Sister Golden Hair Delight Ch. 01

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Information Is Power as a secretary learns who's coming.
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Part 1 of the 42 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 11/21/2010
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By Sophia the calibeachgirl

All rights reserved, copyright 2010

Chapter 1: Information Is Power

I looked at myself in the mirror and my light cinnamon face stared back. If I had known how crazy the day was going to turn out, I probably would have just stayed in bed and pulled the covers up over my head.

Kevin Sales, the lawyer I worked for, had told me to dress up this morning because we were taking a very important client to lunch. We did this occasionally, especially if the clients were from out of town.

Usually I only wore some light colored lipstick but today I added a little makeup just in case.

Due to some personal issues with the other women at the office, I tried to keep to myself as much as possible and dressed either conservatively in pants suits or with a skirt. Sometimes I thought I looked like a nun... a modern nun, that is.

I looked in the mirror again and paused.

I was convinced I wasn't beautiful; I didn't even think I was pretty. Some people called my features unique, which I think was a backhanded compliment because they could think of nothing better to say.

I moved in again trying to find just the right shade of eyeliner to go with my amber-colored eyes. My skin looked like I had a perpetual tan. I thought that was my one redeeming quality in the way I looked.

I teased out my golden afro another few inches adding to my apparent height. Standing five foot six in my stocking'd feet, with my four-inch heels and my hair I looked well over six foot. Some men found that intimidating but I had to work with what nature gave me and wasn't interested in someone who was put off by something like that.

I went back into my small bedroom, looked through my business suits and finally settled on a light yellow blouse and a tan skirt. I liked this skirt particularly well because I had the hemline brought up until it was four inches above my knees and brought in a little to tighten around my ass. This was a skirt saved for special occasions, which of course, never came and I had never been worn it to work. It would be a great surprise to both Kevin and whoever our client was.

I put on my new Victoria's Secret push-up bra. It guaranteed a two-cup size increase and I felt my 36B breasts could use a little help. Once again, it was something I had bought for somewhere I was never going to go.

I was now straining against the blouse, my breasts threatening to push their way out through the fabric. I wondered if it was just a little too much but knew I could always change if Kevin said to.

I put a regular bra into my large purse just in case.

I stood back and looked at myself in the bedroom mirror. Not too bad, I thought, 36 -- 24- 34... but I looked a little bit bustier than that with the new bra and it took a lot of work to stay at those measurements.

No junk foods for me... sometimes I felt like I could kill for some M&Ms or Oreos... hell, I'd settle for a Snickers bar.

I looked at my different stockings... for a split second, I thought about wearing the fishnets I had bought for another party I never attended but instead went with the chocolate-colored nylons to go with the skirt's color and my complexion.

I wanted to look good in an appealing way and not slutty... well, not too slutty.

Finishing dressing... the skirt took a little while getting it on... I must have gained some weight but couldn't remember how. It might have been too much sitting behind the desk at the office the last couple of weeks.

Well, I thought, it would just make my ass look all that much better... I hoped.

I looked at the mirror... it was all right but I knew I'd have to exercise a bit and not sit down so damn much at work.

Yeah, like that's possible for a legal secretary.

Looking at the final product, I thought I looked more like a high-priced call girl than a cheap pickup. A girl could dream, I suppose. The high-priced part of it... the prostitution part, not so much.

I wondered who the client might be. Since I was Kevin's secretary, I scheduled his calendar and yet two days ago he had me clear today just saying to keep the day open.

Satisfied I looked good enough to eat; at least in my own mind, I put my high heels into my large purse and grabbed a pair of athletic shoes to wear on the BART.

Ten minutes later, I walked down to the BART station and waited for the 8:15 train. Each day it was the same routine, dodging the panhandlers and the tourists with their heads in the air trying to catch a glimpse of the Bridge.

The BART ride wasn't too bad, only twenty-three minutes and they kept the cars clean... just the same, I stood the entire time knowing a little discomfort was less important than ruining an expensive skirt or dress.

As I walked into the office, I was met with the usual stares that followed me around during the day. You'd think I was a child molester or something they way they watched me move around.

Settling in behind my desk, I turned my computer on and waited for it to boot up. As fast as it was, I was always impatient for it to start, comes from living in a modern society... hurry, hurry, and hurry some more.

"Kay, would you come here for a moment, please?"

Every morning it was the same. I walked into his office and Kevin looked me over, walking around and paying an inordinate time watching my ass. It was nice to be appreciated for something.

"You look very good this morning, Kay. Thanks for getting dressed up. Our client this morning is a very important man. You and I could survive with just his retainer alone. He'll be here about eleven or so."

Well, that answered my question about my clothing! Kevin had his mind down in the gutter once in a while but never, ever touched me.

I had thought he was gay for not hitting on me but when I saw the picture of his wife and kids, I understood completely and just stayed on friendly terms with him. I'm not going to destroy someone else's marriage, even if I could.

Sometimes, I thought he acted the way he did to boost my confidence in my appearance. His inspection and one comment were always as far as he was prepared to go. In a way, it was nice and I had no problem with him.

He was the only man in my life... my boring life.

With his description of the man, I knew who it was... Jim Crowell, a reasonably rich man who was in bioengineering and had started his own company about ten years back.

We had gotten involved with him by chance when he had been engaged to be married and wanted to change his will to protect his fiancé.

Sadly, the woman was killed a week before the wedding by a drunk driver. Kevin told me it almost destroyed the man and he had slipped into a year-long depression.

His presence here today meant that something was up; whether good or bad, I didn't know but I figured it would be interesting.

I'm not usually a clock-watcher but this morning I kept glancing at the corner of my desktop watching the slow passage of time waiting for him. Kevin hadn't given me anything much to do the last few days so I listened to an oldies station on the internet.

A few minutes before eleven he walked into the office and smiled at me. I felt there was a little bit more than just a friendly 'hello' and I smiled back, actually enjoying a man's attention for a change.

"Good morning, Mr. Crowell. Mr. Sales is in his office."

I got up from my desk and opened the door to the inner office giving him a good look at what I thought was supposed to be my fine ass in a fashionable manner, not too trashy, I hoped.

Anything for the client, Mr. Sales would say.

I seemed to catch his eye for I caught him watching me walk back to close the door and go to my desk.

It was one of those things... you know, when you just know you're in the presence of what they call an 'alpha' male. Self-assured and just oozing with charisma. He looked to be about five ten and about 170... at least, well... what did I know?

Myself, I came in at 132... and it took a lot of depriving to do it. On nice afternoons, I ran up and down the block trying to avoid the drunks and addicts near the alley. With these San Francisco streets, it really was up and down the block and I kept in decent shape. I still needed to work on upper-body strength, which meant my arms weren't as strong as they could be... but I didn't want to look like one of the freakish women bodybuilders. The way they looked just scared me.

Usually I would stay to record the meeting but Kevin told me that wouldn't be necessary and I could leave.

Information is power... that's been the truth ever since information was important, probably when the first primates knew where all the good food was and which females were most receptive to attention.

Letting them get settled, I put on my transcription headphones and pushed a button on my desk phone.

One night after Kevin had left me to get some Chinese take-out, I fooled around with it a while and discovered I could listen in without him knowing it.

Information is power.

"... and the family?"

"They're fine, thanks. How are you doing, Jim? You look a lot better than the last time I saw you."

"Thanks... I realized that the company needed more active leadership from me and decided to get my act together before I lose another twenty million."

I wasn't learning too much new but knew enough to wait. They spent some time talking about several new acquisitions and the financial implications each one had.

Finally, something Crowell said caught my ear.

"Your secretary... what's her name?"

"Kaylyn Trent, but I call her Kay. Why?"

"Oh, I don't know... there's something about her that intrigues me. I don't know if it's her hair, her figure or just the way she looked at me when I came in. I've met some other women but they haven't caught my interest like she does right now. The others all seemed to be airheads chasing my money. She's got to have some brains working for you."

Well, yeah... we women do seem to smell the blood in the water. I could see them circling around the victim.

Well, I thought, it seemed that high-priced call girl was the dress for the day... not that I was after his money or anything. But, a girl can dream, can't she? Cinderella does get to dance once in a while, right?

Their conversation drifted back to considering another purchase down in the Los Angeles area or Ventura... it wasn't quite clear and to be honest, I lost interest.

About an hour later, another snippet made me perk up.

"Jim, if I may, there's something I hope you would possibly consider... I know you've noticed Kay. She's been with me for a while, now."

Jesus, make me sound like an old woman, why don't you. As miffed as I was, I was also surprised they were talking about me. No wonder Kevin wanted me dress up this morning.

It was then that I felt Kevin was trying to 'sell' me to Crowell. I knew that he would never put me in danger so Crowell had to be a good man... I said in my mind, 'Go for it!' Maybe THIS shark would get into the water. Ha, ha, ha...

"She's incredibly smart, top of her class at Berkeley a few years ago and just finished a Master's in Environmental Law. That would go well with your bioengineering side."

Damn, he made me sound like the Second Coming! Nice to know you're appreciated for more than the way you look and although that's nice, too, this was the first time anyone had ever complimented me for how I looked. Ugly duckling and all...

"I like her too much to keep her with me, she deserves better than being the secretary to a partner in a San Francisco law firm. I would like you to offer a position with you."

What?!!! What was he talking about?

"Jim, she's wasted her. I know for a fact that the senior partners only hired her because she's half-black and of course, a woman. They needed to look good to the State Bar for some reason or another.

I took her under my wing because they were trying to get her to sleep with them. She might be a lot of things I don't know about but I know she's no office whore."

Wow! Thanks, Kevin! What a fucking glowing recommendation that was. At least he said I was smart... and, well... he does look out for me never asking anything in return.

"So, what is this, a blind date?"

"Don't tell me you weren't checking her out as she went back to her desk."

"Well... you got me there. Wait a second."

I could hear some noise and all of a sudden the door opened and he was there staring at me. I pretended to not notice but eventually my curiosity got the better of me and I turned my head trying to look surprised.

"Yes, sir?" I asked innocently. I was going to bat my eyelashes but thought that was just too over the top... I'm supposed to a Berkeley grad Cumma sum laude... no, it didn't mean I cum loudly, it means with highest praise. It was funny just the same... at least, to me.

Crowell just gave me a slight smile and closed the door.

I knew I just had to listen, now.

"I can understand why your partners would want to, uhh..."

"Fuck her?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. Her large golden curls really stand out from the old strait-laced women you have here. Shows personality. Damn, you're right, Kevin. She's god damn hot.

...and those wire-rim glasses... Jesus, she's stepped out of 1968 or something... and her slim figure with just the right amount of feminine curves. She's like a wet dream come to life."

It was strange listening to someone describe me like that. I honestly didn't know what to think at this point. I was mad and happy all at once.

"You said she's half-black. That explains that fantastic skin. I thought it was just a great tan. Makes you want to reach out and lick it like some kind of expensive caramel candy."

Well, fuck me! Listening to him talk about me was getting me bothered. On the one hand, I felt like a car or something they were discussing about buying and on the other hand, it was getting me so god damned hot. My fucking skirt was too tight to pull up and too tight for me to rub. High fashion had let me down! It was driving me crazy!

I heard Kevin.

"Look, I told her to dress like that this morning. I wanted you to see her at her physical best. She is always the forefront of decorum but I wanted you to see how she looked without the school librarian clothes she usually wears.

She's been dressing down for quite a while because of the partners always bothering her."

He got that right...

"I told her we were going to take an important client to lunch. I'm going to find a way to bow out and you take her. Sound her out.

If she's someone you can use, take her with you. Don't even bother bringing her back. Just give me a call so I know everything's all right and I don't have to worry about her."

A gentleman! Actually, what Kevin was doing was nice even if he decided to trick me about it.

At least he wasn't pimping me out... or was he? Crowell wanted to lick my caramel skin, did he? I had to admit that the idea didn't sound like something I might turn down. Every year that went by was another year that I had lost forever.

Problem is, most of my sex life has been between my ears. I rarely dated since I was studying all the time at Berkeley and the few times I did I had to fight them off at the end. I dress nicely and they call me a 'cockteaser'. Well, screw them, I wasn't going to... or anyone else... Like I said, it was all in my mind.

"Does Alioto's still serve that halibut?"

"Yes, I took my wife there last Friday. Want me to make a reservation?"

"Well, let's first see whether she's up for it or not. I don't want to embarrass her. Call me a cab; I'm going to go downstairs and call her up. If she tells you she's leaving then make the reservation.

Thanks for everything."

There was more shuffling noises, probably the chairs moving and then the door opened and he left, stopping just long enough to smile and say 'goodbye'.

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Marklynda2Marklynda211 months ago

A great start to what promises to be a well thought out and written story. I look forward to reading the next chapter. As this is my first foray into your writing and the first story you posted here I have added you to my favorites list. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
an interesting prologue

let's hope there is more to the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Just wondering...did you get the name "Sister Golder Hair Delight" from a song? I don't know the name of the song, but I hear it a lot on the oldies radio station. Hearing the song made me think this story.

greg2906greg2906over 13 years ago

Great writing. Good start.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Gentle sexy opening. The phone spy. Brave Of course she fancies the guy. .

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