Sail Away


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I would need at least an hour to pack, we were supposed to meet Jeremy down at the jetty at one o'clock sharp. I took the stairs up to the small room I had at the top of the hotel two at a time, eager to get organized. Half an hour later I realised that maybe a little black dress wasn't appropriate for rock hopping on the small islands, neither were the matching leather heels that went along with it. Sighing with regret I began to throw shorts and t-shirts into the rucksack, along with sun block and a figure hugging black swimsuit. I stripped off quickly and showered with haste, towelling my hair roughly as I watched the hands of the clock move round. Just enough time to dress and apply a bit of make-up, luckily during the course of the week the sunburn that had coloured my face a bright red had now subsided considerably. So with my hair wrapped up in a towel I began to conceal my numerous freckles beneath a thick layer of foundation.

Frowning at myself in the mirror I realised that over the past few months I hadn't worn make-up that much and it now felt like a mask over my skin. No matter though, perhaps David would appreciate my efforts. Pulling at the towel, the weight of my damp hair fell heavily around my shoulders; there would be no time to dry it properly, the warm sea air would have to do, so I just tied it back simply at the nape of my neck. After putting on a brief swimsuit I covered it with a loose t-shirt and long shorts. Finally glancing around the room one last time, hoisting the rucksack over one shoulder and setting my mind to the possible adventures that lay in store for me over the next couple of days.

I might have known that I wouldn't be able to leave without being noticed as Mike came around the corner of the hotel to stop me in my tracks.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing going out there alone with someone you don't know from Adam Kate?" His voice was full of gentle concern.

"Don't start with the big brother act now Mike, he's got Jeremy's seal of approval so that's good enough for me, besides he's kept his distance this past week, I've barely seen hide nor hair of him." I spoke with conviction.

"Well, if he tries anything with you out there, he'll have me to answer to when you get back. Sorry if I seem to be coming across like your big brother but seeing as you're here on your own someone has to look out for you." His hands cupped my face gently and he planted a soft kiss on my lips before letting go. I looked up at him with a dropped jaw; taken aback slightly by his kiss.

"Umm, listen, if I don't get moving now I'll be late, it's going to take a couple of hours to get to Coll and I don't want to waste the day. We'll talk when I get back, and don't worry, please."

I stepped back swiftly and turned on my heel, desperate to put some distance between us. I could see the sun glinting off the water in the harbour and the mast of Jeremy's boat Crimson Dawn gently bobbing up and down in among all the others that were moored beside her.

"Take care Kate." Mike's words reached me as I started to walk down the small incline that would bring me onto the jetty; I raised my hand in acknowledgement, but didn't turn around.

I felt very self-conscious as I walked along the wooden jetty towards the boat; Jeremy and David were already there, standing at the end obviously waiting for me.

"You made it then young Kate? I was beginning to think you'd had second thoughts." Jeremy gave me a broad smile and his eyes twinkled. Sly old man, he knew there was no way I would have changed my mind.

"On a day like this where else would a body rather be Jeremy?" I answered, blushing a little under David's direct gaze.

"Right you are Kate, I for one would rather be out there with the two of you, instead I've been press-ganged into visiting with the dreaded outlaws... in-laws, excuse me." He tried to look shame faced but failed miserably and his straight face gave way to a hearty grin.

"Well granddad you better shake your tail feathers and go visit the ugly sisters before they turn into pumpkins, Mari would never forgive you if you were late." I laughed and hugged him swiftly before vaulting lightly over the rail and onto the deck of the boat.

"I don't know which one of you needs looking after more David, but see you take care of her, I'll be here waiting for you both on Sunday evening make sure you aren't late."

"Right you are Skipper!" David said, saluting Jeremy quickly before following me onto the deck, his bag was already stowed so he went straight into the wheelhouse and struck up the engine.

I positioned myself near the bow and pulled the brim of my baseball cap down low over my eyes, shading them from the glare of the sun, taking the chance to glance at David's tall frame. He seemed to be in no rush to start any conversation and I was content with the quiet although it did nothing to slow down my imagination. I had to admit that he looked right at home at the helm of this small boat, steering us on a course to the northern end of Coll like he had been doing it all his life. I turned my face into the fine spray that was now coming over the bow and smiled a little, breathing deeply, feeling cleansed.

"You alright out there Kate?" David's voice shouted from behind me.

"Never better, at this rate we'll be able to spend a couple of hours at the cairns before the tide turns." The cairns were a cluster of jewel like rocks planted in the crystal waters at the northernmost tip of the island, home to a massive seal colony and a favourite playground to the dolphins that had kept Jeremy company on many a boat trip.

An hour later we were there, David shut off the motor and I threw the anchor over the side.

"Well Kate shall we take the dinghy or swim for shore?" A mischievous glint lit his eyes as he came to stand next to me, facing towards the largest of the small rocky islands, which had a small patch of golden sand to stretch out on. I had braved the waters on many occasions and although the summer had been long and hot, the temperature would still be shocking on our sun warmed skin. But if he was game, then so was I; I grasped the hem of my t-shirt with both hands and hauled it up.

"Well if you think you're up to it, I'll race you to the beach." I said glancing at him quickly before stripping down, the challenge set I forgot to feel awkward about having so much of my body revealed to his eyes.

"Up to it? I'm going to whip your ass Kate." With that he shucked off his shorts and climbed over the side rail of the boat, balancing there as he waited for me to do likewise on the other side. A group of curious seals watched from a discreet distance, their huge eyes seeming to take in every detail, bobbing gently on the swell.

I crouched down slightly, holding the rail with one hand, turning one last time to the side to catch his eye and blowing a loud kiss as I launched myself off the boat, diving straight into the cold, cold water. Opening my eyes as soon as my head was under the water I could see the dark grey shadow of a seal gliding past far beneath me. I was home.

I broke the water at the same time as David, both of us gasping for breath, bodies shocked at the cold; kicking into a fast crawl I drew ahead of him while he got over the cold and remembered how to move his body. He wasn't still for long and I could hear his ragged breaths close to my head, the seals who had been such interested onlookers seconds before had now ducked for cover in among the kelp, but I kept my eyes firmly on the sand. Less than five minutes had passed and I was close enough now to the shore to be able to plant my feet into the sand and wade quickly out of the water shoulder to shoulder with David.

"Sorry sweetheart, I hate being beaten." His hand was firm on my shoulder and he pushed me, making me land with a huge splash backwards; spluttering I managed to hurl a string of obscenities at his back as he cleared the water and collapsed onto the warm sand.

"That was hardly sporting now was it?" I fumed quietly.

"Sporting would have been if you had informed me that you were a close relative of those seals, you swim like one that's for sure." I couldn't help but laugh between deep breaths as I dropped down onto the sand beside him.

"It doesn't do to reveal all your cards at one time; one of Jeremy's favourite sayings."

"You could be right there Kate. Tell you what though, I'm glad we swam, the water has managed to remove that layer of muck from your face, why hide the freckles?" He queried gently.

"Vanity." There it was, the word was said before I could do anything about it, strangely though, I felt as if I could say whatever I wanted in front of him.

"Ah well, I prefer the more natural look, why hide what nature blessed you with."

Well at that moment nature had blessed me with two rock hard nipples thanks to the cold water we had just swum through and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it, only wait for them to soften again. It was almost like he was reading my mind and his eyes lowered from my face and he glanced down.

"It was pretty cold wasn't it?" He chuckled. Unfortunately for me he was still wearing his shorts so I was unable to tell what kind of effect the water had had on him, my face must have betrayed my thoughts.

"Don't even go there Kate... least not yet." His words trailed off; my heart skipped a beat as he stroked along the side of my face with the tip of one finger. The look in his eyes told me he had stopped joking and I turned further into his touch, the questing finger now brushing over my lips, opening my mouth slightly I gave in to the urge to let me tongue dart out to taste the saltiness of his skin. His breath left him in a long hiss.

"God Kate, I told Jeremy I would look after you, how am I supposed to do that when all I want to do is see you naked and writhing underneath me?" He whispered. His honesty blew me away, it took me long seconds to form any words, unusual for me, normally I'd speak and whatever was on my mind would fall out before I had a chance to think about it.

"Maybe my thoughts haven't been so innocent either David." I closed my eyes as my words trailed off, not wanting to see what his reaction would be.

His finger moved lower, tracing the line of my jaw, down over the still damp skin of my neck. I wanted more contact, I wanted to give in to all the thoughts I'd had to live with over the past days, and I needed to know that he'd been going through the same hell as me. I felt him move closer to me, both of his hands stroked along the length of my arms, I wasn't ready to open my eyes, savouring every touch, committing it to memory. His hands slid upwards hooking under my arms, I was being lifted across as if I weighed no more than a child, settled on his wet lap while his mouth nuzzled against my neck.

My breathing was quickening; the nipples I had hoped would soften were now tightening painfully against the wet material of my swimsuit. I relaxed into his touch, let his powerful arms pull me close, sliding my feet into the warm sand and sighing with pleasure as his teeth nipped playfully on my bottom lip, sucking on it gently. I moved my hands up his chest letting them stop only when I had his face framed between my palms, holding him close. His tongue stroked lightly against my own as he moved to deepen the kiss, he groaned into my mouth and we seemed to feed off each other for long minutes. I was held fast in his arms while our tongues stroked against each other; hot and wet, but I wanted more, so much more. His hands were behind my head, pulling on the bands that held my hair, suddenly pulled free for his fingers to tangle, pulling my head back so the contact with our mouths was broken swiftly.

"Open your eyes Kate."

"I don't want to."

"You look so beautiful and expectant, my red haired witch, but there's no way I'm taking this further." He sounded almost regretful, my stomach flipped over with disappointment, my eyes opened suddenly, questioning him.

"Then why the kiss David?"

"Oh don't get me wrong, I have every intention of satisfying both our needs, just not here, bloody sand gets everywhere and I don't want anything to spoil what might be a truly amazing experience."

I gulped hard. Suddenly all I wanted to do at that moment was swim back out to the boat and lay down before him; glancing out over the crystal waters my feelings were made clear enough, the words unnecessary.

"Not yet, we've had to wait out this week, another hour or two will not hurt either of us."

"Speak for yourself David." I replied, pushing myself out of his hold quickly.

All summer I had gone without the intimate contact of another, our simple kiss had affected me more than anything had for a long time. The tiny nub of my clit throbbed within the wet folds of my sex, my breasts felt swollen. He held his hand out to me and I helped him up; glancing down I knew straight away that he wasn't oblivious, his erection pushed against the material of his wet shorts. Brushing myself against him on purpose I let the palm of my hand glide over the bulge, his body shook. The reaction pleased me greatly.

"Hope you're hurting half as much as I am." My wrist was caught almost painfully in his grip.

"Seals... show me the bloody seals Kate!"

For the next hour we lay together on our stomachs on a long flat ledge of rock just behind the main part of the seal colony. Watching the mothers and babies sunning themselves, safe in the knowledge that no harm was nearby. Looking sideways I could see the pleasure of such a simple sight etched into David's face. A smile touched the corner of his mouth and I just itched to kiss him, but he had made his feelings clear and I would have to wait a little longer.

"I think we'd better get back to the boat, we'll go down to the village for dinner and moor there for the night, if that's alright with you?" I nodded quickly and got to my feet as quietly as I could, trying in vain not to shout out as a sharp piece of rock grazed along one of my thighs, sharp enough to draw blood. All I could do was watch and a steady flow began to run down the entire length.

"What the hell have you done to yourself then? I would have thought you'd be up and down these rocks like a mountain goat, you've certainly been out here enough times." I felt like I was being scolded.

"It's just a scratch, besides, how would you know how many trips I've had out here, I haven't said anything, in fact you've not asked me any questions at all."

"Well, you just happen to be Jeremy's favourite topic of conversation at the moment, I think the old devil had some matchmaking notions, anyway, there's not much about you I don't know."

"Ah well, at least one of us isn't in the dark, I hope he didn't bore you too much."

"Quite the contrary now lets get some salt water onto that scratch and keep your eyes peeled for sharks!"

"It's been a while since any man-eating sharks were seen around here; the basking sharks wouldn't be in the least bit interested."

I was knee deep in the cold water washing away the blood, and right enough there wasn't much of a scratch there. David had already struck out into a long lazy crawl, I looked back at the beach and waded in deeper; taking my time to enjoy the freedom of the water and the sight of David's long arms cutting through the water. He was already on the deck as I drew alongside the boat, holding the rope and metal ladder still while I gripped one of the rungs with both hands.

"Kate I don't mean to sound like a panicked old woman or anything but there's something large and dark grey cutting through the water towards us and its got a great big fin sticking out of the water, will you hurry that ass of yours up here." Give him his due he did sound concerned but I wasn't, I just made a little 'o' with my mouth and looked slowly over my shoulder.

"KATE!!" He shouted hoarsely.


"It's a great big bloody shark, get up this bloody ladder right now!" I could see what it was and tried hard not to laugh.

The dorsal fin disappeared slowly from view as the shark grew closer, it had to be around twenty feet away and at ten feet nothing was visible but the huge outline as it went lower. David's knuckles were white around the top rung of the ladder, hauling it up and me along with it, he was white around the mouth and I couldn't really tell whether it was with anger or panic, more likely a mixture of both.

"You worry too much David, calm down and watch."

"CALM DOWN? Just you wait till I get you up here!" I stuck my tongue out cheekily and let go of the rung; I thought he was going to pass out there and then.

I stretched out my arms and bent my head down into the water, smiling to myself as the shark glided like a silent ghost beneath me and the boat, swishing its tail lazily side to side. Some men were born worriers.

"I'm ready to come out now." I announced, starting to haul myself out. David had turned away in disgust, apparently he hadn't gotten over what I had just done. Maybe I had gone a little too far but at least now he would be able to spot a basking shark without being told what it was.

He was facing away from me on the opposite side of the deck; his knuckles gripped the top rail tightly, the stark white colour telling me that all was not well. I shrugged my shoulders and began to wring the water out of my hair, making my way over to the huge drum of fresh water, dipping a small plastic bucket into its depths.

"Are you not going to talk to me at all then David?" His silence was beginning to bother me.

"I'm not sure I trust myself to Kate." He muttered quietly. Ah well, he'd get over it soon enough.

"If the mere thought of a shark was enough to panic you then why the hell did you swim in there earlier?" I addressed his broad back.

"God woman, are you always so infuriating? It wasn't so much that I was scared of the shark, it just seemed like every cheesy shark attack movie flashed in my mind and all I could think of was you being attacked, after all your leg was bleeding a bit."

"Oh." I was momentarily speechless.

"To be honest it didn't really occur to me that it was just a basking shark, all I could see was that fin." He turned round to face me finally.

"Well if you'd looked a little beyond, you might have noticed the two smaller fins a short distance behind... if you're ever in doubt; they have more than one each." I spoke softly, I understood why he had reacted the way he did and I had the good grace to feel a little guilty.

"Sorry David, if I promise not to do anything like that again, will you forgive me?"

The water was starting to slop over the sides of the bucket, washing my feet in steady splashes as the swell of the water increased, I relaxed my legs and arms and moved along with it, my actions stopping the water spillage. I held the bucket out to him, hesitating for a moment he stepped towards me, taking hold.

"What do you want me to do then?"

"Well, I need to get some of the salt out of my hair and rinse off my body, help me out and I'll do the same for you... well obviously not for your hair because... umm, there isn't any." His smooth head was more of a turn on for me than any thick mane of locks could have been.

I hooked my thumbs under the shoulder straps of the suit, pulling them down over my arms a way until the material just rested across the very edge of my nipples, I paused, looking him straight in the eye; seeing a challenge lighting them, raising an eyebrow slightly I turned on my heel at the same time peeling the clingy material down to my waist. Baring my damp breasts to the seals that were watching the boat.

"I never took you for being the shy and introverted type at all Kate."

"Oh really?" An imp of mischief danced about in my head and I covered my breasts with my hands and turned round to face him once more.