Rock Study Leads to Romance

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Her mother was needy.
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They were sitting with backs against a boulder in a sandy wash. The winter sun was warm, not hot as it would be later in the year. Sandwiches appeared from her pack. Oddly named sodas from his.

"I have a question for you, but not until later. Is this a date or what?"

Elizabeth was in his geology class, and he had invited her on a hike that supposedly would help them complete a rock identification homework assignment.

"Does a homework assignment have to be a date?" he asked, frowning. She leaned forward and used her pretty blue eyes to stare him down.

"Just trying to figure you out. My mom asked if I should be out in the desert with a guy I don't really know."

"I like your Mom. Looking out for her kid. Do the two of you get along?"

She looked at him at him for another long minute. "This isn't working. I was giving you some sass from my feminism class, and what I get back is a softball nice guy response." She crawled forward into his arms and closed her eyes.

"You are a nice package. We could have a nap if things weren't so rocky here."

She sat up and pulled off her top. The modest breasts didn't need a bra. At least she didn't think so today.

"I'm not on a rock. I like what I'm leaning on and need tan on my tits."

"Professor Jones would ask what happened to rock study?"

She giggled and pulled his hands to her front. "It's going on right now. Are those igneous or sedimentary rocks that you have in your hands?"

He pinched the stiffening tips and nibbled on her ear lobe.

"This isn't in the feminist handbook," he said. "You are hitting on me instead of me hitting on you."

Keeping her eyes closed against the sun, she reached up and pulled his head down until their lips touched. The kiss went on for a long time. After it was over, she said, "I do get along with my Mom. If we hurry up with the homework, she will even feed us dinner and allow some cuddling on the living room sofa."

He was humming with approval and gently working over the tits. It made her antsy. Jumping up and refilling the packs, she said, "I have to warn you that she asked me this morning why there are no guys in my life. She said, 'Elizabeth, all you do is study and play volleyball. There is more to life...' "

"So first, she worried about you being with me out here, and then she wants to know why more like me aren't chasing you?"

She locked her arm around his neck and extracted another kiss. "Haven't you learned to deal with women when they are inconsistent?"

She pushed her arms through the pack straps and strolled up the wash, her eyes on the ground.

Once they put their minds to it, the homework was done in an hour. They even had closeup pictures of the properly named rocks.

Allan drove back and Libby phoned her mother. "Hi Mom. We found great rocks. Nothing bad happened. In fact, I'm bringing him home for dinner if that's all right."

"You are so excited maybe we have to go out? No Mom, that's for the second date and parents aren't invited!" She reached for his hand and pressed it against her chest.

"Seafood fettuccini? Does he eat broccoli? Flan for dessert?" He whispered yes.

She was wishing there wasn't a nasty console between them when he said, "Pretty fancy first date, don't you think? How do I rate?"

She gave him the stare and said, with a laugh, "We need to talk. What if we wash off the desert dust in the shower together? I'll tell Mom I need my back scrubbed."

"Your mother is going to throw me out of the house without dinner."

"You'd be surprised. Now that I am a coed, she keeps dropping hints about how much sex she had at my age. What if I ask her for sleepover privileges for you?"

"She is a therapist and an adjunct professor but got knocked up and raised you by herself?"

"Yes. I already told you about inconsistent women."

She swatted his head and said she couldn't understand their attraction on one day's notice. He growled and she felt herself gushing.

Amanda was as tall as Allan and gave him a crushing hug. "Allan, welcome to our home. I suppose my overly smart daughter has filled your ears with stories about her evil mother?"

Taking a chance, he brushed her lips with his and squeezed her hip. She jerked and gave him a look. "Elizabeth, you hit on him, so he has to hit on me?"

He was backed against the counter, with both of them applying kisses.

"I told him you were a known flirt, so I guess he decided to start the flirting early. Do we get a margarita to celebrate our hard work on the rocks?"

Dropping her arms, Amanda said, "Go wash off the sweat and I will provide refreshments." Allan thought her smile was allowing boy-girl games in the shower.

Libby kept the shower flow on low to make the hot last. Hands linked around his neck, she said, "I have two important things to tell you. First, I am still a virgin but want that to go away soon. Maybe you are the right guy to help with my problem?"

She paused and waited until he smiled and nodded. "Second, Amanda does a lot of couples therapy involving sex problems. She will offer to help."

He clutched her tight, turning off the water. The towel was very large and he rubbed vigorously, saying nothing.

After minutes of attacking each other with towels, he asked with a grin, "We have to wait until after dinner?"

They were snapping at each other with the towels when Amanda arrived with drinks and munchies on a tray. Allan was embarrassed to have his new girlfriend's mother looking at his erection, but decided not to sweat it since her practice must involve seeing a lot of penises, hard and soft.

She held out a glass, saying, "He's well hung. I can go for a walk if the two of you want to get it on."

With a terrible grin, Libby said, "I told him I needed assistance losing my virginity and that you would be able to help!"

Amanda wrapped an arm around Allan's naked waist and said, "Here is a toast to the great day my daughter becomes a woman."

Allan reached to bring both bodies within his arms and applied kisses back and forth. "I don't know how this happened but I am glad to be around two incredible women like you."

He waited for another round of kisses, and went on, "There isn't any rush, is there? Elizabeth is supposed to have fond memories. What does the overdressed therapist say?"

Amanda blushed as Allan leisurely removed her clothing. "Fond memories? I'm not sure most women see it that way. Mine wasn't. I was so anxious, I didn't even come." Her comment ended in a squeal as Allan tweaked a boob tip and cupped her pussy.

Libby pressed against them, saying, "Mom, he is just helping you retrieve good memories of sex, not bad ones."

Allan suddenly realized he had a very hot woman in his arms and things were about to get out of control. He swung Amanda to his shoulder and marched to the kitchen. Set down on the kitchen table, she glared at him. "Bad boy! I am not the girlfriend! Behave!"

Taking more chances, he stepped between her spread thighs and whispered, "You don't get enough sex. You are frisky as a young girl. Look down at this big cock that is coming after you. Libby says you have to check for compatibility!" He edged forward until the exceedingly large and stiff cock was less than an inch from its target.

He was still intending to wait, but Libby wasn't. Yelling "Now," she delivered a hard swat to his ass that drove the cock straight home in one push. Amanda moaned, "No, no, nooo," and gave in. There hadn't been a cock in there in months. Her mind was filled with confused thoughts, but the pulsing cock drove them out. This young college kid with the big tool was sending her to orgasm!

There it was. The experienced therapist was blown away. "Ohhh, yes, please." He gathered the shuddering body in his arms and marched to her bed, urged on by swats from Libby. Kneeling between her legs, he gazed at the perfect body having its perfect orgasm and asked, "Is that a fond memory, Amanda?"

She moaned and Libby hit him harder. "Now! Give her your best treatment!"

This was not according to the game plan, but he was having great fun and blasted away with frenzied thrusts that sent them over the top together. Moments later, Amanda was still moaning quietly from her new perch on his chest. Libby was terrifically excited, climbing up and making a three layer sandwich.

"Oh, so much fun! He has to rest up. I need a fresh cock to do the deed!"

Amanda rolled quietly to the side, moaning to herself. "Devils. Doing me like that with no warning! Best sex ever..." She pulled Allan close for a soft kiss. "What are you doing, giving old ladies amazing sex?"

"That was appreciation for the fine dinner. It was scheduled for later!"

Libby interrupted, "Amanda, stay here and rest. Allan and I will do the dinner prep."

In the kitchen, she frenched him fiercely, "Every nerve in me is tingling. How did I miss your studly skills?"

He frenched her back and whispered, "How did I miss that you and your mother were going to provide a fantastic evening?"

They laughed and dressed the fettuccine with its sauce and prawns, deciding that dinner was served in Amanda's very large bed. With the wine and glasses, it took two trips. Libby whispered to Allan that Amanda is no longer called Mom.

The well fucked body was propped up on pillows, the sheet tucked under her breasts. Allan served a plate, whispering, "The finest therapist in the West!"

Talking with a mouthful of pasta, she said, "Sex mad kids, your therapist is a pile of mush. Never had sex like that. Never."

The dinner went from quiet to drowsy to an overwhelming need for sleep. Carefully extracting plates and other dinnerware, Allan laughed to himself. Two beauties were sleeping peacefully and his cock would not be needed until the morrow.

It was barely light the next morning when a shadowy figure crept through the doorway of the spare bedroom and across the carpet. She was about to attack when he rose up with a roar and captured her in his arms, running outside into the chilly air.

"Is the pool heated?"

"No, not this time of year."

He plunged them in anyway. She screamed and screamed, until he walked them out and back to Amanda's bed, where the chilled bodies collapsed, fully awake.

"That was terrible. Look at your parts! They will never work again!"

Indeed, he was very shrunken and deep blue in color. The woman who was beginning to think of herself as his mother-in-law rolled over with a laugh and took the frozen item to her warm mouth. Libby shrieked, "No, you can't! That is mine!"

Allan almost passed out from excitement. Two hot women fighting over him! He needed to take charge. Retrieving his restored cock, he announced in a loud voice that he was preparing and bringing breakfast in bed and they were to relax in place.

Amanda gave him a hot look and whispered, "Yes, Master." Elizabeth groaned. Her plans were not working!

Mom said in her ear, "He's hot. Are you going to pair up?"

"YES! If you give me half a chance."

"You think the right kind of guy doesn't get me going as much as he does you?" Libby found herself being drawn into her mother's arms, with fingers playing in forbidden places.

"God, Mom. Really?"

"You need warming up. That thing of his is already big and hard. Do you want me to find my sex cream?"

"You really are going to help, aren't you? If you weren't a therapist, I'd be calling you a tramp!"

Amanda pushed Libby down and smashed her lips with her own, hissing, "I was a tramp and still am. He's got me all revved up."

When Allan returned with a tray, they were still wrestling on the bed. "All right," he said, "enough girl sex." His penis was halfway behaving, but still dangled wickedly between his thighs.

Halfway through breakfast, he said offhandedly, "This is a wonderful sunny bedroom. Do girls lose their virtue here?"

After a long pause, Libby said, tentatively, "I guess."

Allan put down his coffee and pulled the new girlfriend into his lap. "Hey, we're not doing anything until you are ready."

She broke into tears and Allan looked at her mother with a question in his eyes.

"Just hold her tight. She can get her cherry popped any day she wants."

Elizabeth sniffled, "But, Mom, you want him as much as I do. Are we going to share?"

Mom leaned in for a kiss. "You should tell your mother to bug off! What a terrible idea!"

Libby collapsed on her back, giggling. "OMG, he is going to do us both. You had the most fantastic sex with him last night and won't give up his cock! I'd better get him while I can!"

Allan was on his haunches, facing two naked bodies stretched out in front of him with everything showing, including smiles. Amanda tossed him a tube of lotion and pointed to Libby's crotch.

The sexy coed was back, flexing her hips and showing a lot of pink. He growled and got a "what are you waiting for?" look.

Libby noticed him looking at Amanda and hissed. He said, "I thought she was going to help?"

"She did. She showed her daughter how a horny woman comes on a proper cock. Will you please get over here and do me!"

Amanda giggled and Allan advanced on the coed pussy, which was in a constant state of up and down motion.

At the last moment, he hesitated, "I'm not sure I can do this. It might ruin a budding friendship."

Libby screamed, "Now," and pulled hard on his butt. The slippery cunt took him all the way in one move.

"Aaaahh!" She was frozen in a mixture of fright and delight. She was squeezing, but he wasn't moving.

She pulled his head down for kiss, a long kiss, after which she said loudly, "Fuck me. Take me like you did her!"

Libby looked up at her smiling Mom and realized she had joined the club. Joined the club of women enjoying hard cocks inside them. She screeched, "Mom, this is fun!"

Amanda started a tom-tom on Allan's muscular ass, which obliged by working back and forth in the tight coed cunt that wanted him there. "Oh, oh, ohhh."

"Let it out, Libby. Now!" Amanda delivered a harder than ever swat and both young lovers shouted their orgasm.

A few minutes later, Amanda kissed the well fucked daughter and hissed, "You better have fond memories of that, young one."

An impudent grin said, "Amanda, you slut, I didn't need help. You wanted to watch!"

Amanda crouched over Libby, kissing and licking, her ass wagging in the air. Allan didn't need imagination to know what was needed. Amazingly, his cock was hard again, and urging him toward the fancy bottom it had been in yesterday. Amanda was more than ready, letting out a long sigh as she was penetrated by a cock she was already in love with.

"Oh, Allan."

The new woman laughed and cried out, "Take him Amanda. Take that big hard cock! He has enough for both of us!"

Ten minutes later, three wasted bodies lay in a pool of sunlight on the bed, dozing. Libby disappeared for a few minutes and said after she returned, "I turned on the pool heater."

His eyes still closed, Allan thought about that and grinned. Pool boy duty? With special rewards? Amanda stirred next to him and he took a chunk of shoulder muscle in his mouth and held her tight.

"Hmmm. You can have me anytime, boyfriend. I'm yours." Her eyes were still closed so she didn't see Allan and Libby smiling at each other over her body.

"Mom, this is kinky. Two pussies having orgasms on one cock!"

"I can't help it. Such a fine cock! I need it!"

Allan was revived yet again, and slipped into Amanda's soupy sex from behind. A happy wail greeted his arrival. Libby sat on her knees and laughed. Mom's long sexual desert was over. She and Allan would do homework together and he would make Amanda feel like a woman at least once a day!

Allan was busy discovering that lazy loving on a sunny bed was great fun. Amanda squeezed him once in a while and said, "Please don't go away."

He whispered back, "Never," and noticed Libby frowning. Amanda brought her head up for a kiss. "Allan, ever since my father died, my mother has been very lovelorn. May I invite her over for dinner and a swim?"

Libby fell on them. "No, no, no! I don't share three ways!"

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