Possessing Bella Ch. 18


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"Well," Stephen frowned at her. "You are happy here, correct? You are being treated well and have no concerns about your treatment?" his tone was evenly measured but did little to hide his displeasure.

"Yes, Sir Stephen, I am more than happy with how I am treated here," Bella almost whispered, jolted to speech by his direct questioning.

"Good. I will go and find Samuel and find out more about the regime he has you on. You can stay here and rest until he comes for you," his tone was still abrupt, and he could see the confusion in her eyes. He was glad that he was not the only one to find this situation difficult, but his tone softened as he opened the door to leave. "I will see you at dinner tonight."


Bella spent her time alone in restless contemplation of what had occurred in her meeting with Stephen. He had gone from the caring, concerned Sir Stephen she knew to the abrupt unemotional keeper of the slaves' role that was his persona at the club in the blink of an eye. She knew the meeting would be difficult, but she had hoped that he would understand her position. Instead, he seemed to put up a wall between them. In one way, she was saddened that she had caused the barrier between them. In another, she was angry that all the talking they had done surrounding her training and how she couldn't be free to make the choices he wanted seemed to have been forgotten by him.

She acknowledged that this wasn't the first time that her involvement with another Master had become an issue between them and that streak of jealousy bothered her. She knew she wanted monogamy. The scenes she had shared with multiple partners were not what she wanted in a long term relationship. She also wanted to be able to interact with the Masters she cared for and had real feelings for on a personal level without worrying about how this would affect him. She began to question the control Stephen would exert over her life if she took his collar and what it would mean to her relationships with others.

On the whole it wouldn't matter, she finally admitted. It would only be a change in the closeness that she shared with Kurt and especially Rob that she would be upset by. They had a special bond, and she loved them dearly, both of them in different ways. Kurt was her friend and mentor, a solid point of reference both professionally and personally. Rob, on the other hand, was her touchstone, a heart stone almost. He knew her pain as no one else could, he shared her life and her love. She couldn't imagine her life without him in it now. She smiled as she imagined him laughing and calling her a brat as he scooped her up into his arms, familiar strong protective arms, yet arms that allowed her some space to follow her dreams.

She had thought the same of Stephen, but the small flashes of jealousy she had seen since they had become intimate worried her and made her question what a future with Stephen would be like. Lost in thought, she didn't realise there was a knock on her door until it finally opened.

"I thought you might have been asleep when I knocked, and you didn't answer," Dusty said in her deep throaty voice.

"I'm sorry Dusty. I was just daydreaming, come in please," Bella smiled and went to embrace her friend.

"I am just checking on you because Sir Stephen returned in a mood," Dusty half laughed.

"He doesn't like that someone else gets to tell me what to do instead of him, I think," Bella pulled a face as she spoke.

"Ah, I see," Dusty nodded as if that explained everything. "You seem to have a good bond with Master Samuel now, so I guess he has reason to be jealous," she said slowly as if testing the statement. "Sir Stephen hasn't had much of an opportunity to have you for himself like the Masters do in your training."

"I wore his collar in the Gor training," Bella said defensively. "And I spend so much time with him while I am in the city too."

"True but you spent most of your time with another at the Gor Home, Nyx said," Dusty tilted her head questioningly. "It's not quite the same as what you are doing with Samuel is it?" she paused and watched emotion flicker over Bella's face and decided to change the direction of their conversation. "Master Samuel adores you, and you are doing so well here. I always knew you would. I am hoping you will choose this lifestyle when you are ready to make choices."

"I don't think I am ready for country life yet. I need to get my business up and running, and that means city life, at least for a while," she chewed her lip as she delivered that information. As an afterthought she added, "I have been honest about that with Master Samuel."

"Master Samuel is talking about reopening his city practise in a part-time mode," she whispered conspiratorially. She chuckled as Bella's eyes flew open, and her lip fell from between her teeth. "Don't look so surprised. You're beautiful and sweet-natured; I imagine there are many good men who would want you to consider them as a prospective Master, including Master Samuel."

"They don't realise that I am still a bit broken by what happened," Bella confided. "I keep trying to move on but..." she lost her words and sagged helplessly, her shoulders slumping in the harness she wore, making it uncomfortable.

"Oh baby," Dusty's arms encircled her. "That's only natural; you're human not a robot. I don't think any of us are quite over what happened to you in Italy, and we weren't even there. Mel was such a large part of all of our lives. We only want the best for you, so that you can move on."

"It just seems like everyone expects me to choose as soon as the training finishes, and I am not sure I am ready for that sort of commitment. Taking a collar is like getting married. What if I am not ready for another six months or a year?" Bella let all of the worries that had been rolling around her head since Stephen's abrupt departure spill out of her mouth.

"Then you don't choose but in the same way you can't expect everyone else to wait for your decision. They might move on without you, and you will have to accept it if that happens. Could you live with Sir Stephen or Master Samuel moving on with someone else? Any number of people, who have shown their interest in you, may not be content to wait for you." It was tough love to point it out, but Bella needed to face the reality of her indecision. "For every Master that is currently considering you as a life mate, there are at least five girls considering them."

"I know, and I feel like I am being a brat about it, but in my mind I am still doing what Mel wanted. Here and at the company, where I live, what I wear..." her voice petered out again.

"You feel you have to still do it his way?" Dusty asked quietly, a little surprised by the statement. "You changed the apartment, and your work at the company is different for you now, you have been removing Mel from those places almost entirely. I guess we thought that his hold on you was diminishing too."

"Physically I know he is gone, along with the things that brought so many memories of him. But up here," she tapped her head, "He still guides me through this lifestyle and the company."

"I guess no one ever really gets over their first love," Dusty smiled softly and hugged Bella again. "You know there's nothing wrong with that, as long as it doesn't stop you living your life or finding love again." They stood in silence for a few moments before an excitable rapid knocking sounded on the door.

"I made her wait a few minutes before coming down. They arrived just after lunch," Dusty walked to the door and opened it, letting in the grinning Tali. She flung herself at Bella, who was knocked from her feet and hugged her as they rolled on the floor laughing.

"I'm going to have to invest in padding if you keep doing that," Bella laughed as they finally untangled themselves, and Dusty helped her from the floor.

"I'm just so happy to see you! Do you love it here? What's it like with Master Samuel? Is he as dreamy as I think? Tell me everything!" Tali bubbled with questions. "You know I wanted him to be your pet Master right?"

"It's lovely here. Dreamy is not quite the word I would use to describe him, but I am happy in his care. Life on the ranch is wonderful, and no, I didn't know that," Bella answered her in the same rapid-fire tone.

"Oh, Bella, I just love you!" Tali hugged her enthusiastically. "Master Samuel's showing everyone around the ranch so we girls get to hang out all afternoon if we want, and you can give me all the juicy gossip about the Masters you're considering."

"It hasn't even been a year since we lost Mel," Dusty interceded for Bella. "Maybe she wants to date a bit first, check out all her options," she said with a sly smile and a wink.

"Ooh, how exciting! That's even better! Now let's think about who you haven't met yet that's sexy cool," Tali grinned, loving the idea of playing matchmaker. "The Masters all chose someone; maybe we girls could all choose someone too, just for one date?"

"She already knows all the men I think are good enough for her," Dusty laughed.

"I guess you're right. Still, it won't hurt to introduce her to some eligible bachelors when we are at the club or whatever," Tali pressed, thinking this was more fun than she had had in a while.

The afternoon flew by as the girls teased and joked with each other, talking about the different Masters and their personas. It seemed all too soon that Samuel arrived and called them all back to the living area. Tali bounced along as Dusty and Bella followed at a stately pace, their hooved boots clopping in unison as they made their way along the corridors.

"There she is," Mark Millar came to his feet as the girls entered the room. "It's been too long Dusty, and you look cute as a button, Bella."

"Thank you, Master Mark, it's a nice surprise to see you here today," Bella said happily as he hugged her, picking her up from her feet. Bella went to Samuel's side once released as the other girls also went to their Masters. Daring to look over at Stephen, she saw the hint of a scowl before his features settled back into their emotionless place.

The Masters talked about the upcoming show and how Bella's training was progressing. She blushed as she was praised by both Jack and Samuel until mercifully the dinner gong sounded, and they all made their way to the dining room.

Bella noted that Stephen now sat with his back to her as if forcing the barrier between them higher now. Try as she might to put it from her mind, it made her sad that she had upset him so much with her reaction to his affection for her. The dinner seemed to go far longer than usual with the extra people adding to the mix of conversation, and it was becoming quite late when the men finally adjourned to Jack's den.

Bella sat with a small group of women, including Dusty and Tali, in a corner as the men continued to talk amongst themselves. It seemed to have been a terribly long day, and Bella began to wilt with fatigue and pay less notice of those around her as she let her mind drift a little. Dusty nudged her back to reality as Stephen strode from the room, followed closely by Jack.

The party broke up within a minute, and Samuel escorted Bella back to her room. As they passed through the living area, Stephen's bass rumble could be heard as he argued with Jack. Bella frowned and looked at Samuel who seemed to have not heard, although that was highly unlikely. She couldn't help but look back over her shoulder at where the argument seemed to be coming from, but Samuel continued to walk her further away.

"I want you to know how very pleased I am with you, sweet girl," Samuel began to speak as he started removing her tack. "I would not have held it against you if you had wanted to spend some time with Stephen over and above the short meeting you had. The collar is, after all, a temporary placement much as I would like it to be otherwise."

Bella stayed silent, thinking about his words and if they had anything to do with the argument that was occurring between Stephen and Jack. As if reading her thoughts he went on.

"I am assuming Stephen's dour mood is because he is as reticent to share your attentions as I am," he looked at her then and smiled. "The argument, however, is an old one and nothing to do with you, my pet." He stroked her cheek and kissed her lightly, "Please stop worrying, I can see it in your face. I have the utmost respect for Stephen speaking his mind and in this matter I agree with him."

Bella was surprised, and she raised her eyebrows, hoping he would go on and tell her about the argument.

"Binatang is a very influential and wealthy businessman, and while most of us in the lifestyle do not share his fondness for... let's just say the darker side of the lifestyle, we ignore it mostly. While Jack could survive quite well without his business dealings with the man, his life is infinitely easier with them, do you understand?" he paused while she nodded. "Stephen was on a short fuse already this evening and when Binatang made some less than savoury remarks... Well, you saw the outcome."

Even though she had not had a workout during the afternoon, he still laid her on the chaise and began to work out her muscles with the soothing lotion that felt so good. Bella relaxed under his hands, wondering why she felt so tired this evening and letting the anxiousness of Stephen's visit and resulting mood ebb away from her. She woke with a start, feeling Samuel's arms around her as they spooned in bed. His hands immediately began to pet her in long strokes over her ribs and hip.

"Sleep, my pet, it was a long and emotional day for us all," his tired voice soothed, and she relaxed again, listening to his rhythmic breathing and enjoying the closeness of him.

The following morning Stephen was at the early pre-breakfast Samuel and Bella always attended before training. He sat with them at the tall bench and spoke quietly.

"I can see you are in the best of care with Samuel here, and I trust that he will keep you safe," he began almost formally. "I need to head back to the city this morning, but I will be at your show. I am sure you will do us all proud," he smiled at her in his typical way, showing that he harboured no ill-feeling from the day before. He turned then to Samuel.

"You're a good man. I am not sure I could have been as gracious with Bella's time as you were under the circumstances. Good luck my friend, I will be cheering for you both at the show," he clapped Samuel on the back and got to his feet.

"Stay and eat with us," Samuel said easily. "Then Bella can walk you out and say goodbye properly."

"I guess I could squeeze in another one or two of those cinnamon buns," Stephen eyed the kitchen counter, "It's a wonder that Jack isn't as big as a house."

"Fresh air and exercise my friend," Samuel laughed, "It makes all the difference." He gave a sly look around then and lowered his voice, "I imagine having to exercise a wild filly like Dusty would help too." He laughed then in an infectious way and the tensions of the day before were forgotten.


With Stephen's departure, Bella's time on the ranch fell back into the routine she had become used to over her first week at the ranch. She and Samuel continued to become closer and often just the merest hint of a gesture would have her changing her gait or completing a complicated move. As the show day loomed, she was confident in her skills despite her nervousness at executing the predetermined format without error.

"I promised you a reward if you worked hard this week, didn't I?" Samuel said as he led her back to the tack room after her morning workout. She looked at him with wide eyes, turning her head to completely see his face. "I believe it has arrived, but first we must look after the body." Bella knew she must be patient, but her curiosity about the reward made her wish he wasn't such a methodical man.

Bella lay patiently as she was massaged and caressed until her skin shone, and she was fully relaxed and at ease. He spent even longer than usual massaging and playing with her ass, and she could feel the heat in his hands and breath that told her of his need.

"I don't wish to mark you so close to the show, but tomorrow night we will celebrate our time together like never before," he said in a husky voice. "For now there are other ways to ease the desire I have to fuck you properly," Samuel groaned. He pulled her from the chaise to the floor before dropping his pants and leaning back onto the chaise himself. Placing a hand in her hair, he guided her mouth over his already hard cock and growled as her tongue snaked out of her pretty pink smile and swirled around the head of his cock.

Bella felt his hand tighten in her hair and smiled as she was guided to his cock. She licked out at it and revelled in his answering growl and the second hand that wove into her hair. Parting her lips, she sucked him as he pushed her head further down, making her take more and more of it in a slow teasing way. She enjoyed sucking his cock. He was neither overly long nor overly wide, with the slightest of bends that made the glide across her tongue to her throat seem as if it was created for the space there.

She gurgled as the head of his cock pushed against the back of her throat and, feeling the initial resistance there, he began the slow rhythmic fucking motion, pulling and pushing her hair to his desired tempo. He seemed not to want more than a quick orgasm as he began to start bucking up into her face as he pulled it down, making sure she took every little bit.

He came quickly and held her head in place as he twitched and groaned, revelling in the feeling of her hot, warm mouth. After long moments, he released her hair and allowed her to clean him properly before laying her head on his thigh as he recovered a few moments longer. A simple blow job would normally be foreplay for Samuel, Bella thought, but he seemed content to relax into the moment and not continue the scene any further.

"We have much to do today," Samuel said, rousing himself from the afterglow of his orgasm. "Let's go see about this reward, shall we?"

Leading her into the bedroom, he smiled as he fished out a new G-string for her and helped her to clean up and change the garment, knowing their brief interlude would have affected her as much as himself.

They walked through the now busy corridors slowly. Bella was overawed by the amount of extra staff on hand for the show Jack was hosting this weekend. Special guests would start arriving tonight. There was an extensive array of yurts set up for those who had travelled to the event but hadn't booked early enough to stay in the house proper or the surrounding cabins that served as guest houses. She honestly hadn't considered how big the event would be. Each time she was faced with it, as she was at this moment, her anxiousness about her performance made her nauseous. She found herself walking closer to Samuel.

It seemed many of the contractors were new to this sort of work and several openly gawked at the girls who trotted around nearly nude. Bella had long since become comfortable with her nudity, but some of the looks she received made her fearful. The moment Samuel opened the den door, Bella was unable to hide her exuberance and ran to embrace Dorothea.

"Darling girl, look at you all dressed in pony girl finery," Dorothea held her at arms length to take in Bella before embracing her a second time.

"Working tack is hardly finery," Samuel chuckled. "I believe you have brought the true finery?"

"Oh yes," Dorothea nodded. "I haven't let a soul peak at it, not even the lord of the manor over there, despite his threats to send me home again."

"You wouldn't do that would you, Master Jack?" Bella looked at him, forgetting her lack of voice in this house and receiving a frown from Jack and Samuel both. Lowering her head, she apologised quietly.