Saturday Night School Ch. 14

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Michelle reveals her exhibitionistic side to Vanessa.
10.1k words

Part 14 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/09/2015
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Two days later, Charlie was back at Greenholt Gardens. He sat on a stack of boxes in a small storage room at the back of the snack bar. The room had a small window with a view of the parking lot. Charlie checked his phone for the time. It read 10:06 PM.

Vanessa was late.

He could hear Michelle's footsteps, pacing back and forth across the floor of the snack bar. She had intended to keep watch with him in the storage room, but she was too nervous to hold still. He heard her footsteps approaching, and her face peeked in. "Is she here?" she asked.

"Not yet."

"Oh god..." Michelle disappeared to continue her pacing.

At 10:12, headlights appeared at the entrance to the parking lot, and Charlie watched a black BMW with tinted windows pull into the lot. The car parked next to Michelle's car. The door opened and Vanessa emerged. She was dressed casually, in black yoga pants and a black fleece jacket over a bright red tank top. She crouched down to glance in Michelle's car, and then, seeing no one there, looked around, puzzled.

"She's here!" Charlie called, unnecessarily, because he could already hear Michelle opening the door to the outside. Probably she had heard the sound of Vanessa's car. Charlie hurried out of the storage room; his job was to hold the door so that Michelle wouldn't get locked out.

He didn't know what Michelle had planned; she didn't tell him and he didn't ask. But he couldn't miss the significance of her arranging to meet Vanessa at Greenholt Gardens after it closed. He knew this was going to be more than just a conversation.

Michelle had let the door close behind her. Charlie pushed it back open just as Vanessa was saying, "...a strange place to meet. How do you even get into this place so late at night?" Vanessa glanced past Michelle, seeing him in the doorway. "Oh. And there's Charlie. So you're finally going to tell me that you two are a couple?"

"Yes," Michelle admitted. "We're a couple."

"It's been so obvious," Vanessa said, then quickly amended, "To me, I mean. I don't understand why it's been a secret. Why didn't you just tell me? You didn't trust me?"

"Come in," Michelle said quietly. "I do trust you and I'm telling you now. You'll understand."

"Fine." Vanessa smiled sweetly at Charlie. "Hey, Charlie. How're you doing? Talia says hi. She didn't have a chance to say goodbye to you at the party." Vanessa coolly sauntered past Charlie into the interior of the snack bar. "You disappeared so suddenly. You both did. But don't worry. Talia and I covered for you."

Michelle followed Vanessa inside. Anxiety was clearly displayed on Michelle's face and her hands trembled slightly. Charlie fought the urge to reach for her and comfort her.

Vanessa stood in the middle of the snack bar, looking around as if she was a prospective buyer of the place. "How are you able to get in here?" she asked.

"Charlie is friends with the security guard," Michelle said.

Vanessa looked between them. "So this is where you two have been meeting? Your secret spot where you can be alone?"

"Kind of," Michelle said. "Charlie's also been using this spot to film one of his movies." Michelle explained how they had been using the Gardens as a filming location. Vanessa listened, her frown growing as Michelle described her role in the film and several nights of filming with other actors.

Finally, Vanessa interrupted. "This doesn't make sense, Michelle. I don't understand why you've kept all this a secret from me. None of it seems like a big deal. Do you really think I would care that you're acting in a student film?"

Michelle's hands were clasped nervously in front of her. "There's more," she said quietly. "Will you come outside?"

Vanessa nodded. She seemed to sense Michelle's anxiety. Michelle led them outside, and Vanessa silently followed.

They stood on the hill overlooking the gardens. The Concert Meadow stretched out in front of them, lush and green, and the lily pond that bordered it chirped and hummed with nocturnal frogs and insects. The air was cool and had the scent of spring flowers. "Isn't it beautiful?" Michelle said.

"It is," Vanessa agreed. "I've never been here at night before. It's lovely."

"Lovely and empty," Michelle said. "No one else is here at night. That's why we like it." Michelle took a deep breath. "Vanessa... do you want to know how Charlie and I first got together?"

"Okay," Vanessa said. Then she stared at Michelle. "What are you doing?"

Michelle slowly undid the buttons at the front of her blue dress. Her hands visibly trembled as she fumbled with the buttons. "We were both at the school on Saturday. He was working there, and I was just walking through the halls. I want to show you how I looked that first time, in the hallway at school."

Vanessa glanced between Michelle and Charlie, clearly confused. "Are you undressing?"

"I want to tell you something about myself," Michelle said. "Charlie knows it, and other people know it, and I want you to know it, too." Michelle slipped the dress off her shoulders and wiggled slightly so that it slipped down her body to her feet. Underneath, she wore a black bra and black panties. She met Vanessa's eyes as she reached back to undo her bra. "When I ran into Charlie at the school that day," she said, "I was naked. I was walking through the school naked, and he caught me doing it." Michelle let her bra fall to the ground.

At school, Vanessa always projected an aura of cool confidence, as if she could handle anything. This was the first time Charlie had ever seen her look unnerved. Despite Michelle's assurance that Greenholt Gardens was closed and empty, Vanessa still looked around to see if anyone was watching. It must have seemed to her that Michelle was stripping in a very public location. "You were walking through our high school, naked? Why? Why would you do that?"

Michelle tugged her panties down her legs and stepped out of them. She stood naked in front of her best friend, her hands behind her back. "Because this is me," she said plainly. "This is what turns me on. I love to be naked. And I especially love to be naked when I'm not supposed to be."

"You? But you're shy! Aren't you?" Vanessa looked like she was struggling to reassess several years' worth of assumptions. "I mean, I thought you didn't like to flaunt yourself... you're not like some of the others..."

"I know. I act shy. I've always been scared that people will figure me out," Michelle said. "Like how I am. And I've always been afraid of myself, too. I don't want to start acting a certain way and go too far and do something I'll regret later."

"Like what?" Vanessa asked.

Michelle looked anxiously at Charlie. "Charlie knows. Sometimes when I do this, I start to feel like the rules don't apply to me anymore. Then he has to make sure I don't go too far."

Vanessa looked between Michelle and Charlie. "You're going to need to explain that a little bit more," she said. "Like, with specifics."

Michelle nodded. "I will. But let's walk around the gardens first. I want to show you how beautiful it is at night."

"You're really going to walk around like that?" Vanessa gestured at Michelle's body. "I know I've seen you naked a thousand times but this just seems weird. I mean, we're at Greenholt Gardens."

"We're all alone here," Michelle said. "The gardens are empty at this time of night. No one is going to see me. I do this all the time."

"All the time?" Vanessa looked at Charlie as Michelle started walking towards the Concert Meadow. "What about you, Charlie? Do you walk around the gardens naked, too?"

"I have," Charlie admitted. "But usually it's just Michelle."

"Really." Vanessa glanced down at Michelle's clothes, which lay abandoned on the grass. Michelle was walking away from the discarded garments like she had forgotten they existed. Michelle walked halfway down the slope, then turned around and faced her best friend.

"Do you remember what I said about the bridge?" Michelle asked. "The Hanson Bridge?"

"Hanson Bridge," Vanessa repeated. "You mean, about Kyle?"

"No," Michelle said. "I told you I had a fantasy. About the bridge. Do you remember?"

Understanding dawned on Vanessa's face. "You said you wanted to streak across the bridge," she said. "From one side to the other, in the nude. I didn't think you really meant it. Did you really mean it?"

"I meant it," Michelle said. "And I've tried it. I haven't made it across yet. I keep almost getting caught." She waved Vanessa forward. "Come on."

Vanessa followed her down the slope and onto the meadow. Charlie kept up with them, staying just within earshot. The moon was high in the sky, almost full. Charlie wished he had a camera to film the two of them. The juxtaposition of nude Michelle next to the fashionably-dressed Vanessa made for an extremely erotic image.

"We went skinny-dipping in the school pool," Michelle said. "Do you remember what happened? How it happened?"

"It was Tina's idea." Vanessa frowned. "Wasn't it?"

"Tina had a lot of enthusiasm for the idea," Michelle said. "But it was my idea. I knew it was late. I knew we could get away with it."

"You were the last one," Vanessa remembered. "Everyone else got dressed but you said you wanted to take a shower first. We were all dressed and you were still naked. Hailey thought we were going to get caught..."

"She was so nervous." Michelle smiled. "She kept telling us we were splashing around too much. Making too much noise."

"That's right. She made us all nervous." Vanessa gazed at her. "Was that the only time you've swam naked in the school pool?"

"No," Michelle said. "What about you?"

"No," Vanessa admitted. "There's been other times." She looked at Charlie. "What about you, Charlie? Ever swam naked in the school pool?"

Charlie shook his head. "I have not."

"You should take him sometime, Michelle," Vanessa said. "We're graduating soon. You won't get another opportunity." They approached a picnic table at the edge of the meadow. Vanessa turned and leaned against the edge of the table. "You weren't worried about getting caught at the pool that night. And you don't seem like you're worried now. You seem very comfortable in your skin."

"I feel very free right now," Michelle said. "Honestly, I'm so happy to be able to tell you everything. I've been so worried about what you would think about me, and what you would think about all of this. It's been hard to keep secrets from you."

"You never had to keep secrets from me," Vanessa said. "I'm always on your side. You know that."

"I know..."

Vanessa gestured towards the moonlit meadow that surrounded them. "So what do you usually do? You come here, you take off your clothes, you walk around? Do you always follow the same path through the gardens?"

"No. We explore. We go different places," Michelle said.

"The only rule is, we don't go near the Shamrock," Charlie said. "That's the restaurant on the north side. Sometimes the staff is there late, cleaning up."

"That's the only rule, huh? Good to know." Vanessa turned to Charlie. She smiled slightly so that he could see her fanglike canines. "Charlie, you're good at keeping secrets. I know you'll keep this to yourself." She removed her black jacket and draped it over the picnic table.

Even with his own girlfriend standing in front of him completely naked, Charlie couldn't help but admire the way that Vanessa's tank top clung to her body. In her tight yoga pants and tight top, it was easy to envision what her body looked under her clothes. In a flash, Charlie remembered his dream about Vanessa, where she had undressed in the school cafeteria, and he felt himself becoming erect. He forced himself to look away, raising his eyes to the moon.

Vanessa was intimidating in real life. Even Michelle seemed a little intimidated by her, and Michelle was her best friend. Charlie wondered how he could have ever had a dream where Vanessa acted so submissively. A dream which had made him climax in his sleep, which was even more embarrassing.

"You're really going to?" The excitement in Michelle's voice called Charlie's attention back to Vanessa, and he was shocked to see that Vanessa's tank top now lay neatly folded on top of her jacket. Vanessa wore a red satin bra and she was preparing to pull down her yoga pants. Charlie couldn't stop himself from watching now, just as he couldn't stop his erection from growing. He could scarcely believe what he was seeing. Was this really happening? Was Vampire Vanessa actually stripping right in front of him?

"I've walked through these gardens a bunch of times," Vanessa said. "I've never had the chance before to do it in the nude. Why not? It seems like it could be fun." She looked over at Charlie, and he thought she was going to say something to him, but instead she quickly looked away. Leaning against the table, she stripped the tight yoga pants down her legs, revealing red thong panties that matched her bra.

"You don't need to wear your shoes if you don't want to," Michelle said. "I walk around barefoot. The paths are paved, there's no rocks or anything."

"Okay." Vanessa put her shoes on the bench. She reached back to unsnap her bra, but hesitated, glancing again at Charlie. "You don't have to stare, Charlie."

Michelle giggled.

"What's funny?" Vanessa asked.

"It just reminded me of the first time Charlie caught me naked in the school hallway. I told him to look away, and he said, 'if you think I'm going to pass up the opportunity to see you naked, you're crazy!'" Michelle stepped closer to Vanessa. "Here, let me help." Her hands moved behind Vanessa's back and Vanessa's bra came loose.

"I really need to hear that story." Vanessa slipped her bra off. Her breasts were smaller than Michelle's and her nipples were tiny circles that looked dark brown in the moonlight. Her skin looked pale, and Charlie noted a dark freckle just below her left breast. Vanessa held her bra to the side, letting it dangle from her fingers, and Charlie thought for a moment that she would let it drop to the ground. Instead, she slipped it inside her jacket on the table.

She was still facing the table when she pulled down her panties, so Charlie got to see her perfect ass first. She deposited her panties into her jacket alongside her bra, then boldly turned to face him, allowing him to see her front. He wasn't surprised to see that her pubic hair was removed, just as it had been in his dream of her.

Michelle grabbed her best friend's hand. "Run across the meadow with me!" she urged, and Vanessa laughed. The two naked girls took off, running and jumping across the empty expanse of grass, sprinting towards a line of oak trees on the far side.

Charlie didn't go with them. He was happy just watching them. They paused under the oak trees to catch their breath, about fifty feet away; Charlie heard their voices talking, though he couldn't make out the words. He heard Michelle's laugh, that laugh that he could recognize anywhere. Then they were returning, running towards him, and he couldn't help noticing the way their breasts rose and fell as they jogged.

"Charlie!" Michelle called to him as she neared. "Let's go! Let's walk up that trail to the fence. Then we can circle around."

"Are my clothes all right here?" Vanessa asked. "Should I hide them?""

"They're fine. No one will touch them," Michelle said. "No one else is here." She smiled. "Also, I have some spare clothes in my car that you could borrow if anything happens."

"Okay," Vanessa said. "Let's go for a walk, then. And you can tell me more about what you and Charlie have been up to. Because it sounds like you've been having a really interesting time."

Michelle caught Charlie's eye. "We have," she admitted, and Charlie wondered again how much information Michelle was going to share with her best friend. Was she going to tell her everything? Everything everything?

"Tell me about that first time," Vanessa said. "He caught you walking naked through the school. Why were you walking naked through the school, anyway?"

"Because I could," Michelle said. They found a trail that led uphill and Michelle told the story of her first encounter with Charlie. Charlie walked behind them, listening to their conversation. He listened as Michelle told her best friend about getting caught in the Front Tee on a Saturday when Daryl the security guard was on vacation. About watching porn with Charlie in the editing bay. About walking across the parking lot naked, about having sex in a science room.

He listened to Michelle's words and he stared at the two naked women walking in front of him. He still thought Michelle was the most beautiful girl at Pine Hills High, but Vanessa was right there with her. Throughout high school, he had stood in the stands of football games and basketball games, getting footage of the cheerleaders doing their routines during timeouts and between quarters, and Vanessa was often at the center of his shot. Now she was naked right in front of him, close enough to touch, and he could barely believe it.

Michelle's narrative jumped ahead to her second encounter with Charlie, a few weeks after the first. She had taken off all her clothes and slid them into Charlie's locked car through the partially open window, so that she couldn't have access to them. When she appeared to Charlie in the editing bay, she was already naked. "Wait," Vanessa said. "So you ran into Charlie that first Saturday, you spent some time together and you ended up having sex. A couple weeks later, you went back to the school, because you knew he was there, to have sex with him again?"

"Uh huh," Michelle said. "I did."

Vanessa turned to face Charlie. "Must've been some pretty good sex, then."

He didn't know what to say.

"It was very good sex," Michelle said. "Especially after everything else that happened that day."

"Do you have a nice cock, Charlie?" Vanessa asked sweetly. "I bet you do."


"Let's have a look." She gazed at him expectantly.

Charlie looked between the two girls. "Huh? You want me to take it out?"

Michelle just giggled. Vanessa said, "I'd like to see it. I'm curious to see what Michelle's so excited about. I think it's only fair; Michelle and I are both naked, and you can see every inch of us. Plus, it's pretty obvious you're super hard. The shape of it is pretty clear."

It was the truth; he was fully erect, and his cock felt like it was getting even harder the more she talked about seeing it. Michelle wasn't saying anything to stop him, so Charlie gave Vanessa what she wanted. He undid his zipper, tugged down the front of his pants and let his cock spring free. It jutted towards Vanessa, curling up in a slight arc, the head swollen and throbbing.

Vanessa eyed his erection with interest. "Ah," she purred. "Now this whole thing between you and Michelle makes a little more sense."

She shifted her weight slightly and Charlie felt suddenly certain that she meant to reach out and catch his cock in her hand. He flinched, his foot moving just the slightest bit back, barely an inch, but enough for the movement to be visible. His cock, on the other hand, flexed upward, moving without his conscious thought, as if straining to reach her.

Vanessa didn't miss either movement. She smiled, exposing her two tiny fangs. Her eyes gazed at his erection as if she was considering the possible uses for it.

Then a hand did wrap around his cock. Michelle's hand. She squeezed him in a tight grip and the pleasure it gave him almost made him moan. Michelle stepped closer, close enough that he could smell her sweet scent. Her skin looked flushed and she was out of breath. Her eyes sparkled with possibilities. He knew that if he reached between her legs, he would find her dripping wet.

For a moment, he imagined doing exactly that. He would show Vanessa how easy it was for him to touch Michelle's body, how he was accustomed to touching her wherever he liked when she was naked. He would push his fingers into Michelle in front of Vanessa, maybe even fuck her. Would it turn Michelle on if he suddenly turned her around, bent her over and fucked her in front of her best friend?