Strip Game Addicts Ch. 10

Story Info
John and Emily play one last game with Jenna.
8.3k words

Part 12 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/04/2015
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It was the start of summer vacation and John had plenty of time on his hands; he had already been accepted into the universality of his choice, a local IT institute that both afforded him close contact with his family, respectable education and affordable tuition, but was still distant enough to afford him enough independence for the full college experience.

Emily also had plenty of time on her hands, not only did she get accepted into the nearby sister university, she was in there with a track and field scholarship, preparing her for an olympic career.

Their plan to waste the day started early, it was only an hour after dawn when Emily came over and dragged a still drowsy John to play basketball, on the pretense that he needed to shape up to get the girls in college.

John personally preferred a few more hours of sleep.

Despite his recalcitrance, John was soon energized and playing along (after getting a bit of breakfast in him, of course) in the court.

Jenna was quite surprised to see them up so early on her morning jog, in fact, it was quite a surprise to see anyone out at this hour, she tended to wake up especially early, and this town was short on early risers.

She watched them for a few minutes, only making her presence known by heckling John when he missed an easy shot, the two waved back and walked up to say hello.

"It's not often that I see a familiar face this early, let alone two." Jenna smiled cheerfully as the two friends approached the chain link surrounding the court, slightly out of breath thanks to their morning game.

"We had time to kill." Emily wiped the sweat of her forehead, brushing her short hair into place and breathing out a sigh of relaxation "not much else to do these days, just waiting for the time to pack up and move out."

Jenna felt a twinge of sadness, she was going to Columbia university, she was going to see the big apple in all its glory.

Her friends weren't coming with her.

"So who's winning?" Jenna asked, pushing the gloom out of her thoughts and grinning through it.

"Who do you think?" John, slightly more winded than his opponent, quipped as he gave Emily a side glance.

"Mind if I join? Jogging is fine and all, but this looks more fun." Jenna's grin softened into a smile, determined to enjoy the time she had left to its fullest.

"Sure thing, I'll open the door." Emily nodded and leapt towards the door, Jenna walked over, watching John walk back towards the court.

Once inside, Jenna had a devious thought, and shared it with the other two:

"So this is more fun than jogging, but why stop there?" Jenna's grin returned, this time with a hint of wickedness that was absent when she first put it on "how about we make it strip basketball?"

The two seemed a little nervous, but Jenna recognized the look of hunger and excitement mixed in with that apprehension, Emily was always a sucker for such public acts of nudity, and John could never refuse a strip game, they weren't about to refuse.

Jenna congratulated herself when the two agreed, out of the three, Emily's track and field experience (not to mention her love of basketball) meant she'd be tough to beat in a fair game, but she doubted that Emily would give it her all, not when her own exposure was at stake, even if she wanted to win, her desire to strip in public might unconsciously interfere with her skills.

John was the least athletic, he was more of a nerd and both her and Emily were quite athletic, meaning that she could probably outplay him and get him naked first even if she wasn't fairly experienced in basketball, it's not like she had never played the game before.

"So what are the rules?" John asked, eager to set the game in motion, consequences be damned.

"I was thinking we play one on one, swapping out the loser of every point, that way, the winner gets a bigger challenge and the losers have time to rest and think." Jenna explained, already imagining what fun things she could do with John, and maybe even Emily if she was lucky.

"We play until two are naked, the first one naked becomes the slave of the winner for the rest of the day, the second one naked only gets a forfeit." Jenna laid down the final stakes, and saw the hungry excitement in the two's eyes as they widened as she did, she wondered if they both wanted to win, or if the idea of losing excited them just as much.

Jenna was at least half right, as the game progressed, it became half apparent that John was not the easy target she had anticipated he would be.

The points between her and Emily were no contest, Emily steamrolled her every time, she had yet to score a single point on the perky girl, so she had hoped that she could recover when facing John, and leave him to lose more points to her than the other way around.

That was not the case, not only did John seem to tie neck and neck with Jenna for points, taking as many points away from her as she could manage to take from him, but the galling part is that when facing Emily, John seemed to fare even better than he did with her, not only was Jenna beginning to panic, it was a confused panic that she could not understand.

Jenna was not wearing much, she had chosen to go with a plain set of grey sports underwear, a matching bra and panty set, as well as a pink tanktop and black yoga pants, these four items alongside her shoes and ankle socks made six items, certainly less than John's five (shirt, shorts, boxers, shoes and socks) and Emily's rather exhibitionist-worthy four (sports bra, shorts, socks and shoes).

Despite her clothing advantage, she quickly found herself wearing nothing but her bra, panties and shoes; she chose to remove the socks first, not wanting them to be damaged by the rough surface of the courtyard, and kept her shoes fearing she would not be able to play barefoot as well as she did previously.

The first three points went to Emily, leaving Jenna two items short (socks and shirt) and John shirtless), Emily finally deposed as John dashed past Emily and tossed in a three pointer, the fifth point was John against Jenna yet again, which resulted in the loss of her yoga pants, something the two considerably enjoyed watching her peel of her sweating skin, making sure to get a good look at her bubbly butt as she bent over to remove the crumpled up synthetic fabric that gathered at her ankles.

Next at the seventh point (John only lost his socks on the sixth point) Jenna managed to steal the ball from Emily, finally scoring a layup and forcing her out of her shoes, though even Jenna herself was not beyond admitting that this was probably a fluke, and that she'd be hard pressed to steal another point from Emily.

Her luck wouldn't last though, as the very next point saw John catching on to her playstyle and making sure to guard the ball properly, passing her and scoring a layup of his own.

Jenna couldn't believe it, how was she the worst player, with John seemingly the one with the least amount of losses.

Still nervous and worried about what she had to do, Jenna finally decided to ditch the shoes and risk playing on the rough concrete, immediately regretting the choice as her feet touched the ground, as she feared, the next point was going to be tough to win.

Even more surprising was the next point, John went up against Emily, and counter to expectations, he was keeping up fairly well, in fact, as John managed to keep Emily away from the basket, forcing her to make a hasty shot and miss, quickly capitalizing on this, he grabbed the ball and made a shot of his own, all before Emily could properly react and catch up, scoring the point and trying with her 2 for 2 in the points they played against each other.

Emily smiled and reached down to the elastic band of her sports bra, her perky breasts getting hit by the fresh, relatively cool summer's morning air.

Emily bit her lips as she looked down and pinched her nipples, they were rock hard already, even before taking off her bra, and now she was standing there in just a pair of short sports shorts.

Jenna knew that the next point would be her only chance, if she didn't get ahead of the game, she'd be the first in line to lose, she cursed under her breath for proposing that forfeit, expecting to at least beat John easily was backfiring now.

Fortunately for her, John was finally starting to slip up after playing so many points, so Jenna finally managed to give him the slip and instead of aiming for a layup like she did before, she managed to trick John into giving her space to make a two point throw and finally score a point against him.

unfortunately for her, this only resulted in John losing his shorts, while it was a bit more revealing (she could see his erection a bit more clearly now), it was essentially the same outfit he had before losing, and even more importantly, he still had his shoes while they were barefooted, which meant that his feet weren't being grazed with every point.

Even with this win, Jenna was not out of the woods yet, she still had to beat Emily this round to escape her fate of being the first loser, and she still had to beat John twice to even win the whole game, and all she had to do to fail was to lose two points and she'd be forced to humiliate herself, either for a single forfeit's worth, or worse, the entire day.

Sadly, neither Jenna's luck nor her skills were up to task, her game against Emily was not even that long, Emily was more than capable of steamrolling, showing that Jenna's only win against her was indeed just a lucky coincidence, she wasted little time snatching the ball from Jenna and immediately scoring a point through a fairly impressive dunk (though impressive, that dunk did seem to take a bit more effort than necessary).

Now Jenna was seriously panicking; not only was she losing yet another piece of clothing, the risk of being the first loser was greater than ever, trying to push that thought out of her head, she lifted her sports bra up off her luscious tits that jiggled ever so slightly once they were free of all clothing, Jenna wondered why she also felt her nipples stiffening, she certainly didn't think it was all because of the cold air.

Simply standing there was both exciting and worrying Jenna, she could feel the eyes of her two friends soaking in every part of her nudity, she was also worried that there might be someone else stumbling upon them and finding them in this embarrassing state.

The next point was a typical John Vs. Emily point, drawn out and threatening to to go to either of them several times during the match, though it was certainly clear that John's shoes were making quite the difference, since he was still moving comfortably and it was pretty obvious that Emily had to make a bigger effort just to wrest another point from John every time they played.

With that said, Emily spared no effort playing against John (none that any of the two could notice, at least), and by the end, Emily had managed eke out yet another victory, leaving John forced to either remove his boxers or his shoes, he chose the latter.

This was not advantageous to Jenna, who was hoping that John would pull ahead and beat Emily, thinking that, at the very least, she was managing to compete against him on a more equal footing than she did with Emily, not to mention that it meant that John was guaranteed at least second place; someone was going to be the first loser this next point, and it was most likely going to be her.

And just as predicted, despite playing a bit better out of desperation, Jenna could not manage to outplay the experienced Emily, she had managed to hinder her a bit at first, but once Emily got a measure of what Jenna was capable of, she easily overcame the new bar that was set, quickly dribbling past Jenna and scoring an easy layup.

With that, Jenna was the first loser, meaning that whoever won from the remaining two had absolute say on what she'd have to do, but even before that, she had to hook her thumbs into her panties and slid them down, it's been a long time since she'd last lost one of these, and she recalled that back then she hadn't exactly played them with such high stakes, the worst forfeit she'd suffered was masturbation the other week with John and streaking at a much, much earlier time.

Likewise, Jenna was not a virgin, she wasn't even close to inexperienced, but she always found herself in control of the majority of her sexual interactions, she wasn't even sure when was the last time she didn't take the lead, meaning this might be the first time ever that she'd be forced to do everything the wanted on their own terms, simply put, Jenna liked being in control.

So why was she so aroused by it? Not only physically, as her two potential masters for the day could see, but she was certainly more excited by the thought than she ever did when she took charge, and this was starting to worry her.

Now Naked, Jenna sat back on a bench as she watched as the final point began, this was a surprisingly close game overall, thanks to the system they'd devised, but now that the final point was playing out, Jenna could already tell who would win.

The final point started with John in control of the ball, seeing how Emily was both more exhausted and had been playing barefoot longer, John figured that he could simply outrun his friend and score a layup, but that wasn't so easy, since this was the last point, Emily had no reason to conserve her energy, either she goes all out and wins, or she simply doesn't and loses the chance to exert herself, period.

This meant that Emily was at least able to successfully block John from approaching the basket, she couldn't outmaneuver him, but she was fast and resilient enough to keep him from passing her, with the initial plan foiled, John was forced to shoot from a longer distance, and having Emily cover him so closely, the ball bounced off the rim ineffectually.

Emily scrambled to grab the ball, with John right at her tail, only managing to grab it, quickly sidestep away from the basket and attempt a throw of her own, sadly for her, John, with his height advantage, was right there with his hands up ready to block the shot easily.

The fallout of this quick exchange was that John was now actually closer to the basket than Emily, meaning that as soon as the ball hit the ground, John snatched the ball and dashed towards the open basket, jumping up and scoring with a layup.

John had won the game, and was now in control of Jenna for the rest of the day.

"Aw damn!" Emily winced as John scored and settled the game, though she was certainly far more cheerful than her other female friend, now awestruck by the fact that nerdy John had beaten the two more athletic girls in a sports game.

"How?" was all that Jenna could muster through her speechlessness.

"I'm kinda shocked too..." John turned to Emily, his elation at winning still giving way to his surprise.

"Must be having an off day!" Emily giggled nervously, she toyed with the hem of her panties "But you've been playing me for a while, you were bound to get better.

"Speaking of which..." Emily pushed the panties down, now crumpled on the ground near her ankles, she stepped out of them and added them to the pile of clothes she kept nearby. "So what now?"

"Now I'm John's slave for the day..." Jenna said, the disbelief in her voice made it seem like that proclamation was more to assure herself that it was real than anything else.

"I guess I have to do a forfeit too." Emily was definitely more excited than Jenna, but the restraint she exercised masked that difference quite well.

The two girls looked expectantly at John, one more nervous than the other, nonetheless, John knew exactly how he wanted to kick off his first win in a while:

"So I guess Emily's forfeit, and Jenna's first order, is for you two to get to center court and masturbate." John relished the turning of the tables on Jenna, who went pale as a sheet when she heard what she had to do, yet another cherry on top of the sundae that was this long overdue victory.

The girls sat down in the middle of the concrete court, Jenna moving gingerly and timidly and keeping her legs mostly closed (unusual for her demeanor), Emily moving much more confidently, though she did show signs of nervousness, and began playing with their pussies.

Thankfully, neither girls had to explain to any passerby why they were naked and fingering themselves in public, as it was still pretty early, and most people were either asleep or already well on their way to their vacation spot, it almost felt like the world was theirs to do as they please.

This was a sight to behold, John stood there watching cute Emily and sexy Jenna pleasure their joy buttons at his command, occasionally reaching up and teasing their nipples, squeezing their breasts, it took him a second to remember that he could just pull his phone out and record this if he wished, and he certainly wished to do so.

Emily saw the phone and grinned, she definitely approved, but he had no idea whether or not Jenna approved, she was adamant to keep her eyes closed and concentrate on shutting everything out, John was pretty sure that Jenna didn't notice that phone yet.

John was well aware of the bulge becoming uncomfortable inside his boxers, but he didn't dare touch it or even look away from the scene unfolding before him, all he could do was watch attentively and keep his other hand at his side, enjoying the view of two beautiful girls approach their climax in the middle of the court.

And unsurprisingly, Emily's more enthusiastic touch meant that she was writhing on the ground, juices spraying out in a long arc that landed near John's feet as she moaned loudly, uncaring that she was cumming in such a public location, Jenna was still engaged in play herself, although her hesitation had long eroded by now, she wasn't even aware that Emily was done and now watching her from her back right next to her.

Jenna's orgasm was substantially more subdued than Emily's, but it was still noticeable as she moaned softly, the wave of pleasure rolling over her body, convulsing and causing her thighs to clamp over her fingers, still buried within her leaking pussy.

"That was fun." Emily gasped for breath, a wide grin adorned her face as she turned to a still recovering Jenna, who opted to remain silent, though her face spoke volumes when she turned to John and saw the phone in his hand.

"Well, I guess that's about it for what we'll do out here in the court, how about we head to your home, Emily?" John suggested a change of venue, Jenna knew that she wasn't going to be getting dressed, but John affirmed her fear "naturally, you're not getting dressed, Jenna."

"I think I'll stay naked too," Emily chimed in, standing up and dusting herself off, John went silent for a second, distracted by the sudden declaration and Emily's smacking of her own behind "might as well keep poor Jenna company."

Jenna was not amused, if anything, she blushed harder, still choosing to remain silent in the face of the other two's enthusiasm.

After getting dressed himself, John made sure to collect all of the girls' belongings, he wanted them empty handed to focus on getting home.

Jenna made sure to follow Emily's moves once the they hit the street, Emily had more experience traversing such a public area naked, she assumed, and her assumption paid off; Emily was vigilant and quick to move out of sight when anybody was coming along, she also had a knack for finding good hiding spots, most of the their journey home was uneventful, all until:

"Car!" Emily whispered and immediately ducked behind a bush, Jenna followed suit and lay low until the car left.

... Except it didn't, unlike most cars, this one slowly came to a halt right in front of John, the window rolled down and Jenna's stomach knotted up as she saw from behind her cover who the driver was.