Seduced by My Son's Bully Ch. 02

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A mother is kept company by her son's bully when left alone.
12.8k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 01/19/2024
Created 08/21/2018
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It's been a week since my little... meeting with Chase, my son's bully.

After the post-coitus glow and mind fog wore off, I realized what I had done. Not only did I have sex with my son's bully, but I liked it.

Even worse, I acted like a giggly schoolgirl afterwards, joking and flirting with him, and even sending him nudes and talking about how good he was after getting home and waiting for my husband to finally fall asleep.

The morning after, the regret set in. I knew what I did was wrong, but it was all heat of the moment. I won't give in to his or my desires again. After all, it was all just an honest mistake.

I let it get out of control.

Sure, he's tall, has a good body, and such a sexy, deep voice. Not to mention that dick! Jesus, that thing was huge! I mean, he hit spots no man has ever-

Getting carried away.

It was a one-time mistake, and it won't be happening again.

Fortunately, Chase hasn't texted me since we exchanged nudes, so he might have moved onto some other mother who wants to protect her son.


Andrew hasn't complained about getting bullied anymore, so I guess Chase lied when he said he wouldn't stop last time I was over. Not only that, but Alan didn't even ask any questions as to what I said to Chase to get him to stop, so I guess I'm off the hook.

Even better, Andrew has a trip for his math club coming up, and Alan has offered to go spend "guy time" together as a chaperone on the trip to celebrate Andrew 'dealing with his bully'.

Even though I did all the work.

Still, a full week all to myself to decompress and try to forget about what I had to do for my son is something I can't complain about.

Life at home continues as normal for me. Cleaning, cooking, and maintaining the house, all without much thanks or praise.

As sad as it is, I'm used to it. Planning and cooking meals for the three of us all without a single compliment or even a 'thank you' has become the routine for me. After dinner, my husband retires to his office and my son heads to his room, either to study or play video games.

Leaving me to clean up the dining room, do dishes, and put away the leftovers.

This routine continues for the next few days, until it's finally the day of Andrew's club trip. I see the two of them off at the door, finally glad to see them off after helping them pack and reminding both of them to not forget anything.

With a kiss on the cheek of my son and a kiss on the lips for my husband, I watch as the two get into Alan's car and back out of our driveway. I watch as they drive out of view, before closing the door and letting my excitement show.


A break from cooking for three people, cleaning up after them, and having to play the role of the dutiful housewife! The house is all to myself now, and I won't have to bust my ass everyday.

I can just cook for one person, and it can be what I want every night, not having to worry about my husband or son getting upset stomachs because I used too much dairy or sauce. No more having to make enough sides so I don't go hungry when my husband insists on making dry, flavorless steaks.

Just me, as much wine as I want to drink, and all the shows my husband huffs and puffs whenever I watch them with him around.

And, as much time with my vibrator as I want. I won't have to worry about being too loud and waking my husband up and have to watch him pout because his wife took her pleasure into her own hands.

I mean, as infrequent as sex is, should he really be surprised? Not only that, it's like he thinks foreplay should be as short as possible. Speaking of short, he was puny compared to-

I snap out of it just as I begin to think about Chase again.

That fucking asshole.

I hate admitting it, but he knew how to please a woman. It just sucks all that skill is inside of some jackass like him.

Enough about him, though. It's time for me to enjoy what little time I have to myself!




I pass the morning with going on a jog around the regular park I run at and then picking up some brunch as a treat. Afterwards, I change at home and do some shopping at the mall, already feeling the stresses of being a wife and mother leaving my body.

At around five, I decide I've been out long enough and prepare to head home for the day, happy with how I've spent my time alone so far.

Heading home with my haul, I unpack and put away all the clothes I had bought, consisting mostly of sweaters and leggings to prepare for the colder weather that'll be approaching us soon.

While putting the last of the clothes in the washing machine for later, I hear a knocking on the door.

Strange, Andrew and Alan should both be on the plane by now. Did they get the dates wrong? Fuck, I hope not...

Maybe it's just a neighbor come to stop by. Or a delivery guy dropping off something Andrew ordered, like one of those cartoon figurines he likes to collect.

I walk to the door, opening it up, and my heart drops immediately.

It's Chase.

Standing there with a backpack and a small duffel bag.

He's wearing a navy sweatshirt and a pair of gray sweatpants that leave little to the imagination. And, of course, that signature cocky grin of his is plastered on his face.

"Hey there, Emma." he says, his voice deep and confident, "Hope you don't mind me dropping by unannounced." he tells me, his grin not leaving his face.

My blood has already run cold, and I'm struggling to properly form a response.

"Ch...ase?" is all can get out, my mouth dry.

The fit young man pushes past me, the smile never leaving his face. "Yeah, figured I'd drop by and keep you company. Andrew mentioned him and his dad were gonna be gone for some lame-ass trip." he tells me, dropping his bag to the ground.

My eyes glance down at it for only a second, drawn back to his confident gaze.

"By the way, I'm gonna be staying over until they get here." his grin becoming more evil.

I blink twice, trying to think of what to say. I couldn't even keep it together from just that one time meeting him, I can't even begin to imagine what a full week is going to do to me!

I shake the thought of that thick monster in between his legs that he used to make me act and say the things I did, remembering our agreement.

"Our deal." I say, trying to regain my composure, "We had a deal! Just one time!" I argue helplessly.

Those texts that I sent after meeting him were practically from a different woman. I'm not that giggly little schoolgirl that was shamelessly flirting with him and sending naked pictures to. I've regained my control and can stand my ground again!

Chase raises an eyebrow and his smirk softens slightly. He reaches into his pocket and I quickly begin to realize what he's planning.

I should have fucking known.

"Yeah? We agreed that it was just gonna be one time... while you were there." Chase says, not even looking at me as he scrolls through his phone.

I bite my lip as feelings of shame wash over me once again. "Chase, please..." I beg.

"Had a lot of fun today, hope we can do it soon!" Chase reads out in a mocking voice, "With a fucking winky face, too." he laughs.

I glance down at his bag once again, wishing to be anywhere but here now. Going off of the size of it, I can tell he's definitely packed enough to stay over here. He wasn't lying at all.

"And then there's all the shit after that." he says, scrolling through his phone again. "Mainly those nice pictures you sent me." he grins, my gaze shifting to him again as I feel a hot blush form across my face.

I still don't know what came over me. It's like I was drunk on... it. I'm ashamed to think about the pictures I sent and the things I said. And I'm especially ashamed by just how much I liked it all.

Chase puts his phone into his pocket, knowing that he's already got me cornered. "Shit, what would Andrew think if he saw those pictures of you? You didn't do a super good job at keeping all of our face out of some of them. Plus, all he'd have to do is compare it to your bathroom." he laughs.

I know there's no real point in fighting against it. He could easily ruin my relationship with both my son and my husband with just a few screenshots, and he'd probably love the satisfaction of doing so.

Only thing he'd like more is 'keeping me company' for the week, obviously.

"Just... fine." I answer, not having the energy to hide my defeat or even attempt to argue.

"Good girl." he tells me.

And as disgusted as I am at myself for this, I felt some excitement in between my legs at that comment.

Chase picks his bag back up off the floor and smirks. "I'll put my bag in your room. At least you'll finally be able to say you're sharing a bed with a man now." he laughs as he walks off, getting one last jab in at my absent husband.

I roll my eyes.

What was supposed to be a relaxing week to myself has now turned into one of torment. For the next week, I'll be this young man's plaything.

And of course my body and my brain just happen to feel differently about that.

I begin to pace aimlessly around the house, desperately trying to clear my brain, ending up in the kitchen. I rub my temples, trying to get a better grasp on the situation when I hear Chase's deep voice behind me.

"Already in the kitchen, huh?" he says, delivering a firm, familiar smack on my ass.

I jump from the shock and quickly turn around to face him.

Chase wastes no time in closing the distance, stepping so closely that he's only inches away from me.

"I was getting pretty hungry, actually." he tells me.

And just like that, the reality of having to not only house him, but having to cook for him and clean up after him sets in for me. This week really can't get much worse.

I remain calm, and after stepping away for a moment, I feel as though I can think clearer.

"Chase... what about school? You can't possibly expect to miss an entire week just to harass me, can you?" I point out.

He raises his eyebrows. "Don't worry about that. I'm not planning on skipping school. My parents are out of town again, and they'd for sure get phone calls if I did." he answers as if it were a stupid question. "So you'll still get your alone time when I'm gone. But when I'm here, you're all mine." he smiles, creating butterflies in my stomach.

I hate how my body reacts to this brute and his advances. Someone's my son's age should not be able to make me feel things like this.

But, at least I'll get a good portion of the weekdays to myself while he's out. Not that it makes my week any less ruined.

"Anyways, I am pretty hungry. How about you make us some dinner? Maybe serve it to me in something sexy, like a dress." Chase says, practically commanding me. "Oh, and give me one of your husband's beers. Or pop open some wine. I don't really care." he adds.

"Chase-" I start, ready to protest.

The young man holds his phone up, motioning it in my face. "Pictures." he reminds me with a mischievous grin. "I'll be chilling in your living room while you cook something up." he says, stepping back and exiting the room while I can only accept his order.

I sigh. Why did I have to send those texts? And especially those pictures? I should've known better!

I hear the television turn on in the other room, followed by the sound of someone dropping down onto the couch. Looks like he's gotten comfortable.

I take some deep breaths to calm myself down, reminding myself of what he wants to make sure my husband and son don't get any pictures of my nude body from the bully I was supposed to have handled.



And a sexy dress.

Cocky little shit.

If anything, I should just pop a frozen pizza in the oven and serve it to the fucker. But, he wants effort and an actual meal, so what choice do I really have?

My stomach growls, signaling that it's about time to start cooking anyways. I just need to think that I'm doing it for myself. Remembering that I'll be serving it to him in a dress makes it a little harder to feel that way, but I'll just try to ignore that until the end.

Not wasting anymore time, I open the fridge and search around for what I could use for dinner. The only things that could serve to make a dinner of any substance is a pack of chicken breasts and some asparagus. I glance at the counter and see two sweet potatoes sitting there.

Fuck it, season it all properly and someone his age will definitely consider this to be a fancy meal, or at least something I put a lot of effort into.

After getting out the food and the right seasonings, I get to work, getting the chicken and asparagus in the oven in no time at all. Normally I'd also roast the potatoes in the oven, but microwaving them to cook them through will be good enough for Chase, I'm sure.

Staring at the timer in the oven, I make note that I have half an hour before I have to serve my son's bully dinner. Not wanting to share any of my wine with him, I just grab a beer from my husband's stash, making a mental note to buy another pack before he gets home.

I glance at the timer again.

Still have just about half an hour.

I groan inwardly. I was hoping I could've run out the clock and have an excuse not to dress up for that asshole, but looks like that's not really an option.

Despite not wanting to, I force my feet to move as I walk to my bedroom and into the closet. The moment Chase told me to wear a sexy dress, I already knew which one to pick.

That tight, red dress my husband forbade me to wear. He would always whine about how men would definitely stare if I wore it out, as if it mattered since I'd be on a date with him. In fact, he's never even see me wear it, as I intended to put it on for our date after showing him a picture of it.

And now, I'll be wearing it for our son's bully.

The first man to ever see me wear this dress is going to be the one that torments my son. Not Alan, my husband.

But Chase.

I roll my eyes, feeling annoyed at my husband's protests from the picture alone. I undress out of my clothes and slip into the dress, observing myself in the mirror all the while.

And just like I imagined, I look damn good in this dress. It hugs my curves perfectly, and it shows off a generous amount of cleavage. It compliments my legs nicely, too, with the slit in the side showing off part of my tanned thigh.

If Chase liked what I wore when we first met, then this is going to blow his mind.

Speaking of him... he'd probably want me to fix myself up some more, right? Not that I don't look good already. I spend some more time in the mirror fixing my hair up some and making sure my makeup looks nice.

Not like it matters, he'll probably be ruining it later tonight after dinner.

I shake my head, not wanting any... thoughts of that nature to run through my mind.

Still, if I'm going to suffer this entire week, I should at least try to make it somewhat enjoyable for myself.

Feeling like I'm more than presentable, I head back into the kitchen, and wait the last few minutes until the oven goes off. Taking the food out, I plate Chase and I's plate, taking extra time to make sure it's as good as it looks.

It doesn't escape me that this is more effort in plating dinner than I put in for my own husband and son. But this is all just to make sure those pictures don't get sent to anyone else.


Finally satisfied with my efforts, I grab Chase's plate and his beer and head into the living room. Entering the room, I see Chase reclined on my couch, his arm resting on the backrest as he watches whatever is on TV.

He almost immediately notices my presence, turning his head with a surprised grin.

"Holy fuck. You look sexy as hell." he says, his eyes clearly admiring every inch of my body.

My confidence grows for a second before I remember just who Chase is. It's a shame he's such an asshole. I feel like I would otherwise eat up compliments from a tall, handsome man like him.

I set his plate and drink in front of him on the coffee table, before turning back around to grab my plate.

"Looks just as good from the back." he tells me.

Without even looking, I can tell his eyes are plastered on my ass.

I smirk slightly, strutting as I walk out of the room and into the kitchen.

As I grab my plate and my glass of wine, I inwardly question why the hell I would even walk like that and give him a show. With my food in hand now, I walk back much more normally, taking a seat next to Chase on the couch.

To my surprise, Chase has yet to even touch his food.

"Not the type of food you like to eat?" I question, confused as to why he's not digging in already.

"Nah, just good manners to wait until everyone can eat before you start." he responds, reaching for his plate now that I'm seated.

I'm a little impressed, actually. For such an asshole, Chase actually seems to have a handle on basic manners.

Something both my husband and son could learn, admittedly. For years and years, the two have dug into their food before I could even get my plate and sit down.

I look over at Chase once again, who is now tearing into his food like he's never been fed before. He's already made a decent dent into what I served him.

"Fuck, this is awesome!" he says through a mouth full of food, "You're a damn good cook!" he adds, stuffing another bite of chicken into his mouth.

I smile gently to myself.

That's the first time my cooking has actually been complimented in as long as I can remember. While Alan and Andrew always clear their plates, they've never actually said much about my cooking.

It's nice to hear I haven't gotten rusty in the kitchen. Plus, it's nice knowing I was dead on the money with guessing how a simple dinner like this would blow his mind if it was seasoned right.

I begin to eat my food as well, seeing Chase still tearing into his food out of the corner of my eye. We eat in silence, except for the occasional compliment from him about how "fucking good" my food is.

It's a nice change of pace, admittedly. For once, I'm not having my ear talked off about pointless office shit my husband is blowing out of proportion, or having to pretend I understand what Andrew is talking about when he starts talking about his video games.

I glance at what Chase decided to play, and quickly realize it's some horror film I've never heard about. Maybe he was planning on making me scared and vulnerable so he could show off how manly he is.

Not like he'd need to make an opportunity for that. As much as I hate his guts, it's hard to deny that he's built well and has the confidence you'd expect from a grown man.

I'm only about halfway through my meal when Chase has already cleaned his plate, setting it down on the table as he works through the beer I stole from my husband.

"Jesus, Andrew and your husband get to eat like this every night?" he asks, taking a large drink from the can, "Lucky bastards."

I chuckle to myself, "It's nice to finally get some confirmation that I'm a good cook. The two of them rarely give out any compliments." I admit, enjoying the appreciation.

Chase laughs, "Idiots. Taking food like this for granted? Couldn't be me." he finishes, taking a final swig of his beer.

I silently agree with him, as much as it hurts to admit. I could for sure use some words of appreciation for all I do around here. It's just strange that I'm finally getting some and it's coming from my son's bully.

He leans back into the couch, letting his arm rest along the backboard like how it originally was, almost resting along my shoulder.

I don't move it nor do I scoot away from him.

As I finally finish my plate, I set it on the coffee table and ready to get up to work on the dishes, when Chase gets up before I can even start to lift up.

"Here, I'll get the dishes." he says.

I raise an eyebrow at his offer.