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His words began to sink into Eloise's consciousness.

"That means, Milfy Ellie, that when I'm not watching sports and placing wagers, I'll be making use of you!"

Now the older woman knew exactly how she would be spending her time.

"Through this door is the backyard and pool. I love swimming and I love tan lines. I'll buy you an itty-bitty bikini so you can make some sexy ones!"

Eloise let that wash over her.

"And here is the master bedroom!"

It was a lad's room, posters, a waterbed, mirrored ceiling, and a bookshelf that seemed to be mostly graphic novels and manga. To one side were a human-sized cage and an ornate stand containing flails, butt plugs, and sharp pointy things that froze Eloise's blood. He led her to the bed and pulled her down upon his lap. He looked deeply into Eloise's emerald, green eyes.

"Kiss me, Ellie."

The older woman had no desire for intimacy, this boy was an unknown item. Would he really use those instruments of torture on her? She understood her best and only course of action. She closed her eyes and puckered up.

His kiss was anything but tentative. This boy was a well-practiced Romeo! She kissed him back, more out of reflex than passion. He embraced her. His arms were warm and strong. She felt the bulge under her bum and realized that this stranger, whom she now belonged to and did not yet even know his name, had more between his legs than her late husband. Eloise bemoaned her sheltered life. Her parents were deeply religious and exceptionally protective. When she became an adult, her parents had such a tight rein on her that she was not permitted to date. The man she married was recommended by the church elders. Her first kiss was at the altar, the first adult male penis she ever saw was viewed on her honeymoon. Both she and her husband had surrendered their virginity to each other on the night of their nuptials.

Despite, or perhaps because of this, it was an exceptionally happy and incredibly sensual and grandly orgasmic marriage. Her husband Bob was a warm and tender man, a devoted and loving husband, and an ideal father. Over the years he had put a bit of distance between themselves and the church. They were all still religious, only not in the same way. He had encouraged their daughter to enter the business world and be independent. It seemed to Eloise that Bob's premature death had fueled an out sized desire for grand success on their daughter's part that caused her to become both sloppy and greedy. Since her daughter's crimes were, at least in Eloise's mind, the result of grief for man they both loved and adored, it only made sense for her to take the punishment in her stead. Diane was now free and clear. She would inherit all of Eloise's property by the end of the week. She was now free of charge and could start out with a clean slate. Redemption is what being a Christian is all about, she reminded herself.

The kissing continued until the boy whispered hot n her ear, "My nose for finding the best bet hasn't steered me wrong yet!"

His hands began exploring under the extremely short skirt. He stroked her ginger pussy above and blow her thong. Eloise gasped. Her favorite thing as Bob's wife was to be taken. The role play began on their honeymoon when to break the ice with his painfully shy new bride, he donned an impromptu bandana mask and pretended to be a Lothario bent on robbery who is sidetracked by lust once he discovers how beguiling his intended victim is. The result was amazing sex for both. Over the years of their marriage, Bob had purchased a slew of outfits, cop, letter carrier, UPS man, pizza delivery man, various superheroes, and super villains. Now, Eloise was confronted with an honest-to-God amorous stranger, and, despite herself, lifelong habits kicked in. His fingers entered her, and Eloise let out a soft gasp. This encouraged the lad, and he probed a bit more. Eloise squirmed against the young man's large cock.

His hands crept upwards. He tugged on either side of her skimpy dress, freeing entirely, her abundant boobs. He squeezed them appreciatively. Eloise moaned. His index fingers traced the line of her areolas. He tweaked her breasts before he nibbled each one in turn. Eloise tossed her head back and sighed.

He could not believe how responsive this woman was. So sensual, so sexy, so willing.

"Who's a bad girl?" he whispered in her ear.

Responding to this stranger as she had to her husband thousands of times she responded with, "Yes, SIR! I am a bad girl! I'm wanting things only a bad girl should want!"

He tugged her dress lower revealing her attractive tummy and womanly hips. He carefully lifted her up enough to tug off the thong and managed to get the dress all the way off as well. He admired her fine legs. He slapped her on the butt just enough to smart,

"Bad girl! Suck my cock or be punished."

The young gambler had no way of knowing how much his commanding tone matched that of his new slave's late husband. She immediately slid to the floor. Her hands went to the buckle of the belt in his shorts. A moment later the shorts were at his ankles. The bulge looked enormous to her inexperienced eyes. The truth was that her husband was a bit smaller than average whereas her new master was a bit over average. Not much of a difference, but if you only had one yardstick by which to measure... Eloise tugged down his undershorts with her teeth. He was proudly and impressively erect. Some of Eloise's more worldly friends had regaled her with tales of different cocks. It took her a moment to realize that her new master was circumcised. A delicate scar traced the line where his foreskin had once been. Eloise decided that she liked the look though it brought many questions to her mind. Did this loss cause him any pain? Did it make sex better? Worse? She would know soon enough. The hard cock felt very good in her mouth. Sometimes, especially after long, hot days, Rob's cock would have a bit of a tang from smegma build-up. Sometimes, it was worse than a tang. This cock tasted good from the outset. She slid her head back and forth. Her young master whispered encouragements and praise. Eloise was transported back to her honeymoon when Bob explained what he wanted her to do and why. He stated that all happily married couples did this and that there was no Biblical injunction against it. Eloise's doubts and misgivings in this area collapsed when she saw how happy it made her new husband and the sense of accomplishment it instilled in her. Both, more than made up for the initially unpleasant taste of cum. Being "compelled" to provide fellatio as part of their role-playing was a big component of their interaction. All of that subconsciously kicked in as Eloise worked. The lad did not have quite the staying power of her ex-husband, but he tasted slightly better. Eloise opened her mouth to display the young man's love offering before gamely choking it down.

"Holy cow! Did I hit the jackpot!" the lad exclaimed as he pulled his new toy to her feet and planted an ardent kiss upon her lips. He pulled her onto the bed and tugged off the remainder of his clothes. As far as Eloise was concerned, naked the young man was rather pleasing to look at. Not especially muscular, but in shape with a flat stomach and nice thighs.

His body was pressed against hers. His hands were on her ample breasts, tweaking the nipples erect. His teeth and lips replaced his fingers. Subtly, he maneuvered her above him. His youthful flesh was erect once more. He centered her fiery crotch over his own. He was inside her. He marveled at how tight she was for an older dame. She gasped at how full she felt. This boy certainly wasn't Bob!

Eloise felt the orgasm building. The sensation was both disconcerting and unwanted. What did it say about her morals to lose herself this way with a complete stranger? Still, the sensation continued to build. To her horror, she came just ahead of him.

"Jesus Christ, Ellie, you are fantastic!"

He pulled her down on top of him, compressing her breasts against his chest. Gently he stroked her. He kissed and nibbled her ear. He exposed a poetic side as he extolled her beauty. His words weren't that far from Bob's on that first night so long ago. His dark eyes grew bright with an inner fire. His words of affection certainly seemed authentic. Her mind abuzz, the stresses of the day caught up with her, Eloise closed her eyes and was immediately in the arms of Morpheus.


He gently shook her awake. Eloise's eyes flew open. She realized she was as naked as he was. She felt the constriction of her collar and the events of the previous day fell upon her with the force of a collapsing wall. He lowered the sheets revealing his engorged cock.

"After your breakfast. I want you to make breakfast in the kitchen. I bought some bacon and eggs in anticipation of scoring a prime MILF."

Eloise rolled her eyes but set to work on the young man's manhood with her mouth lips and tongue. Once she was finished. He smacked her on the butt and said, "Off to the kitchen with you!"

"I hope you have an apron, boss, frying bacon in the nude is dangerous."

He provided her with a logoed sweatshirt. Eloise was grateful that it covered so much of her. After a stop in the bathroom for a pee break, she toddled off to the kitchen. His refrigerator was mostly empty. Obviously, he didn't cook for himself very often or at all.

"How do you take your eggs?" she asked the emptiness about her.

"Surprise me!"

"Bacon? Crispy?"


Cooking and homemaking were not only in her wheelhouse; for much of her married life, she had never worked. Only when her daughter was in school did Eloise seek employment outside the home. Office work suited her, but office politics did not. Some of the men were quite flagrant in their propositions. The women seemed jealous of Eloise's looks and tended to stab her in the back at every opportunity. All of that was behind her now.

She found the plates and placed two sunny-side-up eggs and a row of bacon. The expensive coffee maker took her a few moments to figure out. After ascertaining his preference, she made him a cup of black coffee for him and a latte for herself. Her plate had much less food than his. The plates went out to the kitchen table.

"Come and get it, boss!"

He entered in just a pair of boxers.

Damn! Thought Eloise. Why did he have to be exactly her type?"

"Delicious, Ellie!"

"Thank you."

"Later, I'll need you to write down all your sizes so I can order you some clothes."

"That would be nice."

"That would be nice, BOSS!"

"That would be nice, boss," she echoed.

"Best make a habit of remembering that detail," he returned meaningfully.

"Yes, boss."

"After breakfast, I put in a few hours handicapping and placing bets. While I'm doing that you will be dusting and cleaning. Eventually, you will have a sexy French maid's outfit for that. What you are wearing now will do for the present. There are cameras in every room that I can view on my computer, so, no slacking off. After work, we take a shower and then make love a few times before I order lunch. Then we relax a bit by the pool. After that...?"

He led her to the closet where all his cleaning supplies were stored and watched her settle into work before he donned a pair of jeans and a team-logoed T-shirt and disappeared to his office. Eloise breathed a sigh of relief. If this was all he asked from her none of it would be too onerous. Even the sex wasn't bad. Who was she kidding? The sex was terrific. She'd forgotten how much she missed it since Bob's illness and death. The kid was a better lover than his years portended. Eloise wondered where he had acquired those skills. Certainly not from a church social! She giggled. Her first laugh in quite a while.

"No slacking!" came his voice. There were speakers in every room! Eloise grabbed a duster and set to work.

Several hours later she knocked on the door to her young master's man cave.

"Come in."

"Boss, I did the rest of the house. May I do your office?"

"Come here, Ellie."

She crossed the short distance to him. He pulled her down on his lap, ran a hand through her hair, and kissed her deeply.

"I was so turned on watching you work; I had a hard time focusing on my job. When you bent over, and my sweatshirt rode up to expose your succulent ass... well!"

He kissed her deeply a second time. His right hand opened the fly of his jeans and freed his cock from his undershorts.

"I have to remedy that situation right now!"

He manipulated Eloise until he was inside her. It was fast, it was furtive, it was fun! Eloise gasped. Bob and she had engaged in quickies often when the mood struck. Once they had even done it in the janitor's closet at a church picnic! No one had even noticed that they had vanished for fifteen minutes, though there were comments on their sly smiles.

"You really are a dirty girl, aren't you?"

Eloise flushed scarlet.

"It's time to knock off for lunch anyway."

He pulled up a menu from a local restaurant on the computer in front of them.

"Select anything you want. I'll arrange to have it delivered an hour and a half from now. It's time to hit the shower."

Eloise selected her entree and main meal. Her young master did likewise. He held her hand and led her to the master bathroom. Only now did Eloise note that the shower stall had two heads on opposite sides and dual controls. He tugged off her sweatshirt and placed it in a hamper. She followed him into the cubicle. She wanted to look elsewhere, but her eyes returned time and again to her young owner's naked physique. He smiled at her and reached for a can of shaving cream and a fresh disposable razor. Over Eloise's objections, he then lathered her up and shaved her from collarbone to hallux. He paused at her scarlet-tressed box.

"All the slave ownership manuals say that a slave should be kept hairless everywhere below the neck, but you are a real redhead. Tell you what. So long as you are obedient you can keep it. A little nicety on the part of your master."

"Thank you, boss!" said Eloise with complete sincerity. She hated the bald look and had only allowed Bob to shave her twice. Once on a lost bet on their honeymoon and a second time when, after five years of marriage, and in a much better financial situation, he had replaced her tiny, insignificant wedding diamond with a truly impressive rock, and she promised him, he could have anything he wanted in exchange. Bob shaved her every day for an entire year! She liked sex sans hair but adored her womanly fur much more. At least she got to preserve a token of modesty in the lad's presence.

They dried off in huge cotton towels. He found a very short silk kimono for her to don just as the doorbell rang.

He handed Eloise a twenty-dollar bill and said, "Go get the food Ellie and tip the delivery man,"


"You belong to me, Ellie. If I want to put you on display, that is my right. Any whining and I'll take away the robe."

With a lump in her throat and almost hyperventilating she swung open the door. The tall beefy delivery man eyed her lustily from head to toe as he exchanged the bag of food for the crisp twenty.

The young man applauded as Eloise shut the door.

"I'm sure that guy will remember this stop for the rest of the day,"

Eloise turned scarlet all over, causing her young owner to guffaw.

"I like that you're shy. It will make exposing even more of you that much more delicious."

Eloise hurried to the kitchen to set out plates and utensils.

He tried to draw Eloise out in conversation as they dined, asking about her likes and dislikes. The older woman was never comfortable talking about herself, especially with someone she had known for such a short time. The boy was guileless and owned a winning personality, and before long had penetrated the defenses Eloise had erected. Over the wonderful tasting lunch much of her story emerged. She talked about Bob and her daughter, why she had chosen to replace her, and just a bit of the prison experience. She also revealed verbally and non-verbally things she didn't intend, such as making it obvious to the young man that she very much enjoyed their sexual encounters.

"I scored another jackpot with you, Ellie!"

She looked away from his intense gaze.

"Lose the robe and follow me to the pool."

It was a brilliant, sparkling afternoon. The pool looked lovely in the landscaped, fenced-off backyard. Eloise sat on a chaise under the cloudless sky. To her chagrin, he took out his cell phone and began taking pictures of her. Eloise wanted to hide herself, but the lad threatened to shave her on the spot unless she cooperated. To loosen her up appropriately, he returned to the house and emerged with a marijuana spliff and a lighter. Eloise was so square that she had never done pot before. The lad instructed her on how to inhale and hold it. After a cough or two, Eloise grasped the concept. The pot was mighty potent and had an almost immediate effect. The stoned MILF was oblivious as she giggled and smiled through one raunchy pose after another, even spreading her pussy lips and exposing her bunghole. The young man was utterly delighted. He could hardly wait to post the images to com to share the beauty of his new prize with the world.

"I don't want that beautiful skin of yours to burn or tan without sexy lines. Let's go back inside Ellie."

She ate an entire bag of potato chips and washed it down with two bottles of beer. She never ate that many chips in one sitting and usually only tolerated the taste of beer! What had come over her? The young man just looked on bemusedly. Had he had an infinite amount of time and an unlimited budget he could not have selected a finer MILF. Eloise stretched out on the couch and had her first post-high crash. A moment later, she was asleep, a wide grin on her angelic countenance.

The young master took the moment to upload and arrange the pictures he had just taken from his phone to his newly created web page. Pleased with his work, the lighting by the pool had been perfect his slave resembled an alabaster nymph. A nymph with a definite slutty side! The slave-owning community responded immediately. Before he logged off, he had received dozens of DMs with congratulations and helpful suggestions as to how to make use of his new toy. The Lad returned to the living room. For quite a while, he was content to just sit there and watch her sleep. Later, he beat himself off as he gazed at her insensate form. Just imagining the things, he would do to and for her were some of the most arousing thoughts he had ever had.

Presently, the older woman stirred.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, Ellie!"

She rubbed her eyes.

"How is it possible that you never got high before?"

"My husband and I were rather conservative."

"Terrific! So many wonderful sins to introduce you to!"

Eloise sighed. She had learned long ago to not question fate. The Lord never sent anything she, as a believer, could not handle. With Bob, she came through grief and pain stronger and more resilient. Eloise considered that God had put her through that ordeal to toughen and prepare her for this one. She could have ended up worse places.

The lad, while still mostly unknown, gave the impression of being fundamentally decent. If he mostly asked her to share his bed and clean his house, he really, in a sense, was not that different from her late husband. It helped that he was her type physically. He was not handsome like Bob, but then again, few men were. If only he wasn't so young!

Eloise was brought out of her reverie by the young master handing her a notebook and pen.

"Ellie, please write down your clothing sizes. I'd like to take you out on the town soon and as glorious and beautiful as your current state is, the law frowns on unsolicited public nudity."