Revenge in Advance - Derby's Dose

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Man pays price for cheating as Oscar closes in on Pat.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/07/2018
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The following is a continuation of the saga based on edrider73's 2014 story, "Revenge in Advance," in which a wife purchases an insurance policy that ultimately details the revenge her husband would face if he was caught cheating on her. In a nutshell, Oscar, the husband in the story, learns that if he were to be caught cheating, he would essentially be kidnapped, humiliated, beaten and sexually assaulted. The story continued with my first post, "Revenge in Advance, A Sequel," in which Oscar escapes his wife's plot and gets his own revenge. This story picks up about six weeks after the end of that tale.

Many thanks to edrider73 for giving me permission to write this sequel and any others that may come from that story. Also, many thanks to those who offered comments and constructive criticism on my first story. And please remember, this is a work of fiction...


Chapter 1:

For Oscar Warren, the last six months had been a blur. After his ex-wife was sentenced to 30 years in prison, he was recruited into a special task force - a partnership, actually, between federal agencies and private interests - which had the goal of taking down the Mutual Marital Assurance Society (MMAS), a secretive company set up by a man-hating lawyer that got gullible wives to spend $1,600 for "insurance" ostensibly designed to keep their marriages intact and their spouses faithful.

Less than a year ago, Oscar was basically a fat, dumb and happy working stiff with a good job, a nice home, a couple of great kids and a loving wife. Then his wife - correction, his now ex-wife - went off to a "spa weekend" with three of her friends and things went downhill from there. After that weekend, he learned about MMAS and what Renee had planned for him in the unlikely event of his infidelity.

Oscar would tell you that he's heard all the criticism, but would say to his critics, "you didn't see the video Pat, the MMAS representative who revealed Renee's evil plot, showed me which detailed the punishment I'd get if I cheated on my wife."

Basically, he'd be humiliated as a man, kidnapped, restrained, and subjected to some of the most vile treatment a man could face. And, he still has nightmares about that video. Worse yet, Pat said it was the "easiest" punishment that could be handed out.

Until then, he had no idea how vindictive the female of the species could be. And he had no idea his loving wife could even think of doing something so cruel and despicable. Even worse was the fate Renee had plotted for him even though he had been completely faithful to her.

So he used everything he could muster to fight back, and won. It was a Pyrrhic victory, though, as it cost him his marriage and the destruction of his family, not to mention his mental well-being. The hardest part was telling his children that their mother would be in prison for 30 years. He couldn't tell them the whole story, though, because that would completely destroy them. Maybe someday, he thought, they'll read these stories and learn the truth when they're ready for it.

The bitch of it all was that a part of him still loved Renee. If only she had talked to him first, none of this would have happened.

But life goes on. And thanks to his good buddy, Bill Jackson, he now felt like he was part of something much bigger than he ever imagined.

So here he is at what they call "Fort Apache," a completely self-contained compound that used to be an Army base during World War II. The base was abandoned after the war, but was renovated specifically for this project. It had apartments for single guys, apartments for guys with kids, an administrative complex that had literally everything - a bar, a restaurant, admin offices, theater, lab - you name it. It also had a school and lots of open space for children to play.

Additionally, it had a hospital for MMAS' victims, of which there were quite a few. All of them suffered physically, but a number had severe mental issues as well. Many just sat in their rooms in a catatonic state, unable to deal with anything. Counselors also had to deal with the children of the fathers targeted by MMAS.

Oscar remembered Pat telling him there were very few claims against MMAS for cheating, but everything he saw told a much different story. It seemed that every week, there were at least two new additions, mostly ending up in the hospital.

And those were just the cases the task force knew about. There's no telling how many victims there really were. And, there's no way of knowing just how deeply embedded into society it was. The feds were also concerned since it seemed that some of those working with MMAS were government contractors. And there were rumors that some high-level bureaucrats and lawmakers may be involved, which made this a matter of national security.

So after an abridged version of the Federal Law Enforcement Training curriculum, Oscar was officially a credentialed federal officer with a badge and a gun. He also had a mission, and he intended to carry it out to the best of his ability.

First on his list was to get something useful out of Renee. He'd visited her a couple times since her incarceration, hoping to get information that could be used to help the husbands of the other three women. Unfortunately, all she did was cry and blubber, apologizing over and over while professing her love for him.

But that had to change, and fast. And hopefully, today would be the day. So after the daily briefing, he headed out for the prison.

Chapter 2:

The two lovers just finished their third coupling of the day and were laying in each others arms enjoying a bit of post-coitus interaction.

"That was great," the man said, holding the young blonde woman close to him.

"I sure enjoyed it as well, as I always do. You're the best. I just wished we could do this all the time," she said.

"Me too, babe, but we're gonna have to cool it for a bit, maybe be a little more discreet," the man said.

"Why, is your wife getting suspicious?" the blonde asked, a bit perturbed.

"She's always suspicious," the man said, "but this time it's gone over the top."

"What do you mean?" Blondie asked.

"Well, you remember that spa weekend she took here a while ago?"

"Yeah," the woman said.

"It turns out she signed up with some outfit that punishes cheating husbands, and, well, I certainly qualify."

The woman sat up in the bed.

"What are you telling me, Dave? Are you saying we're through? And what kind of punishment are we talking about here?"

"Pretty nasty stuff," Dave said. "Turns out my wife has a real mean streak in her."

Dave went on to describe the punishment the MMAS representative said he would suffer if he were caught cheating, leaving out no details, including a vile form of punishment that was once used on slaves back in the 1700s.

"You've gotta be kidding me?" she said. "That's got to be illegal. Can't you call the cops?"

"I thought about that, but Pat said they had all the bases covered," he said.

"Wait, wasn't there a case here a while back where some woman tried that with her husband?" the woman asked.

"Yeah, that was Renee Warren, a friend of Madison's," Dave said. "In fact, Renee is the one who got Madison to go to that retreat. I'm really scared about this and that's why I think we need to plan things out a bit better. If I get caught, I'm toast. Literally."

"Why not just divorce the bitch? You always tell me how horrible she is to you, bossing you around, treating you like a servant and putting you down. Just divorce her and be done with it. Then we can be together forever."

"I'd love to," Dave said, "but it's not that easy. As is, she'd get literally half of everything, including my salary, for at least two years. I don't know about you, but I don't want to work my ass off just to live on ramen noodles for the next few years."

"Look, Dave, we'll manage. I work also, and between the two of us, we can get by, even if you lose half your income. Please, just promise me you'll divorce her - give her a fair settlement and come stay with me. Please?"

Dave looked into her eyes and decided he'd do it. It would be rough on everyone, but it certainly beat the status quo. And he was certainly tired of Madison's never-ending crap. He took her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

"Okay," he said. "It'll be hard as hell on both of us, but what the hell. I can't stand to be around her anymore. Now, how about one more for the road?"

"You got it, stud," she said, working her way to his growing manhood.

Three hours later, Dave pulled into his driveway, sexually satisfied and resolved to end his loveless marriage. The house seemed rather dark, but he figured Madison, had taken the kids to her parents as she often did when he was on the road.

Opening his door, he felt his way to the light switch, not seeing the shadowy figure sneaking up on him. Before he could flip the switch, he felt the needle pierce his neck.

"What the fu..." he thought as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Chapter 3:

Oscar was waiting in the interview room when Renee, arms and legs shackled and connected to a chain around her waist, was escorted into the room. The guard sat her down in a chair across the table from her ex-husband and took her position next to the door.

"You can wait outside the door, officer," he told the guard. She nodded and went into the hallway just outside the door. He waited until the door was closed before addressing Renee.

"Good morning, Renee," he said.

"Good morning," she said quietly, noticing for the first time the badge he wore on his chest. "Are you a cop, now?"

"Sort of," he answered. "Actually, I'm officially a federal agent and I'm working a case. And I need your help. You know, the help you promised during your trial."

Renee started tearing up.

"I'm so, so sorry, Oscar. Really I am. What can I do to make all this up to you?"

"First, you can stop crying," he said in a neutral tone, making it clear that her tears would have no affect on him. "I know you're 'sorry,' you've told me that a hundred times over the last few months. If you want to make things right, you can start by fulfilling your promise to the court."

"Okay," Renee said. "I'll try."

"Look Renee, this is hard on me, too. You think I enjoy interrogating the mother of my children like this? In prison? I hate it, but it has to be done. Lives are on the line here. So, I need some answers from you and I need them fast," he said.

Renee stifled her sobs and sat up in her chair.

"Okay. Where do you want to start?"

He pulled out his legal notepad and an audio recorder, turned the recorder on and faced his former wife.

"This is officer Oscar Warren, interviewing Renee Warren at 09:30 hours on June 10, 2015 at the State Women's Penitentiary. Ms. Warren, do you consent to be recorded without the presence of an attorney or other representation?"

"Yes," she said.

"Do you understand the nature of our discussion?"

"Yes," she repeated.

"Please elaborate for the record," he said.

"I'm giving an audio statement regarding MMAS and my dealings with the group."

"Let's get started. How did you learn about MMAS?"

"About six months ago, I began reading stories on the Internet about husbands cheating on their wives. That's when I found a website that was exclusively for women. I paid a small fee and was granted access."

"So, you paid money for a username and a password into this site?"

"Yes," she said.

"Was this a recurring charge?"

"Yes," Renee said. "It was only $5.00 every month, but it claimed to have all the information I would ever want about the subject. I paid for a year in advance and got a 10 percent discount."

"What was the site's name? And can you provide me with the username and password they gave you?"

"I don't remember the exact address, and I put the username and password in a text document, plus I told the site to 'remember me' so I wouldn't have to put it in every time."

He made note of that, hoping that he could still get on the computer that was confiscated when she was arrested. It had been given back since it was no longer needed for evidence, but he never used it after her trial and didn't know if it would even work.

"And you read these stories and that prompted you to contact MMAS?"

"Well, kinda," Renee said. "There was an ad on the bottom of all the pages that promised marital fidelity. I clicked on that and it took me to a form. I filled out the form and got an invitation to an event a few days later."

"And how did you get your three friends involved?"

"That part was easy," Renee said. "Once I showed them the site and let them read the stories about wives taking control of their marriages and punishing their husbands, the rest was easy. All I had to do was get at least three other women to join me."

"But you tried to get one other to go as well, right?"

"Yes, Patty. You may remember that I told you she was stubborn."

"I remember you also told me she was irrational. Is that your recollection as well?"

"Yes, that's true."

"Why was she irrational?"

"Well, she was pretty high-strung and very jealous. She told us that there was no punishment MMAS could hand out that would make up for her husband's cheating. Just think Lorena Bobbitt on steroids."

Oscar remembered the famous 1993 case of the woman who cut off her husband's penis. It was, for lack of a better term, the castration heard around the country and literally made him shudder.

"It sounds like MMAS would be something she would've embraced. Why didn't she?" he asked.

"Patty said that if her husband ever cheated she wanted to make sure he knew it was her who got him back."

"I see. A real hands-on girl," he joked, making Renee laugh for the first time in months. It was a quiet laugh, but it helped break the ice. "That's the girl I remember," he said quietly, smiling.

"So, what can you tell me about the other three girls, Evelyn, Madison and Darcy? How are their marriages and did they embrace MMAS?" he asked.

"After my trial, Darcy had second thoughts and told me a couple weeks ago that she canceled her policy after her husband met with Pat. He was livid and told her she had a choice - either trust him or divorce him. Maybe that's what we should've done. Evelyn's husband hadn't met with Pat yet so far as I know, but I think their marriage is okay. At least for now."

"And Madison?"

"Madison is very suspicious and jealous. But she has reason to be. She's got proof that her husband, Dave, has been cheating on her for a couple years now. She was hoping she could scare him into being faithful with the punishment she chose for him."

"And what kind of punishment did she choose?"

"It was horrible," Renee said. "Have you ever heard of Derby's Dose?" Oscar shook his head.

"What's that?"

"It was used a long time ago to punish slaves in Jamaica. The slave would be beaten, then have stuff like salt and pepper rubbed into the wound and another slave would defecate in the victim's mouth."

"Oh my god," he said.

"That's not all. The slave being punished would be gagged for hours afterward."

"She really intended to have that done to him?"

"Oh yes," Renee said. "She was very serious about it. And then there was much of what I would have had done to you, only a whole lot worse. I mean, stuff so disgusting I can't even say it," Renee added, tears streaking down her face. "Oh god, I'm so, so sorry. I was so stupid."

He let her get herself under control before continuing.

"I know, Renee. Let's just get through this, okay?"

"Okay," Renee said through her sobs.

"So, tell me, how did Pat get you to pick these punishments?"

"In my case, she had me alone in a darkened room, there were no phones and the window blinds were closed. She told me that in order to pick my punishment I had to see you cheating in my mind and it had to be real for me. That was hard to do because I knew you had never cheated on me, so she promised to help me see it in my mind. She said it had to be as real to me as possible. The whole time, she spoke in a low, slow and soothing voice, telling me to focus on taking regular and deep breaths. She had me focus on a spot right between her eyes, telling me to relax and let my eyelids get heavier and heavier."

"So, you were hypnotized," Oscar asked.

"I think so, now that you mention it," Renee said. "I never thought of it like that. But eventually, she was able to paint a picture in my mind of you having sex with another woman. And it was real to me. I could even smell it."

"Interesting," he said. "And it was after this that you put together your punishment?"

"Yes," Renee said. "I was so mad after I saw that I thought of horrible things. I was so worried it would cause you permanent damage. My god, what have I done?"

"Is this also the time you started thinking about emasculating and cuckolding me?"

"Now that you mention it, yes, it is," Renee said, her eyes wide. "I never thought about anything like that before then. No wonder you hate me so much."

"I hated what you did, Renee," Oscar told her. "I never hated you. Although, I have to admit, I was scared of you. One last thing, did Pat have you imagine yourself having sex with other men while I watch?"

"Yes, she did. Pat talked about how I needed to be in control of my marriage and how I needed to control you. She made me see myself with other men while you watched and suggested I have you serve them like a slave. I never got that image out of my head."

Renee began sobbing again, begging him for the millionth time to forgive her. Again. He reached out to her in an effort to comfort her. This was more information than she had given him since her trial. In fact, this was the first time her hypnosis had ever been mentioned. He decided to press the issue.

"Renee, when the District Attorney played the audio I had of my meeting with Pat and your phone call to her, your attorney acted like it was the first time he had ever heard it. Am I right?"

"Yeah, it was," she said. "And he was very upset with me afterward. But I guess he didn't think it would matter since he didn't press it."

"And what you just told me about being hypnotized was never brought up. Did your attorney know about that?"

"No, he didn't. In fact, it never, ever came up. Is that important?" Renee asked.

"It could be, Renee. I don't want to say anything right now, but let me run this through our legal folks. It could be extremely important."

Oscar marked the end of the interview and turned off the recorder.

"Off the record, Renee, what you just told me is more important than you know. Thank you for being honest with me. I know it wasn't easy under the circumstances."

Renee smiled at his words. Despite what she had done, he loved seeing her smile and then gave her one last message.

"By the way, the kids don't know all the details, and they wanted me to tell you they love you and they miss you. This hasn't been easy on them, either."

"Thanks, Oscar, for everything. I really am sorry about all this."

"I know, dear, I know," he said, realizing it was the first time in months he referred to her as "dear." Renee also noticed, giving him a smile in return.

"I've got to go now, Renee, but I'll be back, promise," he said. Renee nodded her understanding.

The guard escorted Renee back to her cell as he made his way back to his car, where he called Bill.

"Hey, Bill, you got a couple minutes?" he asked.

"One or two, whaddya have for me?"

"Remember the audio that was played in Renee's trial? Turns out the defense team never heard it before then. Aren't both sides supposed to have all evidence in a trial?"

"Yes, they are, Oscar. Are you suggesting prosecutorial malfeasance?"

"I don't want to go there, Bill, but I think it's something that has to be investigated. Apparently, her attorney didn't even know about the audio. For whatever reason, he never chose to make an issue of it. Also, Renee told me how she first got in touch with MMAS and she described being hypnotized by Pat at their first meeting that weekend. I'm no lawyer, but I think that could be something important. She said no one ever asked her about it," he said.