Slave World Pt. 02

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Maria is taken by the orcs and broken in their dungeon.
10.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/24/2020
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By: Alex Clayton / Diesel Jester


Author's notes: This story, and subsequent ones with this title, is based on a drawing concept series and character art done by RoxyRex. Characters and scenarios within this series are done with the permission of the artist.



Another late night as always for Maria as she strode out of the elevators of her office building. She was busy reaming another incompetent junior executive of hers for failing to get her a report on time that nearly cost her a very important contract for the company. "I don't care what your excuses are!" she snarled into her cell phone. Her stiletto heel caught in the seam between the elevator and the floor, causing her to stumble. She swore under her breath as she dropped her purse, spilling out the contents. Maria hunched down, shoveling cosmetics and a vibrating egg that she used to relax in her office on occasion when underlings pissed her off, back into her bag, half-listening to the laundry list of excuses and apologies from her subordinate. She saw the night security guard in the lobby leering at her again, trying to get a look up her business skirt as she picked up her things. Maria angled her knees away and kept in a squatting position so that the sleezeball couldn't see shit.

She'd finally had enough of the sniveling and whining from the junior exec on the other end of the phone as she shouldered her purse and walked out of the glass double doors of her office building into the dark night. "Look, I will make this easy for you," she snarled into the phone, shutting him up. "You'd better hope that I'm on a different planet if that report isn't done by Monday!" Maria growled as she hung up the phone and shoved it into her purse. At 28, she had it all and she wasn't about to lose it by some dumb junior exec's incompetence. The CEO always said that she was too hard on her subordinates, but she disagreed. She had to fight, claw, and scrap her way to get up to where she was, dealing with misogynistic assholes who always tried to keep her down. Her rise to be a senior executive had been hard and cutthroat. So if she could make it and thrive in that environment, then so could her underlings. As she walked through the dark park in front of her building to where she'd parked her car at, she let out a long breath. Yes, maybe using her vibrating egg along with her hitachi when she got home would be just the thing to calm her down... after a long, luxuriating bath.

Maria was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she never noticed the yellow, glowing eyes that had her surrounded in the darkness. The next thing she knew, the air was being knocked from her lungs as someone or something tackled her. She went down with a gasping, "Whuff!" Her body screamed for air as then night seemed to turn into blinding day for a brief moment before things went dim again. Maria shook her head to clear her vision and the heavy body was still on top of her. Her fighting instincts kicked in. She drove her elbows back and up, catching someone in the stomach who grunted and folded over. Then she twisted between the legs of her attacker so that she was on her back. That's when she got a good look at the huge, hulking, green skinned monster that had tusks coming out of its lower jaw who was straddling her stomach. "What in the fuck?" she gasped in shock even as she drove her fists down to the thing's crotch, hoping it had balls. Turned out, he did have balls and he grabbed them as he howled in pain and toppled over.

Now free, Maria shot to her feet, kicked off her high heels, and ran. Unfortunately, there were more of the green monsters already there as if they were waiting for her to run. She was surrounded by five of them and they all closed in on her. Maria screamed her outrage as she started kicking, biting, and punching her abductors. Unfortunately, there were just too many of them to fight off and they were more prepared than their friend who was still on the ground holding himself. "Get off of me! Get off of me!" she screamed at them as they grabbed her arms and legs while they pulled her down to the ground. She struggled with them, kicking her legs and jerking her arms to try to get free. Then she felt more of their hands on her as they groped her body, pulling and yanking her business blazer from her. "How dare you!" she screamed venom at them. "Don't you dare touch me! You do NOT have the right to touch me, you freaks!"

"Get the pillory on the harpy already," one of them snapped. Crushed balls boy managed to get up and limped over to where a four-foot-long piece of wood was at whose ends were capped in metal and it had metal plates and eyehooks in the center of. When he turned it just right, Maria had a brief, fleeting view of three holes in the thing. Her eyes went wide, and she gasped when it finally sunk in that they were going to put her in bondage! Over her dead body.

"NO!" Maria screamed, struggling even harder with them as more and more of her clothes were ripped off of her. Soon she had nothing on but her panty hose.

Her breasts, now free from her black bra that had been yanked off of her torso, now dangled and bounced around as she fought these creatures. It just seemed to amuse them. "I love watching the freshly stripped slaves jiggle," he laughed as he slapped one of her full, round tits. Maria screamed in outrage and tried to bite him when he did that. Then stars exploded across her vision as one of them slapped her hard across the face, snapping her head to one side.

Ow... she thought as she got her bearings after that hit. Then the back of her neck and her wrists felt weird as her body was moved. She blinked to clear her vision again and that's when she saw that they took the opportunity of her being stunned to start putting her in the pillory. "NO!" she shrieked as she struggled and squirmed in their grasp. One of them punched her in the stomach, making her cry out in pain and double her over just a bit. Then they pushed her back down onto the ground and closed the two pieces of wood down around her neck and wrists to immobilize them into place. The click of the locks on the metal brackets on either side of her to keep the two pieces of the pillory in place were deafening. She looked to both sides of her as the green brutes let go of the locks to let them dangle off of her newfound restraints. Maria tested the bonds, trying to pull her wrists and her head free, but the holes were too small for her to get out of. It was no use; she was trapped and at their mercy.

"Nothing to say now, bitch?" one of them laughed at her. She spat at him in defiance, a move that amused him even more. He casually wiped the spittle from his face with his hand and then smeared it on her panty hose down between her legs, making her body involuntarily shudder. "Don't worry, we have way of breaking haughty little bitches like yourself," he said, massaging her mound and making her grimace from the sexual assault. "You'll soon come to crave your orc masters' cocks like the little slut you are inside." He then looked at his compatriots. "Alright, let's get her in the coffle with the others and go get the next bitch," he said.

Orcs... isn't that some kind of nerd game creature? she wondered as two of them grabbed either side of her pillory and lifted her to her feet. They pointed in a direction they wanted her to go and she just glowered at them. Then they slapped her hard on the ass to get her moving. "Ow!" she cried out as she was driven forward by her captors. Where the fuck am I? Some kind of furry BDSM convention? These freaks are gonna fucking pay when I'm through with them! She decided to go with the flow for now just to conserve her strength and energy. Being bound in a pillory elevated the level of danger she was in and determined that she didn't want to upset these nerds too much. Looking around, she saw that she'd somehow gone from the park in front of her building to some kind of castle ruin?

She was led through an archway and turned immediately to her right. There, she was forced down to her knees right behind a naked blonde-haired girl who looked like she had elf cosplay ears on. This one was in one of those prayer restraints that clasped around her neck and kept her wrists cuffed together in front of her as if she were constantly praying. The orcs took a small length of chain from the blonde's wooden collar restraints and latched it to the eyehook in front of Maria's pillory. Then they grabbed another short length of chain to attach to the pillory behind Maria's neck, allowing it to dangle down her spine down to her ass. Apparently, Maria was not the only one who was 'invited' to this sick party. She looked around. They defiantly weren't anywhere that Maria recognized. She briefly toyed with the idea of twisting her body and leaning over to try to unlatch her chain from the blonde in front of her, but discarded it when she discovered that the chain was shorter than the distance from her neck to the end of her pillory where her hand was at. All she did was pull the blonde's neck back, which made her squawk in protest. Maria sighed. She was going to be on this ride for a while.

The orcs came back after a few minutes. This time with another naked elf cosplayer, a redhead, in a pillory just like hers. The redhead was crying as the orcs attached her pillory to Maria's using the chain that was dangling down Maria's back. They attached another chain to the back of the redhead's pillory and then were off again. "Oh shut up already," Maria groaned, rolling her eyes. "Crying ain't going to get you out of this," she snapped, looking back over her shoulder at the girl.

The redhead looked as if she was going to say something in retort but then stopped and gasped. "A human?" she blinked in astonishment through the tears. "I... I thought you all were mythical."

"Oh spare me the role-play," Maria said disdainfully. "You can't actually tell me that you think you're a real elf."

"I am a real elf!" the redhead said, taken aback by Maria's response. "You're the mythical creature here, dearie." She bobbed her head up to indicate the others up ahead. "Look around you; you're the only one of your kind chained up."

Maria slowly turned and leaned to the side to look at the rest of the kneeling girls in the coffle. Sure enough, she was the only one here without pointed ears. Her body was also a bit curvier than the slender, lithe women ahead of her. A sinking feeling formed in the pit of Maria's stomach as she wondered if this wasn't just some nerd prank or abduction that was going on. No... it can't be... maybe this is just a dream... a really bad, fucked up dream... She then discarded that idea because those 'orcs' slapping her and spanking her still hurt like hell. This was real, all right. And if this was real, then she realized that she was now in some very real danger. The thought was sobering.

The orcs came back, this time muttering about their prey getting away. "ON YER FEET!" one of them bellowed at them while one went to the very head of the line. Maria had no choice but to stand up with the two elves in front of and behind her or else they'd just pull up on her pillory and possibly choke her. Once everyone in the coffle was standing, an orc behind them snapped his whip over their heads. It made a loud crack as the bellowing orc yelled "MARCH!" Maria started walking with the rest of them, having no other choice but to be led to who knew where. They left the ruins that they were in to pad along a dusty forest road in broad daylight... another indicator to Maria that she wasn't where she thought she was at since it was close to midnight when she left her office not, what, an hour or two ago. The coffle was relentlessly driven on for miles with the forest eventually giving way to grass and farmlands with sporadic villages off in the distance. Maria now knew that she definitely not in the big city where she'd thought she was at.

The mobile pillory got heavy for Maria to bear as her legs started to ache from the walk that seemed to go on forever. Every time she, or any of the others, slowed down, they were met with the lash of the whip either on their backs or on their bottoms. The orcs seemed to take great pleasure at this as they walked alongside the line of captured women, trading off riding on some great big boar looking animal. The sun beat down upon them from overhead, making them sweat. Maria's short cropped brown hair started to mat to her face or droop down in front of her eyes, making her shake her head to clear her vision. She licked her lips from thirst. It got to the point that when they stopped at about midmorning, she collapsed into the grass between the road and a stream. They were given ten minutes to rest, relieve themselves, and get a drink from the stream before they were put back up onto their feet and driven on. By the time they got to the stonework city that the road led to, Maria was exhausted, but she'd be damned if she'd show any weakness. She'd keep her head held high and her face a mask of grim determination. Let these monsters do their worst. She'd have the last laugh just as she always had.

The coffle was stopped in a courtyard within a keep of some sorts close to the front of the city. Maria welcomed the break again and tried to keep standing. Every so often the coffle would move forward and stop. This stop and go continued until Maria could see that the girls ahead of her were being taken off of the chain and led off in different directions. She watched as the orcs conferred with other orcs who obviously ran the place and then saw the blonde get taken away into a prison area. Then it was her turn as they pulled her forward. "Ah yes... the haughty little human..." one of them said. "This is an insolent one who'll need extensive breaking before we can sell her." Maria glowered at them. Sell her? Not fucking likely. She'd find a way out of here before that happened.

The orc who seemed to be calling the shots made a note on his scroll. "Put her in the first level of the dungeon for training and breaking," he said. "And get that silk off of her legs. She looks silly with that stuff on." The orcs who brought her here immediately grabbed her panty hose and easily tore the flimsy fabric off of her, leaving her now completely nude. They then took her into the nearest archway into the dungeon area that she saw the blonde elf go into. The orcs led her into the closest cell where another orc, looking like a blacksmith, waited. The cell door was closed behind them and only then did they take her mobile pillory off of her. Her eyes dared back to the cell door and one of them shook his head. "Don't even think about it, human," he growled. "You're rare here which means you're valuable. Don't make us damage you more than we need to." Maria scowled at him but didn't move.

The blacksmither brought up a metal collar with an eyehook in the front of it to her neck. "Get that thing away from me!" Maria shouted as she jerked away, causing the two other orcs in the cell with her to grab her by her arms and hold her still while the blacksmither clicked the heavy collar into place around her neck and then spoke some strange words to mold the metal together so that it was seamless.

With her new jewelry on, the two orcs hauled Maria into the next cell where she was allowed one last opportunity to relieve herself in a corner before being doused with water to wash her off. Then it was out to a central area that was filled with many archaic, medieval bondage devices. All around the room, naked orcs worked over their equally naked elven slaves, and even a few human ones from the looks of it. It made her stomach churn at the thought that this was what they were about to do to her. "This one likes to talk, so let's stuff her mouth," the orc to her left said. "Put her on the pole over there!" The manhandled her over to a simple wooden pole that was only three or four feet tall with a pair of shackles down towards the base. They forced her down onto her knees on the bare side of the pole and then pushed her until her back was flush up against the wood. Then they pulled her arms back behind her, locking her wrists into the shackles, effectively binding her in place in this kneeling position. Then the one who'd suggested this indignity for her took down his pants to whip out his large, green cock. Maria's eyes widened as he then grabbed her hair behind her head, stepped forward to her, and rammed the head of his cock up against her closed lips. She glared daggers up at him in silent defiance.

Not wanting to be denied, the orc brought his other hand up to her neck, just above her collar, and squeezed. Maria started to choke and cough. The moment she opened her mouth to gasp for air, he shoved his cock right in, filling her mouth up and plunging down her throat enough to make her gag. Just as she thought about biting him, he let go of the back of her head, slid his thumbs into her mouth on either side of his foul dick, and jammed them up between her molars to prevent her from doing that. "You're not the first bitch to think about doing that, slave," he growled down at her as he started fucking her mouth. She now had no choice but to take it. "I'm going to remove my thumbs now," he said after a few thrusts. "If you fucking bite me I swear that I will snap your neck like a twig, valuable human or not."

As much as Maria didn't want to give a blowjob to her kidnapper, she really didn't want to die. So, when he withdrew his thumbs, she didn't bite down on his cock. If a blowjob keeps me alive, then so be it... she thought ruefully. She didn't actively suck him off though. Maria just knelt there, glaring up at him, as he fucked her mouth and throat. She could count on one hand the number of guys she'd ever given a blow job to and that was back in her younger days in late high school and early college. After that, she was the dominant personality in the bedroom. This was probably the first time in her life she'd ever been forced down onto her knees to do this. Above her, the orc humped away at her face, his heavy balls smacking her chin continually. Then he grabbed the back of her head with both hands, forced his cock all the way into her mouth as far as it would go, and then let loose his torrent of cum.

Maria did her best to try and hold her breath and to keep from swallowing her rapist's vile seed. Unfortunately, a lot made it down her throat causing her to retch and gag. She coughed and sputtered again, her lungs now screaming for air. Stress tears formed in the corner of her eyes as she struggled in her bonds to get free while this orc emptied his balls down her gullet. Then he pulled back and Maria doubled over, coughing and gasping for air while spitting out as much of the cum from her mouth as possible. As soon as she was done, and she managed to pull herself back upright, that's when someone smacked her across her breasts with a switch. "OW!" Maria cried out as the pain ran up her tits from her nipples. Then she was smacked again with the switch, making her cry out again. Her breasts were smacked hard a total of five times. Now the tears of pain were welling up in her eyes as she looked up at them. "What the fuck?" she screamed up at them in pain and outrage.

Instead of answering her, the next orc stepped up with a hard cock to shove it into her open mouth. Her protests were cut off as he then grabbed her head and started fucking her face. GAH! AGAIN!? She thought as she tried to twist her head away to spit the orc's cock out of her mouth, but his grip was too firm. Just like the first one, this orc drove his cock all the way down her throat, making her gag again. This time she tried to keep her mouth open wide and her throat relaxed so she'd keep from choking and possibly vomiting. When he final came in her mouth, she did everything she could to keep from swallowing his seed. Once he was finally spent and he pulled out, Maria doubled over, retched, and spat as much of it out. Most of it hit the stone floor but some of it hit her thighs and breasts to dribble down. The orc with the switch stepped up again and swatted her five more times across her already sore tits. Maria jerked in her bonds, screamed, and cried as her breasts were assaulted once more. "Start swallowing, slave!" he bellowed at her. Then another orc stepped up to repeat the process before she even had a chance to protest.