Rebuilding Daddy


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They both smiled. "More than anything, Daddy," Cassandra replied, "You're the only man we've ever wanted. We know we'll have to be careful around our sisters, but this can work, Daddy. We'll always be your daughters, but we now want to share your bed. We want to feel your fingers and mouth all over our bodies. We want to feel your big cock sliding inside us, making us your women. We've already proven we'll happily suck your cock. We hope you enjoy eating pussy."

The smirk suggested to both girls that he loved eating pussy. "Well, I did love making your mother happy," he stated softly. They watched him as he was deep in thought, sipping at his drink. "You're serious about this?" he finally asked.

"We love you so much, Daddy," Rebecca whispered, trying to keep her emotions in check.

"And we want to make you as happy as Mum did," Cassandra added, "We'll never replace her in your heart, but we want you to feel the same sort of love you felt with her too."

He stood up and poured himself another drink, grabbing two more glasses, eventually sitting down and handing a glass to his two daughters, keeping the third for himself. Rebecca sniffed and could smell the alcohol. She took a sip and managed to not pull a face. "It's an acquired taste," her father stated with humour, "Give me time to think about this, girls."

"Did you enjoy last night, Daddy? Being one hundred percent honest."

"Cassandra, it was the best night I've had since I lost your mother. You made me feel special and I hope I made you feel as special in return."

"You did," Rebecca whispered, "But I also want more, Daddy."

"That's why I need time to think, sweetheart." He leaned forward and, to both girls' surprise, left a soft kiss on their lips. "You're both beautiful young women. There is that part of me that's incredibly flattered you'd look at me with any sort of desire."

"Well, you're not just our daddy, you're fucking fit too!" Cassandra exclaimed.

"I think about you whenever I masturbate, Daddy," Rebecca added.

Neither girl expected what he said next. "Do it for me now," he ordered.

Rebecca amazed herself at how readily she complied. Ever so eager to get off her crop-top and shorts, he added, "Slowly, girls. Make it sexy. Show yourself love. But I'm not going to touch either of you. Once you orgasm, go to bed. I'll think about it this week. I'll let you know my decision on Friday night."

Rebecca happily put on a sexy strip-tease for her father. She'd practiced with her older sister more times than she'd care to count, because they wanted to turn him on. Hearing her father chuckle at the fact she wasn't wearing underwear did make her blush, but when she sat back on the floor and spread her legs, exposing her bare, wet pussy, she saw the momentary lust cross his eyes. Cassandra was doing the same thing, running her finger along her slit, talking dirty to their father.

"I'd love you to eat my tight little virgin pussy, Daddy," Rebecca cooed, "Then you can slide your big cock inside me when you've made me cum. Good thing I'm on the pill, because you can pump me with all the cum you want."

"Though you can fill my mouth with plenty of cum too, Daddy," Cassandra added, the sultry tone turning on Rebecca.

"What about your arse?" Rebecca wondered.

"Daddy will own us, Becca," Cassandra replied, "I'll do anything he wanted."

"Me too," Rebecca whispered.

"Play with yourself, girls," their father said softly, "I want to see you enjoy yourselves. Take pleasure in your own bodies. I want to see my little girls orgasm."

"You do, Daddy?" Cassandra asked in that innocent voice she used to get what she wanted. Their father smiled and nodded. "Okay, Daddy. We'll put on a sexy show, just for you."

Rebecca would admit it the craziest and sexiest thing she'd ever done until that moment in her life. She knew boys at her school liked her. She could look in the mirror and see she was attractive and quite fit. But no boy would ever compare to the man that was her father. He'd been the object of her fantasies for a long time.

Cassandra enjoyed an orgasm first, covering her mouth to stifle her moans. She noticed the look of delight on her father's face as he quietly told her to keep going. "Daddy," Cassandra whimpered.

"I know, baby, but keep going for your daddy. He's loving the show you're putting on for him."

"Anything for you, Daddy," Rebecca moaned before she enjoyed her first orgasm.

The two girls enjoyed at least five each before they simply collapsed on the floor, turning towards each other and giggling. Rebecca could feel her body still quivering for a few minutes afterwards. Glancing back at their father, there was no missing the bulge in his trousers. Sharing a glance, the girls exchanged a smile before they sat up on their knees and moved towards him.

"Need us to take care of that, Daddy?" Rebecca asked innocently.

He glanced between the pair of them with a smile. "While I would like to say yes, as I said, I need to think about things. I'm now aware of how you two feel about me. But I need time. Please give me that. I know you're probably going to tease me relentlessly. I won't mind, but please just be careful around your sisters. Okay?"

"We will, Daddy," Cassandra replied.

"Thank you. Now I'm off to bed. Please don't try and join me just yet. Part of me would love to feel one or both of you against me like you are right now, but I cannot deal with that temptation just yet."

He stood up as both girls rose to their feet, cuddling him together. Rebecca sighed as a strong arm surrounded her body, feeling his lips against her forehead. They both whispered how much they loved him, and she felt rather emotional when he told them how much he loved them in return. He left for his bedroom first, leaving the two sisters to pick up their discarded clothes.

Cassandra took her hand and led her towards her bedroom. "You're sleeping with me tonight," her older sister told her, "And don't even think about putting on any clothing."

"Can we make each other cum again?"

"Becca, I'm going to make you orgasm so much, you'll pass out next to me."

She couldn't help smile as her older sister pushed her onto the bed. Rebecca spread her legs provocatively as Cassandra ensured her door was closed and locked. Joining her on the bed, the pair shared a passionate kiss as Cassandra's fingers immediately got to work at her pussy.

"Oh god," Rebecca whimpered.

"Let your big sister look after you," Cassandra whispered, "Then you can look after me later."

Neither girl had any idea what time they did eventually fall asleep that night. But they slept long into the next morning.



I was distracted all week. No surprise considering what I'd been up to that weekend. I should have been feeling guilty but the thing that scared me most was the fact I didn't. Maybe I really was so lonely that I could look at two of my daughters and not resist the temptation. They were beautiful young women. I saw pieces of their mother in both of them. Well, there were parts of their mother in all five children. Carolina looked so much like her mother at the same age it broke my heart to look at her sometimes.

But we'd also crossed one hell of a line both Friday and Saturday night. Sunday was sensible as the five girls spent most of the day lounging around the pool. I did a little cleaning around the house, spent an hour or two outside, but tried to keep my distance from my two oldest. Thankfully, they behaved themselves in front of their sisters, though whenever they caught me alone, they had no problem touching me everywhere. I didn't try very hard to stop them.

It felt nice to be loved and appreciated, and it was certainly flattering, even if I was their father.

By Friday night, I'd already made up my mind. The two girls had been teasing and flirting with me all week. I couldn't help chuckle at their efforts as they were not shy, but also took my warning to heart, never doing anything in front of their sisters. But when they disappeared to bed for the evening, Cassandra and Rebecca spent the rest of the night naked. They didn't touch me but spent a lot of time touching themselves. I got rather used to their scent lingering in the room after they finished masturbating.

Rebecca was the first to side into my bed late at night. She was naked, of course, pressing her tight little butt back against me as I slept on my side. I woke up enough to feel her warm body against mine. She let me know who it was and I think she was ready for me to kick her out. When I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her tight to my body, she choked back a sob.

"It's okay, sweetheart," I whispered, "But you'll need to get up with me in the morning before the others."

"I will, Daddy," she whispered, back, "I love you."

"Love you too."

I woke up with the usual erection, pressing against her. She wasted little time rubbing her arse against me. I could have easily slid out of my underwear and then rolled her over and made love, but I still wasn't there yet. But she must have told Cassandra, as her older sister was in my bed that night. And she ensured my hand ended up between her legs, moaning 'Daddy' as she made sure I was fondling her while I was half asleep.

Hearing my oldest little girl moaning next to me almost made me blast in my underwear. I was also surprised how little guilt I felt. Instead, I felt great about the fact I'd made my little girl feel so good.

Returning home from work on Friday, my five girls were all lazing about in the living room. They knew I would go work out in the garage first before I'd sit down and relax. If I sat down after walking in the door, I wouldn't get up again. Of course, the first thing I did was hug all my girls. Carolina was always pleased that her daddy was home from work. I hugged her for at least a few minutes.

"Love you, pumpkin," I whispered.

"Love you too, Daddy," she whispered back. Sometimes, I couldn't bear to look at her face and into those eyes, as I'd see her mother, and it would break me again for a few seconds.

After my workout, I changed and placed the usual order for fish and chips that was a tradition in the household. Everyone was in a good mood. I think my girls could sense I was feeling better about things. Don't get me wrong, I'd always carry that heartbreak. Certain dates were worse than others. But although I'd felt lonely, my girls had kept me going. I hadn't felt any need to find someone else. I did think that, perhaps after Carolina had grown old enough, I would consider dipping my toe into the dating game...

Cassandra and Rebecca had changed all that.

I could see both of them watching me from time to time as we relaxed as a family in the living room. As always, my three younger daughters eventually headed to bed at a reasonable time. Kisses on the cheek and a tight hug. Carolina still liked it when I said goodnight once she was in bed, though she wasn't that young anymore, I'd keep doing it until she eventually asked me to stop.

Returning to the living room, Cassandra and Rebecca were sitting side by side on the lounge. A single jerk of the head and I headed back down the hallway to my bedroom. I heard giggling, entering my bedroom, Cassandra and Rebecca appearing seconds later. I closed and locked the door as my two oldest daughters gazed up at me. That same look of unconditional love I'd seen nearly all their lives, but there was a healthy dose of lust now mixed in with that love.

"You're both virgins?" I asked. Both nodded firmly in reply. "Okay... Are you sure about this, girls? I don't want you to regret this tomorrow morning."

"We love you, Daddy," Cassandra whispered, "We both want you."

"Not just tonight but forever," Rebecca added softly.

I took a deep breath. "Okay. Do you want to be here together or...?"

"Could you handle both of us tonight, Daddy?" Cassandra asked, her tone sultry but also teasing.

When I grinned, they giggled as I'm sure my eyes lit up. Two beautiful young women wanted to be intimate with me together? I wasn't actually going to have a threesome with my two daughters for their first time, but if they wanted, they'd both lose their virginity on the same night.

"Yes, I can handle you both," I finally replied, "If you both want to be here tonight, then you can support each other, but I promise you, I will be gentle and I will make sure it's memorable."

"Daddy, we know it can be awkward, but being with you is what we've always wanted," Cassandra informed me, "And we know you'll make this night as special as possible."

"Do you want us naked, Daddy?"

"I'll slowly strip you both, baby," I replied.

They both grinned as I did take off my t-shirt, leaving me dressed in only a pair of shorts. Their eyes drank in my chest. I had a faint covering of dark hair but what would have impressed them was the fact I was rather fit. Lots of gym worked helped with sexual frustration. Once I was down to just my underwear, the tent would have been obvious. The pair stepped forward, hooked their fingers in the band, and pulled them down, dropping to their knees as they did so.

To their surprise, I shook my head, offering my hands to help them back to their feet. "My focus tonight is you too," I said softly, kissing each of them softly on the lips, "Do you want daddy between yours legs?" They both smiled, nodding eagerly. "Would you like daddy to eat your pussies?"

"God yes," Cassandra almost moaned.

"Then do you want daddy to make love to each of you?"

Rebecca practically choked back a sob as she nodded. I hugged both tightly to my body for a few seconds before Cassandra and I helped undress Rebecca, before she and I returned the favour to Cassandra. I know my face lit up once they were naked before me again. They were still teenagers so their breasts were still perky, their bodies still soft in the right places, and there was no missing the fact my two oldest daughters were incredibly attractive.

"Girls, one question. Am I the reason you've never had boyfriends?"

They shared a glance and both blushed. "There's a second reason, Daddy," Cassandra replied, noticing her take Rebecca's hand, interlacing their fingers together. I couldn't help smile. "We love each other too. We want to be with each other intimately, though we're both going to be with you more often."

"We definitely want your cock, Daddy," Rebecca added, "But I really need my sisters' pussy too."

"So the idea of a threesome..."

"Is such a turn on, Daddy!" Cassandra exclaimed, "You fuck me, I eat Becca's pussy. Orgasms for all three of us!"

We ended up on the bed together, both girls lying back and they realised I could only focus on one. Rebecca told me to focus on Cassandra first, stating she was my first born and that she would always be special in my heart. I kissed Rebecca in such a way that she almost started crying again.

"Enough of that," I whispered, "You all own a piece of my heart in equal measure. Okay?" Her lip started to tremble, eyes glistening, as she nodded. "I love you all as much as I loved your mother. You all carry a part of her in you. It's why I can be here with you like this now, because in a way, you being here means she's still with me too."

"Please focus on my sister now," Rebecca whispered, "But I definitely want your focus on me later, Daddy."

Cassandra was eager, I learned that very quickly. Just kissing her, feeling my cock resting against her pussy, she was soaking wet and I knew she was going to be hot and tight once I'd slid inside her. Kissing down to her neck, she giggled as I always kept stubble, stating it tickled but it felt good at the same time. Her breasts were perfect for her stature, enjoying how hard her nipples were as I used my mouth on them for the first time.

"Oh my god, Daddy!" she exclaimed, hearing Rebecca giggle next to me again.

Feeling her fingers run through my hair had me grinning as I gave both breasts plenty of attention, but this was merely to the entrée to what she really wanted. Slowly kissing down her body, I could inhale her scent as I avoided her pussy, almost feeling the heat emanating off her as I kissed down one thigh then up the other. I only moved to her core once she was almost begging me to eat her out.

Running my tongue up her slit made her shudder. Gazing up her body to meet her eyes, she moaned one single word.


She knew it was the first time I would have done this for any woman since her mother. Rebecca shuffled closer to her sister, noticing they were holding hands as I wrapped a hand around each thigh and slowly learned everything about my oldest daughter's hot, wet pussy. She tasted absolutely divine. When I told her, she certainly blushed but the smile warmed my heart as I slowly worked my tongue, learning what made her moan.

Sliding a finger inside her, I figured out where her special spot was rather quickly as her breathing got quicker and her back started to lift off the bed.

"Daddy," she moaned.

"Clit, sweetie?" She almost chewed on her bottom lip as she nodded her head. Her little clit had made its appearance. "Do you know how you like it?" Shaking her head, I couldn't help smile. "Well, I'll figure it out for you then."

I figured it out slowly, but with another finger inside her, she had to kiss Rebecca to stifle some of her louder moans. She was soon gyrating at what I was doing with my fingers and tongue, her eyes gazing down over her body into mine. She moaned my name more than once whenever she wasn't kissing her sister.

Then her orgasm hit. Her back arched as her pussy squeezed my fingers like a vice. "Daddy!" she squealed. I could only hope my other three daughters were fast asleep, or at least had their televisions up to a volume they wouldn't hear her.

I didn't relent on Cassandra for a second. "Make her cum again, Daddy," Rebecca stated, noticing she was now masturbating, "Want to eat my pussy next?"

"I will, then I'll make love to both of you."

Cassandra wanted her father to help her orgasm again. I knew I still had a lot to learn about her body, but I'd figured out the basics, so getting her off again and again wasn't too difficult. When she enjoyed a third orgasm, she burst into tears and that was the signal to let her calm down. Crawling up the bed, she turned onto her side and cuddled me. Looking at my fingers, I offered them to Rebecca. She sucked on them eagerly, feeling her tongue run up and down my fingers like she was sucking my cock. Cassandra giggled as my cock lurched at the display.

"Okay, Daddy, time to focus on my sister now."

Getting Rebecca off didn't take too long as she was beyond horny but I still took my time. I didn't just dive for her pussy, I gave her body plenty of attention, just like her sister. She burst into tears at her first orgasm but begged me not to stop. Cassandra helped calm her down, smiling at the way the two shared some very soft but passionate kisses. I couldn't help marvel at how much the pair genuinely loved each other as sisters but also lovers.

"You like, Daddy?" Cassandra teased.

"I'd love to see you two at a later time, though I'd also love to join in."

"You'll always be invited to join us, Daddy," Rebecca moaned, "Just one more orgasm then you need to make love to your little girls."

Saying that should have put me off, but I looked at the pair of them and saw two beautiful young women. I was near enough to forty and I was currently in bed with a pair of teenagers. Not sure how many men wouldn't want to be in my current position, daughters or not.

After another orgasm, I pulled back to sit up on my knees, my two daughters lying back with smiles on their faces, spreading their legs and feeling themselves, running both hands up and down their body, incredibly rude suggestions only making my cock even harder. When they both moved to start using their mouth on it, I was surprised by their confidence, running fingers through their hair as they ran their tongues up and down my shaft.