Summoner's Peril

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An apprentice's summoning spell goes awry.
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This is my first solid story effort in a long time. I hope you enjoy and feel free to leave comments letting me know if you liked it and want more. Thank you and please enjoy!


The night hung dark and silent over the sleepy village of Whitebridge. It was a black evening, the stars blanketed overhead by a thick canopy of clouds. A darkness broken only for a moment by the full moon hanging overhead. Before it was swallowed again by the clouds it shone down on a length of the King's Road, lighting up the slow lazy river and white marble of the bridge that gave the town it's name, the various wooden buildings that made up the town, and at the far end standing atop the only significant hill for miles it shone on a tall stone tower. The door of the tower opened just as darkness settled across the sleepy lands once more, a cloaked figure stepping out with lantern in hand.

Sparks flew from the tips of the strangers fingers, lighting the lantern and bathing them and the area around them with the light of a small flicking flame. Keeping the lantern high as they walked towards the village, the light revealed its owner to be a pale young woman. Her clear blue eyes were set on the nearby outskirts of the town, a stern expression on her face. Valla used to live in this town herself before she was apprenticed to her master Alpheric, Master Sorcerer and resident of Whitebridge's tower, and now she was determined to see that master back at home where he belonged.

She did not know what had happened to her master lately. Alpheric had sensed she could use magic when healing various villagers after a sickness had swept through the town, and both parties had been delighted to begin her training. He had been a charming and informative teacher, and her a willing and enchanted student. Those charms became more over time though, smiles and compliments became small touches and exclamations of her beautiful black hair and other various physical features. With Alpheric being a handsome man himself she did not resist his advances, and one night, almost a month ago, after a bit too much wine she allowed him into her bed chambers.

After that long sweet night where he took her maidenhood though, things started to change. His sweet words and charming looks, turned into hollow repeated phrases and halfhearted smiles. He had begun spending less time teaching her about magic, and more and more time at the local inn. At first she had worried that perhaps she was to blame for this behavior. Perhaps she did not please him, or maybe she had said something wrong. The more she attempted to get closer to him though, the faster he seemed to slip away, until this night when he had promised to teach her an important lesson yet failed to return from town yet again. This was the last straw, and she was determined to drag him back to the tower and have a good talk with her wayward master.

She shook herself out of her musings as she passed by the first few buildings of the village. Most of the homes she passed were dark and silent, the dutiful craftsman of Whitebridge long since asleep to face another busy day. She could hear her destination moments before it came into view. Whitebridge Inn was the only such building in the village, and also the only place one could buy a drink, so it not only collected the various travelers off of the King's Road, but also the more rowdier of the villagers.

At the moment things were on the calmer side and the air was filled with various loud conversations and laughter as she stepped into the light cast off by the open doors. She was about to enter, until the scene before her stopped her dead in her tracks.

Valla, pulled the cowl of her cloak lower and shifted to the side of the doors, trying to go unnoticed as she peered in. At the largest of the tables her master sat with his back turned to her entertaining a crowd of villagers, his multicolored silk robes shimmering in the light of the inn's hearth. Sitting on his lap though, was a rather plump and giggling serving girl. As he talked to his companions Valla watched as Alpheric reached down and squeeze a handful of the girl's rear, only for her to smile and whisper something in his ear. Seething anger burned through Valla and she tore herself away from the scene before she burst the whole inn into flames!

She ran her way back to the tower, fighting the impulse to scream or break a tree in two with the force of her magic. Tears stung her face as she made her way back to the tower, the last place she wanted to be, but the place were all her possessions and future was supposed to be. She flung open the door to the tower running to the stairs in the receiving area of the first floor, ignoring the audience room of the second, and only stopping at the third, her refuge the tower's library.

She tossed her cloak into a nearby chair and paced back and forth furiously, her plain gray apprentice robes billowing behind her. What have I done to deserve this? She thought to herself, has he always been like this and I just chose to ignore it? Did he ever even care for me?

She could not think past her fury. She had given him her heart and expected him to feel the same. She would not just be another conquest for him to cast aside, she wanted to hurt him so badly, but she couldn't. There had to be some way to get even with the man who had made such a fool of her. She stopped her pacing and smiled grimly. There was a way, and if he wanted to have sex with everything that walked, she would grant him that request.

Valla made her way to the back of the library, to the section dedicated to advanced and powerful magic. Her master had told her not to study from these books as she was yet unskilled enough for the spells within, and she had obeyed. That did not mean that she did not peak inside at their contents though.

She reached the shelf that she was seeking and pulled from it a black leather tome, the leather itself exotic and glossy black as if it was just dipped in oil. She flipped open the tome and browsed its pages. Most of which was filled with a language that reading alone made her want to cringe and her flesh tingle, Demonic. If he wanted to fuck something, she would see how he enjoyed spending a night with a succubus!

Finding the page she needed, she began reading as she made her way to the wide open space in the middle of the room that her master used to train her in minor non lethal spells. The spell itself seemed simple enough, just a summoning circle with demonic symbols instead of the usual summoning glyphs, and as long as the caster was stronger than the creature, then they were under the summoner's full control.

She grabbed a piece of charcoal from a nearby table and went to work creating the circle. A part of her told Valla that this was wrong and a bad idea, but it was a small part overwhelmed by her anger. She sat back after completing the circle and nodded in satisfaction. She took the tome in her hands, and finding the beginning of the incantation, began the summoning in sloppy Demonic.

The circle and the symbols around it begin to glow and pulse with a sickly green as she started chanting. Keeping her eyes away from the distraction, she was almost halfway done with the spell when she realized that in her hast she had smudged part of the spell with her charcoal stained fingers and the following glyphs were illegible. Unable to stop now, squinted and said the next set of phrases aloud, too late though she noticed a mistake she made in the pronunciation, and before she could correct herself the room burst in a flash of fire.

Falling back on her rear and hissing in pain, it took her a few moments before the glare cleared from her eyes to find a tall figure standing where the summoning circle once was. Standing on the blasted patch of floor was a man, or at least he looked like a man at first glance. The creature had wavy jet black hair that fell to his broad naked shoulders. His skin was the tone of copper and even gave of a metallic glint where the light hit it, and it glinted many places as most of his muscular form was bare save for a leather loincloth made of the same black material as the summoning tome. All this barely registered with Valla as it was his eyes that held her gaze. Yellow eyes that glowed as if they were their own set of bonfires.

The creature did not seem pleased in the least to be called to this place, his face set in a frown as he took a step from the ruined circle. "Who dares summon the great Xeric, Prime Incubus of the Upper Hells?" the demon asked, and despite the displeasure in his deep rumbling voice, something stirred deep within Valla, a confusing attraction.

"I did not mean to summon you," she managed to say, her words feeling like lead as she struggled to speak under that gaze. "I was trying to summon a succubus."

Xeric sneered down at the small woman, "So you wished to enslave one of my sisters?" He made a gesture with his hand and Valla felt her limbs grow stiff and immobile. Smiling down at the helpless mage he paced around her at his leisure, clucking his tongue mentally at her slime frame and small breasts. She was not really his type, but being summoned always made him hunger for a meal of energy, so she would do.

Valla struggled against the spell that bound her. She had summoned something much more powerful than she intended and apparently had no sway over this monster. She had to break free, or did she want to? She shook her head mentally at the stray thought, why would she want to stay here? Yes he was handsome, but he would more than likely kill her. Handsome? Why would she call him that?

Logical thought became harder as he paced her. He gave off a strange smell, first it was the smell of rain, then of fresh hay, all scents she liked assaulting her over and over, making her head swim. He sighed as he stopped his pacing to stand in front of her and said, "Yes I suppose you will have to do." She would have shivered if she was capable of moving.

Xeric made a small gesture, "Get on your knees little summoner." Valla's then moved against her wishes positioning herself from the demon so her face was mere inches from the front of his loincloth, the scent of him so strong now it made her mouth water.

"Now you will service me, do it well and I might decide to go easy on you," he said as he snapped his fingers causing to loincloth to disappear in a cloud of black smoke, revealing to Valla a semi hard manhood, and easily the largest she had ever seen.

Her numb hand raised mindlessly to grab the thick member at the base as her face inched forward, her tongue slipping out of its own accord to slide from the top of her clenched fist to the tip of his pulsing member. She moaned inwardly as she saw her mouth open wide and accept the first few inches of him into her.

"What is the matter little summoner? Don't you like serving me? I can sense your desire you know?" He chuckled to himself and pressed his hand on the back of her head.

Did she like this? He wasn't hurting her after all and he did feel and taste nice after all. She flinched mentally, she could feel! He had taken the spell from her face and she was still sucking. Why shouldn't I though, his skin tastes to sweet! She thought to herself as she continued sucking, her tongue, lashing over the ridge of his spongy head. In return she was rewarded with drops of precum that seemed to soak into her tongue and tingle and burn like an exotic spice.

"Hmmm such a good girl deserves a reward for her effort," he said to her almost affectionately and with a grunt his rather large balls clenched and with a violent throb his cock exploded in her mouth, filling it with copious amounts of his demonic seed. The strange nectar flooded down Valla's throat, numbing her mind to any further resistance. He released the spell and pulled from her mouth, his manhood slick and still hard as he looked down at his adoring new pet.

Valla could feel herself growing weaker in his presence, but pushed it to the back of her already jumbled mind as she quickly slipped out of her robes and cupped her small breasts in a attempt to entice the demon in front of her, pinching at her small pink nipples. "What else can I do for you Master?" she said, and a small part of her shook in disgust, but that part was fading fast.

"Get on your hands and knees like a good pet," Xeric said in a mocking tone, and watched her do as he commanded. Even he was surprised at how fast the slut had broken under his will, but he was not going to complain. He dropped to his knees and grinned as she shivered with lust, her ass high in the air as she reached back behind herself to spread her sex for him.

"Please Master, fill me with you seed. I need it," Valla begged and looked back at the demon biting her lip, plump and red from the vigorous sucking.

Xeric merely chuckled and leaned his head in to breath in her scent. Gripping each of her pleasantly soft ass cheeks he let his long forked tongue snake out and slither into her tripping hole. "Master!" Was all that Valla could exclaim as the otherworldly appendage sank deep into her folds and explored with unrivaled dexterity.

The Demon toyed with the human for several minutes, watching her shake and moan, his tongue curling at just the right spot and bringing her to the brink, just for him to drink a bit of her energy and deny her release. He would wait for several moments for her to calm down before he started the process over again.

Valla could feel herself weakening, and knew she should be concerned, but her release was so close. If only the Master would let her have it, then she could worry later! She arced her back and pushed her hips towards him, almost whining in distress. Maddeningly, the Master pulled out and she was on the verge of tears when she felt the head of his manhood probing at her burning sex. "Yes Master, please give it to me!" She whimpered and closed her eyes waiting for bless.

She hurt him chuckle and felt the head move away. "No, not there my pet," he said, and then she felt the head somewhere else. "How about right her?" He said with humor as without warning he shoved his cock deep into her virgin ass.

She screamed, but surprisingly with the burning pain came pleasure as well. Whether his by his will or her own sick desires, this sensation quickly became bliss and she was thrusting her jiggling rear back against her demonic master.

Xeric dug his fingers into the soft flesh on Valla's hips and rammed into her with force. His hand coming down to smack first one cheek then the other, causing her to squeal in delight. This girl was fun, but he enjoyed his meals a little more resistant so it was time he ended this. "You wanted my seed pet? Then take it!" He rammed deep into her ass one final time and as he released this corrupted seed inside of her he also opened up the well if her power and began draining it.

Valla felt her Master's cum erupt inside of her ass, the burning sensation of it sending her over the edge and into a screaming orgasm. Through the throes of her bliss she could feel her power bleeding from like blood from a wound and only as she came down did she began to feel panic. She could hear the demon's laughter as the word around her began to dim, but then a explosion of power, a strangled cry and then silence as she fell to the cold floor.

Whether she was out for minutes or hours, Valla did not know, but when she came to she was floating and staring at the ceiling. No not floating, she blinked and looked around, Alpheric had her in his arms and was carrying her up the tower.

He looked down at her with a mixture of anger and concern. "What where you thinking Valla? Summoning an Incubus to the tower! I barely had the power to banish him back to Hell, and a moment later he would have taken all of your energy!" He all but screamed as he opened the door to her bed chambers.

As he lay her down, she tried to mumble an apology, but her mouth felt full of cotton, and the burning from the demons seed was burning deeper inside of her. She was so lost in her own thought and on the verge on sleep that she did not her Alpheric speaking and had to ask him to repeat himself.

He sighed and said once more, "Please tell me that the demon did not release inside of you in any way?"

Panic surged in Valla and she was about to open her mouth when a thought that was not her own seeped into her Do not tell him, this is a blessing of power. This man wants to take it from you! She swallowed hard and looked at Alpheric giving him a small smile. "Of course he didn't, now please I need to get some rest," she said as she turned her back from him and pulled her blankets over herself.

Alpheric nodded and left her in peace. As he closed waved his hands to snuff out the candles in her room, and shut the door to leave her in peace, unknown to him a new light was kindling as Valla's beautiful blue eyes shone and then turned a unsettling purple.

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NerezaNerezaabout 8 years ago
Amazing story!

Such an amazing story, sequel please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

oooh I want a sequel

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Really liked it !

Wow ! I was just thinking of a summoning story and maybe this is the first one I've come across, but I can see why the topic is so desired - WHEN it is written in the right hands.

And you have effectively done so ! Worthy of future re-reading ! 😃

Marked as 💢FAVORITE💢

dinkymacdinkymacover 8 years ago
Nice start.

Thanks for sharing.

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