S.C.A.T. College Bk. 01 Ch. 01

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The beginning of a rollercoaster week at SCAT College!
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Publishing and Copyright:

This is a copyrighted work of erotic fiction. The story, names, characters, incidents, and fetish/kink/sexual scenarios are all fictitious, and any resemblance to other people and situations, real or imaginary, is entirely coincidental. This series will be published exclusively on Literotica, so if you're reading this somewhere else other than Literotica, it has been duplicated without authorization of the author.

As well, I am dabbling in 3D erotic art creation, so some scenes in the story will have a 3D render accompanying it. These will be tagged with my logo for "Vagabond3D Hentai & Ecchi Art." These are not to be reproduced or displayed as your own work, because it isn't and that's not a nice thing to do!


Sex/Kink/Fetish Disclaimer:

As should be evidenced by the title, this work includes fetishes that many might consider extreme, including but not limited to scatophilia (shit), mild coprophilia (shit eating), urolagnia (piss and piss drinking), emetophilia (vomit), CBT, ballbusting, whipping, trampling, and many FemDom/BDSM related situations.

Traumatic Events and Trigger Warnings:

Some chapters include content that may be disturbing or triggering to some people. These situations are included solely for character development, and have been done as respectfully as possible. These situations include non-consensual sexual abuse, domestic violence, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts. If any of these subjects will trigger you or upset you, the chapters that contain them will be marked with TW. You may skip those chapters, or chose to read another story.

If you are having severe mental health crisis issues and/or thoughts of suicide, please call or text 988 for the National Suicide & Crisis Hotline in the US, or your local mental health crisis hotline for the nation or city where you are reading this.

Mental Health and Medical Disclaimer:

I myself am neurodivergent, so there will be intense, in depth, and graphic descriptions of neurodivergence including autism, ADHD, anxiety disorder, dissociative disorder, emotional dysregulation, and medications related to all of those.

I am not a doctor, therapist, or medical professional, I have only used my own experiences and experiences of friends to base some situations around. Do not take any medical advice at all from this story. If you have any mental issues or neurodivergence, I encourage you to seek the advice of a licensed general practitioner and/or mental health professional.

With all that out of the way!!! :D

Premise: In Atlanta, Georgia, a fictional polytechnic college exists known as the South Campus, Atlanta Tech (S.C.A.T.) College. It is the first full week of September, with block week classes starting the next week. Our story begins in a bedroom of a two-person dorm, on the top floor of the second of three female dorm residence towers...

Part 1: The Rollercoaster of Life & Love

Chapter 1:

"Fuck me," Sam said, lying back on her bed and staring at the ceiling.

More properly Samantha McCoy, she preferred the short form of her name, seeing as her mother had been the only one to use her full name while she was growing up, and generally only when she was in trouble. Now 22 and definitely feeling it, she had finally decided to go to college.

Not that she hadn't had an interesting time in between high school and now. When she had graduated, she had joined the Navy right away, and had been at sea for the three years needed to get the GI bill coverage she needed to attend a college. Being from small county Kentucky, it wasn't like she had much choice. No jobs back home, divorced parents, first really serious girlfriend had broken up with her in the middle of her second deployment at sea.

Being former military, some habits were still front and present in her mind, as she had already put her clothes into the closet, one drawer for socks, the next for panties, the next for... she let herself smile a little of the thought of the long latex opera gloves, tight leather top, leather hotpants, and sexy fishnets there. Not like she would have much time to use them while at college, but a girl could always do a cam show and make some extra money.

However, the reason she was swearing and staring at the ceiling at the moment was that she was completely, monumentally, undeniably, and absolutely bored out of her skull. After the steady flow of work that one had to do per day in the Navy, including duty stations, standing watch, cleaning, ship repairs, and the like, having nothing to do had her lying in a pair of lace panties and her bra, flat on her back, staring at the plain white ceiling of her dorm room. She had already counted how many little lines of light the curtain cast on the ceiling from the bright lamps that lit up the campus pathways 20 floors below about 30 times, and she was still wide awake and ready to take a power drill to her temple.

She had arrived a full week before block week's classes were to begin, mostly because she had wanted to get the fuck out of Kentucky and over to Georgia, where the Southern Campus, Atlanta Tech College was. Despite being just two states South, it was so much warmer and more humid in Atlanta, and she had never been farther South, at least in the South East US, than Nashville in Tennessee.

She had also arrived early because with the military covering her tuition, dorm, equipment, books, and the like, she could use the money she had earned making guys jack off to her online and spend a week getting to know Atlanta. But, having arrived on a Sunday evening, everything except the bars were closed, and she really didn't want drunk older guys trying to feel up her ass.

Firstly, because she preferred the company of women, and secondly, because she, at times, had been paid while on her leaves to peg those older men in their asses while calling them bad boys and making them lick her boots. She found herself unconsciously sliding her her hand into her panties as she thought about her last client before leaving Upton, a relatively young, if you could call 35 young, rich guy that had come down from Radcliffe because he had bought a lot of one-on-one cam time with her, and wanted her to punish him for being "naughty."

She slid her finger into her wetness and sighed in pleasure as she remembered flogging him as he pulled off his pants, then underwear, wearing only a collar and a ball gag, as she had grabbed his balls under his impressive, even to a lesbian, penis and yanked them. He had howled through his ballgag, but kept begging for more as she kneed his cock, kicked his balls, crushed his dick under her boot soles, and used his mouth as her ashtray as she smoked the expensive cigarillo he had brought down for her.

It had been a fun night, fucking him up the ass with increasingly larger strapons, making him suck his own dirt off of them, before he came on her boots, and she made him lick every drop up. He was paying her the $1,000 that four hours with her cost when he had asked if she could piss on him. That made her slide a second finger into her wetness, and she cupped at one of her C cup breasts as she started to moan.

Being who she was, of course she had put his head over the toilet seat, balanced on the seat, and pissed all over his face as he tried to drink as much of it as he could. She had wanted to go further, much further, but she never pressed a client to accept her fetishes. It's one of the reasons she had hooked up with Kelly in the first place way back when...

Having thought of her ex, she groaned as the horny pleasure that had been growing inside her fizzled out.

"Fuck!" she swore again, pulling her fingers out and looking at them as her juices slowly slid down towards her palm. She sighed and stuck her fingers in her mouth, at least getting a little pleasure from tasting the slightly sour, but always sweet nectar of her own pussy. She lay back and ran her tongue around them, touching all the spots, tasting every drop, before swallowing and closing her eyes, feeling her breasts rise and fall with her breath, thinking back to what she had learned when she had arrived earlier.

Each dorm in the women's wing housed two ladies. Two small bedrooms, a common area that was akin to a small living room, a kitchenette, and a full-tub bathroom. Lots of cupboards above the kitchenette, and a couple bits of obviously Ikea shelving across the room in the common area. A small flat screen TV hung on the wall, probably only 32 inches, between the doors to the bedrooms.

Her roommate, assigned by random lottery, was 20 years old, and that was about all she knew. They were both freshmen, at least, so there was that, but no other details had been provided. 'It would ruin the fun of getting to know someone,' the annoying old cunt at the registration desk had grinned stupidly at her. It bugged her military mindset, where if you were berthed with someone, you knew who would be hot-bunking with you, everyone in your berthing area, duty schedules, the works.

"You're a civilian now, you fucktard," she said out loud to herself, air quoting around the C-word. She looked at her phone, which had been lying beside her, and groaned internally as it showed it had just passed nine at night.

"Fuck this," she tossed her phone aside and stood. She grabbed a pair of old jeans, a tight but not scandalous t-shirt, and slid on her chunky heeled knee high boots. She grabbed a fresh pack of cigarettes from her desk, pocketing it and her lighter, then glanced in the mirror above her desk.

Hair down to just skim her shoulder, swept over the right side of her head, dyed a gorgeous deep, vibrant purple with little pink highlights here and there at the fringe, the left side of her head shaved in its natural black. Left ear pierced multiple times, and two snakebite studs under her lower lip. She was usually light on makeup when not being a professional Dominatrix, so her eyeliner, lightly smoke-grey eye shadow, and glossy red lipstick were still there. She smiled as she looked at her fingers, thankful she had learned about the stuff that didn't kiss off, and stayed on until you actually had to wipe it off.

She grabbed her room key off her desk and pocketed that and her phone, pulled down her biker-style leather jacket from beside the door, then walked across the dorm and out the door, making sure to lock it behind her.


"Oh, god," she sighed, the blue-gray smoke escaping her lips as she spoke, before she breathed the rest out through her nose. She hadn't realized she had gone nearly eight hours without a hit of nicotine, and as it buzzed up into her brain, she felt the stress of not coming, of thinking of her ex, of the boring day melting away into the back of her thoughts, if just for a few moments. Leaning back against the dorm wall, she took another, much longer drag on the smoke, opening her mouth and lightly breathing it out, letting it waft up into the air.

She had started when her parents had divorced, sneaking her first smoke at 15 from a senior at high school. At first, she had, as everyone did, coughed and sputtered and hacked and spat and all that shit. But once the nicotine had hit her, she knew she was hooked. She had been on a bad path before the Navy, with the only good thing being Kelly, and even then, that had been a very interesting meeting.

Able to think about her without it making her feel bummed again, she remembered that first day of school they had met. She had her red hair in a pony tail, wore some very smart glasses, and had stood off away from everyone at the smoke pit during her lunch cigarette. Sam had seen her there a few times before she had actually wandered over with the old "my lighter's dead" excuse, and they had chatted over the smoke break.

In two weeks, while Sam's mom was out for the weekend, probably off fucking some other guy that would use her for a weekend of fun then dump her via text on Monday, Kelly had come over. She had pitched it as a night to get to know each other better without people around that could hear or watch, and it had devolved into Sam pinning Kelly on the floor as their mouths had met, tongues dancing with each other.

Taking a small drag, Sam smirked as she exhaled out of her nose again, nodding as another girl came out of the dorms and flicked her lighter to life. Not exactly drop dead gorgeous, the other girl nonetheless was cute enough, and she nodded back with a smile before lighting her smoke. Sam was about ready to chat her up when she walked off down the pathway towards the male dorms, and she internally shrugged, returning to her thoughts.

Kelly had been the one to introduce her to the more extreme side of sex and fetishism. The had fingered each other watching Japanese abuse porn, where booted women would kick, punch, stomp, trample, and otherwise abuse males, often leaving them heavy bruised, bleeding, and even times injured. Kelly had been the first girl that had drank her piss, as Sam had stood over her in the bathtub, one foot on the lip, labia spread as she had rained gold upon her girlfriend. With a sigh, she remembered it was that night that Kelly had shown her what turned her on the most, and what had become her most extreme fetish.

She had simply brought up a website, done a quick search, and before Sam knew it, she was watching an Italian woman crouch down over a naked woman wearing a metal slave collar, and had gasped when the woman's asshole had pushed out and a long shit had coiled up and covered the slave's face. She had found herself not disgusted, but turned on as the Italian Dominatrix had then whipped the slave girl with a variety of painful implements, shouting at her to not drop her magical shit off her face. Kelly had already started to masturbate halfway through, and she had peaked her orgasm right as the video ended.

Sam took a look at her smoke, seeing it was almost done, maybe two puffs left. She smiled a little sadly remembering the week after watching that video, when Kelly's tongue had been poking and prodding in her ass crack as Sam pushed and groaned, desperately trying to bring her girlfriend joy. With final puff, she flicked the butt away, exhaling as she remembered that tongue craving, pleading with her asshole, and the things located inside.

If only the thing that was attached to the tongue had not been a piece of shit herself...

She shook her head mirthfully, then walked off into the night, searching for a good late night burger joint.

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TheVagabond284TheVagabond2846 months agoAuthor

Hey everyone reading the story that gets down to the comments here! TheVagabond284 here, just letting you know that I have the next 14 (!!!!!!) chapters uploaded, with Book 1 currently at 34 chapters and still being written! Chapter 2 looks like it will go live Dec 17, and Chapter 3 Dec 18, and hopefully a chapter every couple of days or so afterward for the foreseeable future.

Just to give you another little happy note, I have included one kink or fetish, at minimum, per chapter. Sometimes, it will be the central point of the entire chapter, and other times, such as here with piss fetish, it will be mentioned in passing.

I welcome any and all comments, as constructive and respectful criticism helps me improve my writing while also letting me know what parts you liked and what parts you didn't.

Hope to hear from many of you every chapter! ^_^

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