Quartet: Julie Ch. 01

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A night to remember - a night to forget.
6.8k words

Part 7 of the 12 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 05/08/2007
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This is the third in a series of four vignettes. As those of you who have already experienced the first two will know, all the characters in the four segments are inter-related. The purpose of these stories was to examine the various relationships as they develop between men and women. It's probably ambitious for a first effort, but once I got started, I knew I was committed. For all of you who have offered comments and criticisms; my thanks. Feedback is god!

Chapter 01: A night to remember, A night to forget!

Julie lay back on her bed, her legs dangling over the side. She was looking at her old High School Yearbook, 1999, the year she graduated. She remembered her grad dance. She had needed all the powers of persuasion to convince her mother to let her buy the yellow dress. He mother was convinced it was too 'sexy'. She was, of course, right. It was cut low in the front, allowing the maximum display of cleavage. Its hem was just above the knee, but a slit up the right side of the skirt traveled dangerously high. She looked at the nearly four year old picture and it seemed as if it were a different person. Her blonde, medium length hair hadn't changed, but there was no way in hell that she would ever be able to fit into that lovely, sexy dress again. That was fifteen pounds ago.

She lay on the bed in her pink, terrycloth housecoat. She had arrived home from work at her usual time; four o'clock. Robbie would be home in an hour or two, depending. She thought about her life since that graduation picture had been taken. She was never the most popular girl in school, but she had her share of dates. None of them 'cranked her starter', but at least some of the guys wanted to date her. Or maybe, they just wanted to get their hands on her tits, she thought. That was her prime asset; bit tits! Big, sensitive tits! Just letting a guy touch her nipples or even her aureoles would set her off. It was hard to be a virgin and still crave the touch of a man's hand on her breasts. She knew that was why she had so many offers for dates. The boys had only one thing on their mind; 'cop a feel'. She wondered idly if there was a contest with points for how many boys got a touch and extra points for the ones who tweaked or even sucked them.

Her mind drifted back to that grad dance again. She had caused a mild sensation when she walked in. A warm May night, there was no need for a coat or sweater, so the sexy yellow dress was on its own. As she strolled across the dance floor to the tables on the far side, she felt the boys' eyes on her. She smiled inwardly and continued to walk to one of the dance floor-side tables, stopped, turned to survey the room and sat down. It took less than one minute for the first of the boys to sidled up and sit down.

"Hey, Julie, you look super tonight. Nice dress." Ronnie Smythe was a basketball player, mediocre student and self-styled stud. At least he wasn't drooling, Julie thought.

"Thanks, Ronnie. Did you come with someone?" she asked pointedly.

"Nah, you know me, I like to play the field Julie." he bragged.

Within a few seconds, two more or her classmates appeared; Bill Farnham and Jane Simmons. "Hi Julie," Jane exclaimed. "Wow! You look fabulous. Where did you get that dress? It's ... so ... sexy!" she said, pointedly.

It went on like that for almost two hours. Guys and girls who wouldn't normally spend five seconds of their time to say hello, were suddenly dropping by to say Hi! Guys who she could barely remember their names asked her to dance. Of course, they all seemed to have one mission; look down the front of her dress. She enjoyed the attention. When she danced, it was amazing how many of them tried to slip their hands inside the slit in her dress. She spent as much time pushing their hands away as she did trying to ignore their erections pushed against her abdomen. 'Ah well', she thought, 'the price of fame!' It was fun. It was even more surprising when Mike Tulkman invited her to an 'after party'. She didn't have to think about it for long; she was happy to accept. Mike was a big, powerful young guy who played on the football team and was very popular with the girls. She was thrilled to be asked to a private party by him. They left together just before midnight.

At the party, she circulated with a drink Mike had given her; some kind of fruit punch. She talked to some her classmates and noticed a few people there she didn't recognize. Her drink tasted strong, so she sipped it slowly. It must have been an hour later when Mike walked up to her.

"How're making out Julie? he asked. Without waiting for a reply he said, "Here, let me freshen your drink."

"Thanks." she said as he took her glass. Julie was feeling very light and happy. It was the most pleasant feeling she had experienced in a long time. Mike was back in a minute with another glass of punch and she took it from him and thanked him again.

This time, Mike stayed with her and they made small talk about the dance and graduation and what they planned for the future after high school. Mike was going to a local university to study medicine, he thought. Julie didn't have a plan. She didn't see herself in University, but she wanted to get into public relations or promotional work, so she was thinking of the local, two year junior college that might give her the courses she needed.

Julie noticed she was feeling a bit tipsy and she put the drink down on a nearby table. She started to head for the bathroom to freshen up when Mike caught up to her and held her arm.

"Are you all right?" he asked, looking at her carefully.

"I don't know." she said, trying to focus on his face. "I feel woozy. I need to go to the bathroom."

\"Why don't you come with me?" he said, opening a door at the end of the hallway. "Here, Julie, lie down on this bed and rest a while. I'm sure you'll feel better soon." He pushed her down on the bed and lifted her legs up and onto the bedspread.

Julie laid her head back and closed her eyes. She was drifting and couldn't seem to concentrate on anything. She felt lightheaded; dizzy, but not nauseous.

"Let me loosen you clothes, Julie. You'll be more comfortable that way." she heard Mike's voice in the distance. It sounded funny, like a cartoon. She felt his hands undoing her dress and then pulling at her panties. She thought she was yelling "No! No! No! Stop it! Stop it!", but she wasn't sure. There was a hand over her mouth and she tried to scream. Then she felt something poking at her vagina. It was pushing at her. Then a finger pushed its way past her resistant thighs and into her. It was probing and poking her. Then the other thing was back and she felt driving into her. She opened her eyes; she saw Mike looking at her. His face was very close and he had a horrible look in his eyes. He was grunting and pushing into her and she felt a sharp stab of pain and then another and another. She also felt his hand holding both her wrists and his body on top of her. He was too heavy, she thought; he'll crush me. Her head was swirling and Mike's face moved away and she heard him groan and grunt. She felt something new inside her, like a warm liquid, but she was powerless to do anything about.

Finally he got off her and off the bed. She opened her eyes and Mike was standing there, grinning at her. He said something, but she couldn't understand him. Something about 'not so bad was it', but she couldn't be sure. A moment later, someone else was climbing over her. She tried to scream, but a hand was over her mouth and she couldn't hear anything. She felt like she was spinning; her face was in the bedspread. She thought she heard Mike's voice. "Rip the bitch a new one Arnie! Atta boy! She felt a pain in her anus and then again and again and she cried and pleaded for him to stop. After a while, he did and the other body was gone. She lay face down on the bed, unable to move. Her vagina and anus felt as if they were on fire. She was crying and she wanted to go home but she couldn't move. She tried to lift her head and it felt like it weighed a hundred pounds. She heard voices again and tried to call for help, but the door was closed and now two men were there. Who are they she wondered as she looked at them. It wasn't Mike or anyone else she recognized, but they were talking to her. One of them opened his pants and took out his penis. It was big and purple and it was looking right at her. Then he climbed on her and once again the pain of penetration was back. She lost consciousness and it was her only blessing. She did not feel the entry of the other man.

They were gone when she slowly came back to consciousness. The light in the bedroom has been turned out and the door was closed. She was barely aware of sounds coming from the other side of the door. Her head was clearing slightly. She lay on the bed and her hands went to her groin and she felt a sticky wetness. With great effort, she pulled her elbows back and propped herself up. The pain in her vagina was continuous and now she felt sharp pains in her rectum. She tried to look down at herself, but in the darkness, she could see nothing. Just that one movement took all the effort she could muster. She lay back and tried to think. With her right arm outstretched, she felt the night table top and then the small lamp. With all of her concentration, she willed her hand to find the switch and when she did, pushed it with all her might. The blaze of light almost blinded her. She had blue spots with orange halos floating in front of her eyes. Gradually they diminished and she realized her ability to focus had returned. She could see the ceiling light and the closet doors and the standing mirror to her right. She tried again to prop herself up on her elbows and look down at herself. When she finally managed it, she saw the blood and the torn dress and she fainted.

She couldn't hear the door open and the laughter of the girls as they entered. Their screams, however, were heard all over the house and probably at the neighbors. Others came running down the hall and pushed into the small bedroom.

"Oh my god," said one. "What happened?" said another. A cool male voice spoke. "It looks like she's been raped. Call 911 and get an ambulance."

"No!" one of the girls shouted. "We'll get in trouble."

"We'll be in a lot more trouble if she bleeds to death." the cool male voice responded angrily. "Make the call or I will." he commanded. Julie became aware of someone kneeling beside the bed. She felt a cool hand gently on her face. "Can you hear me Julie?" he asked quietly. "Can you speak? If you can't, just move your head or nod."

Julie could hear the detached, cool, calm voice. She felt safer. She moved her head toward the voice and saw Sam, one of her classmates. 'Sam to the rescue' she thought and then began to slip back into unconsciousness.


She awoke on a gurney in a hospital corridor. There were several people around her and she could tell she was moving somewhere. Doors banged open and she was in what looked like an operating room. She saw a face hovering over her. It was Chinese or Japanese and female. She had a hospital green cap and gown and there was a mask around her neck.

"Can you hear me miss?" the woman asked. She tried to talk, but couldn't seem to get anything out. She nodded instead.

"Were going to do an examination and see what's happened to you. Do you understand?" Julie nodded again. "Good! I can't give you an anesthetic because you've had some kind of drug or drugs and alcohol in you. Do you understand that?" Again, Julie nodded and tried to say 'yes'. It came out as a squawk. Her throat felt raw and it hurt to talk.

"You're going to be able to feel me poking around inside you. Just try and relax as best you can. I'll try to be quick and out of there in no time." the nurse said reassuringly.

Julie steeled herself for the invasion. She felt the warmth of the surgically gloved fingers open the lips of her labia and the cold metal of the instruments shocked her as they entered. The pain was still there and her muscles convulsed as the probing steel touched the damaged canal. The doctor gently rolled her over and probed with her gloved fingers between the cheeks of her buttocks. Her anus was incredibly sore and she could feel pain inside as well. In a few minutes, it was over. Julie exhaled and realized she had been able to think more clearly again.

"My parents!" she called out in a raspy voice.

"Easy girl," one of the nurses said soothingly. "They've been called. They should be here when we get you to your room."

Julie's head dropped back on the gurney and she began to weep. She held her hands over her eyes and let the emotions she had held back pour out of her. She was wracked with her sobs, struggling to breath and unable to stop crying. The realization of what had happened overwhelmed her. She had been raped and she felt shame and anger and sorrow to add to the pain. "How did I let this happen to me?" she asked herself as they wheeled her down a corridor and into an elevator. I few seconds later the elevator stopped and the doors opened. She was wheeled along another corridor, past a nursing station and finally into a room.

"We'll help you get into the bed, Miss." one of the attendants said. They were careful to make sure they supported her on the three foot trip from the gurney to the bed. Julie felt more pain in her vagina and rectum, but was grateful for the softness of the bed and the pillow under her head. She looked around as they left and realized she was alone. Tears came to her eyes again. "How will I ever face my parents and my friends?" she wondered.

In a matter of minutes her mother and father entered the room. Her mother had been crying and tears streamed down her face as she hurried to Julie's side and hugged her.

"Oh, Julie, I'm so sorry. Are you alright? I mean ... "her voice trailed off.

Julie's face was wet with both their tears. "They raped me mom, they raped me and ... and ... I couldn't stop them." she cried in her scratchy voice. She looked at her father and could see his face had become very red. He was very angry and Julie though he might be angry with her. "Daddy, I'm sorry. I couldn't stop them. I really couldn't." she cried hoarsely.

"I know Julie, I know." I'm not mad at you," he said, realizing her worry. "But I'm very, very mad at them. They will pay for this ... I promise you! They will pay for this." His voice was low and quiet, but there was no mistaking the venom in his promise. Her parents sat on the edge of her bed for a while; saying little, trying to soother her and let her know of their unconditional love and support. They were finally interrupted when a uniformed figure appeared in the door way.

"Miss Payton?" she asked. "Miss Julie Payton?" The group recognized the uniform of the RCMP.

"Yes? Julie replied.

"I'm Corporal Janet Mayne, from the local detachment." she said in an even, quiet voice. "I'd like to ask you a few questions if you think you are up to it. May I?"

"Yes, I guess so." Julie said a little hesitantly.

"Are you the parents?" she said, turning to them.

"Yes, yes we are." her father replied. "Is this necessary now?"

"I wish this weren't necessary, sir, but we need to get Julie's story as clearly as she can remember it. We want to get moving on this case." she said reassuringly. "I'll need to talk to Julie alone, folks." she said apologetically.

"Yes, of course." her father replied. John and Evelyn Payton walked slowly out of the room; John's arm protectively around his wife's back, softly holding her shoulder. They sat in the chairs against the wall across the hallway and watched as Corporal Mayne closed the door behind them.

"Well, Julie, you've had a pretty horrible night, haven't you." she said sympathetically. Julie just nodded in response, looking at the policewoman's face.

"Can you tell me what happened?" she asked quietly. "Just start at the beginning and tell me what you remember." She pulled a notebook from a leather pouch on her belt and a pen from her vest pocket.

"I don't know where to start." Julie said despairingly.

"Why not start at the grad dance. Who did you go to the dance with?" she asked.

Julie began to tell the officer her story. She had gone to the dance with a couple of girl friends in their car and had danced with a number of the boys. She told the officer how Mike had asked her if she wanted to go with him to a house party afterward. She asked him where and whose house and he mentioned the name of one of the girls in her class. About eleven thirty, Mike came over to her and said "Let's get out of here and go over to Mandy's place." she remembered. There were four of them in the car, Mike, herself, Mike's friend Arnie and his date, Wendy. When they got to the house, the party was already going strong. She described the drink Mike had brought her and how she had slowly drank it. Then she told the Corporal about the second drink and how she began to feel 'funny' just after that.

"Julie, are you sure you just had those two drinks?" the policewoman asked pointedly.

"Yes, I'm very sure about that. I didn't really like it very much. It was too sweet and it tasted very strong. I don't drink; except a glass of wine with my folks at Christmas or New Years. I took it pretty slow. I don't think I had more than a couple of sips out of the second one when I started to feel woozy. I was going to go to the bathroom, but Mike took me to the bedroom and made me lie down."

"Do you remember where you put the drink down?" she asked.

"Yes, on the table beside the stereo, just before the hallway. I'm sure of that!" she said emphatically.

"Will you excuse me for a minute?" Corporal Mayne got up and walked to the far corner of the room. She pulled her portable police radio from her belt and Julie heard the squawk as she contacted her office. She spoke into the phone and listened to the replies, then signed off. Julie couldn't hear much of the conversation.

"Who were you calling?" Julie asked.

"Our investigation team is still at the house. I've asked them to look and see if they can find that drink you left on the table. It could produce some evidence." she replied matter-of-factly.

"Oh. Do you think there was something in that drink?" she asked with a wrinkled brow.

"That's what we want to find out." she replied. "Can you go on with the story now Julie? Why don't you pick up when you started to feel 'funny'." she suggested.

Julie began again, but more haltingly than before. She was clearly uncertain of some of the events and the timing of them, but she tried to put them the order she remembered them. She spoke of Mike unbuttoning her dress and taking her belt and panties off. She started to weep when she recalled seeing his face on top of her and feeling the poking at her vagina. She told the policewoman of the pain and the feeling of helplessness as he pushed himself inside her. She thought it was over and then Arnie's face was looking at her and he was rough and he hurt her insides and then he was gone.

"Rip the bitch a new one, Arnie" Julie suddenly exclaimed; her eye's widening in horror. "I remember, I remember ... it was Mike! He was laughing when Arnie was on top of me. He was still there, with Arnie." she cried, tears streaming down her face.

"Take it easy Julie. Are you sure it was Mike Tulkman and Arnold Baynes?" she asked directly. "Were they the one's who said that?"

"It was Mike. He looked ... crazy or something. I remember his eyes. He looked crazy!" she exclaimed.

"Was Arnie there too?" she continued.

"Yes, he was on top of me." she responded.

"OK, Julie. What happened then?" the officer asked quietly.

"I'm not sure. I must have fainted or something. I just remember seeing two guys I didn't know in the room. One of them took his pants down and pulled out his ...you know ... thing." she said uncertainly.