two business colleagues, one male, one female. Using a sixth sense that he had developed over the years when Denise waited on his party Axel turned on the charm. He personally handed her a 50% tip, holding onto her hand as he did so, and asked what her hours at work were the rest of the week. He showed up for breakfast the next three days and engaged her in as much conversation as he could given that she had to wait on other tables too. He did notice that after the first day she started wearing more makeup. "Got her!" he gloated to himself.

In the second week of his pursuit of Denise Axel found out that her husband and son would be fishing Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon. "Rather than you just being lonely on Saturday why don't we go to a matinee and then to dinner?" Axel proposed.

Denise blushed, hemmed and hawed, and finally said "I'd like to but I don't have a suitable dress and I don't want to embarrass you."

"Nonsense," Axel chuckled, "I'll get you a dress -- what size are you a six?"

Denise was really a ten but not about to admit it. "You really shouldn't," she replied but with a twinkle in her eye that probably hadn't been there since High School.

"This isn't a date," Axel said, "my date simply canceled on me and I don't want to miss the play and dinner reservations were so hard to get."

Axel had the woman at the clothing store replace the "10" size tag on the dress he bought with a "6" and delivered it by courier to the diner the next day with a card that said "I'll pick you up at 3 o'clock on Saturday."

Denise was able to hide the dress form her husband, was inordinately pleased with herself when the supposed size 6 very nice dress fit her like a glove, was as flushed and giggly as a school girl when she confirmed with Axel Friday morning that she would be ready at 3 o'clock the next day and gave him a piece of paper with the address of her apartment building on it.

Denise shaved her legs and armpits Saturday morning after a nice hot bath, trimmed her bush, did her makeup as best she could, and even added some perfume from a bottle given to her fifteen years ago which she had never touched. She was embarrassed by the butterflies in her belly as 3 o'clock rolled around as she waited for Axel in the lobby of her apartment building.

A limo arrived at 3:03, the chauffer came out to get her, and opened the door for her as she got in the back with Axel, who presented her with a small vase full of flowers. For the next five hours Denise was in a fog. She had never ridden in a limo before, had never been to a professional stage play, had never eaten at a four star restaurant, had never had wine that cost more than $10 a bottle, and had never been treated so nicely before. If that wasn't enough to make her receptive to whatever Axel wanted to do to her the small amount -- a very small amount -- of Ecstasy that Axel surreptitiously gave her was enough to produce feelings of pleasure and well-being, increased sociability, and closeness with others, without any adverse side effects. When after dinner Axel asked "Would you do me the honor of having a drink with me in my condo" there was no way that Denise was going to beg off.

By the time that Denise got to Axel's luxury condo the little bit of Ecstasy and the feel of Axel's hand rubbing on her bare thigh, not to mention the wine, the unique experiences, and her totally unreal surroundings, she would have done anything that Axel wanted her do. And she did!

Within two minutes of entering Axel's condo he had removed all of her clothing except for her high heels and was mauling her tits, thighs, and ass. Axel was quite pleased that her body looked much better than one would have though simply by looking at her in her normal clothes, but that wasn't unique in his experience and only made a slight difference to him.

After Axel carried Denise to his bedroom and she undressed him with the voraciousness of a starved panther he kissed her (he didn't really like kissing but knew that it was almost necessary to get everything that he wanted), told her "You understand that I'm not after a relationship but just some adult fun," and then let nature take its course.

Denise was more anxious to please Axel sexually than anything else in her life up to that point. She was a tiger as she sucked him and then mounted him and impaled himself on his large uncut cock, ignoring the initial pain as her snug pussy enveloped it. With a smirk on his face Axel lightly pinched and twisted her nipples as she did all of the work while feverishly bouncing up and down on his cock like she was on a bungee cord. She went through the three most intense orgasms of her life -- regaining clarity after each when Axel less delicately pinched a nipple or stuck a finger in her asshole -- before he hosed down her pussy. After that, she did whatever he wanted her to.

By taking a little blue pill once he ultimately ran out of juice Axel kept Denise busy most of the night. When she became almost comatose when her pussy and asshole had been consistently reamed out by Axel's large uncut cock, he took her into the shower to wash her off and revive her. By six a. m. after he had fucked her pussy three times, twice to his ejaculation, her asshole twice, once to his ejaculation, masturbated her with a dildo and a banana, had her suck and lick his cock and balls for a good half hour each, and shaved all of the hair off of her crotch, he called his chauffer.

As Denise lay almost comatose face down on Axel's sweat and cum soaked king size bed sheets, the chauffer gave her a nice fuck in the concubine position. Axel was a pain-in-the-ass to work for but he paid slightly above market rate and this added benefit was enough for the kinky chauffer to stick around and Denise would be none the wiser.

When the chauffer was finished, Axel napped next to Denise until 9 a. m., then roused her from bed, showered her, and then ate breakfast with her while both were naked once the breakfast had been delivered. Axel insisted that Denise answer the door nude when the deliveryman arrived and tip him.

When Denise and Axel got dressed and it was time to take her home Axel playfully insisted that Denise wear a wireless "love egg" in her abused vagina and Axel controlled in on a low vibrate for most of the trip back to Denise's apartment in the limo. When they got to Denise's building Axel insisted on walking her up to her apartment to remove the "love egg." In her apartment he had her bend over her kitchen table so that he could remove the "love egg" from her pantiles crotch. After he slowly did he replaced it with his Viagra enhanced cock and proceeded to fuck her one more time. After Axel pulled his slimy cock out of her pussy he turned her around, had her clean it off with her mouth, then kissed her on the forehead.

"Would you like to do this again some time my little concubine?" he snickered.

"Oh yes," a groggy Denise replied, unsuccessfully trying to kiss him on the lips.

"I'll leave my cellphone number with you," Axel grinned. "Call the next time that your husband and son are fishing and we can have some fun."

Denise took a shower, and then passed out in her bed until her husband and son got home. Numerous times that night they both asked her what was wrong, but she simply gave them an eerie smile and said "Nothing -- I just treated myself nicely while you were gone."

After that there was no more wining and dining but Axel did send his limo to pick Denise up and bring her to his condo six more times over the next year and after using her every way possible sent her home with a dozen roses and some cheap jewelry. He found it amusing that over that year Denise had lost sixteen pounds, had her hair redone, and always wore makeup. After he sent her home the last time that he used her he told her that he was moving to France and told her to "have a good life."

Denise tried her best to re-create her sessions with Axel with her husband. It just led him to think that she had become a whore, and three years later they divorced.


One of the middle managers at a large multinational corporation that was a client of MES was a tall thin woman names Cloris Lewis. Cloris is about six feet one inch tall, probably no more than 130 pounds, with small boobs and a flat ass. Her face is -- drum roll -- ordinary. Axel could have had a subordinate interface with Cloris but chose to do so himself in view of some of the things that she put on her questionnaire which indicated that she was ripe for seduction if he complimented her appropriately.

Axel played Cloris like a flute.

In her questionnaire Cloris had indicated that a pet peeve of hers was negative or laughing (so it seemed to her) reaction to her height; Axel made it clear that he found tall women attractive, and even suggested that she wear high heels (which she never did).

Cloris had also indicated that she loved live theater but that her husband would rarely accompany her. On a Wednesday Axel offered her tickets to a matinee of a popular play for that Saturday afternoon telling her that since he was just visiting and didn't know anyone maybe she and her husband could use them. She was thrilled and accepted them. When they interacted on Thursday she was in a somber mood as she declined the tickets saying that her husband didn't want to go, and she didn't want to "waste" the tickets. "If you really want to go, why not go with me?" he smiled.

"That would be great," came out of her mouth before she stopped to think. Once committed, however, she was thrilled to go and told her husband that if he wouldn't accompany her she was going alone.

Axel used his best seduction techniques that Saturday afternoon and after the play she was putty in his hands when he invited her to go to a bar after the performance. To make a long story short she was a short-hitter (something else he gleaned from investigating her even though it wasn't on her questionnaire) and he fucked her in his hotel room before driving her home and depositing her on her doorstep about 11 p. m. with his cum leaking down her thighs.

Axel was particularly pleased with Cloris -- and himself -- since he had properly identified that she was sexually frustrated. He didn't really care that she had a skinny almost flat-chested body or a completely ordinary face since she was so anxious to please that she let him do anything that he wanted to her and she tried her best to rip his dick off when he was fucking her pussy.

Axel had really liked fucking ordinary Cloris -- so much so that he was a little concerned that since he had dropped her off at almost midnight after a matinee, with her smelling like sex and booze, that her husband would go ballistic. He was pleasantly surprised on Monday when she gave him a big smile, and at lunch told him that her husband had himself gone out drinking and wasn't home when she got there.

It was easy for Axel to talk Cloris into daytime hour long encounters in his hotel room where he fucked her pussy and ass with alacrity three times a week until his project at her company was finished. By then, while he had thoroughly enjoyed himself, he was ready to move on and her crying pleas to take her with him really flattered him (while not moving him in the slightest to consider it, and without spurring him to be particularly gentle in declining it). His parting words "You're a great fuck Cloris but really ordinary-looking, plus I'm not the settling down type. Now you know, though, that if your husband isn't doing it for you can just find someone else to fuck."


Axel went through another three ordinary married women, each time breaking their heart and/or ruining their marriages, before he came upon a single girl named Bonnie, a file clerk at another one of MES's clients. Normally Axel liked married women but he made an exception for her. While as usual Bonnie was an ordinary looking woman, she was different not just because she was single but also because she was much younger than Axel's previous conquests, only nineteen years old. He didn't get much information about her before they met because at her level she wasn't even asked to fill out a questionnaire. Using highly illegal electronic surveillance and other techniques, however, Axel was able to determine that she was most likely a virgin but with a keen interest in Internet porn.

Axel hadn't fucked any ordinary woman as young as Bonnie before, and he was intrigued by her porn proclivity and what he considered a pleasantly large ass, although otherwise she was skinny.

It didn't take more than a couple of cheap lunches to get Bonnie into his bed at his hotel room and to fuck her brains out. In addition to his cock and mouth he used dildos, vibrators, nipple clamps, and butt plugs on his young conquest. His favorite thing to do was to fuck her ass doggy style while a vibrator was running in her pussy and nipple clamps were on her tits.

While Axel was thoroughly enjoying himself with this completely subservient ordinary-looking young woman, he started to notice what he thought were some personality idiosyncrasies that put him off a little. These "quirks." as he called them, started to get a little concerning so he started distancing himself from her. This didn't work well since she constantly showed up at his hotel room even when he changed two different times, making him wonder how she could find him so easily. Finally, he was disturbed enough that he transferred responsibility for the last two weeks of the project to one of his subordinates and precipitously left town.

Imagine Axel's shock when he arrived at his house about 7 p. m. a week after leaving Bonnie in the lurch to find her sitting on his front step. He started getting pissed.

"What the hell are you doing her, Bonnie?" he barked as his exited his car.

"I came to tell you something, Axel; I'm pregnant and I want to get married," she replied with a stiff upper lip.

"What the fuck!" he exclaimed before regaining his composure. "You told me that you were on the pill," he snarled.

"I was taking vitamins, and those are pills," she shot back.

"You fucking moron," he yelled. "You need to get an abortion and get the fuck out of my life."

"I thought that you loved me," she wailed.

"Are you that stupid," he snickered. "Why would a good looking guy like me want to marry an ordinary bitch like you? I'll call you a cab so you can get the hell away from me and if you come back I'll call the cops and get a restraining order," he continued as he approached her, phone in hand.

"You bastard," she roared as she pulled a.22 from her purse and shot him in the head twice, including once between the eyes. Then Bonnie pulled his car keys and wallet out of his pockets, got in his car, and drove off.


One of Axel's many mistakes was assuming that ordinary-looking women are ordinary in every way. In fact, Bonnie was not ordinary, just ordinary-looking. Bonnie had somehow meandered through life despite the fact that her "idiosyncrasies" were in fact manifestations of mental illness. She was put over the edge by Axel's unkind rejection.

Axel's son was born in a psychiatric hospital a little over seven months later, and promptly given up for adoption. A lot of ordinary-looking women were probably disappointed by Axel's death -- or maybe would have been had they known of his predilection -- but maybe his son can follow in his footsteps, although hopefully with more care in determining whether "ordinary-looking" means "ordinary!"

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CunnyLinguistTooCunnyLinguistTooabout 2 years ago

Wow, didn't see that one coming! It's nice to read something with an unexpected ending, well done!

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 2 years ago

Different; but i liked it. Not sure why Bonnies husband would divorce her though. I mean, she wanted to get frisky and all of a sudden she’s a whore? How does that happen?

chytownchytownabout 2 years ago

***That was different and a very entertaining read. Thanks for sharing

iameaseliameaselabout 2 years ago

I enjoyed it. Certainly was a different take.

Usually I dont get a chubby when a gun is mentioned/used but i didnt mind this time, sort of fit.

Still it was missing something, like it felt a little empty.

26thNC26thNCabout 2 years ago

At last! One of these LW predatory Adonises gets exactly what he deserves. Great story.

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