Sally Should have Known Better

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They got more than they bargained for.
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Some people were dissatisfied with the ending of my story, "Jack Should Have Known Better,' feeling it was too abrupt. They wanted more story. So, here's a little more. Frankly, I don't think this story has enough weight to be developed any further, so this will be it. I hope it satisfies. (No sex, no violence, no car chases, no deep thoughts.)


As we pick up the story, Jack has just discovered his wife Sally has given a BJ to a guy behind the bar where she and her friends go for "girls' night out." Jack has told her, "You thought you were blowing Jimmy, but you were really fucking yourself."

After turning his back on the revelers Jack walked out and got into his car. He drove around before going home to their dark apartment. He was upset and confused. Her cuck? Really? Is that what she thought of him? Is that what he had been? It sure looked like it tonight. He finally realized that he'd had enough to drink that he should not be driving - let alone driving around. So he pointed the car toward home.

He was glad there was no sign of Sally at the apartment. Either she was still partying, or she had gone home with one of her girlfriends. Or some guy. Shit.

It was Thursday night, and Friday was a work day. They both usually tried to be home by 11 or 11:30 on these nights out. He saw it was 11:30. He locked the door, went to wash up and brush his teeth, then fell into bed. He wasn't crying, and some of the upset had left him, but he was very sad and very tired. Maybe the beer caught up with him, but he quickly fell asleep.

The next thing he knew, it was light and there was somebody moving around the bedroom. He was ready to tell Sally to get lost when he opened his eyes and saw it was Jan. "Sally sent me up to get her something to wear to work. I'll be out of here in just a minute," Jan said as she dug through the underwear drawer in Sally's dresser. "You guys can talk after work." She paused for a moment, then looked Jack in the eye. "Would you really kill that guy? Jimmy?"

"In a heartbeat."

"What about Sally? Will you hurt her? We told her what you said and she's terrified."

"I have no plans to harm her physically," Jack said. "But I am very angry. She was smart to send you. Now, if you'll finish your business and get out, I have to get ready for work. I don't wear pajamas and I don't want to flash you. We're not that close."

Jan went to the closet, pulled out a work outfit she recognized, then left with Sally's things. Jack got ready for work, scarfed down some breakfast, and went to the PT clinic for a day of stretching legs, teaching exercises, and encouraging his clients. The work was familiar and repetitious and while appearing to be attentive, Jack was able to put himself on autopilot, which was good on this troubled day.

At five he finished his last patient report and headed for home, unsure what future awaited him. Whatever he expected was not what he got.

As he pulled up to the apartment he saw Sally sitting in her car in the parking lot. Jan was with her. Jan got out as he parked and walked over to his car. "Let's go upstairs a talk a little before Sally comes up," she suggested.

Jack led the way, and once inside grabbed himself a beer from the fridge. "Want anything?" He asked Jan. She asked for a diet cola and sat on the couch. From her manner, Jack got the idea she was not here to supplicate on Sally's behalf. No, she took the offensive.

"So, what were you doing last night, showing up at girls' night out?" Jan asked. "Which part of 'girls' didn't you get?"

"The lights went out at my sports bar, so I thought I would come and join my loving wife and her friends," Jack replied. "I had no idea I would be walking in while she'd be blowing some guy in the parking lot. Or that I'd learn that she referred to me with her friends as 'her cuck.'"

"You know, Jack, Sally loves you. That silly nickname is only for GNO, and only for us girls, never for guys she meets. It is kind of an in-joke when she's feeling frisky. Jack, truthfully, she has never disrespected you with us, and has always spoken about you as a smart guy. Now I'm beginning to question her opinion."

Jack bristled a bit. "What does that mean?" He asked. "And why did she send you up to be her mouthpiece?"

"She's afraid of you, after you threatened that goofball last night. And it was my idea that I come up and try to straighten things out. As for whether you're a smart guy, Jack, let me ask you a question. What the hell do you think girls' night out is all about?"

"Girls go out with their girlfriends to drink and eat and gossip and flirt a little, and maybe dance with a guy or two," Jack replied.

"Jack, haven't you read any cheating wife stories online about girls' night out? Are you really that naïve? We go to a bar where there are guys. We eat and drink, and if we're lucky we only have to pay for our food and our first round. After that, in the normal course of things, guys start buying us drinks, then inviting themselves to join us, or us to join them. They ask us to dance. Sometimes the the guy who hits on one of us is funny, or cute, or charming, and we feel some attraction. That guy might get some time added onto the flirtation. Sometimes the guy is a drip, or a letch, or a douche, and we just drink the drink he bought us then move on.

"When the guy is cute, or funny, or charming, or some combination, we might dance with him several times. Dancing can be a very intimate experience. Sometimes the attraction we feel for each other leads to other things. We don't go to the bar hoping or expecting to go anyplace past drinking the drinks they buy us and flirting a bit and dancing. But it is our time away from the commitments of our lives and sometimes other things happen.

"Jack, sometimes if a guy has the right moves, we might wind up making out a little in the booth. Sometimes we might do some dirty dancing. And yes, sometimes we go out the back door and other things happen. There's a secluded area where a couple can go and have a little privacy. And sometimes, Jack, we do stuff right out in the open where people can see us, just for the thrill of it."

Jack got himself another beer.

"So, you're saying stuff like what I walked in on last night happens all the time. My wife performs sex acts in the parking lot with random guys while I'm watching a football game with my friends."

"No, Jack, not all the time. Once in a while it goes that far."

"Does it go farther?"

"I won't lie, Jack. Sometimes it goes farther. But it has to be a guy with a good approach, and he has to have a big cock - at least that's a requirement for me - and he has to use a condom."

Jack just shook his head and took a big pull on his beer. Just then Sally slipped in the door, hesitantly. "I couldn't wait in the car any longer, Jack, I'm sorry you walked in on that last night."

Jack just looked at her. She looked the same, except he didn't feel the same way inside.

"Your friend Jan was just explaining to me what goes on at girls' night out. Evidently I was not supposed to be the clueless fool I've been, I was supposed to have known that GNO was code for sluts drinking and screwing with random guys, if they are funny and well hung."

"Well, that's certainly a crass way of saying it," Sally found her voice to reply. "But no, that isn't really what it is about. It is about having fun with our girlfriends, and flirting a little. And yes, sometimes the flirting goes further."

Jan interjected, "And the main thing is this all happens outside of the view of our jealous and possessive husbands, who somehow have convinced themselves that on our wedding day they suddenly became the only attractive and charming man that we might be drawn to. Six nights a week we devote ourselves to making our husbands happy, and enjoying it when our husbands try to make us happy. One night a week, five or six hours out of 168 hours each week, we reclaim our independence. And if that means once in a while we get cum on our chin or lose our panties, then yeah, that happens."

"So, this Jimmy guy, is he a regular?"

Sally answered: "He is there sometimes, not every week."

"Have you fucked him?"

"No, I haven't. I think Crystal may have once or twice."

Jan explained that Crystal was the blonde blabbermouth from the night before. "I think he even did her in the ass once when she was on her period," she added.

Jack looked at Sally with shock in his eyes. "You let them ... your ass?"

"No, not me. I have never let any of them do that," Sally assured him. "I mainly do BJs."

Somehow that information failed to reassure Jack. He went to the kitchen for another beer. "I'm out of beer. I'm going to run out to the package store and get a 12-pack. Jan, don't you have a loving cuck to go home to?"

"I let him know I'd be late."

Jack had a thought. "So, Jan, if I asked your husband what he supposes goes on at girls' night out, would his answer come closer to what I have assumed, or closer to what you have described? I'm just curious."

Jan coughed a little. "I suppose closer to your idea, if he really thinks about it at all."

"And the husbands of the others in your little group?"

"They don't have a clue."

"That's what I figured," Jack said as he grabbed his keys and walked out.

When he returned he had beer for himself, and he had picked up a bottle of Sally's favorite sipping wine for the women. He popped the top on a beer and poured each of the women a glass of wine.

"While I was out I thought about what you both have told me, and I find that I agree with you," he said, as he handed them their wine glasses. "I have to congratulate your friend, Sally, because she has made a very persuasive argument. I agree that you deserve to be liberated from your jealous and possessive husband, but I don't think just six hours each week is enough. I think you need to be liberated from the burden of making me happy the rest of the time. Actually, I hadn't realized it was such a burden.

"So, Sally, I'm setting you free. You can be free as a bird. I will get with my attorney Monday morning and we'll get the ball rolling. As for your husband, Jan, I think you owe him a little honesty. Because if he asks me why I'm divorcing Sally, I'm sure as hell going to tell him. As for now, why don't you both go someplace and enjoy your freedom. In fact, why don't you go explain things to Jan's husband, just the way you've explained things to me. Jan, I bet he'll give you your freedom too."

With that Jack turned his back on the women and tuned in ESPN.

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LoriRobinsonGaLoriRobinsonGa2 months ago

Ended too quickly.

KRD19254KRD192546 months ago

2nd read: Jack should be glad they never had kids.... This is a simple 50/50 dump her ass in the gutter and rebuild his confidence that not all women are so chevalier and unfaithful.


Jack get a battery of STD tests too, a subject not really broached.


Wow, Jan is a piece of shit / instigator.... But Jack be faithful and go watch sports bar TV and fear not of the girls disrespect of his wife as he is just 'her little cuck', as big package gets gigolos hot wife sex.


5.5****** Hooyah, Salutes...

ScorpioJJScorpioJJ8 months ago

That didn't help much. Too short and unfinished.

robo057robo0578 months ago

The bit I found most offensive is " our husbands try and make us happy ". If I was

so bad in bed then we should have talked about it to fix things up or go our separate ways. I really enjoyed this story.

nixroxnixrox8 months ago

3 stars - YES, these sluts needed more payback and ALL the other husbands need this valuable information ASAP.

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