Succubus Awakens

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Coming of age succubus story!
  • May 2020 monthly contest
57.9k words
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Hey all, been a while. This one is a little different than the usual harem. Female protag, a lot of sex but also a lot of story. It could be in erotic couplings, group sex, taboo (not incest), lesbian, though I'm putting it in Sci-fi fantasy like usual. It has MF, MFF, and FF scenes in it. It was a story I had to write and just wouldn't leave my mind, and it stands on its own. It's just short of sixty thousand words so it's a full novel. I don't have any more story to it, though if it hits me I'll add another book or two.

Oh, no sex under eighteen in here, even if it does start out in a high school, everyone involved are seniors about to graduate or older. As usual, I look forward to your feedback!


Succubus Awakens

Alexis Black: Book One

Copyright 2020. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.


Chapter One - Caught

The room was bare, save the single metal table bolted down to the floor, and the three chairs. I was sitting on the proverbial wrong side of that table, as I spared a glance at the wide one-way mirror on one of the walls, and then I made a face as I looked up at the camera. The room looked to have seen better days, with faded light brown paint on the walls, and a lot of scuff marks and scratches both on the metal table and floor.

It truly looked like a movie set for a bad cop show. Regardless, I could sense the witch and shifter arrive, could feel them through the mirror. Something only my kind and Nephilim could do, at least without spells, scents, and other indicators being involved.

I also felt naked. I was clothed, not naked in that way. I had on a prison orange jumpsuit that my kind hosts had lent for my use, and if I may toot my own horns, I made it look damned good. The mirror showed a young woman just barely past the cusp of womanhood, which was far from the truth. Midnight hair, intense violet eyes, the face of an angel, and a body that even the orange shapeless garment couldn't hide. I was on the petite side at five foot four, but my body was all sumptuous and proudly supple curves that gave me an exaggerated hourglass figure.

No, it was the lack of all my usual fae enchantments, and the betraying cute and short red horns on my head that told the world and everyone around me the other side of the mirror of my true nature, that made me feel naked. My mother had been fae, though I'd never met her, but my father had been a demon. It'd been quite a surprise, when the horns had grown in at sixteen and I'd grown a body built for sin.

Not to mention my crazy libido, one that I'd fought for two long years.

I was also confused, as a rule, half demons were killed on sight as a matter of course. I objected to that policy, since I didn't feel evil myself, but I might as well protest against the sun rising in the east every morning. The Nephilim led the city councils, and the fae, vampires, shifters, and witches followed their lead. Or they died.

Nephilim were self-righteous assholes.

The humans had gone along with that bullshit genocidal policy because they'd been starstruck by the damned Nephilim and their pedigree as the sons and daughters of angels. Ever since emergence had happened two years ago. That'd been quite a thing, almost a full sixth of Manhattan had gone up in hellfire, it'd been impossible to cover up even for witchcraft and vampire compulsion. I honestly liked humans though, I couldn't blame them for being dumb enough to fall for the press put out by the half children of angels.

It'd only been my fae magic and glamour that had kept me safe as long as it had. It was the one magic that was easy, glamour was as natural as breathing for a fae. Otherwise I'd have been screwed, because I didn't know much about magic back then, but I'd already been hiding my pointed ears since I was a young child in the human world, so hiding a couple of horns had been no big deal, if a bit freaky.

I also had very little personal power in the moment, which was how they'd caught me. I'd let myself grow careless, too arrogant, and I'd pushed my magic too hard the last three days. For money, what a stupid and venal reason to die. When the hunter team and raid had come, I hadn't had a chance in fighting back, at least not hard enough to take down the full team. Which annoyed me, but what I couldn't figure out was why they hadn't slit my throat yet, after taking me down.

My power was also being drained by one of their enchantments right at the moment, to keep me nice and safe, and helpless for them. Magic naturally regenerated over time.

I also spared a thought for my companions. Were they alive as well, or had the council put them down already? There was no doubt they were marked for death, merely disagreeing with the council could get a supernatural killed. The first amendment most definitely did not apply in my dangerous world despite living in the United States of America, and me and mine had broken more serious laws than that.

The door opened, and the witch and shifter walked in. The former about twenty-five years old in human appearance which would put her in her forties. She was attractive, five foot eight with golden blonde hair and light gray eyes that were narrowed with disgust in the moment. She had a faux innocent beauty with soft cheekbones and a heart shaped face. Her body was lissome, all soft curves, with average breasts.

I held my face neutral, even though I felt her attraction to my body, the last thing I wanted to do was piss her off, too much, anyway. My powers as a fae included glamour, speed, and an intrinsic connection to nature. I was also capable of nature spells, and potion making. It was that former that had allowed me to hide myself by disguising my demonic scent markers and horns. But the receptive empathy came from the other side of the equation.

The shifter was ruggedly handsome, with a hint of boyishness at about the same age. He had brown hair and golden-brown eyes that looked cold in the moment, but I imagined like all shifters they burned hot a lot of the time. He was built, really hot, and a few fantasies flitted through my head, and the witch was involved in most of them.

I'd always been like that, ever since my demon side came in at sixteen. I'd always kept it suppressed, and I swallowed the flirty quips that came easily and often to my tongue. Everyone had that one person in their life that turned almost everything into sexual innuendo and sensual teasing, well that was me for my circle of friends. My mind was usually in the gutter, and I had absolutely no shame when it came to sexuality or flirting... at least in my head I didn't. I still retained a modicum of modesty, only revealing that side of me fully when in bed.

The witch started.

"Alexis Black. Twenty-two. Been on the run for three years, since late eighteen, when you caused quite a ruckus at your high school in the latter part of your senior year," she shook her head in mock shock as she clucked her tongue, "Half fae, and from what we know half succubus."

"And you are?" I asked coquettishly.

She scowled, but the shifter answered, "Dennis Franken, and Gale Francis. Council investigators."

Gale continued, "Guilty of illegal potion trafficking on the black market. Participating in an underground fight club. There's also the not so small matter of your birth."

Right. After emergence witches started to sell potions to humans, since the whole supernatural world had been revealed. Of course, the best and most sought after potions had been regulated with the humans' help, for their supposed safety, but it was really so that the upper-class witches could corner the market. That had inevitably led to a black market, and for someone like me on the run it was one of the few fast and easy ways to make money, if you had the magic to brew potions, that is.

The supernatural community was a complicated place, and as a half anything that put you at the bottom. I certainly wouldn't be welcomed in any fae mounds, even if I wasn't half demoness.

As to participating in a fight club, that was a stretch. The only fighters were shifters, they needed the release of it, of a good knock down brawl for their instincts. If they didn't feed their violent instincts piecemeal and in a controlled way, they'd eventually snap and start killing just about anyone.

For pack shifters they'd find that in their pack, and pack dominance. But for half shifters or even full shifters that were bitten by rogues or not welcome in a pack for some reason or another, they had to find that outlet elsewhere. That led to underground fight clubs, where bloodthirsty rich humans got to enjoy watching a hell of a fight. Not to mention corrupt councils taking bribes.

Point being, my participation in it was simply being there, and selling potions. Not that they would care about that distinction and it was pointless to argue about anyway. I'd already earned my death, what was one more capital offense? Both how I was born, and peddling illegal potions were more than enough reason to kill me. Either reason would be enough, which led back to my confusion. Why the hell was I still alive?

Dennis growled, "Nothing to say?"

I shrugged, and I pointed at my horns. Honestly, that was all that mattered. Their rules and laws were corrupt and self-serving to those in power, almost everything was a capital offense in my world, what did it matter what they thought.

Gale scowled, "You will answer our questions."

I looked her over and then looked at Dennis, and said sultrily, "No."

Gale shook her head, "What the hell do you mean, no?"

I said patiently, "I was answering his question. I have nothing to say about the charges."

Gale peered at me like I'd been torturing kittens.

"There is no hope for parole, but we will be merciful when the time comes if you tell us what we want to know."

I nodded. Of course, they wanted information from me. That was the only thing that made sense as to why I wasn't dead yet, and my mind spun in circles as I came up with a plan. A horrible plan, one that was surely doomed to failure, but worst case I was dead anyway. All I had was desperation at that point.

Though, I also couldn't imagine what information I had that they would find important.

"What is it you want to know?"

Gale narrowed her eyes, "Just like that?"

I shrugged, "Not happy about it, or at the prospect of dying afterward, but it's not like you can't drag anything you want out of me with magic and torture. I'd prefer to avoid that, and I'll answer all of your questions honestly. I am half fae, or did you forget that?"

I didn't really like to lie, though I was like most fae in that I was fairly facile with my tongue when it came to leading people to the wrong conclusion with the truth. That wouldn't really help me here though, council investigators knew all the fae tricks that way, and they knew how to ask questions that couldn't be abused in that way.

Dennis accused, "You seem awfully calm, for a nasty demon about to meet their end."

I frowned, "There's no need to get personal. Besides, don't confuse controlled discipline of mind, with calm."

Gale said, "You may be half fae, but you're also half demon."

I smiled at her alluringly, "True, but my demon side much prefers pleasure over pain."

She snorted, but I felt the low level surge of lust from her, and smiled wider, knowingly.

I added, "Shall we get on with it, or would you like to... investigate that aspect of my nature more... thoroughly?"

Dennis snorted, "So you can suck out my soul, no thanks."

I sighed, the morons believed their own press. Suck out souls? Granted, that was possible, but it wasn't something I'd ever done. I'd compare it to the left-hand path of witchcraft, sacrificial power and summoning evil for power, and it was a part of my nature that would twist me and truly make me evil. In truth, I stuck to the right-hand path, or at least what I saw as the right-hand path for one of my kind.

To be fair, half succubae children were extremely rare, more often than not demons are summoned by fae or witches for power, and in that case another type demon was far more appropriate to that end. They also usually killed us on sight, so it wasn't like they did any research.

Lastly, I was bored with their paranoid questions, I wished they'd get to the point. At the same time, the longer they dallied with stupid ass observations and questions before getting to the point the better chance I had of living just a little longer.

"I've never killed in that way, nor would I."

It also wasn't on the table, sex would recharge me in moments, instead of days, and would no doubt destroy the enchantments on my wrists. I was hot, but no one was that hot, and neither of them would take that risk just to use my body.

Dennis looked at me with disgust, but like his partner I could feel his attraction.

"I find that hard to believe."

Gale cleared her throat, "Your powers. Hellfire, which you used to kill half the team's shifters."

Dennis growled at that, as if being reminded of that little fact made him want to tear my throat out.


Gale frowned, "What others do you possess?"

I said, "Basic fae talents with glamour, nature magic, enchantment, and potion brewing. On my demon side, empathy, enthrallment, and hellfire."

Enthrallment was a tiny bit like compulsion. Except it was both more honest and more horrible at the same time. A victim of compulsion won't remember being told to do something and it will seem like their idea. A victim of enthrallment will do it for me, against their will even, out of lust, desire, and an unnatural loyalty. It was a power I very rarely used.

Another way to say it is compulsion affects the mind, and enthrallment affected the soul.

I added, "And of course, feeding, restoring, and even growing my power through sex."

That last one, the permanent power growth, was by very small degrees, unless of course I swallowed a whole soul which would grant a significant increase in power. But power wasn't everything, and swallowing souls whole would twist my own mortal soul. The power of a succubus was not straightforward. Like most things in life, it was complicated, there was a balance, debt, and payment to it, at least in the way I did it, when it came to my lovers. Maybe it was hubris, but it kept my soul clean. Although, I supposed god would be the final judge of that when I finally stood before him.

Gale frowned, "What about permanent enthrallment?"

I tilted my head, "No idea what you're talking about."

Dennis snorted even more violently.

I frowned as I looked at him, "Can you not smell the truth on the air, dog?"

Gale touched his arm, probably to stop him from breaking my face as he stepped forward with a growl. Wolf shifters really hated being called dogs. They were too, even more indiscriminate than I was, and I was a sex demon. So they were dogs in the literal and figurative sense. At least, until they'd found their soul mate, the one their wolf picked as their mate, then they were steadfast and loyal.

But until then they were bigger sluts than I was.

"From our records, a succubus can permanently enthrall a person while using their enthrallment power, but only while simultaneously feeding during sex. It sets a permanent connection. They'll always obey your orders, you can feed from them at any time over a distance, even communicate with them, and their souls literally become an extension of yours, unto death. It's also impossible to trace and detect, or at least current witchcraft isn't up to the task. Apparently one of your kind took hundreds of council hunters and even a few councilors down with them a few thousand years ago."

I snorted myself, "That's convenient, very boogieman under the bed. If you can't detect it then there's no way to prove it either way."

Then my mind put it together, and I figured out that suspected power was why I was still alive. They were probably trying to figure out how I'd stayed one step ahead of them the last three years. Feared that I had set permanent enthrallments as spies in their ranks, and worried if they slit my throat a bunch of their own might just keel over dead too.

Which meant if the power did exist then they'd be investigating it and experimenting on me to learn how to find and trace it. To me though, the whole thing sounded completely ridiculous. Another of the council's lies and manipulations to stay in power. They also said half-demons would start the apocalypse, but for some reason I just hadn't gotten to that task yet over the last three years of running around free either.

Yes, that was totally sarcasm.

More than that, if I did have them wouldn't I be able to feel them? I could literally pull power from them all right now if she was right, and then destroy the enchantments and fight my way out of here. The only supernatural that was a threat to me were other half demons and Nephilim, shifters, vampires, witches, and even fae had no chance against me, if I'd had any magic that is.

I shrugged, "I've never heard of it, so if I do have some out there then I certainly didn't do it on purpose. It's not like my dad trained me, nor did my power come with an instruction manual. That said, I honestly don't think it's a thing, but I can't guarantee it either. No one can prove a negative."

What I said was the truth, but my belief was this was partially false pride on their parts. They were looking for some excuse to explain the failures of not taking me down sooner. Of failing to apprehend me in their succubus-hunt. Usually their demon hunts were short and final. That ridiculous power I'd never heard of even as a succubus myself gave them an excuse to forgive their ineptitude, or my superiority in my evasion of them.

Of course the truth was obvious. It was being half-fae that allowed me to evade them, with glamour. Most half demons were half human, and they couldn't hide their horns or their scents. Much less look like completely different people.

At the same time, I couldn't prove that power didn't exist, or that they were wrong. More importantly for the moment, is a little doubt was a good thing from my side of things. After all, if I convinced them that wasn't a possible danger then they'd have no reason not to slit my throat and incinerate my corpse before the sun rose tomorrow.

Gale grimaced, "We have no choice, we can't take the chance. She could've fucked her way through whole councils, enthralling, fucking and permanently enslaving them."

I frowned, "Except I'm telling the truth, doggy can smell it. If I did enthrall someone permanently, it wasn't on purpose."

Dennis didn't take the bait this time, "You're very controlled as you said earlier, and even shifter senses can be fooled. I don't imagine a facile fae and evil demon would think twice about deceiving, and the latter might even believe their own twisted lies."

I shrugged, "You'd know if you didn't kill us all on sight."

Gale shook her head, "He's right, we can't hang that many possible lives on the idea a shifter's nose is infallible."

"Then why bother talking? I've told you nothing but truth, as I see it."

Gale sighed, "In the hope you would admit it. So we wouldn't have to do what we need to do."

I frowned as a chill went down my spine.

"What are you going to do?"

Gale said distastefully, "We have no choice, we'll have to review all your memories relating to and around your feeding. That will tell us if you set any permanent enthrallments."